Look at extensions offered in newer spec draft
1 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M README.md +13 -2
@@ 56,20 56,31 @@ Extension and state:
  * **I:** WIP, version 2.1
  * **M:** WIP, version 2.0
  * **A:** Not started, version 2.1
- * **Zfencei:** Not started, version 2.0
- * **Zicsr:** Not started, version 2.0
  * **F:** Not started, version 2.2
  * **D:** Not started, version 2.2
  * **Q:** Not started, version 2.2
  * **C:** Not started, version 2.0
+ * **Zicsr:** Not started, version 2.0
+ * **Zifencei:** Not started, version 2.0
 Extensions to do later:
  * **V:** Not started
  * **Zam:** Not started
+ * **Zfh:** Not started
+ * **Zfhmin:** Not started
+ * **Zdinx:** Not started
+ * **Zfinx:** Not started
+ * **Zhinx:** Not started
+ * **Zhinxmin:** Not started
  * **Ztso:** Not started
  * Probably others
+A glance at the 20200427 draft doesn't show too many differences, mainly
+half-precision floats and floats-in-integer-registers extensions. I'm
+really waiting for a version to get released with up to date V
 # Things to ponder
 Some instructions have multiple encodings, such as