Remove spurious changes with upstream.
1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

M +4 -4
@@ 80,7 80,7 @@ def _with_groups(groups, out):
                                   out_groups[1][1:] if out_groups[1] else '')
 def _get_filter(name, g):
-    """Return the filter with the given name, or None if it was not used."""
+    '''Return the filter with the given name, or None if it was not used.'''
     matching_filters = filter(lambda s: s and s.startswith('|%s' % name), g)
     if not matching_filters:
         return None

@@ 134,8 134,8 @@ def prompt(ui, repo, fs='', **opts):
     The format string may also be defined in an hgrc file::
-      [prompt]
-      template = {currently at {bookmark}}
+        [prompt]
+        template = {currently at {bookmark}}
     This is used when no format string is passed on the command line.

@@ 471,7 471,7 @@ def prompt(ui, repo, fs='', **opts):
     if opts.get("cache_incoming"):
-      _cache_remote(repo, 'incoming')
+        _cache_remote(repo, 'incoming')
     if opts.get("cache_outgoing"):
         _cache_remote(repo, 'outgoing')