sidebar: use a logarithmic tagcloud scaling

Instead of linearly scaling the tagcloud entries based on their counts, scale
it based on the 2 times the natural log of the count.  This gives more weight
to lower count tags, making the whole cloud looking "denser".

Signed-off-by: Josef 'Jeff' Sipek <>
1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

M sidebar.c
M sidebar.c +3 -4
@@ 45,11 45,10 @@ static int __tag_size(int count, int cmi
 	if (count <= cmin)
 		return config.tagcloud_min_size;
-	size  = (config.tagcloud_max_size - config.tagcloud_min_size) *
-		(count - cmin);
-	size /= (float) (cmax - cmin);
+	size = 2 * log(count - cmin);
-	return ceil(config.tagcloud_min_size + size);
+	return MIN(ceil(config.tagcloud_min_size + size),
+		   config.tagcloud_max_size);
 static int __tagcloud_init(void *arg, unsigned long ntags)