New release
Adding a privacy policy.
Removed the BUILD_TIME, but missed this usage.
Upgrade KosherJava Added some new zmanim.
AS / Gradle updates
Lots of updates * AS / gradle * target/compile SDK version * A few libraries Update java source compatibility from 1.8 to 11
Update gradle.
Bug fix release.
Move validation of inputs to the builder. The actual ZmanimLocation class is immutable; since the properties can only be set from the builder, it makes more sense to consolidate all the validation in there.
Suppress FeatureEnvy on the correct method.
Update build tools.
Update privacy policy URL.
Bump version for release.
Refer to some websites directly rather than using <a> tags.
Remove unused method.
KTFMT, but disabled since there's no Kotlin yet.
Update some links
Upgrade KosherJava
Upgrade gradle
Refactor LatitudeLongitudeParser to be simpler and easier to move to kotlin.