README: Add some more description.
README/CHANGES: Clean up, remove BitBucket links.
openmsx: Set max frameskip to speed up boot time.
Copyright 2017 Laurens Holst
Shows PNG files on MSX.
It currently supports PNG files which are stored progressively (most of them), including those with transparency. Since no scaling is applied to the output, it works best with images of size 256x212 or smaller. Beware that because it first decompresses the PNG fully before showing it, it can be very memory hungry.
What remains before making an official release is to:
Run PNGView from MSX-DOS 2, specifying the PNG file to show on the command line.
pngview [options] <image.png>
To configure Multi Mente to show PNG files, add the following line to MMRET.DAT:
PNGView is free and open source software. If you want to contribute to the project you are very welcome to. Please contact me at any one of the places mentioned in the project information section.
You are also free to re-use code for your own projects, provided you abide by the license terms.
Building the project is easy on all modern desktop platforms. On MacOS and
Linux, simply invoke make
to build the binary and symbol files into the
Windows users can open the Makefile
and build by pasting the lines in the
target into the Windows command prompt.
To launch the build in openMSX after building, put a copy of MSXDOS2.SYS
and some PNG files to test with in the bin
directory, and then
invoke the make run
Note that the glass assembler which is
embedded in the project requires Java 8. To check
your Java version, invoke the java -version