vdp_guide: Changing r#18 with sprites disabled blanks in either direction.

Confirmed by test program.
1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M articles/vdp_guide.php
M articles/vdp_guide.php +4 -1
@@ 33,7 33,10 @@ the current command is finished.</p>
 <h2 id="r18disp">Q: What about screensplits with the help of r#18?</h2>
-<p>A: Once again, this register behaves a bit strangely when you disable the sprites. During the display cycle, if you move the screen to the left using r#18, the entire current line is drawn in the background color. This only happens when the sprites are disabled. So if you’re creating a screensplit with the help of r#18, watch out for this.</p>
+<p>A: Once again, this register behaves a bit strangely. During the display
+cycle, if you move the screen horizontally using r#18, the entire current line
+can be blanked. This only happens when the sprites are disabled. So if you’re
+creating a screensplit with r#18, watch out for this.</p>
 <h2 id="vdpstrange">Q: VDP does lots of random strange things, how come?</h2>