VDP: Properly initialise V99X8 mirrors on MSX1 and MSX2.
2 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

M src/VDP.asm
M src/ui/UI.asm
M src/VDP.asm +45 -8
@@ 11,6 11,45 @@ VDP_MIRROR_0: equ 0F3DFH
 VDP_MIRROR_8: equ 0FFE7H - 8
 VDP_MIRROR_25: equ 0FFFAH - 25
+VDP_InitMirrorsOnVDPUpgrades: PROC
+	ld a,(EXPTBL)
+	ld hl,IDBYT2
+	call RDSLT
+	ei
+	and a
+	cp 1
+	jr c,MSX1
+	jr z,MSX2
+	ret
+	ld hl,VDP_initR8ToR23
+	ld de,VDP_MIRROR_8 + 8
+	ld bc,16
+	ldir
+	ld hl,VDP_initR25ToR27
+	ld de,VDP_MIRROR_25 + 25
+	ld bc,3
+	ldir
+	ld a,(EXPTBL)
+	ld hl,IDBYT0
+	call RDSLT
+	ei
+	and 10000000B
+	ret z
+	ld a,(VDP_MIRROR_8 + 9)  ; set PAL bit
+	or 00000010B
+	ld (VDP_MIRROR_8 + 9),a
+	ret
+	ld hl,VDP_initR25ToR27
+	ld de,VDP_MIRROR_25 + 25
+	ld bc,3
+	ldir
+	ret
 VDP_InitScreen0: PROC
 	xor a
 	ld hl,0

@@ 46,14 85,6 @@ MSX1: ; complicated dance to enable TEXT
 	ld (VDP_MIRROR_0 + 2),a
 	ld b,2
 	call VDP_SetRegister
-	ld a,(EXPTBL)
-	ld hl,IDBYT0
-	call RDSLT
-	ei
-	and 10000000B
-	rlca
-	rlca
-	ld (VDP_MIRROR_8 + 9),a  ; Initialise MSX2 register mirror

@@ 330,3 361,9 @@ Loop:
 	jp nz,Loop
+VDP_initR8ToR23:  ; for NTSC
+	db 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 59, 5, 0
+	db 0, 0, 0

M src/ui/UI.asm +1 -0
@@ 17,6 17,7 @@ 
 	INCLUDE "HorizontalScrollBarView.asm"
+	call VDP_InitMirrorsOnVDPUpgrades
 	call VDP_InitScreen0
 	call VDP_Enable212Lines
 	call VDP_Enable60Hz