Adding two Zmanim for Plag HaMincha already supported by KosherJava, and another based on the user request.

Z-93 plag hamincha zman that calculates from alot 16.1 and tzeis 8.5 degrees
1 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M ZmanLib/src/main/java/com/gindin/zmanlib/zman/
M ZmanLib/src/main/java/com/gindin/zmanlib/zman/ +25 -0
@@ 157,6 157,31 @@ class PlagHaMincha
+		zmanim.add(
+			new Zman( "16.1 deg - 7.083 deg ", "Based on the day starting at alot 16.1 degrees and ending at tzait 7.083 degrees.", Zmanim.Type.PlagHaMincha  ) {
+				@Override protected Calendar calculate() {
+					return toCalendar( zmanimCalculator, zmanimCalculator.getPlagAlos16Point1ToTzaisGeonim7Point083Degrees() );
+				}
+			}
+		);
+		zmanim.add(
+			new Zman( "16.1 deg - 8.5 deg ", "Based on the day starting at alot 16.1 degrees and ending at tzait 8.5 degrees.", Zmanim.Type.PlagHaMincha  ) {
+				@Override protected Calendar calculate() {
+					return toCalendar( zmanimCalculator, zmanimCalculator.getPlagHamincha( zmanimCalculator.getAlos16Point1Degrees(), zmanimCalculator.getTzaisGeonim8Point5Degrees() ) );
+				}
+			}
+		);
+		zmanim.add(
+			new Zman( "16.1 deg - Sunset", "Based on the day starting at alot 16.1 degrees and ending at sunset.", Zmanim.Type.PlagHaMincha  ) {
+				@Override protected Calendar calculate() {
+					return toCalendar( zmanimCalculator, zmanimCalculator.getPlagAlosToSunset() );
+				}
+			}
+		);
 		return zmanim;