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3D Graphics Engine running off Python, Psychopy, and Pyglet using modern OpenGL conventions.
Full Documentation and Tutorials can be found at http://ratcave.readthedocs.io/
This package is abandonware: All development on Ratcave has stopped, as the author has moved on to other things. Good alternatives to ratcave are Vedo, Vispy, and ModernGL.
pip install ratcave
ratcave was created to be an 3D graphics package for doing behavioral experiments with animals in a freely-moving virtual reality environment, and somewhere along the way became a pythonic wrapper for modern OpenGL workflows!
The goals of this project are:
What I've found so far is that ratcave makes for a succinct 3D graphics engine, even for simple 3D scenes, making it a useful candidate package for psychophysics research in general. To that end, I've made it very compatible with the PsychoPy package, as a way of extending PsychoPy experiments to 3D scenes. While we are still at an early stage of development with ratcave, we've already reached the requirements listed above, with a goal of continually refactoring and adding features to make ratcave the mature utility it has the potential to be. If you are interested in aiding the development of ratcave, either through contributions on GitHub, bug reporting, or even simply testing it out yourself and giving us feedback, we hope you'll get involved and help us develop this little project into something wonderful!
Reading a mesh from a Wavefront File and drawing it with a built-in shader:
import pyglet
import ratcave as rc
window = pyglet.window.Window()
pyglet.clock.schedule(lambda dt: dt)
monkey = rc.WavefrontReader(obj_filename).get_mesh("Monkey")
monkey.position.xyz = 0, 0, -2
def on_draw():
with rc.default_shader, rc.default_states:
More examples can be found in the examples directory, and tutorials can be found in the documentation!