@@ 511,7 511,7 @@ to support future expansion.</p>
<tr><td>254</td><td>MPS2 (ASCII)</td></tr>
-<p>Some example code, this enables the 6MHz mode on Panasonic FS-A1WX/WSX/FX
+<p>For example, this enables the turbo CPU mode on Panasonic FS-A1WX/WSX/FX
@@ 522,25 522,27 @@ computers:</p>
- <td><i>Available on FS-A1FX/WX/WSX only:</i><br />
- bit 0: CPU speed mode (0=5.37MHz, 1=3.57MHz)<br />
- bit 7: Firmware switch status (0=on, 1=off) <em>(read-only)</em></td>
+ <td>bit 0: CPU speed mode (0 = 5.37 MHz, 1 = 3.58 MHz)<br />
+ bit 2: CPU 5.37 MHz turbo available (0 = available) <em>(read-only)</em><br />
+ bit 7: Firmware switch status (0 = on, 1 = off) <em>(read-only)</em></td>
<pre> in a,(40H)
push af
ld a,8
- out (40H),a ;out the manufacturer code 8 (Panasonic) to I/O port 40h
- in a,(40H) ;read the value you have just written
- cpl ;complement all bits of the value
- cp 8 ;if it does not match the value you originally wrote,
- jr nz,NotWX ;it is not a WX/WSX/FX.
- xor a ;write 0 to I/O port 41h
- out (41H),a ;and the mode changes to high-speed clock
+ out (40H),a ; out the manufacturer code 8 (Panasonic) to I/O port 40h
+ in a,(40H) ; read the value you have just written
+ cpl ; complement all bits of the value
+ cp 8 ; if it does not match the value you originally wrote,
+ jr nz,NoTurbo ; it does not have the Panasonic expanded I/O ports
+ in a,(41H)
+ bit 2,a ; is turbo mode available?
+ jr nz,NoTurbo
+ res 0,a
+ out (41H),a ; enable turbo
pop af
out (40H),a