Added classes for Hulls, Engines and Torpedoes
1 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

M +79 -12
@@ 7,7 7,7 @@ import struct
 from common import PlanetsData
 class BeamSpec(PlanetsData):
-    """List of buildable starship beam weapons"""
+    """List of starship beam weapons"""
     COUNT = 10
     PACK_LENGTH = 36
     name = ''

@@ 21,18 21,85 @@ class BeamSpec(PlanetsData):
     damage = 0
     def unpack(self, data):
+        (, self.cost, self.tritanium, self.duranium, self.molybdenum,
+         self.mass,, self.kill, self.damage) = struct.unpack(
+            '< 20s h h h h h h h h', data)
+ =
+class EngSpec(PlanetsData):
+    """List of starship engines"""
+    COUNT = 9
+    PACK_LENGTH = 66
+    name = ''
+    cost = 0
+    tritanium = 0
+    duranium = 0
+    molybdenum = 0
+    tech = 0
+    mileage = {1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}
+    def unpack(self, data):
         if len(data) is not self.PACK_LENGTH:
             raise ValueError('Binary data passed has incorrect length')
-        (,
-         self.cost,
-         self.tritanium,
-         self.duranium,
-         self.molybdenum,
-         self.mass,
-         self.kill,
-         self.damage) = struct.unpack('< 20s h h h h h h h h', data)
+        # Reinitialize mileage dict or it will not be seen as instance variable
+        self.mileage = {}
+        (, self.cost, self.tritanium, self.duranium, self.molybdenum,
+, self.mileage[1], self.mileage[2], self.mileage[3],
+         self.mileage[4], self.mileage[5], self.mileage[6],
+         self.mileage[7], self.mileage[8], self.mileage[9]) = struct.unpack(
+            '< 20s h h h h h i i i i i i i i i', data) =
-    def __str__(self):
-        return
  No newline at end of file
+class HullSpec(PlanetsData):
+    """List of starship hulls"""
+    # No COUNT, but typically 105 objects in default HULLSPEC.DAT
+    PACK_LENGTH = 60
+    name = ''
+    picture = 0
+    damaged = 0 # Unused field for picture of damaged ship
+    tritanium = 0
+    duranium = 0
+    molybdenum = 0
+    fueltank = 0
+    crew = 0
+    engines = 0
+    mass = 0
+    tech = 0
+    cargo = 0
+    fighterbays = 0
+    torpedolaunchers = 0
+    beams = 0
+    cost = 0
+    def unpack(self, data):
+        if len(data) is not self.PACK_LENGTH:
+            raise ValueError('Binary data passed has incorrect length')
+        (, self.picture, self.damaged, self.tritanium, self.duranium,
+         self.molybdenum, self.fueltank, self.crew, self.engines, self.mass,
+, self.cargo, self.fighterbays, self.torpedolaunchers,
+         self.beams, self.cost) = struct.unpack(
+            '< 30s h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h', data)
+ =
+class TorpSpec(PlanetsData):
+    """List of starship torpedo weapons"""
+    COUNT = 10
+    PACK_LENGTH = 38
+    name = ''
+    torpedo_cost = 0
+    launcher_cost = 0
+    tritanium = 0
+    duranium = 0
+    molybdenum = 0
+    mass = 0
+    tech = 0
+    kill = 0
+    damage = 0
+    def unpack(self, data):
+        if len(data) is not self.PACK_LENGTH:
+            raise ValueError('Binary data passed has incorrect length')
+        (, self.torpedo_cost, self.launcher_cost, self.tritanium,
+         self.duranium, self.molybdenum, self.mass,, self.kill,
+         self.damage) = struct.unpack('< 20s h h h h h h h h h', data)
+ =
  No newline at end of file