A Mercurial wrapper for Vim.
Add command to quickly get the revision that last touched a line.
Only check status of modified files before annotate
e52c62ac52fc — Zach Wilson 3 years ago
Fixed a couple issues with README




Lawrencium is a Mercurial wrapper for Vim, inspired by Tim Pope's Fugitive.


The recommended method to install Lawrencium is to use Pathogen, also from Tim Pope:

cd ~/.vim/bundle
hg clone https://bitbucket.org/ludovicchabant/vim-lawrencium

You can then update the help tags with :call pathogen#helptags() and browse Lawrencium's help pages with :help lawrencium.

#Quick Start

Open a file from one of your Mercurial repositories.

:e ~/Work/Project1/src/foo.py

Work on it for a bit, then open another file, this time using Hgedit and a repository-relative path:

:Hgedit src/bar.py

Take advantage of the auto-completion when typing the path! Work on that other file too, then compare it to the parent revision version:


Continue working. At any moment, you can run a Mercurial command and get a quick glance at its output:

:Hg log --limit 5 src/blah/bleh

Note how auto-completion will help you with all the built-in commands and their options! Any other parameter will auto-complete with repository-relative paths.

Once you're happy with your work, bring up the status window:


You can see the difference between modified files and their parent revision version easily by moving the cursor to the appropriate line and hitting Ctrl-V. You can also do an addremove by using Ctrl-A (use the selection mode to add/remove several files at once!).

Now it's time to commit. While still in the status window, remove all mentions of files you don't want to commit, and hit Ctrl-S. Write your commit message, go :wq, and you're done! You can check everything went fine:

:Hg tip

You can also commit faster with the :Hgcommit command of course!

And that's it for now. Open the help file with :help lawrencium, and post your questions and problems in the issue tracker on BitBucket.