M .hgsubstate +2 -2
@@ 1,2 1,2 @@
-7822e6e3f2dc98efe8c571dfd73042172d492e97 lib/gunzip
-d30b04366fbd338ea986834315653980be450151 lib/neonlib
+8b931818a05f9ce3242a560ab962956232ad401f lib/gunzip
+f5d4ac3a27c5e04578db4551e52ed6f50a111448 lib/neonlib
M src/Application.asm +33 -20
@@ 264,7 264,7 @@ Application_IsVGZ:
; ix = this
+Application_InflateFile: PROC
push ix
call Application_GetCLI
call CLI_GetFileInfoBlock
@@ 276,9 276,18 @@ Application_InflateFile:
push ix
call FileReader_class.New
call FileReader_Construct
- ld e,ixl
- ld d,ixh
+ push ix
+ push ix
push ix
+ ld ix,Heap_main
+ ld bc,Decoders._size
+ call Heap_Allocate
+ ld c,e
+ ld b,d
+ pop ix
+ pop hl
+ push bc
+ ld de,Mapped32KWriter_BASE_ADDRESS
ld a,GZIP_CRC32 ? -1 : 0
call GzipArchive_class.New
call GzipArchive_Construct
@@ 290,18 299,14 @@ Application_InflateFile:
ld d,ixh
ex (sp),ix
push ix
- push de
- push ix
- ld ix,Heap_main
- ld bc,Decoders._size
- call Heap_Allocate
- ld c,e
- ld b,d
+ ld hl,InflateLoop
+ call System_TryCall
pop ix
- pop de
- push bc
- ld hl,GzipArchive_Extract
- call System_TryCall
+ ex (sp),ix
+ call Mapped32KWriter_Destruct
+ call Mapped32KWriter_class.Delete
+ pop ix
+ call GzipArchive_class.Delete
pop de
push ix
ld ix,Heap_main
@@ 309,16 314,24 @@ Application_InflateFile:
call Heap_Free
pop ix
pop ix
- ex (sp),ix
- call Mapped32KWriter_Destruct
- call Mapped32KWriter_class.Delete
- pop ix
- call GzipArchive_class.Delete
- pop ix
call FileReader_Destruct
call FileReader_class.Delete
pop ix
jp System_Rethrow
+; de = mapped writer
+; ix = gzip archive
+ push de
+ call GzipArchive_Inflate
+ ex (sp),ix
+ push af
+ call Mapped32KWriter_CopyToMappedBuffer
+ pop af
+ ex (sp),ix
+ pop de
+ jr nz,InflateLoop
+ ret
; ix = this
M src/COM.asm +1 -2
@@ 46,7 46,6 @@ RAM: equ RAM_PAGE1
INCLUDE "MappedBuffer.asm"
INCLUDE "MappedBufferLoader.asm"
INCLUDE "MappedReader.asm"
- INCLUDE "MappedWriter.asm"
INCLUDE "Mapped32KWriter.asm"
; gunzip
@@ 58,7 57,7 @@ RAM: equ RAM_PAGE1
INCLUDE "deflate/Branch.asm"
INCLUDE "deflate/HuffmanCodes.asm"
INCLUDE "Reader.asm"
- INCLUDE "Writer.asm"
+ INCLUDE "BitReader.asm"
INCLUDE "FileReader.asm"
M src/Mapped32KWriter.asm +3 -20
@@ 1,12 1,11 @@
-; Writer backed by a mapped buffer
+; Mapped buffer writer for gzip inflate
Mapped32KWriter_BASE_ADDRESS: equ 4000H
Mapped32KWriter_SEGMENT_SIZE: equ 4000H
Mapped32KWriter_BUFFER_SIZE: equ 8000H
Mapped32KWriter: MACRO
- super: Writer
dw 0
originalPage1: MapperSegment
@@ 23,11 22,6 @@ Mapped32KWriter_template: Mapped32KWrite
ld (ix + Mapped32KWriter.buffer),e
ld (ix + Mapped32KWriter.buffer + 1),d
- ld hl,Mapped32KWriter_BASE_ADDRESS
- ld bc,Mapped32KWriter_BUFFER_SIZE
- ld de,Mapped32KWriter_Flush
- call Writer_Construct
ld h,40H
call Mapper_instance.GetPH
ld (ix + Mapped32KWriter.originalPage1.segment),a
@@ 38,7 32,6 @@ Mapped32KWriter_Construct:
ld (ix + Mapped32KWriter.originalPage2.segment),a
call Memory_GetSlot
ld (ix + Mapped32KWriter.originalPage2.slot),a
push ix
call Mapped32KWriter_GetBuffer
call MappedBuffer_AllocateAndAddSegment
@@ 73,21 66,11 @@ Mapped32KWriter_GetBuffer:
ld ixh,d
-; bc = byte count
+; hl = byte count
; de = buffer start
; ix = this
-; Modifies: af, hl
- push bc
- push de
- call Mapped32KWriter_CopyToMappedBuffer
- pop de
- pop bc
- ret
-; ix = this
Mapped32KWriter_CopyToMappedBuffer: PROC
- push bc
+ push hl
push de
push ix
call Mapped32KWriter_GetBuffer
M src/MappedBuffer.asm +8 -8
@@ 150,20 150,20 @@ MappedBuffer_AddSegment:
pop ix
-; bc = size to add
+; hl = size to add
; ix = this
- ld l,(ix + MappedBuffer.size)
- ld h,(ix + MappedBuffer.size + 1)
- ld e,(ix + MappedBuffer.size + 2)
- ld d,(ix + MappedBuffer.size + 3)
+ push hl
+ ld c,(ix + MappedBuffer.size)
+ ld b,(ix + MappedBuffer.size + 1)
add hl,bc
ld (ix + MappedBuffer.size),l
ld (ix + MappedBuffer.size + 1),h
+ pop hl
ret nc
- inc de
- ld (ix + MappedBuffer.size + 2),e
- ld (ix + MappedBuffer.size + 3),d
+ inc (ix + MappedBuffer.size + 2)
+ ret nz
+ inc (ix + MappedBuffer.size + 3)
; dehl = position
M src/MappedBufferLoader.asm +86 -55
@@ 1,14 1,15 @@
; Buffers an entire file in memory
-MappedBufferLoader_BASE_ADDRESS: equ 8000H
+MappedBufferLoader_PAGE_START: equ 8000H
MappedBufferLoader_PAGE_SIZE: equ 4000H
+MappedBufferLoader_PAGE_END: equ MappedBufferLoader_PAGE_START + MappedBufferLoader_PAGE_SIZE
MappedBufferLoader: MACRO
db 0
- writer:
- MappedWriter
+ buffer:
+ dw 0
@@ 16,15 17,9 @@ MappedBufferLoader: MACRO
; de = mapped buffer
; ix = this
- push hl
- push ix
- push de
- call MappedBufferLoader_GetWriter
- pop de
- ld hl,MappedBufferLoader_BASE_ADDRESS
- call MappedWriter_Construct
- pop ix
- pop de
+ ld (ix + MappedBufferLoader.buffer),e
+ ld (ix + MappedBufferLoader.buffer + 1),d
+ ex de,hl
ld a,00000001B ; read-only
call DOS_OpenFileHandle
call DOS_TerminateIfError
@@ 35,67 30,103 @@ MappedBufferLoader_Construct:
ld b,(ix + MappedBufferLoader.fileHandle)
call DOS_CloseFileHandle
- call DOS_TerminateIfError
- push ix
- call MappedBufferLoader_GetWriter
- call Writer_FinishBlock
- pop ix
- ret
+ jp DOS_TerminateIfError
-; de <- mapped writer
-; ix <- mapped writer
- ld de,MappedBufferLoader.writer
- add ix,de
+; ix = this
+; de <- buffer
+; ix <- buffer
+ ld e,(ix + MappedBufferLoader.buffer)
+ ld d,(ix + MappedBufferLoader.buffer + 1)
+ ld ixl,e
+ ld ixh,d
; ix = this
- ld h,MappedBufferLoader_BASE_ADDRESS >> 8
+MappedBufferLoader_Load: PROC
+ ld de,MappedBufferLoader_PAGE_END
+ ld a,d
+ cp MappedBufferLoader_PAGE_END >> 8
+ call nc,NextSegment
+ call Load
+ push af
+ push de
+ push ix
+ call MappedBufferLoader_GetBuffer
+ call MappedBuffer_IncreaseSize
+ pop ix
+ pop de
+ pop af
+ cp .EOF
+ ret z
+ call DOS_TerminateIfError
+ jr Loop
+ push ix
+ call MappedBufferLoader_GetBuffer
+ call MappedBuffer_AllocateAndAddSegment
+ ld h,MappedBufferLoader_PAGE_START >> 8
+ call MappedBuffer_SelectSegment
+ pop ix
+ ld de,MappedBufferLoader_PAGE_START
+ ret
+ push de
+ ld h,d
call Memory_GetSlot
+ pop de
+ ld hl,MappedBufferLoader_PAGE_END
+ and a
+ sbc hl,de
ld b,a
ld a,(Mapper_instance.primaryMapperSlot)
cp b
- jr nz,MappedBufferLoader_LoadViaBuffer
- push ix
- call MappedBufferLoader_GetWriter
- call Writer_WriteBlockDirect
- pop ix
- ld l,c
- ld h,b
+ jr z,MappedBufferLoader_LoadDirect
+ jr MappedBufferLoader_LoadIndirect
+; de = destination
+; hl = byte count
+; ix = this
+; a <- error
+; de <- updated destination
+; hl <- actual byte count
+ push de
ld b,(ix + MappedBufferLoader.fileHandle)
call DOS_ReadFromFileHandle
- cp .EOF
- ret z
- call DOS_TerminateIfError
- push af
- push ix
- call MappedBufferLoader_GetWriter
- ld c,l
- ld b,h
- call Writer_Advance
- pop ix
- pop af
- jr MappedBufferLoader_Load
+ pop de
+ add hl,de
+ ex de,hl
+ ret
; Load data to BASE_ADDRESS via a buffer in the primary mapper.
; Because DOS2 can not load directly into nonprimary mapper slots.
+; de = destination
+; hl = byte count
; ix = this
+; a <- error
+; de <- updated destination
+; hl <- actual byte count
+MappedBufferLoader_LoadIndirect: PROC
+ push de
+ and a
+ sbc hl,de
+ add hl,de
+ jr c,NoClamp
+ ex de,hl
ld b,(ix + MappedBufferLoader.fileHandle)
call DOS_ReadFromFileHandle
- cp .EOF
- ret z
- call DOS_TerminateIfError
+ pop de
push af
- push ix
- call MappedBufferLoader_GetWriter
ld c,l
ld b,h
- call Writer_WriteBlock
- pop ix
+ call System_FastLDIR
pop af
- jr MappedBufferLoader_Load
+ ret
R src/MappedWriter.asm => +0 -72
@@ 1,72 0,0 @@
-; Writer backed by a mapped buffer
-MappedWriter_SEGMENT_SIZE: equ 4000H
-MappedWriter: MACRO
- super: Writer
- buffer:
- dw 0
- _size:
-; de = mapped buffer
-; hl = base address
-; ix = this
- ld a,l
- and a
- call nz,System_ThrowException
- ld a,h
- and 3FH
- call nz,System_ThrowException
- ld (ix + MappedWriter.buffer),e
- ld (ix + MappedWriter.buffer + 1),d
- ld bc,MappedWriter_SEGMENT_SIZE
- ld de,MappedWriter_Flush
- call Writer_Construct
- jr MappedWriter_AllocateNextSegment
-; ix = this
-; de <- buffer
-; ix <- buffer
- ld e,(ix + MappedWriter.buffer)
- ld d,(ix + MappedWriter.buffer + 1)
- ld ixl,e
- ld ixh,d
- ret
-; bc = byte count
-; de = buffer start
-; ix = this
- push bc
- push de
- push ix
- call MappedWriter_GetBuffer
- call MappedBuffer_IncreaseSize
- pop ix
- pop de
- pop bc
- ld l,0
- ld h,(ix + MappedWriter.super.bufferEnd)
- and a
- sbc hl,de
- call c,System_ThrowException
- sbc hl,bc
- call c,System_ThrowException
- ret nz
- jr MappedWriter_AllocateNextSegment
-; ix = this
- ld h,(ix + MappedWriter.super.bufferStart)
- push ix
- push hl
- call MappedWriter_GetBuffer
- call MappedBuffer_AllocateAndAddSegment
- pop hl
- call MappedBuffer_SelectSegment
- pop ix
- ret