9bca216740e6 — Joe Ulfers 7 years ago
Correct typo and clarify
1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M research/mit-study-distilled.rst
M research/mit-study-distilled.rst +4 -2
@@ 2,9 2,11 @@ 
 MIT estimation method condensed
-This distills and annotated the portions of the `MIT study (PDF)`_ applicable to how the study
+This distills and annotates the portions of the `MIT study (PDF)`_ applicable to how the study
 computed heating and cooling load attributable to doors, section 10.1, "air leakage estimation,"
-in particular. Italics indicate expository additions.
+in particular.
+Original text is in regular font. *Italics* indicate expository additions.