@@ 1,83 1,58 @@
//! Symbol table.
-//! Basically we need to make the symtable persistent,
-//! so we only need to figure out all meta-info about it
-//! once instead of needing to walk through scopes multiple
-//! times and then throw the scope information away when
-//! we're done with it.
+//! This is a little jank right now 'cause it *started* as a way
+//! to do dedicated alpha-renaming and not much else, and then I
+//! found out that alpha-renaming sucks when doing substitution and
+//! had to end up repurposing this for other things to. So I ripped its
+//! guts out and made *the simplest damn thing* that could possibly work.
+//! Just use this as a piece to build other more complicated operations atop.
+use im::OrdMap;
use std::cell::RefCell;
-use std::rc::Rc;
-use anymap::Map;
-use crate::types::*;
use crate::*;
-/// A symbol that has been renamed to be globally unique.
-/// So basically instead of `foo` being scoped, it gets
-/// renamed to `foo_1` where every mention of `foo_1`
-/// refers to the same value.
-/// TODO: The typeck code needs to construct/retrieve its own
-/// UniqueSym's, which is why this is public. It's a bit of
-/// a pickle though, since really the goal is to have these
-/// make non-unique syms unrepresentable.
-/// But after the alpha-renaming pass all Sym's are unique already
-/// anyway, soooooo... idk.
-#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
-pub struct UniqueSym(pub Sym);
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+struct ScopeFrame<Val> {
+ contents: OrdMap<Sym, Val>,
-impl Default for UniqueSym {
+/// This can't be a derive 'cause the generic
+/// make shit squirrelly.
+impl<T> Default for ScopeFrame<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
- unreachable!(
- "can't happen, but we want to be able to default-construct containers containing this"
- )
+ Self {
+ contents: OrdMap::default(),
+ }
-#[derive(Clone, Default, Debug)]
-struct ScopeFrame<Val> {
- symbols: BTreeMap<Sym, Val>,
- types: BTreeMap<Sym, Val>,
-/// A shortcut for a cloneable AnyMap
-type CloneMap = Map<dyn anymap::any::CloneAny>;
-/// Basic symbol table that maps names to type ID's
+/// Basic symbol table that maps names to random data ID's
/// and manages scope.
/// Looks ugly, works well.
+/// The im::OrdMap is probably unnecessary but it makes me happy.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct Symtbl<Val = UniqueSym> {
- frames: Rc<RefCell<Vec<ScopeFrame<Val>>>>,
- /// A mapping from unique symbol names to whatever
- /// we need to know about them. It's an AnyMap, so
- /// we can just stuff whatever data we need into it.
- unique_symbols: BTreeMap<UniqueSym, CloneMap>,
- /// Same as unique_symbols but for types.
- unique_types: BTreeMap<UniqueSym, CloneMap>,
+pub struct Symtbl<Val> {
+ frames: RefCell<Vec<ScopeFrame<Val>>>,
-impl Default for Symtbl {
+impl<Val> Default for Symtbl<Val> {
/// We start with an empty toplevel scope existing,
/// then add some builtin's to it.
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
- frames: Rc::new(RefCell::new(vec![ScopeFrame::default()])),
- unique_symbols: Default::default(),
- unique_types: Default::default(),
+ frames: RefCell::new(vec![ScopeFrame::default()]),
-pub struct ScopeGuard {
- scope: Symtbl,
+pub struct ScopeGuard<Val> {
+ scope: Symtbl<Val>,
-impl Drop for ScopeGuard {
+impl<Val> Drop for ScopeGuard<Val> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
@@ 87,60 62,33 @@ impl Drop for ScopeGuard {
-impl Symtbl {
- fn add_builtins(&mut self) {
- for builtin in &*builtins::BUILTINS {
- let _new = self.new_unchanged_symbol(builtin.name);
- }
- // Add another builtin called "main" so the main function
- // doesn't get renamed.
- self.new_unchanged_symbol(Sym::new("main"));
- }
- /// Creates a new symbol with the name of the given one
- /// and a unique numerical suffix.
- fn gensym(&mut self, base: Sym) -> UniqueSym {
- let sym = crate::INT.gensym_sym(base);
- UniqueSym(sym)
- }
- pub fn push_scope(&self) -> ScopeGuard {
+impl<Val> Symtbl<Val>
+ Val: Clone,
+ pub fn push_scope(&self) -> ScopeGuard<Val> {
- // TODO: This clone is a little cursed 'cause
- // it'll clone the whole `unique_symbols` map,
- // We should probably just wrap the whole symtbl in
- // a Rc<RefCell<>> intead of just the scopeframe.
+ // TODO: This clones the whole Vec<ScopeFrame>, we could
+ // probably do better with our persistant map.
+ // But it also probably doesn't matter since the vec is
+ // usually small.
ScopeGuard {
scope: self.clone(),
- /// Returns the UniqueSym that the given Sym is *currently*
- /// bound to, or None if DNE
- fn get_binding(&self, sym: Sym) -> Option<UniqueSym> {
- for scope in self.frames.borrow().iter().rev() {
- let v = scope.symbols.get(&sym).cloned();
- if v.is_some() {
- return v;
- }
- }
- None
+ /// Get a reference to the symbol most recently bound
+ /// with that name, or panic if it does not exist
+ pub fn get_binding(&self, sym: Sym) -> Val {
+ let msg = format!("Symbol {} is not bound!", sym);
+ self.try_get_binding(sym).expect(&msg)
- /// Get a reference to the symbol most recently bound
- /// with that name, or panic if it does not exist
- ///
- /// ...I kinda miss Elixir's convention of having
- /// a function `foo` return a result and `foo!` panic
- /// on error.
- fn really_get_binding(&self, sym: Sym) -> UniqueSym {
- let msg = format!("Symbol {} is not bound!", sym);
- self.get_binding(sym).expect(&msg)
- }
- fn get_type_binding(&self, sym: Sym) -> Option<UniqueSym> {
+ /// Returns the UniqueSym that the given Sym is *currently*
+ /// bound to, or None if DNE
+ pub fn try_get_binding(&self, sym: Sym) -> Option<Val> {
for scope in self.frames.borrow().iter().rev() {
- let v = scope.types.get(&sym).cloned();
+ let v = scope.contents.get(&sym).cloned();
if v.is_some() {
return v;
@@ 148,559 96,19 @@ impl Symtbl {
- fn really_get_type_binding(&self, sym: Sym) -> UniqueSym {
- let msg = format!("Type {} is not bound!", sym);
- self.get_type_binding(sym).expect(&msg)
- }
- /// Get the specified info for the given UniqueSym, or
- /// None if DNE
- pub fn get_info<T>(&self, sym: UniqueSym) -> Option<&T>
- where
- T: anymap::any::CloneAny,
- {
- self.unique_symbols
- .get(&sym)
- .and_then(|anymap| anymap.get::<T>())
- }
- /// Adds the given info struct to the symbol, or
- /// panics if it already exists.
- pub fn put_info<T>(&mut self, sym: UniqueSym, info: T)
- where
- T: anymap::any::CloneAny,
- {
- self.unique_symbols
- .get_mut(&sym)
- .and_then(|anymap| anymap.insert(info));
- }
- pub fn type_exists(&self, sym: Sym) -> bool {
- if sym == "Tuple" {
- return true;
- }
- let thing = self.unique_types.get(&UniqueSym(sym));
- // fuck combinators
- match thing {
- Some(_anymap) => true,
- None => false,
- }
- }
- fn get_type_info<T>(&self, sym: UniqueSym) -> Option<&T>
- where
- T: anymap::any::CloneAny,
- {
- // dbg!(&self.unique_types);
- self.unique_types
- .get(&sym)
- .and_then(|anymap| anymap.get::<T>())
- }
- /// BUGGO: See discussion on UniqueSym type
- pub fn get_type_info2<T>(&self, sym: Sym) -> Option<&T>
- where
- T: anymap::any::CloneAny,
- {
- self.get_type_info(UniqueSym(sym))
- }
- /// Adds the given type struct to the symbol, or
- /// panics if it already exists.
- fn put_type_info<T>(&mut self, sym: UniqueSym, info: T)
- where
- T: anymap::any::CloneAny + std::fmt::Debug,
- {
- let anymap = self.unique_types.entry(sym).or_insert_with(CloneMap::new);
- // slightly weird error message formatting 'cause we apparently can't
- // clone `info` easily???
- let info_dbg = format!("{:?}", info);
- if let Some(x) = anymap.insert(info) {
- panic!(
- "Type info for {} already exists: {:?}\nAttempting to replace it with: {}",
- sym.0, x, info_dbg
- );
- }
- }
- /// BUGGO: same as get_type_info2()
- pub fn put_type_info2<T>(&mut self, sym: Sym, info: T)
- where
- T: anymap::any::CloneAny + std::fmt::Debug,
- {
- self.put_type_info(UniqueSym(sym), info)
- }
- fn binding_exists(&self, sym: Sym) -> bool {
- self.get_binding(sym).is_some()
- }
- fn _unique_exists(&self, sym: UniqueSym) -> bool {
- self.unique_symbols.get(&sym).is_some()
+ pub fn binding_exists(&self, sym: Sym) -> bool {
+ self.try_get_binding(sym).is_some()
/// Takes a symbol, generates a new UniqueSym for it,
/// and stuffs it into the topmost scope, overwriting
/// any symbol of the same name already there.
- fn bind_new_symbol(&mut self, sym: Sym) -> UniqueSym {
- let newsym = self.gensym(sym);
- self.frames
- .borrow_mut()
- .last_mut()
- .expect("Scope stack underflow")
- .symbols
- .insert(sym, newsym);
- self.unique_symbols.insert(newsym, Map::new());
- newsym
- }
- /// Takes a name and generates a new type param name for it
- pub(crate) fn bind_new_type(&mut self, sym: Sym) -> UniqueSym {
- let newsym = self.gensym(sym);
+ pub fn add_binding(&mut self, sym: Sym, vl: Val) {
.expect("Scope stack underflow")
- .types
- .insert(sym, newsym);
- self.unique_types.insert(newsym, Map::new());
- newsym
- }
- /// Introduce a new symbol, or panic if that name is already
- /// defined (ie, it is a name conflict, like two functions with
- /// the same name)
- fn new_unique_symbol(&mut self, sym: Sym) -> UniqueSym {
- if self.binding_exists(sym) {
- panic!("Attempting to create duplicate symbol {}", sym);
- } else {
- self.bind_new_symbol(sym)
- }
- }
- /// Introduce a new symbol as long as it doesn't clash with one
- /// currently in the top scope.
- fn _new_local_symbol(&mut self, sym: Sym) -> UniqueSym {
- // Does the symbol exist in the topmost scope?
- if self
- .frames
- .borrow_mut()
- .last_mut()
- .expect("Scope stack underflow")
- .symbols
- .contains_key(&sym)
- {
- panic!("Attempting to create duplicate global symbol {}", sym)
- } else {
- self.bind_new_symbol(sym)
- }
- }
- /// Insert a new symbol that is actually identical to the given one,
- fn new_unchanged_symbol(&mut self, sym: Sym) -> UniqueSym {
- if self.binding_exists(sym) {
- panic!("Attempting to create duplicate symbol {}", sym);
- } else {
- let new_sym = UniqueSym(sym);
- self.frames
- .borrow_mut()
- .last_mut()
- .expect("Scope stack underflow")
- .symbols
- .insert(sym, new_sym);
- self.unique_symbols.insert(new_sym, Map::new());
- new_sym
- }
- }
- fn rename_types(&mut self, tys: Vec<Type>) -> Vec<Type> {
- tys.into_iter().map(|t| self.rename_type(t)).collect()
- }
- /// Replace any generic names in the type with unique ones
- fn rename_type(&mut self, ty: Type) -> Type {
- use crate::types::Type::*;
- match ty {
- Named(nm, type_params) if &*nm.val() == "Tuple" => {
- let new_type_params = self.rename_types(type_params);
- Named(nm, new_type_params)
- }
- Named(nm, type_params) => {
- let nm = self
- .get_type_binding(nm)
- .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Could not find declared type {}", nm))
- .0;
- let _guard = self.push_scope();
- let new_type_params = self.rename_types(type_params);
- Named(nm, new_type_params)
- }
- Func(args, rettype, type_params) => {
- let _guard = self.push_scope();
- let new_args = self.rename_types(args);
- let new_rettype = Box::new(self.rename_type(*rettype));
- let new_type_params = self.rename_types(type_params);
- Func(new_args, new_rettype, new_type_params)
- }
- Struct(body, type_params) => {
- let _guard = self.push_scope();
- let new_type_params = self.rename_types(type_params);
- let new_body = body
- .into_iter()
- .map(|(nm, ty)| (nm, self.rename_type(ty)))
- .collect();
- Struct(new_body, new_type_params)
- }
- Sum(body, type_params) => {
- let _guard = self.push_scope();
- let new_type_params = self.rename_types(type_params);
- let new_body = body
- .into_iter()
- .map(|(nm, ty)| (nm, self.rename_type(ty)))
- .collect();
- Sum(new_body, new_type_params)
- }
- Array(t, size) => Array(Box::new(self.rename_type(*t)), size),
- Uniq(inner) => Uniq(Box::new(self.rename_type(*inner))),
- // all these have no subtypes
- Prim(_) => ty,
- Enum(_) => ty,
- _ => todo!(),
- }
- }
- fn rename_exprs(&mut self, exprs: Vec<hir::ExprNode>) -> Vec<hir::ExprNode> {
- trace!("Handling exprs");
- exprs.into_iter().map(|e| self.rename_expr(e)).collect()
- }
- /// TODO: These can't *quite* be part of the Pass framework,
- /// because we need to handle different parts of the expr
- /// in different orders depending on what it is, pushing and
- /// popping scopes in different places as we go. We *could*
- /// probably make it fit if we tried hard enough but I'm not
- /// sure it's worth it, so for now we'll just brute-force
- /// it and see how it looks at the end.
- ///
- /// closure_convert::do_to_children() might be a
- /// way of making it more generic?
- fn rename_expr(&mut self, expr: hir::ExprNode) -> hir::ExprNode {
- use hir::Expr::*;
- let f = &mut |e| match e {
- Lit { val } => Lit { val },
- Var { name } => {
- let new_name = self.really_get_binding(name);
- Var { name: new_name.0 }
- }
- BinOp { op, lhs, rhs } => BinOp {
- op,
- lhs: self.rename_expr(lhs),
- rhs: self.rename_expr(rhs),
- },
- UniOp { rhs, op } => UniOp {
- op,
- rhs: self.rename_expr(rhs),
- },
- Block { body } => {
- let _guard = self.push_scope();
- let new_body = self.rename_exprs(body);
- Block { body: new_body }
- }
- Loop { body } => Loop {
- body: self.rename_exprs(body),
- },
- Funcall {
- func,
- params,
- type_params,
- } => {
- let func = self.rename_expr(func);
- let params = self.rename_exprs(params);
- let type_params = self.rename_types(type_params);
- Funcall {
- func,
- params,
- type_params,
- }
- }
- Let {
- varname,
- init,
- typename,
- mutable,
- } => {
- // init expression cannot refer to the same
- // symbol name
- let init = self.rename_expr(init);
- let varname = self.bind_new_symbol(varname).0;
- let typename = typename.map(|t| self.rename_type(t));
- Let {
- varname,
- init,
- typename,
- mutable,
- }
- }
- If { cases } => {
- let cases = cases
- .into_iter()
- .map(|(test, body)| {
- // The test cannot introduce a new scope unless
- // it contains some cursed structure like a block
- // or fn that introduces a new scope anyway, so.
- let t = self.rename_expr(test);
- let _guard = self.push_scope();
- let b = self.rename_exprs(body);
- (t, b)
- })
- .collect();
- If { cases }
- }
- EnumCtor {
- name,
- variant,
- value,
- } => {
- // Translate the type name
- // No need to translate the variants 'cause
- // they are namespaced anyway
- let new_name = self.really_get_type_binding(name).0;
- EnumCtor {
- name: new_name,
- variant,
- value,
- }
- }
- TupleCtor { body } => TupleCtor {
- body: self.rename_exprs(body),
- },
- TupleRef { expr, elt } => TupleRef {
- expr: self.rename_expr(expr),
- elt,
- },
- StructCtor { body } => {
- let body = body
- .into_iter()
- .map(|(nm, expr)| (nm, self.rename_expr(expr)))
- .collect();
- StructCtor { body }
- }
- StructRef { expr, elt } => StructRef {
- expr: self.rename_expr(expr),
- elt,
- },
- Assign { lhs, rhs } => Assign {
- lhs: self.rename_expr(lhs),
- rhs: self.rename_expr(rhs),
- },
- Break => Break,
- Lambda { signature, body } => {
- let _scope = self.push_scope();
- // Here we DECLARE the types in the param
- // and rettype, similar to in handle_decl()
- let new_type_params = signature
- .typeparams
- .into_iter()
- .map(|sym| self.bind_new_type(sym).0)
- .collect();
- let new_rettype = self.rename_type(signature.rettype);
- // We have to do this AFTER adding the type params
- // because the function args can mention
- // type params.
- let new_params = signature
- .params
- .into_iter()
- .map(|(sym, typ)| (self.bind_new_symbol(sym).0, self.rename_type(typ)))
- .collect();
- let new_sig = Signature {
- params: new_params,
- rettype: new_rettype,
- typeparams: new_type_params,
- };
- let new_body = self.rename_exprs(body);
- Lambda {
- signature: new_sig,
- body: new_body,
- }
- }
- Return { retval } => Return {
- retval: self.rename_expr(retval),
- },
- TypeCtor {
- name,
- type_params,
- body,
- } => {
- // Translate the type name
- let new_name = self.really_get_type_binding(name).0;
- // Translate the type params it's called with
- let new_params = self.rename_types(type_params);
- let body = self.rename_expr(body);
- TypeCtor {
- name: new_name,
- type_params: new_params,
- body,
- }
- }
- TypeUnwrap { expr } => TypeUnwrap {
- expr: self.rename_expr(expr),
- },
- SumCtor {
- name,
- variant,
- body,
- } => {
- let new_name = self.really_get_type_binding(name).0;
- SumCtor {
- name: new_name,
- variant,
- body: self.rename_expr(body),
- }
- }
- ArrayCtor { body } => ArrayCtor {
- body: self.rename_exprs(body),
- },
- ArrayRef { expr, idx } => ArrayRef {
- expr: self.rename_expr(expr),
- idx: self.rename_expr(idx),
- },
- Typecast { .. } => {
- todo!()
- }
- Ref { .. } => {
- todo!()
- }
- Deref { .. } => {
- todo!()
- }
- };
- expr.map(f)
+ .contents
+ .insert(sym, vl);
-pub(crate) fn predeclare_decls(symtbl: &mut Symtbl, decls: &[hir::Decl]) {
- use hir::Decl::*;
- for d in decls {
- match d {
- Function {
- name,
- signature: _,
- body: _,
- } => {
- // Don't rename functions already declared as builtins, like "main"
- // Little hacky but does what we want.
- symtbl
- .get_binding(*name)
- .unwrap_or_else(|| symtbl.new_unique_symbol(*name));
- }
- TypeDef {
- name,
- params: _,
- typedecl: _,
- } => {
- // Let's rename all types, which I think doesn't
- // quite matter yet but will in the future when we
- // have more powerful modules and such.
- symtbl.bind_new_type(*name);
- }
- Const {
- name,
- typ: _,
- init: _,
- } => {
- symtbl.new_unique_symbol(*name);
- }
- Import { .. } => todo!(),
- }
- }
-pub fn rename_decl(symtbl: &mut Symtbl, decl: hir::Decl) -> hir::Decl {
- use hir::Decl::*;
- match decl {
- Function {
- name,
- signature,
- body,
- } => {
- // This has to happen before we push the scope, so
- // if we have a function arg with the same name as the
- // function it doesn't rename the function.
- let fn_name = symtbl.really_get_binding(name).0;
- let _scope = symtbl.push_scope();
- // These must be handled first 'cause types in the
- // function arguments can refer to them.
- let new_type_params = signature
- .typeparams
- .into_iter()
- .map(|sym| symtbl.bind_new_type(sym).0)
- .collect();
- let new_params = signature
- .params
- .into_iter()
- .map(|(sym, typ)| (symtbl.bind_new_symbol(sym).0, symtbl.rename_type(typ)))
- .collect();
- let new_rettype = symtbl.rename_type(signature.rettype);
- let new_sig = Signature {
- params: new_params,
- rettype: new_rettype,
- typeparams: new_type_params,
- };
- let new_body = symtbl.rename_exprs(body);
- Function {
- name: fn_name,
- signature: new_sig,
- body: new_body,
- }
- }
- TypeDef {
- name,
- params,
- typedecl,
- } => {
- // Ok this is exactly like resolving variables in a function.
- // We bind the declared type params, check that all the types
- // named in the body exist, and rename the ones in the params.
- let ty_name = symtbl.really_get_type_binding(name).0;
- let _scope = symtbl.push_scope();
- let new_params = params
- .into_iter()
- .map(|sym| (symtbl.bind_new_type(sym).0))
- .collect();
- TypeDef {
- name: ty_name,
- params: new_params,
- typedecl: symtbl.rename_type(typedecl),
- }
- }
- Const { name, typ, init } => {
- let new_name = symtbl.really_get_binding(name).0;
- let new_type = symtbl.rename_type(typ);
- let new_body = symtbl.rename_expr(init);
- Const {
- name: new_name,
- typ: new_type,
- init: new_body,
- }
- }
- Import { .. } => todo!(),
- }
-/// Takes all value and type names and renames them all to
-/// remove scope dependence.
-/// aka alpha-renaming
-pub fn make_symbols_unique(ir: hir::Ir) -> (hir::Ir, Symtbl) {
- let mut s = Symtbl::default();
- s.add_builtins();
- predeclare_decls(&mut s, &ir.decls);
- let mut ir = ir;
- ir.decls = ir
- .decls
- .into_iter()
- .map(|d| rename_decl(&mut s, d))
- .collect();
- (ir, s)
@@ 5,6 5,13 @@
//! once instead of needing to walk through scopes multiple
//! times and then throw the scope information away when
//! we're done with it.
+//! This is a little jank right now 'cause it *started* as a way
+//! to do dedicated alpha-renaming and not much else, and then I
+//! found out that alpha-renaming sucks when doing substitution and
+//! had to end up repurposing this for other things to.
+//! TODO: This should probably be rewritten to use simptbl instead.
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;
@@ 37,12 44,23 @@ impl Default for UniqueSym {
-#[derive(Clone, Default, Debug)]
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct ScopeFrame<Val> {
symbols: BTreeMap<Sym, Val>,
types: BTreeMap<Sym, Val>,
+/// This can't be a derive 'cause the generics-with-default-type
+/// make shit squirrelly.
+impl<T> Default for ScopeFrame<T> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self {
+ symbols: BTreeMap::default(),
+ types: BTreeMap::default(),
+ }
+ }
/// A shortcut for a cloneable AnyMap
type CloneMap = Map<dyn anymap::any::CloneAny>;
@@ 61,7 79,7 @@ pub struct Symtbl<Val = UniqueSym> {
unique_types: BTreeMap<UniqueSym, CloneMap>,
-impl Default for Symtbl {
+impl<T> Default for Symtbl<T> {
/// We start with an empty toplevel scope existing,
/// then add some builtin's to it.
fn default() -> Self {
@@ 73,11 91,11 @@ impl Default for Symtbl {
-pub struct ScopeGuard {
- scope: Symtbl,
+pub struct ScopeGuard<T> {
+ scope: Symtbl<T>,
-impl Drop for ScopeGuard {
+impl<T> Drop for ScopeGuard<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
@@ 87,6 105,97 @@ impl Drop for ScopeGuard {
+impl<T> Symtbl<T>
+ T: Clone,
+ pub fn push_scope(&self) -> ScopeGuard<T> {
+ self.frames.borrow_mut().push(ScopeFrame::default());
+ // TODO: This clone is a little cursed 'cause
+ // it'll clone the whole `unique_symbols` map,
+ // We should probably just wrap the whole symtbl in
+ // a Rc<RefCell<>> intead of just the scopeframe.
+ ScopeGuard {
+ scope: self.clone(),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Get a reference to the symbol most recently bound
+ /// with that name, or panic if it does not exist
+ ///
+ /// ...I kinda miss Elixir's convention of having
+ /// a function `foo` return a result and `foo!` panic
+ /// on error.
+ fn really_get_binding(&self, sym: Sym) -> T {
+ let msg = format!("Symbol {} is not bound!", sym);
+ self.get_binding(sym).expect(&msg)
+ }
+ /// Returns the UniqueSym that the given Sym is *currently*
+ /// bound to, or None if DNE
+ fn get_binding(&self, sym: Sym) -> Option<T> {
+ for scope in self.frames.borrow().iter().rev() {
+ let v = scope.symbols.get(&sym).cloned();
+ if v.is_some() {
+ return v;
+ }
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ fn get_type_binding(&self, sym: Sym) -> Option<T> {
+ for scope in self.frames.borrow().iter().rev() {
+ let v = scope.types.get(&sym).cloned();
+ if v.is_some() {
+ return v;
+ }
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ fn really_get_type_binding(&self, sym: Sym) -> T {
+ let msg = format!("Type {} is not bound!", sym);
+ self.get_type_binding(sym).expect(&msg)
+ }
+ /// Get the specified info for the given UniqueSym, or
+ /// None if DNE
+ pub fn get_info<Info>(&self, sym: UniqueSym) -> Option<&Info>
+ where
+ Info: anymap::any::CloneAny,
+ {
+ self.unique_symbols
+ .get(&sym)
+ .and_then(|anymap| anymap.get::<Info>())
+ }
+ /// Adds the given info struct to the symbol, or
+ /// panics if it already exists.
+ pub fn put_info<Info>(&mut self, sym: UniqueSym, info: Info)
+ where
+ Info: anymap::any::CloneAny,
+ {
+ self.unique_symbols
+ .get_mut(&sym)
+ .and_then(|anymap| anymap.insert(info));
+ }
+ pub fn type_exists(&self, sym: Sym) -> bool {
+ if sym == "Tuple" {
+ return true;
+ }
+ let thing = self.unique_types.get(&UniqueSym(sym));
+ // fuck combinators
+ match thing {
+ Some(_anymap) => true,
+ None => false,
+ }
+ }
+ fn binding_exists(&self, sym: Sym) -> bool {
+ self.get_binding(sym).is_some()
+ }
impl Symtbl {
fn add_builtins(&mut self) {
for builtin in &*builtins::BUILTINS {
@@ 104,89 213,6 @@ impl Symtbl {
- pub fn push_scope(&self) -> ScopeGuard {
- self.frames.borrow_mut().push(ScopeFrame::default());
- // TODO: This clone is a little cursed 'cause
- // it'll clone the whole `unique_symbols` map,
- // We should probably just wrap the whole symtbl in
- // a Rc<RefCell<>> intead of just the scopeframe.
- ScopeGuard {
- scope: self.clone(),
- }
- }
- /// Returns the UniqueSym that the given Sym is *currently*
- /// bound to, or None if DNE
- fn get_binding(&self, sym: Sym) -> Option<UniqueSym> {
- for scope in self.frames.borrow().iter().rev() {
- let v = scope.symbols.get(&sym).cloned();
- if v.is_some() {
- return v;
- }
- }
- None
- }
- /// Get a reference to the symbol most recently bound
- /// with that name, or panic if it does not exist
- ///
- /// ...I kinda miss Elixir's convention of having
- /// a function `foo` return a result and `foo!` panic
- /// on error.
- fn really_get_binding(&self, sym: Sym) -> UniqueSym {
- let msg = format!("Symbol {} is not bound!", sym);
- self.get_binding(sym).expect(&msg)
- }
- fn get_type_binding(&self, sym: Sym) -> Option<UniqueSym> {
- for scope in self.frames.borrow().iter().rev() {
- let v = scope.types.get(&sym).cloned();
- if v.is_some() {
- return v;
- }
- }
- None
- }
- fn really_get_type_binding(&self, sym: Sym) -> UniqueSym {
- let msg = format!("Type {} is not bound!", sym);
- self.get_type_binding(sym).expect(&msg)
- }
- /// Get the specified info for the given UniqueSym, or
- /// None if DNE
- pub fn get_info<T>(&self, sym: UniqueSym) -> Option<&T>
- where
- T: anymap::any::CloneAny,
- {
- self.unique_symbols
- .get(&sym)
- .and_then(|anymap| anymap.get::<T>())
- }
- /// Adds the given info struct to the symbol, or
- /// panics if it already exists.
- pub fn put_info<T>(&mut self, sym: UniqueSym, info: T)
- where
- T: anymap::any::CloneAny,
- {
- self.unique_symbols
- .get_mut(&sym)
- .and_then(|anymap| anymap.insert(info));
- }
- pub fn type_exists(&self, sym: Sym) -> bool {
- if sym == "Tuple" {
- return true;
- }
- let thing = self.unique_types.get(&UniqueSym(sym));
- // fuck combinators
- match thing {
- Some(_anymap) => true,
- None => false,
- }
- }
fn get_type_info<T>(&self, sym: UniqueSym) -> Option<&T>
T: anymap::any::CloneAny,
@@ 230,10 256,6 @@ impl Symtbl {
self.put_type_info(UniqueSym(sym), info)
- fn binding_exists(&self, sym: Sym) -> bool {
- self.get_binding(sym).is_some()
- }
fn _unique_exists(&self, sym: UniqueSym) -> bool {