@@ 31,7 31,7 @@ one:
[ep8]: http://henry.precheur.org/scratchpad/20180604_083306
[ep9]: http://henry.precheur.org/scratchpad/20190419_114828
[rfc7049]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7049
-[repo]: https://bitbucket.org/henry/cbor/src/default/episode9/
+[repo]: https://bitbucket.org/henry/cbor/src/default/episode10/
@@ 134,20 134,22 @@ together:
Note that we don’t check if the input equals -0.0 because -0.0 == 0.0.
+We’re done with zero, what about the other subnormal numbers? How we can
+represent them and use them to encode other numbers tigthly? The difference
+between subnormal numbers and regular floating point numbers is the fractional’s
+prefix. The regular ones are prefixed with a 1, while the subnormal ones have a
+0 as prefix.
-We’ve done zero and what about the other subnormal numbers? How we can represent
-them and use them to encode other numbers tigthly? Let’s learn more about
-subnormal numbers. The main difference is with the formual where the fractional
-prefix is a 0 instead of a 1. Here’s the formula for regular floating point
+Here’s the formula for regular floating point numbers:
> (−1)<sup>signbit</sup> × 2<sup>exponent−15</sup> × 1.significantbits<sub>2</sub>
-When we have subnormal numbers the formula turns into:
+With subnormal numbers the formula turns into:
> (−1)<sup>signbit</sup> × 2<sup>−14</sup> × 0.significantbits<sub>2</sub>
Subnormal numbers don’t start with a 1, but with a 0. This means we can
represent number with exponents lower that -14 with subnormal numbers by
shifting the bits to the left. We’ll use the smallest 16 bits subnormal number:
@@ 242,6 244,10 @@ Next time we’ll implement timestamps.
Check out the [repository][repo] with the full code for this episode.
==== END WIP
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