python3 migration. Check for directory.
1 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

M +18 -16
@@ 1,4 1,4 @@ 
-#!/usr/bin/env python2
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
 This script synchronizes a music collection recursivly one way from a losless format source directory to a lossy file format target directory.

@@ 44,7 44,7 @@ parser.add_option("-p", "--numberofproce
 (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-if len(args) <> 2:
+if len(args) != 2:
     parser.error("incorrect number of arguments")
     level = int(getattr(logging, options.loglevel))

@@ 54,10 54,12 @@ except (AttributeError, ValueError, Type
 for path in args:
     if not os.path.exists(path):
         parser.error("path does not exist: %s" % path)
+    if not os.path.isdir(path):
+        parser.error("path is not a directory: %s" % path)
 if args[0] == args[1]:
     parser.error("source and target path must not be the same")
     illegal_characters = '?[],\=+<>:;"*|^'

@@ 105,7 107,7 @@ def create_ID3V2_tag_values_from_flac(so
                     reference_tag = [reference_key for (reference_key, reference_values)
-                                     in flac_tags_synonyms.items() if tag.lower() in reference_values][0]
+                                     in list(flac_tags_synonyms.items()) if tag.lower() in reference_values][0]
                     if (reference_tag in ["composer", "artist"] and id3_tags_dict[reference_tag] != ""):
                         #tag value is a list, mp3 id3 v2 separator is a /
                         id3_tags_dict[reference_tag] = id3_tags_dict[reference_tag] + "/" + value

@@ 113,7 115,7 @@ def create_ID3V2_tag_values_from_flac(so
                         id3_tags_dict[reference_tag] = value
                 except IndexError:
           "unsupported id3 tag '%s' ignored" % id3)
-    for key in id3_tags_dict.keys():
+    for key in list(id3_tags_dict.keys()):
         id3_tags_dict[key] = shellquote(id3_tags_dict[key])
     return id3_tags_dict

@@ 177,8 179,8 @@ if target_format == "ogg":
                         ".wav":[".ogg", x_to_ogg]})
 elif target_format == 'mp3':
     convert_map.update({".flac":[".mp3", flac_to_mp3],
-                        ".wav":[".mp3", wav_to_mp3]})                                       
+                        ".wav":[".mp3", wav_to_mp3]})
 def shellquote(s):
     if sys.platform.startswith("win"):

@@ 189,9 191,9 @@ def shellquote(s):
 def convert(source_fname):
     target_fname = source_fname.replace(source_dir, target_dir)
     cmd = None
     if os.path.isdir(source_fname):
-        cmd = convert_map["dir"][1] 
+        cmd = convert_map["dir"][1]
     elif os.path.isfile(source_fname) or os.path.islink(source_fname):
             ext = os.path.splitext(source_fname)[1].lower()

@@ 200,21 202,21 @@ def convert(source_fname):
             logging.warning("File extension '%s' not supported." % (ext))
             target_fname = os.path.splitext(target_fname)[0] + "%s" % conv[0]
-            cmd = conv[1] 
-    else:        
+            cmd = conv[1]
+    else:
         logging.error("File type not supported.")
     for c in illegal_characters:
         target_fname = target_fname.replace(c, "-")
     if not os.path.exists(target_fname):
         if cmd:
             logging.debug("cmd: %s, source: %s, target: %s" % (cmd, source_fname, target_fname))
             cmd(source_fname, target_fname)
             logging.debug("File '%s' ignored." % source_fname)
         logging.debug("Target '%s' already exists." % target_fname)

@@ 281,5 283,5 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     log_elapsed_time(start, end)
     if not options.nodonation:
-            print "\nIf you find the script useful and would like to donate: \n" \
-                  "UniCredit Bank Austria AG, Gregor Horvath, IBAN: AT47 1100 0014 1436 2200, BIC: BKAUATWW"    
+            print("\nIf you find the script useful and would like to donate: \n" \
+                  "UniCredit Bank Austria AG, Gregor Horvath, IBAN: AT47 1100 0014 1436 2200, BIC: BKAUATWW")