hbi55: Update text and sample program to better reflect hardware.

* Tweaks block diagram based on service manual.
* Document port B bits 4-5.
* Correct the read & write procedure.
* Fix example so that it turns off chip enable after reading / writing.
* Add short circuit warning.
2 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-)

M resources/hbi55.php
A => resources/memory/sony_hbi-55_sm.pdf
M resources/hbi55.php +111 -67
@@ 14,7 14,7 @@ 
 <p>The Sony HBI-55 and the technically equivalent Yamaha UDC-01 are 4 kB SRAM
 data cartridges. This SRAM, or static RAM, is very low power memory whose
-contents are preserved when the computer is off by means of a little
+contents are preserved when the computer is off by means of a CR2032 coin cell
 <p>Amongst others they are used by the internal firmware in Sony’s HB-55 and

@@ 24,92 24,136 @@ using the <code>SAVE "CAT:"</code> and <
 <h2>Memory access</h2>
-<p>The HBI-55 uses the 8255 PPI (Programmable Peripheral Interface) as a
-controller IC to access the memory. If this sounds familiar, that’s right; all
-MSX computers also contain a PPI to deal with slot selection, keyboard I/O etc.
-The HBI-55 has a PPI of its own to access the SRAM at I/O ports 0B0H-0B3H.</p>
+<p>The HBI-55 uses the <a href="/resources/ppi/intel_82c55a.pdf">8255 PPI
+(Programmable Peripheral Interface)</a> as a controller IC to access the memory.
+If this sounds familiar, that’s right; all MSX computers also contain a PPI to
+deal with slot selection, keyboard I/O etc. The HBI-55 has a PPI of its own to
+access the SRAM at I/O ports 0B0H-0B3H.</p>
 <p>Here’s a little block diagram:</p>
-<pre>   IRQ and A2-A7    A0-A1 RD/WR  D0-D7
-  ┌─────────────┐    │ │   │ │  ││││││││
-  │Adresdecoding├─┐  │ │   │ │  ││││││││
-  └─────────────┘ │  │ │   │ │  ││││││││
-  ┌───────────────┴──┴─┴───┴─┴──┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴─┐
-  │8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface│
-  └───┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬────┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬────┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬───┘
-     C││││││││   B││  ││││   A││││││││
-      ││││││││    ││  │││└───┐││││││││
-      ││││││││    ││  ││└───┐│││││││││
-      ││││││││    ││  │└───┐││││││││││
-      ││││││││    ││  └───┐│││││││││││
-    ┌─┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴────┴┴──────┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴─┐
-    │  D0-D7   W/R  EN        A0-A11   │
-    │       4 Kilobyte static RAM      │
-    └──────────────────────────────────┘</pre>
+<pre>     IORQ, A2-A7      A0-A1 RD/WR  D0-D7
+  ┌───────────────┐    │ │   │ │  ││││││││
+  │Addres decoding├─┐  │ │   │ │  ││││││││
+  └───────────────┘ │  │ │   │ │  ││││││││
+  ┌─────────────────┴──┴─┴───┴─┴──┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴─┐
+  │ 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface │
+  └────┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬────┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬────┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬────┘
+      C││││││││   B│└┴┴┤│││   A││││││││
+       ││││││││    │   │││└───┐││││││││
+       ││││││││    │   ││└───┐│││││││││
+       ││││││││    │   │└───┐││││││││││
+       ││││││││    │   └─┐  │││││││││││
+     ┌─┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴────┴─────┴──┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴─┐
+     │   D0-D7   WE/OE   CS    A0-A10   │
+     │     2x  2048 byte static RAM     │
+     └──────────────────────────────────┘</pre>
+<p>Refer to the <a href="/resources/memory/sony_hbi-55_sm.pdf">Sony HBI-55
+Service Manual</a> for a more detailed circuit diagram.</p>
+<h3>PPI interface</h3>
 <p>The PPI’s three ports and control register are set up as follows:</p>
+<tr><th>I/O Port</th><th>Register</th><th>I/O</th><th>Value</th></tr>
-<tr><td>0B0H</td><td>Port A</td><td>Address bits 0-7</td></tr>
-<tr><td>0B1H</td><td>Port B</td><td>bit 0-3: Address bits 8-11<br />
-bit 6: Set to 1<br />bit 7: Read (1) or write (0)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>0B2H</td><td>Port C</td><td>Data read / write</td></tr>
-<tr><td>0B3H</td><td>Control</td><td>89H: Read<br />80H: Write</td></tr>
+<tr><td>0B0H</td><td>Port A</td><td>O</td><td>Address bits 0-7</td></tr>
+<tr><td>0B1H</td><td>Port B</td><td>O</td><td>bit 0-3: Address bits 8-11<br />
+bit 4-5: Address bits 12-13 (unused, keep 0)<br />
+bit 6: Chip enable (1 = enable)<br />
+bit 7: Output enable (1) or write enable (0)</td></tr>
+<tr><td>0B2H</td><td>Port C</td><td>I/O</td><td>Data read / write</td></tr>
+<tr><td>0B3H</td><td>Control</td><td>O</td><td>89H: Read<br />80H: Write</td></tr>
-<p>First, configure the PPI for reading or for writing using the control
-register (0B3H). Output 89H to read, or 80H to write. For more details about
-these values, consult the <a href="/resources/#ppi">PPI documentation</a>.</p>
+<p>PPI ports A-C are interfaced to two 2K SRAM chips. Address bits 0-10
+(Port A, B) and the data bits (Port C) are directly connected to the address and
+data lines of the SRAM chips. Port B bits 3-5 select the SRAM chip, up to eight
+in theory, but only two are present. Addresses ≥ 1000H can not be read from or
+written to. Bit 6 is a global chip enable. Bit 7 selects whether the SRAM chip
+outputs (OE) or stores (WE) the data.</p>
+<p>Care must be taken to fully set up the data and address lines before flagging
+the chip enable bit. Especially if the chip is in write mode, changing the
+address LSB, address MSB or data will immediately store whichever address and
+data it is pointing to in-between, and likely cause unintended modifications
+to the memory. Similarly, make sure to clear the chip enable after the
-<p>Next, set the 12-bit address. Write the lowest eight address bits to port
-A (0B0H), and the highest four address bits to bits 0-3 of port B (0B1H).
-Additionally, set bit 6 of port B to 1, and set bit 7 to indicate whether to
-read (1) or to write (0). That’s right, you need to indicate whether to read or
-write again, this time you’re instructing the SRAM itself.</p>
+<p>The I/O direction of PPI port C is set using the control register. Output 89H
+to read, or 80H to write. <em>Do not set the SRAM output enable and chip enable
+while PPI port C is in output mode. Doing this causes a short circuit and can
+damage the cartridge.</em></p>
+<h3>Procedure for reading</h3>
-<p>Finally, read or write the value through port C (0B2H).</p>
+  <li>Set control register (0B3H) to 89H to configure PPI port C for input.</li>
+  <li>Set port A (0B0H) to the low eight address bits.</li>
+  <li>Set port B (0B1H) to 11000000b ORed with the highest four address bits.</li>
+  <li>Read the data value from port C (0B2H).</li>
+  <li>Set port B (0B1H) to 10000000b ORed with the high four address bits.</li>
-<p>Here’s some example BASIC code:</p>
+<p>In step 5 you can also just output 0 since we already got the value.</p>
+<p>When reading multiple values, you can cycle through steps 2-4.</p>
+<h3>Procedure for writing</h3>
-<pre>10 ' HBI55.BAS by Bjorn Lammers
-20 ' Controlling the
-30 ' Sony Data Cartridge
-40 '
-50 ' Writing
-60 INPUT "Adress";AD
-70 INPUT "Data";DT
-80 ' Control register
-90 OUT &amp;HB3,&amp;H80
-100 ' Adress low
-110 OUT &amp;HB0,AD AND &amp;B11111111
-120 ' Adress high
-130 OUT &amp;HB1,(AD\256) OR &amp;B01000000
-140 ' Data
-150 OUT &amp;HB2,DT
-160 ' Reading
-170 INPUT "Adress";AD
-180 ' Control register
-190 OUT &amp;HB3,&amp;H89
-200 ' Adress low
-210 OUT &amp;HB0,AD AND &amp;B11111111
-220 ' Adress high
-230 OUT &amp;HB1,(AD\256) OR &amp;B11000000
-240 ' Read data
-250 DT=INP(&amp;HB2)
-260 PRINT "Data: &amp;H"+HEX$(DT)
-270 END</pre>
+  <li>Set control register (0B3H) to 80H to configure PPI port C for output.</li>
+  <li>Set port C (0B2H) to the data value.</li>
+  <li>Set port A (0B0H) to the low eight address bits.</li>
+  <li>Set port B (0B1H) to 01000000b ORed with the high four address bits.</li>
+  <li>Set port B (0B1H) to 00000000b ORed with the high four address bits.</li>
+<p>When writing multiple values, you can cycle through steps 2-5.</p>
+<h3>Example code</h3>
+<p>Here’s an example BASIC program:</p>
+<pre>100 ' HBI55.BAS by Bjorn Lammers and Grauw
+110 ' Controlling the
+120 ' Sony Data Cartridge
+130 '
+140 ' Writing
+150 INPUT "Address";AD
+160 INPUT "Data";DT
+170 ' PPI Control: Set mode 0, port A &amp; B &amp; C output
+180 OUT &amp;HB3,&amp;H80
+190 ' PPI Port C: Set data
+200 OUT &amp;HB2,DT
+210 ' PPI Port A: Address low
+220 OUT &amp;HB0,AD AND &amp;B11111111
+230 ' PPI Port B: Address high, write enable, chip enable
+240 OUT &amp;HB1,(AD\256) OR &amp;B01000000
+250 ' PPI Port B: Address high, write enable, chip disable
+260 OUT &amp;HB1,(AD\256) OR &amp;B00000000
+270 ' Reading
+280 INPUT "Address";AD
+290 ' PPI Control: Set mode 0, port A &amp; B output, port C input
+300 OUT &amp;HB3,&amp;H89
+310 ' PPI Port A: Address low
+320 OUT &amp;HB0,AD AND &amp;B11111111
+330 ' PPI Port B: Address high, output enable, chip enable
+340 OUT &amp;HB1,(AD\256) OR &amp;B11000000
+350 ' PPI Port C: Read data
+360 DT=INP(&amp;HB2)
+370 ' PPI Port B: Address high, output enable, chip disable
+380 OUT &amp;HB1,(AD\256) OR &amp;B10000000
+390 PRINT "Data: &amp;H"+HEX$(DT)
+400 END</pre>
 <p class="signed">Grauw</p>
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