add option to skip stub building, and add another SDK location
1 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

M mkapp.pike
M mkapp.pike +23 -14
@@ 9,11 9,13 @@ string version;
 string framework_bundle = "Pike.framework";
-array sdk_locs = ({"/Developer/SDKs", "/SDKs", "/Developer"});
+array sdk_locs = ({"/Developer/SDKs", "/SDKs", "/Developer", "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs"});
+int no_embedded_pike = 0;
 string gcc = "clang";
-string sdk = "MacOSX10.9.sdk";
-string cc_args = "-mmacosx-version-min=10.9 -isysroot ${SDK} -m32 -arch i386 -F.";
+string sdk = "MacOSX10.14.sdk";
+string cc_args = "-mmacosx-version-min=10.10 -isysroot ${SDK} -F. -I/usr/local/include";
 string ld_args = "-lobjc -lpthread -framework AppKit -framework Pike -framework System -framework Foundation";
 int main(int argc, array(string) argv)

@@ 36,6 38,7 @@ int parse_args(array(string) argv)
     ({"help",Getopt.NO_ARG,({"--help"}) }),
+    ({"no_embedded_pike",Getopt.NO_ARG,({"--no-embedding"}) }),
     ({"identifier",Getopt.HAS_ARG,({"--identifier"}) }),
     ({"gcc",Getopt.HAS_ARG,({"--with-gcc"}) }),
     ({"sdk",Getopt.HAS_ARG,({"--with-sdk"}) }),

@@ 45,6 48,9 @@ int parse_args(array(string) argv)
+        case "no_embedded_pike":
+          no_embedded_pike = 1;
+          break;
         case "identifier":
           identifier = opt[1];

@@ 103,7 109,7 @@ void make_app()
   write("mkapp: generating application bundle for %s\n", app_name);
-  if(!file_stat(framework_bundle))
+  if(!no_embedded_pike && !file_stat(framework_bundle))
     werror("mkapp: Pike framework %O does not exist. aborting.\n", framework_bundle);

@@ 120,21 126,23 @@ void make_app()
   Stdio.mkdirhier(app_name + ".app/Contents/Resources");
   Stdio.mkdirhier(app_name + ".app/Contents/Frameworks");
-  make_file(app_name + ".m", app_stub);
+  if(!no_embedded_pike)
+    make_file(app_name + ".m", app_stub);
   make_file(app_name + ".app/Contents/Resources/" + app_name + ".pike", pike_stub);
   make_file(app_name + ".app/Contents/PkgInfo", pkg_info);
   make_file(app_name + ".app/Contents/Info.plist", info_plist);
-  Process.system("cp -Rf \"" + framework_bundle + "\" \"" + app_name + ".app/Contents/Frameworks\"");
+  if(!no_embedded_pike) {
+    Process.system("cp -Rf \"" + framework_bundle + "\" \"" + app_name + ".app/Contents/Frameworks\"");
-  string my_cc_args = find_sdk(cc_args);
-  string my_ld_args = find_sdk(ld_args);
+    string my_cc_args = find_sdk(cc_args);
+    string my_ld_args = find_sdk(ld_args);
-  my_system(gcc + " " + my_cc_args + " -c '" + app_name + ".m' -o '" + app_name + ".o'");
+    my_system(gcc + " " + my_cc_args + " -c '" + app_name + ".m' -o '" + app_name + ".o'");
 //  my_system(gcc + " " + my_cc_args + " -c method_getArgInfo.m -o '" + app_name + "_getArgInfo.o'");
-  my_system(gcc + " " + my_cc_args + " '" + app_name + ".o' -o '" + app_name + ".app/Contents/MacOS/" + app_name + "' " + ld_args);
-  rm(app_name + ".o");
+    my_system(gcc + " " + my_cc_args + " '" + app_name + ".o' -o '" + app_name + ".app/Contents/MacOS/" + app_name + "' " + ld_args);
+    rm(app_name + ".o");
+  }
   write("mkapp: Build complete.\n");

@@ 162,7 170,7 @@ string find_sdk(string args)
     if(file_stat(candidate)) { fqsdk = candidate; break; }
-  if(!fqsdk) { werror("SDK " + sdk + " found in (" + sdk_locs*", " + ").\n"); exit(1);}
+  if(!fqsdk) { werror("SDK " + sdk + " not found in (" + sdk_locs*", " + ").\n"); exit(1);}
   write("mkapp: found SDK at %s\n", fqsdk);
   return replace(args, "${SDK}", fqsdk);

@@ 295,7 303,7 @@ free_svalue(sv);
 sv = [i evalString: @\"add_module_path(\\\"modules\\\")\"];
-sv2 = [i evalString: @\"master()->resolv(\\\"Public.ObjectiveC.module\\\")\"];
+sv2 = [i evalString: @\"master()->resolv(\\\"Public.ObjectiveC.Cocoa\\\")\"];

@@ 346,6 354,7 @@ constant help_text =
+  --no-embedding don't build stub binary