M feed2maildir/converter.py +42 -36
@@ 98,7 98,7 @@ Content-Type: text/plain
self.write(self.compose(newfeed, newpost))
with open(self.db, 'w') as f:
- f.write(json.dumps(newtimes))
+ f.write(json.dumps(newtimes, indent=2))
def load(self, feeds):
"""Load a list of feeds in feedparser-dict form"""
@@ 109,44 109,50 @@ Content-Type: text/plain
refreshing the db"""
new = {}
newtimes = {}
- for feed in feeds:
- feedname = feed.feed.title
- try: # to get the update time from the feed itself
- feedup = self.mktime(feed.feed.updated)
- except: # there is no info, then find it in the posts
- feedup = self.find_update_time(feed)
- try: # to localize the timezone
- feedup = feedup.astimezone(dateutil.tz.tzutc())
- except: # it is naive, force UTC
- feedup = feedup.replace(tzinfo=dateutil.tz.tzutc())
- try: # to find the old update time in the db
- oldtime = self.mktime(db[feedname]).astimezone(
- dateutil.tz.tzutc())
- except: # it is not there
- oldtime = None
- if oldtime and not oldtime.tzinfo: # force UTC
- oldtime = oldtime.replace(tzinfo=dateutil.tz.tzutc())
+ for feedname, feed in feeds.items():
+ if feed is not None:
+ try: # to get the update time from the feed itself
+ feedup = self.mktime(feed.feed.updated)
+ except: # there is no info, then find it in the posts
+ feedup = self.find_update_time(feed)
+ try: # to localize the timezone
+ feedup = feedup.astimezone(dateutil.tz.tzutc())
+ except: # it is naive, force UTC
+ feedup = feedup.replace(tzinfo=dateutil.tz.tzutc())
+ try: # to find the old update time in the db
+ oldtime = self.mktime(db[feedname]).astimezone(
+ dateutil.tz.tzutc())
+ except: # it is not there
+ oldtime = None
+ if oldtime and not oldtime.tzinfo: # force UTC
+ oldtime = oldtime.replace(tzinfo=dateutil.tz.tzutc())
- if not oldtime or oldtime < feedup:
- for post in feed.entries:
- feedtime = self.post_update_time(post)
- try: # to localize the timezone
- feedtime = feedtime.astimezone(dateutil.tz.tzutc())
- except: # it is naive
- feedtime = feedtime.replace(tzinfo=dateutil.tz.tzutc())
- if not oldtime or oldtime < feedtime:
- feedup = max(feedup, feedtime)
- self.output('Feedname: {} : Oldtime : {} : Feedtime: {} : Link : {}'.format(
- feedname,
- oldtime,
- feedtime,
- post.link))
- new.setdefault(feedname, []).append(post)
+ if not oldtime or oldtime < feedup:
+ for post in feed.entries:
+ feedtime = self.post_update_time(post)
+ try: # to localize the timezone
+ feedtime = feedtime.astimezone(dateutil.tz.tzutc())
+ except: # it is naive
+ feedtime = feedtime.replace(tzinfo=dateutil.tz.tzutc())
+ if not oldtime or oldtime < feedtime:
+ feedup = max(feedup, feedtime)
+ self.output('Feedname: {} : Oldtime : {} : Feedtime: {} : Link : {}'.format(
+ feedname,
+ oldtime,
+ feedtime,
+ post.link))
+ new.setdefault(feedname, []).append(post)
- if oldtime is not None:
- newtimes[feedname] = max(oldtime, feedup).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z')
+ if oldtime is not None:
+ newtimes[feedname] = max(oldtime, feedup).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z')
+ else:
+ newtimes[feedname] = feedup.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z')
- newtimes[feedname] = feedup.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z')
+ if feedname in db:
+ newtimes[feedname] = self.mktime(
+ db[feedname]).astimezone(
+ dateutil.tz.tzutc()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z')
self.output('Feedname : {} : Feedup : {}'.format(feedname, newtimes[feedname]))
M feed2maildir/reader.py +3 -2
@@ 4,14 4,15 @@ class Reader:
"""Get updates on the feeds supplied"""
def __init__(self, feeds, silent=False):
- self.feeds = []
+ self.feeds = {}
self.silent = silent
for feed in feeds:
f = feedparser.parse(feeds[feed])
if f.bozo:
self.output('WARNING: could not parse feed {}'.format(feed))
+ self.feeds[feed] = None
- self.feeds.append(f)
+ self.feeds[feed] = f
def output(self, arg):
if not self.silent:
M scripts/feed2maildir +3 -1
@@ 40,7 40,9 @@ def main():
maildir = config['maildir']
- converter = Converter(db=db, maildir=maildir, strip=args['s'],
+ converter = Converter(db=db,
+ maildir=maildir,
+ strip=args['s'],