1 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M episode11/README.md
M episode11/README.md +26 -0
@@ 210,3 210,29 @@ the Z at the end of rfc3339Timestamp wit
+Now let’s implement floating point numbers when there’s no timezone information
+to encode. Because time.Time store its internal time as an integer counting the
+number of nanoseconds since the Epoch, we’ll have to convert it into a floating
+point number in seconds.
+    const nanoSecondsInSecond = time.Second / time.Nanosecond
+    func (e *Encoder) writeTime(v reflect.Value) error {
+        var t = v.Interface().(time.Time)
+        if t.Location() != time.UTC && t.Location() != nil {
+            if err := e.writeHeader(majorTag, minorTimeString); err != nil {
+                return err
+            }
+            return e.writeUnicodeString(t.Format(time.RFC3339))
+        }
+        // write an epoch timestamp to preserve space
+        if err := e.writeHeader(majorTag, minorTimeEpoch); err != nil {
+            return err
+        }
+        var unixTimeNano = t.UnixNano()
+		return e.writeFloat(
+			float64(unixTimeNano) / float64(nanoSecondsInSecond))
+    }