* Broke synset pointers out into a separate file
 * Updated build system to work around a Rubygems 1.2.0 bug.
 * Finished synset test::unit -> rspec conversion
11 files changed, 1235 insertions(+), 1460 deletions(-)

M Rakefile
M Rakefile.local
R docs/CATALOG => 
R docs/makedocs.rb => 
M lib/wordnet.rb
M lib/wordnet/constants.rb
M lib/wordnet/lexicon.rb
M lib/wordnet/synset.rb
A => lib/wordnet/synset_pointer.rb
A => spec/wordnet/synset_pointer_spec.rb
M spec/wordnet/synset_spec.rb
M Rakefile +6 -3
@@ 197,9 197,12 @@ GEMSPEC   = Gem::Specification.new do |g
 		gem.add_runtime_dependency( name, version )
-	DEVELOPMENT_DEPENDENCIES.each do |name, version|
-		version = '>= 0' if version.length.zero?
-		gem.add_development_dependency( name, version )
+	# Developmental dependencies don't work as of RubyGems 1.2.0
+	unless Gem::Version.new( Gem::RubyGemsVersion ) <= Gem::Version.new( "1.2.0" )
+		DEVELOPMENT_DEPENDENCIES.each do |name, version|
+			version = '>= 0' if version.length.zero?
+			gem.add_development_dependency( name, version )
+		end
 	REQUIREMENTS.each do |name, version|

M Rakefile.local +18 -2
@@ 23,8 23,8 @@ DATA_DATABASE_FILE = DATA_BUILD_DIR + 'd
 ### Tasks
 # Add 'convert' to the default task, and the testing tasks
-Rake::Task[:default].prerequisites << :convert
-Rake::Task[:spec].prerequisites << :convert
+task :local => :convert
+task :spec => :convert
 ### Task: convert
 desc "Convert WordNet dict files to a database"

@@ 44,3 44,19 @@ task DATA_DATABASE_FILE.to_s => CONVERT_
 	WordNetConverter.new( DATA_BUILD_DIR ).convertdb
+task :install => DATA_DATABASE_FILE do
+	datadir = Pathname.new( CONFIG['datadir'] )
+	log "Installing converted WordNet files in #{CONFIG['datadir']}"
+	datafiles = Pathname.glob( DATA_BUILD_DIR + '**/*' ).select {|pn| pn.file? }
+	datafiles.each do |file|
+		trace " installing #{file}"
+		relpath = file.expand_path.relative_path_from( Pathname.pwd )
+		target = datadir + relpath
+		FileUtils.mkpath target.dirname,
+			:mode => 0755, :verbose => true, :noop => $dryrun unless target.dirname.directory?
+		FileUtils.install relpath, target,
+			:mode => 0644, :verbose => true, :noop => $dryrun
+	end
  No newline at end of file

R docs/CATALOG =>  +0 -15
@@ 1,15 0,0 @@ 
-# Title:  Ruby-WordNet API
-# Main:   README
-# Upload: ssh://deveiate.org/usr/local/www/public/code/Ruby-WordNet/
-# Webcvs: http://devEiate.org/projects/Ruby-WordNet/browse/trunk/
-# Accessors:
-#		  def_pointer_methods=pointer

R docs/makedocs.rb =>  +0 -204
@@ 1,204 0,0 @@ 
-#	RDoc Documentation Generation Script
-#	$Id$
-#	Copyright (c) 2001-2005 The FaerieMUD Consortium.
-#	This is free software. You may use, modify, and/or redistribute this
-#	software under the terms of the Perl Artistic License. (See
-#	http://language.perl.com/misc/Artistic.html)
-# Make sure we're in the correct directory, and if not, change there.
-	basedir = File::dirname(File::dirname( File::expand_path(__FILE__) ))
-	unless Dir::pwd == basedir
-		Dir::chdir( basedir ) 
-	end
-	$LOAD_PATH.unshift basedir
-# Load modules
-require 'optparse'
-require 'rdoc/rdoc'
-require 'utils'
-include UtilityFunctions
-def makeDocs( docsdir, template='html', diagrams=false, upload=nil, ridocs=false )
-	debugMsg "docsdir = %p, template = %p, diagrams = %p, upload = %p, ridocs = %p" %
-		[docsdir, template, diagrams, upload, ridocs]
-	title = findRdocTitle()
-	docs = findRdocableFiles()
-	main = findRdocMain()
-	webcvs = findRdocCvsURL()
-	accessors = findRdocAccessors()
-	flags = [
-		'--all',
-		'--inline-source',
-		'--fmt', 'html',
-		'--include', 'docs',
-		'--template', template,
-		'--op', docsdir,
-		'--title', title,
-		'--tab-width', 4,
-	]
-	flags += [ '--quiet' ] unless $VERBOSE
-	flags += [ '--diagram' ] if diagrams
-	flags += [ '--main', main ] if main
-	flags += [ '--webcvs', webcvs ] if webcvs
-	for accessor in accessors
-		flags += [ '--accessor', accessor ]
-	end
-	if ridocs
-		header "Will create/install 'ri' source" if ridocs
-		buildRi( docs )
-	else
-		header "Making documentation in #{docsdir}."
-		header "Will upload to '#{upload}'\n" if upload
-		buildDocs( flags, docs )
-		uploadDocs( upload, docsdir ) if upload
-	end
-def buildDocs( flags, docs )
-	message "Running 'rdoc #{flags.join(' ')} #{docs.join(' ')}'\n" if $VERBOSE
-	unless $DEBUG
-		begin
-			r = RDoc::RDoc.new
-			r.document( flags + docs )
-		rescue RDoc::RDocError => e
-			$stderr.puts e.message
-			exit(1)
-		end
-	end
-def uploadDocs( url, docsdir )
-	header "Uploading new docs snapshot to #{url}."
-	case url
-	# SSH target
-	when %r{^ssh://(.*)}
-		target = $1
-		if target =~ %r{^([^/]+)/(.*)}
-			host, path = $1, $2
-			path = "/" + path unless path =~ /^(\/|\.)/
-			cmd = "tar -C #{docsdir} -cf - . | ssh #{host} 'tar -C #{path} -xvf -'"
-			unless $DEBUG
-				system( cmd )
-			else
-				message "Would have uploaded using the command:\n    #{cmd}\n\n"
-			end
-		else
-			abort "--upload ssh://host/path"
-		end
-	when %r{^file://(.*)}
-		targetdir = $1
-		targetdir.gsub!( %r{^file://}, '' )
-		File.makedirs targetdir, true
-		Dir["#{docsdir}/**/*"].each {|file|
-			fname = file.gsub( %r:#{docsdir}/:, '' )
-			if File.directory? file
-				unless $DEBUG
-					File.makedirs File.join(targetdir, fname), true
-				else
-					message %{File.makedirs %s, true\n} % File.join(targetdir, fname)
-				end
-			else
-				unless $DEBUG
-					File.install( file, File.join(targetdir, fname), 0444, true )
-				else
-					message %{File.install( %s, %s, 0444, true )\n} % [
-						file,
-						File.join(targetdir, fname),
-					]
-				end
-			end
-		}
-	else
-		raise "I don't know how to upload to urls like '#{url}'."
-	end
-def buildRi( docs )
-	message "Running 'rdoc -R #{docs.join(' ')}'\n" if $VERBOSE
-	unless $DEBUG
-		begin
-			r = RDoc::RDoc.new
-			r.document( ['-R'] + docs )
-		rescue RDoc::RDocError => e
-			$stderr.puts e.message
-			exit(1)
-		end
-	end
-if $0 == __FILE__
-	upload = nil
-	diagrams = false
-	template = 'html'
-	docsdir = "docs/html"
-	rimode = false
-	# Read command-line options
-	ARGV.options do |oparser|
-		oparser.banner = "Usage: #$0 [options]\n"
-		oparser.separator "RDoc options:"
-		oparser.on( "--diagrams", "-d", TrueClass, "Generate diagrams" ) do
-			diagrams = true
-		end
-		oparser.on( "--output=DIR", "-o=DIR", String, "Set the output directory" ) do |val|
-			docsdir = val
-		end
- 		oparser.on( "--ri", "-R", TrueClass, "Generate content for 'ri' instead of HTML" ) do
- 			rimode = true
-		end
-		oparser.separator ""
-		oparser.separator "Post-generation options:"
-		oparser.on( "--upload=[URI]", "-u=[URI]", String, "Upload to the given URI" ) do |val|
-			upload = val
-			upload = findRdocUpload() if val.nil? || val.empty?
-		end
-		oparser.separator ""
-		oparser.separator "Output options:"
-		oparser.on( "--debug", "-d", TrueClass, "Output debugging information" ) do
-			$VERBOSE = true
-			debugMsg "Turned debugging on."
-		end
-		oparser.on( "--verbose", "-v", TrueClass, "Make progress verbose" ) do
-			$VERBOSE = true
-			debugMsg "Turned verbose on."
-		end
-		# Handle the 'help' option
-		oparser.on( "--help", "-h", "Display this text." ) do
-			$stderr.puts oparser
-			exit!(0)
-		end
-		oparser.parse!
-	end
-	makeDocs( docsdir, template, diagrams, upload, rimode )

M lib/wordnet.rb +2 -0
@@ 83,5 83,7 @@ module WordNet
 	require 'wordnet/lexicon'
 	require 'wordnet/synset'
+	include WordNet::Constants
 end # module WordNet

M lib/wordnet/constants.rb +226 -230
@@ 1,5 1,7 @@ 
+require 'wordnet'
 # This is a module containing constants used in the WordNet interface for
 # Ruby. They are contained in a module to facilitate their easy inclusion in
 # other namespaces. All constants in this module are also contained in the

@@ 39,263 41,257 @@ 
 #  $Id$
-module WordNet
-	### Constant-container module
-	module Constants
+### Constant-container module
+module WordNet::Constants
-		# Synset syntactic-category names -> indicators
-			:noun		=> "n",
-			:verb		=> "v",
-			:adjective	=> "a",
-			:adverb		=> "r",
-			:other		=> "s",
-		}
-		# Syntactic-category indicators -> names
+	# Synset syntactic-category names -> indicators
+		:noun		=> "n",
+		:verb		=> "v",
+		:adjective	=> "a",
+		:adverb		=> "r",
+		:other		=> "s",
+	}
+	# Syntactic-category indicators -> names
-		# Map the categories into their own constants (eg., Noun)
-		SYNTACTIC_CATEGORIES.each do |sym,val|
-			cname = sym.to_s.capitalize
-			const_set( cname, val )
-		end
+	# Map the categories into their own constants (eg., Noun)
+	SYNTACTIC_CATEGORIES.each do |sym,val|
+		cname = sym.to_s.capitalize
+		const_set( cname, val )
+	end
-		# Information about pointer types is contained in the wninput(5WN)
-		# manpage.
+	# Information about pointer types is contained in the wninput(5WN)
+	# manpage.
-		# Synset pointer typenames -> indicators
-			:antonym		=> '!',
-			:hypernym		=> '@',
-			:entailment		=> '*',
-			:hyponym		=> '~',
-			:meronym		=> '%',
-			:holonym		=> '#',
-			:cause			=> '>',
-			:verb_group		=> %{$},
-			:similar_to		=> '&',
-			:participle		=> '<',
-			:pertainym		=> '\\',
-			:attribute		=> '=',
-			:derived_from	=> '\\',
-			:see_also		=> '^',
-			:derivation		=> '+',
-			:domain			=> ';',
-			:member			=> '-',
-		}
+	# Synset pointer typenames -> indicators
+		:antonym		=> '!',
+		:hypernym		=> '@',
+		:entailment		=> '*',
+		:hyponym		=> '~',
+		:meronym		=> '%',
+		:holonym		=> '#',
+		:cause			=> '>',
+		:verb_group		=> '$',
+		:similar_to		=> '&',
+		:participle		=> '<',
+		:pertainym		=> '\\',
+		:attribute		=> '=',
+		:derived_from	=> '\\',
+		:see_also		=> '^',
+		:derivation		=> '+',
+		:domain			=> ';',
+		:member			=> '-',
+	}
-		# Synset pointer indicator -> typename
+	# Synset pointer indicator -> typename
-		# Map the pointer types into their own symbols (eg., :verb_group => VerbGroup)
-		POINTER_TYPES.each do |sym,val|
-			cname = sym.to_s.gsub( /(?:^|_)(.)/ ) { $1.upcase }
-			const_set( cname, val )
-		end
+	# Map the pointer types into their own symbols (eg., :verb_group => VerbGroup)
+	POINTER_TYPES.each do |sym,val|
+		cname = sym.to_s.gsub( /(?:^|_)(.)/ ) { $1.upcase }
+		const_set( cname, val )
+	end
-		# Hypernym synset pointer types
-			nil             => '@', # Install non-subtype methods, too
-			:instance       => '@i',
-		}
+	# Hypernym synset pointer types
+		nil             => '@', # Install non-subtype methods, too
+		:instance       => '@i',
+	}
-		# Hypernym indicator -> type map
+	# Hypernym indicator -> type map
-		# Hyponym synset pointer types
-			nil             => '~', # Install non-subtype methods, too
-			:instance       => '~i',
-		}
+	# Hyponym synset pointer types
+		nil             => '~', # Install non-subtype methods, too
+		:instance       => '~i',
+	}
-		# Hyponym indicator -> type map
+	# Hyponym indicator -> type map
-		# Meronym synset pointer types
-			:member			=> '%m',
-			:stuff			=> '%s',
-			:portion		=> '%o',
-			:component		=> '%p',
-			:feature		=> '%f',
-			:phase			=> '%a',
-			:place			=> '%l',
-		}
+	# Meronym synset pointer types
+		:member			=> '%m',
+		:stuff			=> '%s',
+		:portion		=> '%o',
+		:component		=> '%p',
+		:feature		=> '%f',
+		:phase			=> '%a',
+		:place			=> '%l',
+	}
-		# Meronym indicator -> type map
+	# Meronym indicator -> type map
-		# Map the meronym types into their own constants (eg., MemberMeronym)
-		MERONYM_TYPES.each do |sym,val|
-			cname = sym.to_s.capitalize + "Meronym"
-			const_set( cname, val )
-		end
+	# Map the meronym types into their own constants (eg., MemberMeronym)
+	MERONYM_TYPES.each do |sym,val|
+		cname = sym.to_s.capitalize + "Meronym"
+		const_set( cname, val )
+	end
-		# Holonym synset pointer types
-			:member			=> '#m',
-			:stuff			=> '#s',
-			:portion		=> '#o',
-			:component		=> '#p',
-			:feature		=> '#f',
-			:phase			=> '#a',
-			:place			=> '#l',
-		}
+	# Holonym synset pointer types
+		:member			=> '#m',
+		:stuff			=> '#s',
+		:portion		=> '#o',
+		:component		=> '#p',
+		:feature		=> '#f',
+		:phase			=> '#a',
+		:place			=> '#l',
+	}
-		# Holonym indicator -> type map
+	# Holonym indicator -> type map
-		# Map the holonym types into their own constants (eg., MemberHolonym)
-		HOLONYM_TYPES.each do |sym,val|
-			cname = sym.to_s.capitalize + "Holonym"
-			const_set( cname, val )
-		end
+	# Map the holonym types into their own constants (eg., MemberHolonym)
+	HOLONYM_TYPES.each do |sym,val|
+		cname = sym.to_s.capitalize + "Holonym"
+		const_set( cname, val )
+	end
-		# Domain synset pointer types
-			:category		=> ';c',
-			:region			=> ';r',
-			:usage			=> ';u',
-		}
+	# Domain synset pointer types
+		:category		=> ';c',
+		:region			=> ';r',
+		:usage			=> ';u',
+	}
-		# Domain indicator -> type map
-		DomainSymbols = DOMAIN_TYPES.invert
+	# Domain indicator -> type map
+	DomainSymbols = DOMAIN_TYPES.invert
-		# Map the domain types into their own constants (eg., CategoryDomain)
-		DOMAIN_TYPES.each do |sym,val|
-			cname = sym.to_s.capitalize + "Domain"
-			const_set( cname, val )
-		end
+	# Map the domain types into their own constants (eg., CategoryDomain)
+	DOMAIN_TYPES.each do |sym,val|
+		cname = sym.to_s.capitalize + "Domain"
+		const_set( cname, val )
+	end
-		# Member synset pointer types
-			:category		=> '-c',
-			:region			=> '-r',
-			:usage			=> '-u',
-		}
+	# Member synset pointer types
+		:category		=> '-c',
+		:region			=> '-r',
+		:usage			=> '-u',
+	}
-		# Member indicator -> type map
+	# Member indicator -> type map
-		# Map the member types into their own constants (eg., CategoryMember)
-		MEMBER_TYPES.each do |sym,val|
-			cname = sym.to_s.capitalize + "Member"
-			const_set( cname, val )
-		end
+	# Map the member types into their own constants (eg., CategoryMember)
+	MEMBER_TYPES.each do |sym,val|
+		cname = sym.to_s.capitalize + "Member"
+		const_set( cname, val )
+	end
-		# Map of primary types to maps of their subtypes 
-			:hyponym    => HYPONYM_TYPES,
-			:hypernym   => HYPERNYM_TYPES,
-			:meronym	=> MERONYM_TYPES,
-			:holonym	=> HOLONYM_TYPES,
-			:member		=> MEMBER_TYPES,
-			:domain		=> DOMAIN_TYPES,
-		}
+	# Map of primary types to maps of their subtypes 
+		:hyponym    => HYPONYM_TYPES,
+		:hypernym   => HYPERNYM_TYPES,
+		:meronym	=> MERONYM_TYPES,
+		:holonym	=> HOLONYM_TYPES,
+		:member		=> MEMBER_TYPES,
+		:domain		=> DOMAIN_TYPES,
+	}
-		# Record-part delimiter
-		DELIM = '||'
-		DELIM_RE = Regexp::new( Regexp::quote(DELIM) )
+	# Record-part delimiter
+	DELIM = '||'
+	DELIM_RE = Regexp::new( Regexp::quote(DELIM) )
-		# Record-subpart delimiter
-		SUB_DELIM = '|'
-		SUB_DELIM_RE = Regexp::new( Regexp::quote(SUB_DELIM) )
+	# Record-subpart delimiter
+	SUB_DELIM = '|'
+	SUB_DELIM_RE = Regexp::new( Regexp::quote(SUB_DELIM) )
-		# Lexicographer file index -- from lexnames(5WN)
-			"adj.all",
-			"adj.pert",         
-			"adv.all",          
-			"noun.Tops",        
-			"noun.act",         
-			"noun.animal",      
-			"noun.artifact",        
-			"noun.attribute",       
-			"noun.body",        
-			"noun.cognition",       
-			"noun.communication",   
-			"noun.event",       
-			"noun.feeling",     
-			"noun.food",        
-			"noun.group",       
-			"noun.location",        
-			"noun.motive",      
-			"noun.object",      
-			"noun.person",      
-			"noun.phenomenon",      
-			"noun.plant",       
-			"noun.possession",      
-			"noun.process",     
-			"noun.quantity",        
-			"noun.relation",        
-			"noun.shape",       
-			"noun.state",       
-			"noun.substance",       
-			"noun.time",        
-			"verb.body",        
-			"verb.change",      
-			"verb.cognition",       
-			"verb.communication",   
-			"verb.competition",     
-			"verb.consumption",     
-			"verb.contact",     
-			"verb.creation",        
-			"verb.emotion",     
-			"verb.motion",      
-			"verb.perception",
-			"verb.possession",      
-			"verb.social",      
-			"verb.stative",     
-			"verb.weather",     
-			"adj.ppl"
-		]
+	# Lexicographer file index -- from lexnames(5WN)
+		"adj.all",
+		"adj.pert",         
+		"adv.all",          
+		"noun.Tops",        
+		"noun.act",         
+		"noun.animal",      
+		"noun.artifact",        
+		"noun.attribute",       
+		"noun.body",        
+		"noun.cognition",       
+		"noun.communication",   
+		"noun.event",       
+		"noun.feeling",     
+		"noun.food",        
+		"noun.group",       
+		"noun.location",        
+		"noun.motive",      
+		"noun.object",      
+		"noun.person",      
+		"noun.phenomenon",      
+		"noun.plant",       
+		"noun.possession",      
+		"noun.process",     
+		"noun.quantity",        
+		"noun.relation",        
+		"noun.shape",       
+		"noun.state",       
+		"noun.substance",       
+		"noun.time",        
+		"verb.body",        
+		"verb.change",      
+		"verb.cognition",       
+		"verb.communication",   
+		"verb.competition",     
+		"verb.consumption",     
+		"verb.contact",     
+		"verb.creation",        
+		"verb.emotion",     
+		"verb.motion",      
+		"verb.perception",
+		"verb.possession",      
+		"verb.social",      
+		"verb.stative",     
+		"verb.weather",     
+		"adj.ppl"
+	]
-		# Verb sentences (?) -- used in building verb frames.
-			"",
-			"Something ----s",
-			"Somebody ----s",
-			"It is ----ing",
-			"Something is ----ing PP",
-			"Something ----s something Adjective/Noun",
-			"Something ----s Adjective/Noun",
-			"Somebody ----s Adjective",
-			"Somebody ----s something",
-			"Somebody ----s somebody",
-			"Something ----s somebody",
-			"Something ----s something",
-			"Something ----s to somebody",
-			"Somebody ----s on something",
-			"Somebody ----s somebody something",
-			"Somebody ----s something to somebody",
-			"Somebody ----s something from somebody",
-			"Somebody ----s somebody with something",
-			"Somebody ----s somebody of something",
-			"Somebody ----s something on somebody",
-			"Somebody ----s somebody PP",
-			"Somebody ----s something PP",
-			"Somebody ----s PP",
-			"Somebody's (body part) ----s",
-			"Somebody ----s somebody to INFINITIVE",
-			"Somebody ----s somebody INFINITIVE",
-			"Somebody ----s that CLAUSE",
-			"Somebody ----s to somebody",
-			"Somebody ----s to INFINITIVE",
-			"Somebody ----s whether INFINITIVE",
-			"Somebody ----s somebody into V-ing something",
-			"Somebody ----s something with something",
-			"Somebody ----s INFINITIVE",
-			"Somebody ----s VERB-ing",
-			"It ----s that CLAUSE",
-			"Something ----s INFINITIVE"
-		]
+	# Verb sentences (?) -- used in building verb frames.
+		"",
+		"Something ----s",
+		"Somebody ----s",
+		"It is ----ing",
+		"Something is ----ing PP",
+		"Something ----s something Adjective/Noun",
+		"Something ----s Adjective/Noun",
+		"Somebody ----s Adjective",
+		"Somebody ----s something",
+		"Somebody ----s somebody",
+		"Something ----s somebody",
+		"Something ----s something",
+		"Something ----s to somebody",
+		"Somebody ----s on something",
+		"Somebody ----s somebody something",
+		"Somebody ----s something to somebody",
+		"Somebody ----s something from somebody",
+		"Somebody ----s somebody with something",
+		"Somebody ----s somebody of something",
+		"Somebody ----s something on somebody",
+		"Somebody ----s somebody PP",
+		"Somebody ----s something PP",
+		"Somebody ----s PP",
+		"Somebody's (body part) ----s",
+		"Somebody ----s somebody to INFINITIVE",
+		"Somebody ----s somebody INFINITIVE",
+		"Somebody ----s that CLAUSE",
+		"Somebody ----s to somebody",
+		"Somebody ----s to INFINITIVE",
+		"Somebody ----s whether INFINITIVE",
+		"Somebody ----s somebody into V-ing something",
+		"Somebody ----s something with something",
+		"Somebody ----s INFINITIVE",
+		"Somebody ----s VERB-ing",
+		"It ----s that CLAUSE",
+		"Something ----s INFINITIVE"
+	]
-	end # module Constants
+end # module Wordnet::Constants
-	# Make the constants available under the WordNet namespace, too.
-	include Constants
-end # module WordNet

M lib/wordnet/lexicon.rb +3 -3
@@ 90,7 90,7 @@ class WordNet::Lexicon
 	### octal mode (e.g., 0444) or one of (:readonly, :readwrite).
 	def initialize( dbenv=DEFAULT_DB_ENV, mode=:readonly )
 		@mode = normalize_mode( mode )
-		debug_msg "Mode is: %04o" % [ mode ]
+		debug_msg "Mode is: %04o" % [ @mode ]
 		envflags = 0
 		dbflags  = 0

@@ 230,7 230,7 @@ class WordNet::Lexicon
 			data = @data_db[ key ]
 			offset, part_of_speech = key.split( /%/, 2 )
-			synsets << WordNet::Synset::new( self, offset, part_of_speech, nil, data )
+			synsets << WordNet::Synset.new( self, offset, part_of_speech, nil, data )
 		return *synsets

@@ 277,7 277,7 @@ class WordNet::Lexicon
 	### Factory method: Creates and returns a new WordNet::Synset object in
 	### this lexicon for the specified +word+ and +part_of_speech+.
 	def create_synset( word, part_of_speech )
-		return WordNet::Synset::new( self, '', part_of_speech, word )
+		return WordNet::Synset.new( self, '', part_of_speech, word )
 	alias_method :new_synset, :create_synset

M lib/wordnet/synset.rb +620 -819
@@ 1,5 1,7 @@ 
+require 'wordnet/constants'
 # WordNet synonym-set object class
 # == Synopsis

@@ 31,878 33,677 @@ 
 #  $Id$
+class WordNet::Synset
+	include WordNet::Constants
-require 'sync'
-require 'wordnet/constants'
+	require 'wordnet/synset_pointer'
+	# Subversion ID
+	SVNId = %q$Id$
+	# Subversion Rev
+	SVNRev = %q$Rev$
+	#############################################################
+	###	C L A S S   M E T H O D S
+	#############################################################
-module WordNet
+	### Define a group of pointer methods based on +symbol+ that will fetch,
+	### add, and delete pointer synsets of the type indicated. If no pointer
+	### type corresponding to the given +symbol+ is found, a variant without
+	### a trailing 's' is tried (e.g., 'def_pointer_methods :antonyms' will
+	### create methods called #antonyms and #antonyms=, but will fetch
+	### pointers of type :antonym). If the pointer type has subtypes
+	### (according to WordNet::POINTER_SUBTYPES), accessors/mutators for the
+	### subtypes will be generated as well.
+	def self::def_pointer_methods( symbol ) # :nodoc:
+		name = symbol.to_s
+		casename = name.dup
+		casename[ 0,1 ] = casename[ 0,1 ].upcase
+		type = nil
+		$stderr.puts '-' * 50, 
+			">>> defining pointer methods for %p" % [symbol] if $DEBUG
-	### Synset internal error class
-	class SynsetError < StandardError ; end
+		if POINTER_TYPES.key?( symbol )
+			type = symbol
+		elsif POINTER_TYPES.key?( symbol.to_s.sub(/s$/, '').to_sym )
+			type = symbol.to_s.sub(/s$/, '').to_sym
+		else
+			raise ArgumentError, "Unknown pointer type %p" % symbol
+		end
+		# Define the accessor
+		$stderr.puts "Defining accessors for %p" % [ type ] if $DEBUG
+		define_method( name.to_sym ) { self.fetch_synset_pointers(type) }
+		define_method( "#{name}=".to_sym ) do |*synsets|
+			self.set_synset_pointers( type, synsets, nil )
+		end
+		# If the pointer is one that has subtypes, make the variants list
+		# out of the subtypes. If it doesn't have subtypes, make the only
+		# variant nil, which will cause the mutators to be defined for the
+		# main pointer type.
+		if POINTER_SUBTYPES.key?( type )
+			variants = POINTER_SUBTYPES[ type ].keys
+		else
+			variants = [nil]
+		end
+		# Define a set of methods for each variant, or for the main method
+		# if the variant is nil.
+		variants.each do |subtype|
+			varname = subtype ? [subtype, name].join('_') : name
-	### "Synonym set" class - encapsulates the data for a set of words in the
-	### lexical database that are interchangeable in some context, and provides
-	### methods for accessing its relationships.
-	class Synset
-		include WordNet::Constants
-		include CrossCase if defined?( CrossCase )
+			unless subtype.nil?
+				$stderr.puts "Defining reader for #{varname}" if $DEBUG
+				define_method( varname ) do
+					self.fetch_synset_pointers( type, subtype )
+				end
+			else
+				$stderr.puts "No subtype for %s (subtype = %p)" %
+				[ varname, subtype ] if $DEBUG
+			end
+			$stderr.puts "Defining mutator for #{varname}" if $DEBUG
+			define_method( "#{varname}=" ) do |*synsets|
+				self.set_synset_pointers( type, synsets, subtype )
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	#############################################################
+	###	I N S T A N C E   M E T H O D S
+	#############################################################
+	### Create a new Synset object in the specified +lexicon+ for the
+	### specified +word+ and +part_of_speech+. If +data+ is specified,
+	### initialize the synset's other object data from it. This method
+	### shouldn't be called directly: you should use one of the Lexicon
+	### class's factory methods: #create_synset, #lookup_synsets, or
+	### #lookup_synsets_by_keys.
+	def initialize( lexicon, offset, pos, word=nil, data=nil )
+		@lexicon = lexicon
-		# Subversion ID
-		SVNId = %q$Id$
+			@part_of_speech = SYNTACTIC_SYMBOLS[ pos ]
+		elsif SYNTACTIC_CATEGORIES.key?(pos)
+			@part_of_speech = pos
+		else
+			raise ArgumentError, "No such part of speech %p" % [ pos ]
+		end
+		@pointers    = nil
+		@offset      = offset.to_i
+		@wordlist    = word ? word : ''
+		@data        = data
+		@filenum     = nil
+		@pointerlist = ''
+		@frameslist  = ''
+		@gloss       = ''
+		@filenum, @wordlist, @pointerlist, @frameslist, @gloss = data.split( DELIM_RE ) if data
+	end
+	######
+	public
+	######
+	# The WordNet::Lexicon that was used to look up this synset
+	attr_reader :lexicon
+	# The syntactic category of this Synset. Will be one of "n" (noun), "v"
+	# (verb), "a" (adjective), "r" (adverb), or "s" (other).
+	attr_accessor :part_of_speech
-		# Subversion Rev
-		SVNRev = %q$Rev$
+	# The original byte offset of the synset in the data file; acts as the
+	# unique identifier (when combined with #part_of_speech) of this Synset in
+	# the database.
+	attr_accessor :offset
+	# The number corresponding to the lexicographer file name containing the
+	# synset. Calling #lexInfo will return the actual filename. See the
+	# "System Description" of wngloss(7WN) for more info about this.
+	attr_accessor :filenum
+	# The raw list of word/lex_id pairs associated with this synset. Each
+	# word and lex_id is separated by a '%' character, and each pair is
+	# delimited with a '|'. E.g., the wordlist for "animal" is:
+	#   "animal%0|animate_being%0|beast%0|brute%1|creature%0|fauna%1"
+	attr_accessor :wordlist
+	# The list of raw pointers to related synsets. E.g., the pointerlist for
+	# "mourning dove" is:
+	#   "@ 01731700%n 0000|#m 01733452%n 0000"
+	attr_accessor :pointerlist
+	# The list of raw verb sentence frames for this synset.
+	attr_accessor :frameslist
+	# Definition and/or example sentences for the Synset.
+	attr_accessor :gloss
+	# The raw WordNet data that represents this synset
+	attr_reader :data
-		# The "pointer" type that encapsulates relationships between one synset
-		# and another.
-		class Pointer
-			include WordNet::Constants
-			include CrossCase if defined?( CrossCase )
+	### Return a human-readable representation of the Synset suitable for
+	### debugging.
+	def inspect
+		pointer_counts = self.pointer_map.collect {|type,ptrs|
+			"#{type}s: #{ptrs.length}"
+		  }.join( ", " )
+		return %q{#<%s:0x%08x/%s %s (%s): "%s" (%s)>} % [
+			self.class.name,
+			self.object_id * 2,
+			self.offset,
+			self.words.join(", "),
+			self.part_of_speech,
+			self.gloss,
+			pointer_counts,
+		  ]
+	end
+	### Returns the Synset's unique identifier, made up of its offset and
+	### syntactic category catenated together with a '%' symbol.
+	def key
+		return "%d%%%s" % [ self.offset, self.pos ]
+	end
+	### The symbol which represents this synset's syntactic category. Will
+	### be one of :noun, :verb, :adjective, :adverb, or :other.
+	def pos
+		return SYNTACTIC_CATEGORIES[ @part_of_speech ]
+	end
-			#########################################################
-			###	C L A S S   M E T H O D S
-			#########################################################
+	### Return each of the sentences of the gloss for this synset as an
+	### array. The gloss is a definition of the synset, and optionally one
+	### or more example sentences.
+	def glosses
+		return self.gloss.split( /\s*;\s*/ )
+	end
+	### Returns true if the receiver and otherSyn are identical according to
+	### their offsets.
+	def ==( otherSyn )
+		return false unless otherSyn.kind_of?( WordNet::Synset )
+		return self.offset == otherSyn.offset
+	end
+	### Returns an Array of words and/or collocations associated with this
+	### synset.
+	def words
+		self.wordlist.split( SUB_DELIM_RE ).collect do |word|
+			word.gsub( /_/, ' ' ).sub( /%.*$/, '' )
+		end
+	end
+	alias_method :synonyms, :words
+	### Set the words in this synset's wordlist to +new_words+
+	def words=( *new_words )
+		@wordlist = new_words.join( SUB_DELIM )
+	end
-			### Make an Array of WordNet::Synset::Pointer objects out of the
-			### given +pointerList+. The pointerlist is a string of pointers
-			### delimited by Constants::SUB_DELIM. Pointers are in the form:
-			###   "<pointer_symbol> <synset_offset>%<pos> <source/target>"
-			def self::parse( pointerString )
-				type, offsetPos, ptrNums = pointerString.split(/\s+/)
-				offset, pos = offsetPos.split( /%/, 2 )
-				new( type, offset, pos, ptrNums[0,2], ptrNums[2,2] )
-			end
+	### Add the specified +new_words+ to this synset's wordlist.
+	def add_words( *new_words )
+		self.words |= new_words
+	end
+	### Delete the specified +old_words+ from this synset's wordlist. Alias:
+	### +delete_words+.
+	def delete_words( *old_words )
+		self.words -= old_words
+	end
+	### Return the synset as a string. Alias: +overview+.
+	def to_s
+		wordlist = self.words.join(", ").gsub( /%\d/, '' ).gsub( /_/, ' ' )
+		return "#{wordlist} [#{self.part_of_speech}] -- (#{self.gloss})"
+	end
+	alias_method :overview, :to_s
+	### Writes any changes made to the object to the database and updates all
+	### affected synset data and indexes. If the object passes out of scope
+	### before #store is called, the changes are lost.
+	def store
+		self.lexicon.store_synset( self )
+	end
+	alias_method :write, :store
+	### Removes this synset from the database.
+	def remove
+		self.lexicon.remove_synset( self )
+	end
-			#########################################################
-			###	I N S T A N C E   M E T H O D S
-			#########################################################
+	### Returns the synset's data in a form suitable for storage in the
+	### lexicon's database.
+	def serialize
+		return [
+			@filenum,
+			@wordlist,
+			@pointerlist,
+			@frameslist,
+			@gloss
+		  ].join( WordNet::DELIM )
+	end
+	### Auto-generate synset pointer methods for the various types
+	# The synsets for the receiver's antonyms (opposites). E.g., 
+	#   $lexicon.lookup_synsets( "opaque", :adjective, 1 ).antonyms
+	#   ==> [#<WordNet::Synset:0x010a9acc/454927 clear (adjective): "free
+	#        from cloudiness; allowing light to pass through; "clear water";
+	#        "clear plastic bags"; "clear glass"; "the air is clear and
+	#        clean"" (similar_tos: 6, attributes: 1, derivations: 2,
+	#        antonyms: 1, see_alsos: 1)>]
+	def_pointer_methods :antonyms
+	# Synsets for the receiver's entailments (a verb X entails Y if X cannot
+	# be done unless Y is or has been done). E.g.,
+	#   $lexicon.lookup_synsets( 'rasp', :verb, 1 ).entailment
+	#   ==> [#<WordNet::Synset:0x010dc24c rub (verb): "move over something
+	#        with pressure; "rub my hands"; "rub oil into her skin""
+	#        (derivations: 2, entailments: 1, hypernyms: 1, hyponyms: 13,
+	#        see_alsos: 4)>]
+	def_pointer_methods :entailment
+	# Get/set synsets for the receiver's cause pointers (a verb X causes Y
+	# to happen).
+	def_pointer_methods :causes
+	# Get/set synsets for the receiver's verb groups. Verb groups link verbs
+	# with similar senses together.
+	def_pointer_methods :verb_groups
+	# Get/set list of synsets for the receiver's "similar to" pointers. This
+	# type of pointer links together head adjective synsets with its
+	# satellite adjective synsets.
+	def_pointer_methods :similar_to
+	# Get/set synsets for the receiver's participles. Participles are
+	# non-finite forms of a verb; used adjectivally and to form compound
+	# tenses. For example, the first participle for "working" is:
+	#   "function, work, operate, go, run (verb)"
+	def_pointer_methods :participles
-			### Create a new synset pointer with the given arguments. The
-			### +ptrType+ is the type of the link between synsets, and must be
-			### either a key or a value of WordNet::Constants::POINTER_TYPES. The
-			### +offset+ is the unique identifier of the target synset, and
-			### +pos+ is its part-of-speech, which must be either a key or value
-			### of WordNet::Constants::SYNTACTIC_CATEGORIES. The +source_wn+ and
-			### +target_wn+ are numerical values which distinguish lexical and
-			### semantic pointers. +source_wn+ indicates the word number in the
-			### current (source) synset, and +target_wn+ indicates the word
-			### number in the target synset. If both are 0 (the default) it
-			### means that the pointer type of the pointer represents a semantic
-			### relation between the current (source) synset and the target
-			### synset indicated by +offset+.
-			def initialize( type, offset, pos=Noun, source_wn=0, target_wn=0 )
+	# Get/set synsets for the receiver's pertainyms. Pertainyms are
+	# relational adjectives. Adjectives that are pertainyms are usually
+	# defined by such phrases as "of or pertaining to" and do not have
+	# antonyms. A pertainym can point to a noun or another pertainym.
+	def_pointer_methods :pertainyms
+	# Get/set synsets for the receiver's attributes. 
+	def_pointer_methods :attributes
+	# Get/set synsets for the receiver's derived_from.
+	def_pointer_methods :derived_from
+	# Get/set synsets for the receiver's derivations.
+	def_pointer_methods :derivations
+	# Get/set synsets for the receiver's see_also.
+	def_pointer_methods :see_also
+	# Auto-generate types with subtypes
-				# Allow type = '!', 'antonym', or :antonym. Also handle
-				# splitting of compound pointers (e.g., :memberMeronym / '%m')
-				# into their correct type/subtype parts.
-				@type = @subtype = nil
-				if type.to_s.length == 1
-					@type = POINTER_SYMBOLS[ type[0,1] ]
+	# Synsets for the receiver's hypernyms (more-general terms). E.g.,
+	#   $lexicon.lookup_synsets( "cudgel", :noun, 1 ).hypernyms
+	#     ==> [#<WordNet::Synset:0x0109a644/3023321 club (noun): "stout
+	#          stick that is larger at one end; "he carried a club in self
+	#          defense"; "he felt as if he had been hit with a club""
+	#          (derivations: 1, hypernyms: 1, hyponyms: 7)>]
+	# 
+	# Also generates accessors for subtypes:
+	# 
+	# [instance_hypernyms]
+	#   A proper noun that refers to a particular, unique referent (as
+	#   distinguished from nouns that refer to classes).
+	def_pointer_methods :hypernyms
+	# :TODO: Generate an example for this
+	# Get/set synsets for the receiver's hyponyms (more-specific terms). E.g., 
+	#   $lexicon.lookup_synsets( "cudgel", :noun, 1 ).hyponyms
+	#     ==> [...]
+	# [instance_hyponyms]
+	#   The specific term used to designate a member of a class. X  is a 
+	#   hyponym of Y  if X  is a (kind of) Y.
+	# Also generates accessors for subtypes:
+	# 
+	# [instance_hyponyms]
+	#   A proper noun that refers to a particular, unique referent (as
+	#   distinguished from nouns that refer to classes).
+	def_pointer_methods :hyponyms
-				elsif type.to_s.length == 2
-					@type = POINTER_SYMBOLS[ type[0,1] ]
-					raise "No known subtypes for '%s'" % [@type] unless
-					POINTER_SUBTYPES.key?( @type )
-					@subtype = POINTER_SUBTYPES[ @type ].index( type ) or
-					raise "Unknown subtype '%s' for '%s'" %
-					[ type, @type ]
+	# Get/set synsets for the receiver's meronyms. In addition to the
+	# general accessors for all meronyms, there are also accessors for
+	# subtypes as well:
+	#
+	# [member_meronyms]
+	#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "member" meronyms (HAS MEMBER
+	#   relation).
+	# [stuff_meronyms]
+	#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "stuff" meronyms (IS MADE OUT OF
+	#   relation).
+	# [portion_meronyms]
+	#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "portion" meronyms (HAS PORTION
+	#   relation).
+	# [component_meronyms]
+	#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "component" meronyms (HAS
+	#   COMPONENT relation).
+	# [feature_meronyms]
+	#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "feature" meronyms (HAS FEATURE
+	#   relation).
+	# [phase_meronyms]
+	#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "phase" meronyms (HAS PHASE
+	#   relation).
+	# [place_meronyms]
+	#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "place" meronyms (HAS PLACE
+	#   relation).
+	def_pointer_methods :meronyms
-				else
-					if POINTER_TYPES.key?( type.to_sym )
-						@type = type.to_sym
-					elsif /([a-z]+)([A-Z][a-z]+)/ =~ type.to_s
-						subtype, maintype = $1, $2.downcase
-						@type = maintype.to_sym if
-						POINTER_TYPES.key?( maintype.to_sym )
-						@subtype = subtype.to_sym
-					end
-				end
+	# Get/set synsets for the receiver's holonyms. In addition to the
+	# general accessors for all holonyms, there are also accessors for
+	# subtypes as well:
+	#
+	# [member_holonyms]
+	#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "member" holonyms (IS A MEMBER OF
+	#   relation).
+	# [stuff_holonyms]
+	#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "stuff" holonyms (IS MATERIAL OF
+	#   relation).
+	# [portion_holonyms]
+	#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "portion" holonyms (IS A PORTION
+	#   OF relation).
+	# [component_holonyms]
+	#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "component" holonyms (IS A
+	#   COMPONENT OF relation).
+	# [feature_holonyms]
+	#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "feature" holonyms (IS A FEATURE
+	#   OF relation).
+	# [phase_holonyms]
+	#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "phase" holonyms (IS A PHASE OF
+	#   relation).
+	# [place_holonyms]
+	#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "place" holonyms (IS A PLACE IN
+	#   relation).
+	def_pointer_methods :holonyms
+	# Get/set synsets for the receiver's topical domain members. In addition
+	# to the general members accessor, there are also accessors for
+	# membership subtypes:
+	#
+	# [category_members]
+	#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's
+	# "category" topical domain members.
+	# [region_members]
+	#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "region"
+	# topical domain members.
+	# [usage_members]
+	#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "usage"
+	# topical domain members.
+	def_pointer_methods :members
-				raise ArgumentError, "No such pointer type %p" % type if
-				@type.nil?
+	# Get/set synsets for the receiver's topical domain domains. In addition
+	# to the general domains accessor, there are also accessors for
+	# domainship subtypes:
+	#
+	# [category_domains]
+	#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's
+	#   "category" topical domain domains.
+	# [region_domains]
+	#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "region"
+	#   topical domain domains.
+	# [usage_domains]
+	#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "usage"
+	#   topical domain domains.
+	def_pointer_methods :domains
+	### Returns an Array of the coordinate sisters of the receiver.
+	def coordinates
+		self.hypernyms.collect {|syn| syn.hyponyms }.flatten
+	end
+	### Return the name of the "lexicographer's file" associated with this
+	### synset.
+	def lex_info
+		return LEXFILES[ self.filenum.to_i ]
+	end
-				# Allow pos = 'n', 'noun', or :noun
-				@part_of_speech = nil
-				if pos.to_s.length == 1
-					@part_of_speech = SYNTACTIC_SYMBOLS[ pos ]
-				else
-					@part_of_speech = pos.to_sym if
-					SYNTACTIC_CATEGORIES.key?( pos.to_sym )
-				end
-				raise ArgumentError, "No such part of speech %p" % pos if
-				@part_of_speech.nil?
+	### Sets the "lexicographer's file" association for this synset to
+	### +id+. The value in +id+ should correspond to one of the values in
+	### #WordNet::LEXFILES
+	def lexInfo=( id )
+		raise ArgumentError, "Bad index: Lexinfo id must be within LEXFILES" unless
+			LEXFILES[id]
+		self.filenum = id
+	end
+	### Returns an +Array+ of verb frame +String+s for the synset.
+	def frames
+		frarray = self.frameslist.split( WordNet::SUB_DELIM_RE )
+		verbFrames = []
-				# Other attributes
-				@offset		= offset
-				@source_wn	= source_wn
-				@target_wn	= target_wn
+		frarray.each {|fr|
+			fnum, wnum = fr.split
+			if wnum > 0
+				wordtext = " (" + self.words[wnum] + ")"
+				verbFrames.push VERB_SENTS[ fnum ] + wordtext
+			else
+				verbFrames.push VERB_SENTS[ fnum ]
+			end
+		}
+		return verbFrames
+	end
+	### Build a Proc to do recursive traversal of the specified +type+ of 
+	### relationship. It returns the synsets it traverses.
+	def build_traversal_func( type, include_origin=true )
+		func = Proc.new do |syn,depth|
+			depth ||= 0
+			# Flag to continue traversal
+			halt_flag = false
+			# Call the block if it exists and we're either past the origin or
+			# including it
+			if block_given? && (include_origin || depth.nonzero?)
+				res = yield( syn, depth )
+				halt_flag = true if res.is_a? TrueClass
-			######
-			public
-			######
-			# The type of the pointer. Will be one of the keys of
-			# WordNet::POINTER_TYPES (e.g., :meronym).
-			attr_accessor :type
-			# The subtype of the pointer, if any. Will be one of the keys of one
-			# of the hashes in POINTER_SUBTYPES (e.g., :portion).
-			attr_accessor :subtype
-			# The offset of the target synset
-			attr_accessor :offset
-			# The part-of-speech of the target synset. Will be one of the keys
-			attr_accessor :part_of_speech
-			# The word number in the source synset
-			attr_accessor :source_wn
-			# The word number in the target synset
-			attr_accessor :target_wn
+			# Make an array for holding sub-synsets we see
+			sub_syns = []
+			sub_syns << syn unless depth.zero? && !include_origin
-			### Return the Pointer as a human-readable String suitable for
-			### debugging.
-			def inspect
-				"#<%s:0x%08x %s %s>" % [
-					self.class.name,
-					self.object_id,
-					@subtype ? "#@type(#@subtype)" : @type,
-					self.synset,
-				]
-			end
-			### Return the synset key of the target synset (i.e.,
-			### <offset>%<pos symbol>).
-			def synset
-				self.offset + "%" + self.pos
-			end
-			### Return the syntactic category symbol for this pointer
-			def pos
-				return SYNTACTIC_CATEGORIES[ @part_of_speech ]
-			end
-			### Return the pointer type symbol for this pointer
-			def type_symbol
-				unless @subtype
-					return POINTER_TYPES[ @type ]
-				else
-					return POINTER_SUBTYPES[ @type ][ @subtype ]
+			# Iterate over each synset returned by calling the pointer on the
+			# current syn. For each one, we call ourselves recursively, and
+			# break out of the iterator with a false value if the block has
+			# indicated we should abort by returning a false value.
+			unless halt_flag
+				syn.send( type ).each do |subsyn|
+					sub_sub_syns, halt_flag = func.call( subsyn, depth + 1 )
+					sub_syns += sub_sub_syns
+					break if halt_flag
-			### Comparison operator. Pointer are equivalent if they point at the
-			### same synset and are of the same type.
-			def ==( other )
-				return false unless other.is_a?( self.class )
-				other.offset == self.offset &&
-				other.type == self.type
-			end
+			# return
+			[ sub_syns, halt_flag ]
+		end
+		return func
+	end
-			### Return the pointer in its stringified form.
-			def to_s
-				"%s %d%%%s %02x%02x" % [ 
-					ptr.type_symbol,
-					ptr.offset,
-					ptr.posSymbol,
-					ptr.source_wn,
-					ptr.target_wn,
-				]
-			end
-		end # class Pointer
+	### Traversal iterator: Iterates depth-first over a particular
+	### +type+ of the receiver, and all of the pointed-to synset's
+	### pointers. If called with a block, the block is called once for each
+	### synset with the +foundSyn+ and its +depth+ in relation to the
+	### originating synset as arguments. The first call will be the
+	### originating synset with a depth of +0+ unless +include_origin+ is
+	### +false+. If the +callback+ returns +true+, the traversal is halted,
+	### and the method returns immediately. This method returns an Array of
+	### the synsets which were traversed if no block is given, or a flag
+	### which indicates whether or not the traversal was interrupted if a
+	### block is given.
+	def traverse( type, include_origin=true )
+		raise ArgumentError, "Illegal parameter 1: Must be either a String or a Symbol" unless
+			type.kind_of?( String ) || type.kind_of?( Symbol )
+		raise ArgumentError, "Synset doesn't support the #{type.to_s} pointer type." unless
+			self.respond_to?( type )
+		traversal_func = nil
+		# Call the iterator
+		traversal_func = self.build_traversal_func( type, include_origin )
+		traversed_sets, halt_flag =  traversal_func.call( self )
+		# If a block was given, just return whether or not the block was halted.
+		if block_given?
+			return halt_flag
+			# If no block was given, return the traversed synsets
+		else
+			return traversed_sets
+		end
+	end
-		#############################################################
-		###	C L A S S   M E T H O D S
-		#############################################################
+	### Returns the distance in pointers between the receiver and +otherSynset+
+	### using +type+ as the search path.
+	def distance( type, otherSynset )
+		dist = nil
+		self.traverse( type ) {|syn,depth|
+			if syn == otherSynset
+				dist = depth
+				true
+			end
+		}
-		### Define a group of pointer methods based on +symbol+ that will fetch,
-		### add, and delete pointer synsets of the type indicated. If no pointer
-		### type corresponding to the given +symbol+ is found, a variant without
-		### a trailing 's' is tried (e.g., 'def_pointer_methods :antonyms' will
-		### create methods called #antonyms and #antonyms=, but will fetch
-		### pointers of type :antonym). If the pointer type has subtypes
-		### (according to WordNet::POINTER_SUBTYPES), accessors/mutators for the
-		### subtypes will be generated as well.
-		def self::def_pointer_methods( symbol ) # :nodoc:
-			name = symbol.to_s
-			casename = name.dup
-			casename[ 0,1 ] = casename[ 0,1 ].upcase
-			type = nil
-			$stderr.puts '-' * 50, 
-			">>> defining pointer methods for %p" % [symbol] if $DEBUG
+		return dist
+	end
-			if POINTER_TYPES.key?( symbol )
-				type = symbol
-			elsif POINTER_TYPES.key?( symbol.to_s.sub(/s$/, '').to_sym )
-				type = symbol.to_s.sub(/s$/, '').to_sym
-			else
-				raise ArgumentError, "Unknown pointer type %p" % symbol
-			end
-			# Define the accessor
-			$stderr.puts "Defining accessors for %p" % [ type ] if $DEBUG
-			define_method( name.to_sym ) { self.fetch_synset_pointers(type) }
-			define_method( "#{name}=".to_sym ) do |*synsets|
-				self.set_synset_pointers( type, synsets, nil )
-			end
+	### Recursively searches all of the receiver's pointers of the specified
+	### +type+ for +otherSynset+, returning +true+ if it is found.
+	def search( type, otherSynset )
+		self.traverse( type ) {|syn,depth|
+			syn == otherSynset
+		}
+	end
-			# If the pointer is one that has subtypes, make the variants list
-			# out of the subtypes. If it doesn't have subtypes, make the only
-			# variant nil, which will cause the mutators to be defined for the
-			# main pointer type.
-			if POINTER_SUBTYPES.key?( type )
-				variants = POINTER_SUBTYPES[ type ].keys
-			else
-				variants = [nil]
-			end
-			# Define a set of methods for each variant, or for the main method
-			# if the variant is nil.
-			variants.each do |subtype|
-				varname = subtype ? [subtype, name].join('_') : name
+	### Union: Return the least general synset that the receiver and
+	### +otherSynset+ have in common as a hypernym, or nil if it doesn't share
+	### any.
+	def |( otherSyn )
-				unless subtype.nil?
-					$stderr.puts "Defining reader for #{varname}" if $DEBUG
-					define_method( varname ) do
-						self.fetch_synset_pointers( type, subtype )
-					end
-				else
-					$stderr.puts "No subtype for %s (subtype = %p)" %
-					[ varname, subtype ] if $DEBUG
-				end
+		# Find all of this syn's hypernyms
+		hyper_syns = self.traverse( :hypernyms )
+		common_syn = nil
-				$stderr.puts "Defining mutator for #{varname}" if $DEBUG
-				define_method( "#{varname}=" ) do |*synsets|
-					self.set_synset_pointers( type, synsets, subtype )
-				end
+		# Now traverse the other synset's hypernyms looking for one of our
+		# own hypernyms.
+		otherSyn.traverse( :hypernyms ) do |syn,depth|
+			if hyper_syns.include?( syn )
+				common_syn = syn
+				break true
+		return common_syn
+	end
-		#############################################################
-		###	I N S T A N C E   M E T H O D S
-		#############################################################
-		### Create a new Synset object in the specified +lexicon+ for the
-		### specified +word+ and +part_of_speech+. If +data+ is specified,
-		### initialize the synset's other object data from it. This method
-		### shouldn't be called directly: you should use one of the Lexicon
-		### class's factory methods: #create_synset, #lookup_synsets, or
-		### #lookup_synsetsByOffset.
-		def initialize( lexicon, offset, pos, word=nil, data=nil )
-			@lexicon = lexicon or
-			raise ArgumentError, "%p is not a WordNet::Lexicon" % lexicon
-			@part_of_speech	= SYNTACTIC_SYMBOLS[ pos ] or
-			raise ArgumentError, "No such part of speech %p" % pos
-			@mutex = Sync::new
-			@pointers = []
+	### Returns the pointers in this synset's pointerlist as an +Array+
+	def pointers
+		@pointers ||= @pointerlist.split(SUB_DELIM_RE).collect {|pstr|
+			Pointer.parse( pstr )
+		}
-			if data
-				@offset = offset.to_i
-				@filenum, @wordlist, @pointerlist,
-				@frameslist, @gloss = data.split( DELIM_RE )
-			else
-				@offset = 1
-				@wordlist = word ? word : ''
-				@filenum, @pointerlist, @frameslist, @gloss = [''] * 4
-			end
-		end
+		return @pointers
+	end
-		######
-		public
-		######
-		# The WordNet::Lexicon that was used to look up this synset
-		attr_reader :lexicon
-		# The syntactic category of this Synset. Will be one of "n" (noun), "v"
-		# (verb), "a" (adjective), "r" (adverb), or "s" (other).
-		attr_accessor :part_of_speech
-		# The original byte offset of the synset in the data file; acts as the
-		# unique identifier (when combined with #part_of_speech) of this Synset in
-		# the database.
-		attr_accessor :offset
-		# The number corresponding to the lexicographer file name containing the
-		# synset. Calling #lexInfo will return the actual filename. See the
-		# "System Description" of wngloss(7WN) for more info about this.
-		attr_accessor :filenum
-		# The raw list of word/lex_id pairs associated with this synset. Each
-		# word and lex_id is separated by a '%' character, and each pair is
-		# delimited with a '|'. E.g., the wordlist for "animal" is:
-		#   "animal%0|animate_being%0|beast%0|brute%1|creature%0|fauna%1"
-		attr_accessor :wordlist
-		# The list of raw pointers to related synsets. E.g., the pointerlist for
-		# "mourning dove" is:
-		#   "@ 01731700%n 0000|#m 01733452%n 0000"
-		attr_accessor :pointerlist
-		# The list of raw verb sentence frames for this synset.
-		attr_accessor :frameslist
-		# Definition and/or example sentences for the Synset.
-		attr_accessor :gloss
+	### Set the pointers in this synset's pointerlist to +new_pointers+
+	def pointers=( *new_pointers )
+		@pointerlist = new_pointers.collect {|ptr| ptr.to_s}.join( SUB_DELIM )
+		@pointers = new_pointers
+	end
-		### Return a human-readable representation of the Synset suitable for
-		### debugging.
-		def inspect
-			pointer_counts = self.pointer_map.collect {|type,ptrs|
-				"#{type}s: #{ptrs.length}"
-				}.join( ", " )
-				%q{#<%s:0x%08x/%s %s (%s): "%s" (%s)>} % [
-				self.class.name,
-				self.object_id * 2,
-				self.offset,
-				self.words.join(", "),
-				self.part_of_speech,
-				self.gloss,
-				pointer_counts,
-			]
-		end
-		### Returns the Synset's unique identifier, made up of its offset and
-		### syntactic category catenated together with a '%' symbol.
-		def key
-			"%d%%%s" % [ self.offset, self.pos ]
+	### Returns the synset's pointers in a Hash keyed by their type.
+	def pointer_map
+		return self.pointers.inject( {} ) do |hsh,ptr|
+			hsh[ ptr.type ] ||= []
+			hsh[ ptr.type ] << ptr
+			hsh
-		### The symbol which represents this synset's syntactic category. Will
-		### be one of :noun, :verb, :adjective, :adverb, or :other.
-		def pos
-			return SYNTACTIC_CATEGORIES[ @part_of_speech ]
-		end
-		### Return each of the sentences of the gloss for this synset as an
-		### array. The gloss is a definition of the synset, and optionally one
-		### or more example sentences.
-		def glosses
-			return self.gloss.split( /\s*;\s*/ )
-		end
-		### Returns true if the receiver and otherSyn are identical according to
-		### their offsets.
-		def ==( otherSyn )
-			return false unless otherSyn.kind_of?( WordNet::Synset )
-			return self.offset == otherSyn.offset
-		end
+	end
-		### Returns an Array of words and/or collocations associated with this
-		### synset.
-		def words
-			@mutex.synchronize( Sync::SH ) {
-				self.wordlist.split( SUB_DELIM_RE ).collect do |word|
-					word.gsub( /_/, ' ' ).sub( /%.*$/, '' )
-				end
-			}
-		end
-		alias_method :synonyms, :words
-		### Set the words in this synset's wordlist to +newWords+
-		def words=( *newWords )
-			@mutex.synchronize( Sync::EX ) {
-				@wordlist = newWords.join( SUB_DELIM )
-			}
-		end
-		### Add the specified +newWords+ to this synset's wordlist. Alias:
-		### +add_words+.
-		def add_words( *newWords )
-			@mutex.synchronize( Sync::EX ) {
-				self.words |= newWords
-			}
-		end
-		### Delete the specified +oldWords+ from this synset's wordlist. Alias:
-		### +delete_words+.
-		def delete_words( *oldWords )
-			@mutex.synchronize( Sync::EX ) {
-				self.words -= oldWords
-			}
-		end
+	#########
+	protected
+	#########
-		### Return the synset as a string. Alias: +overview+.
-		def to_s
-			@mutex.synchronize( Sync::SH ) {
-				wordlist = self.words.join(", ").gsub( /%\d/, '' ).gsub( /_/, ' ' )
-				return "#{wordlist} [#{self.part_of_speech}] -- (#{self.gloss})"
-			}
-		end
-		alias_method :overview, :to_s
-		### Writes any changes made to the object to the database and updates all
-		### affected synset data and indexes. If the object passes out of scope
-		### before #write is called, the changes are lost.
-		def store
-			@mutex.synchronize( Sync::EX ) {
-				self.lexicon.store_synset( self )
-			}
-		end
-		alias_method :write, :store
+	### Returns an Array of synset objects for the receiver's pointers of the
+	### specified +type+.
+	def fetch_synset_pointers( type, subtype=nil )
-		### Removes this synset from the database.
-		def remove
-			@mutex.synchronize( Sync::EX ) {
-				self.lexicon.remove_synset( self )
-			}
-		end
-		### Returns the synset's data in a form suitable for storage in the
-		### lexicon's database.
-		def serialize
-			@mutex.synchronize( Sync::SH ) {
-				return [
-					@filenum,
-					@wordlist,
-					@pointerlist,
-					@frameslist,
-					@gloss
-					].join( WordNet::DELIM )
-				}
+		# Iterate over this synset's pointers, looking for ones that match
+		# the type we're after. 
+		pointers = self.pointers.
+			find_all do |ptr|
+				ptr.type == type and
+				subtype.nil? || ptr.subtype == subtype
-			### Auto-generate synset pointer methods for the various types
-			# The synsets for the receiver's antonyms (opposites). E.g., 
-			#   $lexicon.lookup_synsets( "opaque", :adjective, 1 ).antonyms
-			#   ==> [#<WordNet::Synset:0x010a9acc/454927 clear (adjective): "free
-			#        from cloudiness; allowing light to pass through; "clear water";
-			#        "clear plastic bags"; "clear glass"; "the air is clear and
-			#        clean"" (similar_tos: 6, attributes: 1, derivations: 2,
-			#        antonyms: 1, see_alsos: 1)>]
-			def_pointer_methods :antonyms
-			# Synsets for the receiver's entailments (a verb X entails Y if X cannot
-			# be done unless Y is or has been done). E.g.,
-			#   $lexicon.lookup_synsets( 'rasp', :verb, 1 ).entailment
-			#   ==> [#<WordNet::Synset:0x010dc24c rub (verb): "move over something
-			#        with pressure; "rub my hands"; "rub oil into her skin""
-			#        (derivations: 2, entailments: 1, hypernyms: 1, hyponyms: 13,
-			#        see_alsos: 4)>]
-			def_pointer_methods :entailment
-			# Get/set synsets for the receiver's cause pointers (a verb X causes Y
-			# to happen).
-			def_pointer_methods :causes
-			# Get/set synsets for the receiver's verb groups. Verb groups link verbs
-			# with similar senses together.
-			def_pointer_methods :verb_groups
-			# Get/set list of synsets for the receiver's "similar to" pointers. This
-			# type of pointer links together head adjective synsets with its
-			# satellite adjective synsets.
-			def_pointer_methods :similar_to
-			# Get/set synsets for the receiver's participles. Participles are
-			# non-finite forms of a verb; used adjectivally and to form compound
-			# tenses. For example, the first participle for "working" is:
-			#   "function, work, operate, go, run (verb)"
-			def_pointer_methods :participles
-			# Get/set synsets for the receiver's pertainyms. Pertainyms are
-			# relational adjectives. Adjectives that are pertainyms are usually
-			# defined by such phrases as "of or pertaining to" and do not have
-			# antonyms. A pertainym can point to a noun or another pertainym.
-			def_pointer_methods :pertainyms
-			# Get/set synsets for the receiver's attributes. 
-			def_pointer_methods :attributes
-			# Get/set synsets for the receiver's derived_from.
-			def_pointer_methods :derived_from
-			# Get/set synsets for the receiver's derivations.
-			def_pointer_methods :derivations
-			# Get/set synsets for the receiver's see_also.
-			def_pointer_methods :see_also
-			# Auto-generate types with subtypes
-			# Synsets for the receiver's hypernyms (more-general terms). E.g.,
-			#   $lexicon.lookup_synsets( "cudgel", :noun, 1 ).hypernyms
-			#     ==> [#<WordNet::Synset:0x0109a644/3023321 club (noun): "stout
-			#          stick that is larger at one end; "he carried a club in self
-			#          defense"; "he felt as if he had been hit with a club""
-			#          (derivations: 1, hypernyms: 1, hyponyms: 7)>]
-			# 
-			# Also generates accessors for subtypes:
-			# 
-			# [instance_hypernyms]
-			#   A proper noun that refers to a particular, unique referent (as
-			#   distinguished from nouns that refer to classes).
-			def_pointer_methods :hypernyms
-			# :TODO: Generate an example for this
-			# Get/set synsets for the receiver's hyponyms (more-specific terms). E.g., 
-			#   $lexicon.lookup_synsets( "cudgel", :noun, 1 ).hyponyms
-			#     ==> [...]
-			# [instance_hyponyms]
-			#   The specific term used to designate a member of a class. X  is a 
-			#   hyponym of Y  if X  is a (kind of) Y.
-			# Also generates accessors for subtypes:
-			# 
-			# [instance_hyponyms]
-			#   A proper noun that refers to a particular, unique referent (as
-			#   distinguished from nouns that refer to classes).
-			def_pointer_methods :hyponyms
+		# 
+		return pointers.
+			collect {|ptr| ptr.synset }.
+			collect {|key| @lexicon.lookup_synsets_by_key( key )}.flatten
+	end
-			# Get/set synsets for the receiver's meronyms. In addition to the
-			# general accessors for all meronyms, there are also accessors for
-			# subtypes as well:
-			#
-			# [member_meronyms]
-			#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "member" meronyms (HAS MEMBER
-			#   relation).
-			# [stuff_meronyms]
-			#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "stuff" meronyms (IS MADE OUT OF
-			#   relation).
-			# [portion_meronyms]
-			#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "portion" meronyms (HAS PORTION
-			#   relation).
-			# [component_meronyms]
-			#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "component" meronyms (HAS
-			#   COMPONENT relation).
-			# [feature_meronyms]
-			#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "feature" meronyms (HAS FEATURE
-			#   relation).
-			# [phase_meronyms]
-			#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "phase" meronyms (HAS PHASE
-			#   relation).
-			# [place_meronyms]
-			#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "place" meronyms (HAS PLACE
-			#   relation).
-			def_pointer_methods :meronyms
-			# Get/set synsets for the receiver's holonyms. In addition to the
-			# general accessors for all holonyms, there are also accessors for
-			# subtypes as well:
-			#
-			# [member_holonyms]
-			#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "member" holonyms (IS A MEMBER OF
-			#   relation).
-			# [stuff_holonyms]
-			#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "stuff" holonyms (IS MATERIAL OF
-			#   relation).
-			# [portion_holonyms]
-			#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "portion" holonyms (IS A PORTION
-			#   OF relation).
-			# [component_holonyms]
-			#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "component" holonyms (IS A
-			#   COMPONENT OF relation).
-			# [feature_holonyms]
-			#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "feature" holonyms (IS A FEATURE
-			#   OF relation).
-			# [phase_holonyms]
-			#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "phase" holonyms (IS A PHASE OF
-			#   relation).
-			# [place_holonyms]
-			#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "place" holonyms (IS A PLACE IN
-			#   relation).
-			def_pointer_methods :holonyms
-			# Get/set synsets for the receiver's topical domain members. In addition
-			# to the general members accessor, there are also accessors for
-			# membership subtypes:
-			#
-			# [category_members]
-			#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's
-			# "category" topical domain members.
-			# [region_members]
-			#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "region"
-			# topical domain members.
-			# [usage_members]
-			#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "usage"
-			# topical domain members.
-			def_pointer_methods :members
-			# Get/set synsets for the receiver's topical domain domains. In addition
-			# to the general domains accessor, there are also accessors for
-			# domainship subtypes:
-			#
-			# [category_domains]
-			#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's
-			#   "category" topical domain domains.
-			# [region_domains]
-			#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "region"
-			#   topical domain domains.
-			# [usage_domains]
-			#   Get/set synsets for the receiver's "usage"
-			#   topical domain domains.
-			def_pointer_methods :domains
-			### Returns an Array of the coordinate sisters of the receiver.
-			def coordinates
-				self.hypernyms.collect {|syn|
-					syn.hyponyms
-					}.flatten
-				end
-				### Return the name of the "lexicographer's file" associated with this
-				### synset.
-				def lex_info
-					@mutex.synchronize( Sync::SH ) {
-						return LEXFILES[ self.filenum.to_i ]
-					}
-				end
-				### Sets the "lexicographer's file" association for this synset to
-				### +id+. The value in +id+ should correspond to one of the values in
-				### #WordNet::LEXFILES
-				def lexInfo=( id )
-					raise ArgumentError, "Bad index: Lexinfo id must be within LEXFILES" unless
-					LEXFILES[id]
-					@mutex.synchronize( Sync::EX ) {
-						self.filenum = id
-					}
-				end
-				### Returns an +Array+ of verb frame +String+s for the synset.
-				def frames
-					frarray = self.frameslist.split( WordNet::SUB_DELIM_RE )
-					verbFrames = []
-					@mutex.synchronize( Sync::SH ) {
-						frarray.each {|fr|
-							fnum, wnum = fr.split
-							if wnum > 0
-								wordtext = " (" + self.words[wnum] + ")"
-								verbFrames.push VERB_SENTS[ fnum ] + wordtext
-							else
-								verbFrames.push VERB_SENTS[ fnum ]
-							end
-						}
-					}
-					return verbFrames
-				end
+	### Sets the receiver's synset pointers for the specified +type+ to
+	### the specified +synsets+.
+	def set_synset_pointers( type, synsets, subtype=nil )
+		synsets = [ synsets ] unless synsets.is_a?( Array )
+		pmap = self.pointer_map
+		pmap[ type ] = synsets
+		self.pointers = pmap.values
+	end
-				### Traversal iterator: Iterates depth-first over a particular
-				### +type+ of the receiver, and all of the pointed-to synset's
-				### pointers. If called with a block, the block is called once for each
-				### synset with the +foundSyn+ and its +depth+ in relation to the
-				### originating synset as arguments. The first call will be the
-				### originating synset with a depth of +0+ unless +includeOrigin+ is
-				### +false+. If the +callback+ returns +true+, the traversal is halted,
-				### and the method returns immediately. This method returns an Array of
-				### the synsets which were traversed if no block is given, or a flag
-				### which indicates whether or not the traversal was interrupted if a
-				### block is given.
-				def traverse( type, includeOrigin=true )
-					raise ArgumentError, "Illegal parameter 1: Must be either a String or a Symbol" unless
-					type.kind_of?( String ) || type.kind_of?( Symbol )
-					raise ArgumentError, "Synset doesn't support the #{type.to_s} pointer type." unless
-					self.respond_to?( type )
-					foundSyns = []
-					depth = 0
-					traversalFunc = nil
-					# Build a traversal function which we can call recursively. It'll return
-					# the synsets it traverses.
-					traversalFunc = Proc.new {|syn,newDepth|
-						# Flag to continue traversal
-						haltFlag = false
-						# Call the block if it exists and we're either past the origin or
-						# including it
-						if block_given? && (newDepth > 0 || includeOrigin)
-							res = yield( syn, newDepth )
-							haltFlag = true if res.is_a? TrueClass
-						end
-						# Make an array for holding sub-synsets we see
-						subSyns = []
-						subSyns.push( syn ) unless newDepth == 0 && !includeOrigin
-						# Iterate over each synset returned by calling the pointer on the
-						# current syn. For each one, we call ourselves recursively, and
-						# break out of the iterator with a false value if the block has
-						# indicated we should abort by returning a false value.
-						unless haltFlag
-							syn.send( type ).each {|subSyn|
-								subSubSyns, haltFlag = traversalFunc.call( subSyn, newDepth + 1 )
-								subSyns.push( *subSubSyns ) unless subSubSyns.empty?
-								break if haltFlag
-							}
-						end
-						# return
-						[ subSyns, haltFlag ]
-					}
-					# Call the iterator
-					traversedSets, haltFlag =  traversalFunc.call( self, depth )
-					# If a block was given, just return whether or not the block was halted.
-					if block_given?
-						return haltFlag
-						# If no block was given, return the traversed synsets
-					else
-						return traversedSets
-					end
-				end
-				### Returns the distance in pointers between the receiver and +otherSynset+
-				### using +type+ as the search path.
-				def distance( type, otherSynset )
-					dist = nil
-					self.traverse( type ) {|syn,depth|
-						if syn == otherSynset
-							dist = depth
-							true
-						end
-					}
-					return dist
-				end
-				### Recursively searches all of the receiver's pointers of the specified
-				### +type+ for +otherSynset+, returning +true+ if it is found.
-				def search( type, otherSynset )
-					self.traverse( type ) {|syn,depth|
-						syn == otherSynset
-					}
-				end
+end # class WordNet::Synset
-				### Union: Return the least general synset that the receiver and
-				### +otherSynset+ have in common as a hypernym, or nil if it doesn't share
-				### any.
-				def |( otherSyn )
-					# Find all of this syn's hypernyms
-					hyperSyns = self.traverse( :hypernyms )
-					commonSyn = nil
-					# Now traverse the other synset's hypernyms looking for one of our
-					# own hypernyms.
-					otherSyn.traverse( :hypernyms ) {|syn,depth|
-						if hyperSyns.include?( syn )
-							commonSyn = syn
-							true
-						end
-					}
-					return commonSyn
-				end
-				### Returns the pointers in this synset's pointerlist as an +Array+
-				def pointers
-					@mutex.synchronize( Sync::SH ) {
-						@mutex.synchronize( Sync::EX ) {
-							@pointers = @pointerlist.split(SUB_DELIM_RE).collect {|pstr|
-								Pointer::parse( pstr )
-							}
-							} if @pointers.empty?
-							@pointers
-						}
-					end
-					### Set the pointers in this synset's pointerlist to +newPointers+
-					def pointers=( *newPointers )
-						@mutex.synchronize( Sync::EX ) {
-							@pointerlist = newPointers.collect {|ptr| ptr.to_s}.join( SUB_DELIM )
-							@pointers = newPointers
-						}
-					end
-					### Returns the synset's pointers in a Hash keyed by their type.
-					def pointer_map
-						return self.pointers.inject( {} ) do |hsh,ptr|
-							hsh[ ptr.type ] ||= []
-							hsh[ ptr.type ] << ptr
-							hsh
-						end
-					end
-					#########
-					protected
-					#########
-					### Returns an Array of synset objects for the receiver's pointers of the
-					### specified +type+.
-					def fetch_synset_pointers( type, subtype=nil )
-						synsets = nil
-						# Iterate over this synset's pointers, looking for ones that match
-						# the type we're after. When we find one, we extract its offset and
-						# use that to look it up.
-						@mutex.synchronize( Sync::SH ) do
-							synsets = self.pointers.
-							find_all {|ptr|
-								ptr.type == type and
-								subtype.nil? || ptr.subtype == subtype
-								}.
-								collect {|ptr| ptr.synset }.
-								collect {|key| @lexicon.lookup_synsets_by_key( key )}
-							end
-							return synsets.flatten
-						end
-						### Sets the receiver's synset pointers for the specified +type+ to
-						### the specified +synsets+.
-						def set_synset_pointers( type, synsets, subtype=nil )
-							synsets = [ synsets ] unless synsets.is_a?( Array )
-							pmap = self.pointer_map
-							pmap[ type ] = synsets
-							self.pointers = pmap.values
-						end
-					end # class Synset
-				end # module WordNet

A => lib/wordnet/synset_pointer.rb +218 -0
@@ 0,0 1,218 @@ 
+require 'wordnet'
+require 'wordnet/constants'
+require 'wordnet/synset'
+# WordNet synonym-set pointer class -- the "pointer" type that encapsulates
+# relationships between one synset and another.
+# == Authors
+# * Michael Granger <ged@FaerieMUD.org>
+# Copyright (c) 2002-2008 The FaerieMUD Consortium. All rights reserved.
+# This module is free software. You may use, modify, and/or redistribute this
+# software under the terms of the Perl Artistic License. (See
+# http://language.perl.com/misc/Artistic.html)
+# Much of this code was inspired by/ported from the Lingua::Wordnet Perl module
+# by Dan Brian.
+# == Version
+#  $Id$
+class Pointer
+	include WordNet::Constants
+	#########################################################
+	###	C L A S S   M E T H O D S
+	#########################################################
+	### Make an Array of WordNet::Synset::Pointer objects out of the
+	### given +pointer_string+. The pointer_string is a string of pointers
+	### delimited by WordNet::Constants::SUB_DELIM. Pointers are in the form:
+	###   "<pointer_symbol> <synset_offset>%<pos> <source/target>"
+	def self::parse( pointer_string )
+		type, offset_pos, ptr_nums = pointer_string.split(/\s+/)
+		offset, pos = offset_pos.split( /%/, 2 )
+		return new( type, offset, pos, ptr_nums[0,2], ptr_nums[2,2] )
+	end
+	#########################################################
+	###	I N S T A N C E   M E T H O D S
+	#########################################################
+	### Create a new synset pointer with the given arguments. The
+	### +type+ is the type of the link between synsets, and must be
+	### either a key or a value of WordNet::Constants::POINTER_TYPES. The
+	### +offset+ is the unique identifier of the target synset, and
+	### +pos+ is its part-of-speech, which must be either a key or value
+	### of WordNet::Constants::SYNTACTIC_CATEGORIES. The +source_wn+ and
+	### +target_wn+ are numerical values which distinguish lexical and
+	### semantic pointers. +source_wn+ indicates the word number in the
+	### current (source) synset, and +target_wn+ indicates the word
+	### number in the target synset. If both are 0 (the default) it
+	### means that the pointer type of the pointer represents a semantic
+	### relation between the current (source) synset and the target
+	### synset indicated by +offset+.
+	def initialize( type, offset, pos=Noun, source_wn=0, target_wn=0 )
+		@type = @subtype = nil
+		@type, @subtype = self.normalize_type( type )
+		@part_of_speech = self.normalize_part_of_speech( pos )
+		# Other attributes
+		@offset		= offset
+		@source_wn	= source_wn
+		@target_wn	= target_wn
+	end
+	######
+	public
+	######
+	# The type of the pointer. Will be one of the keys of
+	# WordNet::POINTER_TYPES (e.g., :meronym).
+	attr_accessor :type
+	# The subtype of the pointer, if any. Will be one of the keys of one
+	# of the hashes in POINTER_SUBTYPES (e.g., :portion).
+	attr_accessor :subtype
+	# The offset of the target synset
+	attr_accessor :offset
+	# The part-of-speech of the target synset. Will be one of the keys
+	attr_accessor :part_of_speech
+	# The word number in the source synset
+	attr_accessor :source_wn
+	# The word number in the target synset
+	attr_accessor :target_wn
+	### Return the Pointer as a human-readable String suitable for
+	### debugging.
+	def inspect
+		"#<%s:0x%08x %s %s>" % [
+			self.class.name,
+			self.object_id,
+			@subtype ? "#@type(#@subtype)" : @type,
+			self.synset,
+		]
+	end
+	### Return the synset key of the target synset (i.e.,
+	### <offset>%<pos symbol>).
+	def synset
+		self.offset + "%" + self.pos
+	end
+	### Return the syntactic category symbol for this pointer
+	def pos
+		return SYNTACTIC_CATEGORIES[ @part_of_speech ]
+	end
+	### Return the pointer type symbol for this pointer
+	def type_symbol
+		unless @subtype
+			return POINTER_TYPES[ @type ]
+		else
+			return POINTER_SUBTYPES[ @type ][ @subtype ]
+		end
+	end
+	### Comparison operator. Pointer are equivalent if they point at the
+	### same synset and are of the same type.
+	def ==( other )
+		return false unless other.is_a?( self.class )
+		other.offset == self.offset &&
+		other.type == self.type
+	end
+	### Return the pointer in its stringified form.
+	def to_s
+		"%s %d%%%s %02x%02x" % [ 
+			ptr.type_symbol,
+			ptr.offset,
+			ptr.posSymbol,
+			ptr.source_wn,
+			ptr.target_wn,
+		]
+	end
+	#########
+	protected
+	#########
+	### Given a type description, normalize it into one of the WordNet pointer types (and
+	### subtype, if applicable)
+	def normalize_type( typedesc )
+		type = subtype = nil
+		# Allow type = '!', 'antonym', or :antonym. Also handle
+		# splitting of compound pointers (e.g., :member_meronym / '%m')
+		# into their correct type/subtype parts.
+		case typedesc.to_s.length
+		when 1
+			type = POINTER_SYMBOLS[ typedesc.to_s[0,1] ]
+		when 2
+			type = POINTER_SYMBOLS[ typedesc.to_s[0,1] ]
+			raise "No known subtypes for '%s'" % [@type] unless
+				POINTER_SUBTYPES.key?( type )
+			subtype = POINTER_SUBTYPES[ type ].index( typedesc ) or
+				raise "Unknown subtype '%s' for '%s'" % [ typedesc, @type ]
+		else
+			if POINTER_TYPES.key?( typedesc.to_sym )
+				type = typedesc.to_sym
+			elsif /([a-z]+)([A-Z][a-z]+)/ =~ typedesc.to_s
+				subtype, maintype = $1, $2.downcase
+				type = maintype.to_sym if
+					POINTER_TYPES.key?( maintype.to_sym )
+				subtype = subtype.to_sym
+			end
+		end
+		raise ArgumentError, "No such pointer type %p" % [ typedesc ] if type.nil?
+		return type, subtype
+	end
+	### Given a part of speech description, normalize it into one of the WordNet parts of speech
+	### types.
+	def normalize_part_of_speech( pos )
+		if pos.to_s.length == 1
+			return SYNTACTIC_SYMBOLS[ pos ]
+		elsif SYNTACTIC_CATEGORIES.key?( pos.to_sym )
+			return pos.to_sym
+		end
+		raise ArgumentError, "No such part of speech %p" % [ pos ]
+	end
+end # class WordNet::Pointer

A => spec/wordnet/synset_pointer_spec.rb +38 -0
@@ 0,0 1,38 @@ 
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+	require 'pathname'
+	basedir = Pathname.new( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent.parent
+	libdir = basedir + 'lib'
+	$LOAD_PATH.unshift( libdir ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( libdir )
+	require 'fileutils'
+	require 'tmpdir'
+	require 'bdb'
+	require 'spec/runner'
+	require 'spec/lib/helpers'
+	require 'wordnet/lexicon'
+	require 'wordnet/synset'
+rescue LoadError
+	unless Object.const_defined?( :Gem )
+		require 'rubygems'
+		retry
+	end
+	raise
+###	C O N T E X T S
+describe WordNet::Synset do

M spec/wordnet/synset_spec.rb +104 -184
@@ 33,17 33,31 @@ end
 describe WordNet::Synset do
-	Accessors = [
-		:part_of_speech,
-		:offset,
-		:filenum,
-		:wordlist,
-		:pointerlist,
-		:frameslist,
-		:gloss,
-	]
-	RelationMethods = [
+	TEST_SYNSET_DATA = "09||linguistics%0||@ 05999797%n 0000|#p 06142861%n 0000|+ " +
+		"02843218%a 0101|+ 10264437%n 0101|-c 00111415%a 0000|-c 00111856%a 0000|-c 00120252%a " +
+		"0000|-c 00120411%a 0000|-c 00201802%a 0000|-c 00699651%a 0000|-c 00699876%a 0000|-c " +
+		"00819852%a 0000|-c 00820219%a 0000|-c 00820458%a 0000|-c 00820721%a 0000|-c 00820975%a " +
+		"0000|-c 00821208%a 0000|-c 01973823%a 0000|-c 02297664%a 0000|-c 02297966%a 0000|-c " +
+		"02298285%a 0000|-c 02298642%a 0000|-c 02298766%a 0000|-c 02478052%a 0000|-c 02482790%a " +
+		"0000|-c 02593124%a 0000|-c 02593578%a 0000|-c 02836479%a 0000|-c 02856124%a 0000|-c " +
+		"02993853%a 0000|-c 03041636%a 0000|-c 03045196%a 0000|-c 03102278%a 0000|-c 03129490%a " +
+		"0000|-c 00098051%n 0000|-c 04986883%n 0000|-c 05087664%n 0000|-c 05153897%n 0000|-c " +
+		"05850212%n 0000|~ 06168552%n 0000|~ 06168703%n 0000|~ 06168855%n 0000|~ 06169050%n 0000|-c " +
+		"06174404%n 0000|-c 06175829%n 0000|-c 06175967%n 0000|-c 06176107%n 0000|-c 06176322%n " +
+		"0000|-c 06176519%n 0000|-c 06177450%n 0000|~ 06179290%n 0000|~ 06179492%n 0000|~ 06179792%n " +
+		"0000|~ 06181123%n 0000|~ 06181284%n 0000|~ 06181448%n 0000|~ 06181584%n 0000|~ 06181893%n " +
+		"0000|-c 06249910%n 0000|-c 06250444%n 0000|-c 06290051%n 0000|-c 06290637%n 0000|-c " +
+		"06300193%n 0000|-c 06331803%n 0000|-c 06483702%n 0000|-c 06483992%n 0000|-c 06484279%n " +
+		"0000|-c 07111510%n 0000|-c 07111711%n 0000|-c 07111933%n 0000|-c 07259772%n 0000|-c " +
+		"07259984%n 0000|-c 07276018%n 0000|-c 08103635%n 0000|-c 13433061%n 0000|-c 13508333%n " +
+		"0000|-c 13802920%n 0000|-c 00587390%v 0000|-c 00587522%v 0000|-c 00634286%v 0000|-c " +
+		"01013856%v 0000|-c 01735556%v 0000||||the scientific study of language"

@@ 87,201 101,107 @@ describe WordNet::Synset do
-	AggregateRelationMethods = [
-	before( :each ) do
-		@blank_syn = WordNet::Synset::new( @lexicon, "1%n", WordNet::Noun )
-		@traversal_syn = @lexicon.lookup_synsets( 'linguistics', :noun, 1 )
+	it "provides defaults for instances created with just a lexicon, offset, and part of speech" do
+		syn = WordNet::Synset.new( :lexicon, TEST_SYNSET_OFFSET, TEST_SYNSET_POS )
+		syn.filenum.should be_nil()
+		syn.wordlist.should == ''
+		syn.pointerlist.should == ''
+		syn.frameslist.should == ''
+		syn.gloss.should == ''
-	#################################################################
-	###	T E S T S
-	#################################################################
-	### Accessors
-	def test_accessors
-		printTestHeader "Synset: Accessors"
-		rval = nil
-		assert_respond_to @blankSyn, :lexicon
-		Accessors.each do |meth|
-			assert_respond_to @blankSyn, meth
-			assert_respond_to @blankSyn, "#{meth}="
-			assert_nothing_raised do
-				rval = @blankSyn.send( meth )
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	### Relations
-	def test_relations
-		printTestHeader "Synset: Relation methods"
-		rval = nil
-		RelationMethods.each do |meth|
-			casemeth = meth.to_s.sub( /^(\w)/ ) {|char| char.upcase }.intern
-			assert_respond_to @blankSyn, meth
-			assert_respond_to @blankSyn, "#{meth}="
-			assert_nothing_raised {
-				rval = @blankSyn.send( meth )
-			}
-			assert_instance_of Array, rval
+	it "has (generated) methods for each type of WordNet relation" do
+		RELATION_METHODS.each do |relation|
+			WordNet::Synset.instance_method( relation ).should be_an_instance_of( UnboundMethod )
-	### Aggregate relation methods
-	def test_aggregate_relations
-		printTestHeader "Synset: Aggregate relations"
-		rval = nil
-		AggregateRelationMethods.each {|meth|
-			assert_respond_to @blankSyn, meth
-			assert_nothing_raised {
-				rval = @blankSyn.send( meth )
-			}
-			assert_instance_of Array, rval
-		}
-	end
-	### Traversal method
-	def test_synset_should_respond_to_traverse_method
-		printTestHeader "Synset: Traversal method"
-		assert_respond_to @traversalSyn, :traverse
-	end
-    ### :TODO: This should really be split into two tests.
-	### Traversal: include origin, break loop
-	def test_traversal_with_true_second_arg_should_include_origin
-		printTestHeader "Synset: Traversal, including origin, break"
-		rval = nil
-		count = depth = 0
-		sets = []
+	describe "instance created from synset data" do
-		assert_nothing_raised {
-			rval = @traversalSyn.traverse( :hyponyms, true ) {|tsyn,tdepth|
-				sets << tsyn
-				depth = tdepth
-				count += 1
-				return true
-			}
-		}
-		assert_equal true, rval
-		assert_equal 1, sets.length
-		assert_equal @traversalSyn, sets[0]
-		assert_equal 0, depth
-		assert_equal 1, count
-	end
-    ### :TODO: This should really be split into two tests.
-	### Traversal: exclude origin, break loop
-	def test_traversal_with_false_second_arg_should_not_include_origin
-		printTestHeader "Synset: Traversal, excluding origin, break"
-		rval = nil
-		count = depth = 0
-		sets = []
-		assert_nothing_raised {
-			rval = @traversalSyn.traverse( :hyponyms, false ) {|tsyn,tdepth|
-				sets << tsyn
-				depth = tdepth
-				count += 1
-				return true
-			}
-		}
-		assert_equal true, rval
-		assert_equal 1, sets.length
-		assert_not_equal @traversalSyn, sets[0]
-		assert_equal 1, depth
-		assert_equal 1, count
-	end
-	### Traversal: include origin, nobreak, noblock
-	def test_hyponym_traversal_with_no_block_should_return_appropriate_hyponyms
-		printTestHeader "Synset: Traversal, include origin, nobreak, noblock"
-		sets = []
-		assert_nothing_raised {
-			sets = @traversalSyn.traverse( :hyponyms )
-		}
-		assert_block { sets.length > 1 }
-		assert_equal @traversalSyn, sets[0]
-		assert_block { sets.find {|hsyn| hsyn.words.include?( "grammar" )} }
-		assert_block { sets.find {|hsyn| hsyn.words.include?( "syntax" )} }
-		assert_block { sets.find {|hsyn| hsyn.words.include?( "computational linguistics" )} }
-	end
+		before( :each ) do
+			@lexicon = mock( "lexicon" )
+			@synset = WordNet::Synset.new( @lexicon,
+		end
-	### Traversal: exclude origin, nobreak, noblock
-	def test_hyponym_traversal_with_no_block_and_false_second_arg_should_return_holonyms_but_not_the_origin
-		printTestHeader "Synset: Traversal, exclude origin, nobreak, noblock"
-		sets = []
-		assert_nothing_raised {
-			sets = @traversalSyn.traverse( :hyponyms, false )
-		}
-		assert_block { sets.length > 1 }
-		assert_not_equal @traversalSyn, sets[0]
-		assert_block { sets.find {|hsyn| hsyn.words.include?( "grammar" )} }
-		assert_block { sets.find {|hsyn| hsyn.words.include?( "syntax" )} }
-		assert_block { sets.find {|hsyn| hsyn.words.include?( "computational linguistics" )} }
-	end
+		it "knows what part_of_speech it is" do
+			@synset.part_of_speech.should == TEST_SYNSET_POS
+		end
+		it "knows what offset it is" do
+			@synset.offset.should == TEST_SYNSET_OFFSET
+		end
+		it "knows what filenum it is" do
+			@synset.filenum.should == '09'
+		end
+		it "knows what its wordlist is" do
+			@synset.wordlist.should == 'linguistics%0'
+		end
+		POINTER_PATTERN = /(\S{2} \d+%[nvars] \d{4})/
+		it "knows what its pointerlist is" do
+			@synset.pointerlist.should =~ LIST_OF_POINTERS
+		end
+		it "knows what frameslist it is" do
+			@synset.frameslist.should == ''
+		end
+		it "knows what its gloss is" do
+			@synset.gloss.should =~ /study of language/i
+		end
-	### Traversal: include origin, nobreak, noblock
-	def test_traversal_break_after_3_should_include_three_sets_plus_origin
-		printTestHeader "Synset: Traversal, break after 3"
-		rval = nil
-		sets = Hash::new {|hsh,key| hsh[key] = []}
+		### :TODO: Test traversal, content, storing, higher-order functions
+		describe "traversal" do
-		assert_nothing_raised {
-			rval = @traversalSyn.traverse( :hyponyms ) {|tsyn,tdepth|
-				sets[tdepth] << tsyn
-				tdepth == 3
-			}
-		}
-		assert_equal 4, sets.keys.length
-		assert_equal [0,1,2,3], sets.keys.sort
-		assert_equal 1, sets[3].length
-		assert rval, "Break early flag expected to be set"
-	end
+			it "can traverse its relationships and return the resulting synsets" do
+				hypernym1 = mock( "hypernym of linguistics" )
+				hypernym2 = mock( "super-hypernym of linguistics" )
+				@lexicon.should_receive( :lookup_synsets_by_key ).with( /\d+%[nvars]/ ).
+					and_return( hypernym1 )
+				hypernym1.should_receive( :hypernyms ).and_return([ hypernym2 ])
+				hypernym2.should_receive( :hypernyms ).and_return([])
+				synsets = @synset.traverse( :hypernyms )
+				synsets.should have(3).members
+				synsets.should include( @synset, hypernym1, hypernym2 )
+			end
-	### Part of speech: part_of_speech
-	def test_part_of_speech_should_return_the_symbol_part_of_speech
-		printTestHeader "Synset: part_of_speech"
-		rval = nil
-		assert_nothing_raised { rval = @traversalSyn.part_of_speech }
-		assert_equal :noun, rval
-	end
+			it "can exclude its origin term from a traversal set" do
+				hypernym1 = mock( "hypernym of linguistics" )
+				hypernym2 = mock( "super-hypernym of linguistics" )
+				@lexicon.should_receive( :lookup_synsets_by_key ).with( /\d+%[nvars]/ ).
+					and_return( hypernym1 )
+				hypernym1.should_receive( :hypernyms ).and_return([ hypernym2 ])
+				hypernym2.should_receive( :hypernyms ).and_return([])
-	### Part of speech: pos
-	def test_pos_should_return_the_synsets_singlechar_part_of_speech
-		printTestHeader "Synset: pos"
-		rval = nil
+				synsets = @synset.traverse( :hypernyms, false )
+				synsets.should have(2).members
+				synsets.should include( hypernym1, hypernym2 )
+			end
-		assert_nothing_raised { rval = @traversalSyn.pos }
-		assert_equal "n", rval
-	end
+		end # "traversal"
-	### :TODO: Test traversal, content, storing, higher-order functions
+	end # "instance"