Simplified default DB code
M lib/wordnet.rb +1 -1
@@ 15,7 15,7 @@ module WordNet
 	# Release version
-	VERSION = '1.0.1'
+	VERSION = '1.1.0'
 	# VCS revision
 	REVISION = %q$Revision: $

M lib/wordnet/lexicon.rb +9 -24
@@ 9,6 9,13 @@ require 'wordnet' unless defined?( WordN
 require 'wordnet/constants'
 require 'wordnet/model'
+# Try to load the default database gem, ignoring it if it's not installed.
+	require 'wordnet-defaultdb'
+rescue LoadError
+	# No-op
 # WordNet lexicon class - provides access to the WordNet lexical
 # database, and provides factory methods for looking up words[rdoc-ref:WordNet::Word]

@@ 129,30 136,8 @@ class WordNet::Lexicon
 	### Get the Sequel URI of the default database, if it's installed.
 	def self::default_db_uri
-		self.log.debug "Fetching the default db URI"
-		# Try to load the default database gem, ignoring it if it's not installed.
-		begin
-			gem 'wordnet-defaultdb'
-		rescue Gem::LoadError
-		end
-		# Now try the gem datadir first, and fall back to a local installation of the
-		# default db
-		datadir = nil
-		if Gem.datadir( 'wordnet-defaultdb' )
-			datadir = Pathname( Gem.datadir('wordnet-defaultdb') )
-		else
-			self.log.warn "  no defaultdb gem; looking for the development database"
-			datadir = Pathname( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent.parent +
-				'wordnet-defaultdb/data/wordnet-defaultdb'
-		end
-		dbfile = datadir + 'wordnet31.sqlite'
-		self.log.debug "  dbfile is: %s" % [ dbfile ]
-		if dbfile.exist?
-			return "sqlite:#{dbfile}"
+		if defined?( WordNet::DefaultDB )
+			return WordNet::DefaultDB.uri
 			return nil

M spec/helpers.rb +3 -0
@@ 5,9 5,12 @@ 
 # SimpleCov test coverage reporting; enable this using the :coverage rake task
 require 'simplecov' if ENV['COVERAGE']
+$LOAD_PATH.unshift( 'wordnet-defaultdb/lib' )
 require 'rspec'
 require 'loggability/spechelpers'
 require 'wordnet'
+require 'wordnet/defaultdb'
 ### RSpec helper functions.

M spec/wordnet/lexicon_spec.rb +1 -36
@@ 16,44 16,9 @@ describe WordNet::Lexicon do
-	context "the default_db_uri method" do
-		it "uses the wordnet-defaultdb database gem (if available)" do
-			expect( Gem ).to receive( :datadir ).with( 'wordnet-defaultdb' ).at_least( :once ).
-				and_return( '/tmp/foo' )
-			expect( FileTest ).to receive( :exist? ).with( '/tmp/foo/wordnet31.sqlite' ).
-				and_return( true )
-			expect( WordNet::Lexicon.default_db_uri ).to eq( "sqlite:/tmp/foo/wordnet31.sqlite" )
-		end
-		it "uses the development version of the wordnet-defaultdb database gem if it's " +
-		   "not installed" do
-			expect( Gem ).to receive( :datadir ).with( 'wordnet-defaultdb' ).
-				and_return( nil )
-			expect( FileTest ).to receive( :exist? ).with( devdb.to_s ).
-				and_return( true )
-			expect( WordNet::Lexicon.default_db_uri ).to eq( "sqlite:#{devdb}" )
-		end
-		it "returns nil if there is no default database" do
-			expect( Gem ).to receive( :datadir ).with( 'wordnet-defaultdb' ).
-				and_return( nil )
-			expect( FileTest ).to receive( :exist? ).with( devdb.to_s ).
-				and_return( false )
-			expect( WordNet::Lexicon.default_db_uri ).to be_nil()
-		end
-	end
 	it "raises an exception if created with no arguments and no defaultdb is available" do
-		expect( Gem ).to receive( :datadir ).with( 'wordnet-defaultdb' ).at_least( :once ).
+		expect( WordNet::DefaultDB ).to receive( :uri ).at_least( :once ).
 			and_return( nil )
-		expect( FileTest ).to receive( :exist? ).with( devdb.to_s ).
-			and_return( false )
 		expect {

M wordnet-defaultdb/lib/wordnet-defaultdb.rb +3 -38
@@ 1,40 1,5 @@ 
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require 'pathname'
-# This gem is a container for the default WordNetSQL database files required for
-# the 'wordnet' gem. It's mostly just a wrapper around the Sqlite database from:
-# == Author/s
-# * Michael Granger <>
-module WordNet
-	module DefaultDB
-		# Library version constant
-		VERSION = '2.0.0'
+# -*- ruby -*-
+#encoding: utf-8
-		# Version-control revision constant
-		REVISION = %q$Revision$
+require 'wordnet/defaultdb'
-		# The data directory which contains the database file
-			elsif Gem.datadir( 'wordnet-defaultdb' ) && Gem.datadir('wordnet-defaultdb') )
-				Pathname( Gem.datadir('wordnet-defaultdb') )
-			else
-				Pathname( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent + 'data/wordnet-defaultdb'
-			end
-		### The Sequel URI for the database
-		def self::uri
-		end
-	end # module DefaultDB
-end # module Wordnet

A => wordnet-defaultdb/lib/wordnet/defaultdb.rb +41 -0
@@ 0,0 1,41 @@ 
+# -*- ruby -*-
+#encoding: utf-8
+require 'wordnet'
+require 'pathname'
+# This gem is a container for the default database files required for the
+# 'wordnet' gem. It's mostly just a wrapper around the Sqlite database from
+# SQLUNet:
+module WordNet::DefaultDB
+	# Library version constant
+	VERSION = '2.0.0'
+	# Version-control revision constant
+	REVISION = %q$Revision$
+	# The data directory which contains the database file
+		elsif Gem.datadir( 'wordnet-defaultdb' ) && Gem.datadir('wordnet-defaultdb') )
+			Pathname( Gem.datadir('wordnet-defaultdb') )
+		else
+			Pathname( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent.parent + 'data/wordnet-defaultdb'
+		end
+	# The name of the bundled Sqlite database
+	DATABASE_FILENAME = 'wordnet31.sqlite'
+	### Return the Sequel URI for the database
+	def self::uri
+		dbfile = WordNet::DefaultDB::DATA_DIR + DATABASE_FILENAME
+		return nil unless dbfile.exist?
+		return "sqlite:%s" % [ dbfile ]
+	end
+end # module WordNet::DefaultDB

A => wordnet-defaultdb/spec/spec_helper.rb +32 -0
@@ 0,0 1,32 @@ 
+#!/usr/bin/env rspec
+	require 'pathname'
+	$LOAD_PATH << Pathname( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent + 'lib'
+require 'rspec'
+require 'wordnet/defaultdb'
+RSpec.configure do |config|
+	config.expect_with :rspec do |expectations|
+		expectations.include_chain_clauses_in_custom_matcher_descriptions = true
+	end
+	config.mock_with :rspec do |mocks|
+		mocks.verify_partial_doubles = true
+	end
+	config.shared_context_metadata_behavior = :apply_to_host_groups
+	config.filter_run_when_matching :focus
+	config.example_status_persistence_file_path = "spec/.state"
+	config.disable_monkey_patching!
+	config.warnings = true
+	config.profile_examples = 10
+	config.order = :random
+	Kernel.srand config.seed

A => wordnet-defaultdb/spec/wordnet/defaultdb_spec.rb +25 -0
@@ 0,0 1,25 @@ 
+#!/usr/bin/env rspec -cfd
+require_relative '../spec_helper'
+require 'rspec'
+require 'wordnet'
+require 'wordnet/defaultdb'
+RSpec.describe WordNet::DefaultDB do
+	it "knows what the URL of its database is" do
+		expect( described_class.uri ).to start_with( 'sqlite:' ).and( end_with('wordnet31.sqlite') )
+	end
+	it "returns nil if its data file does not exist" do
+		expect( FileTest ).to receive( :exist? ).with( a_string_ending_with('wordnet31.sqlite') ).
+			and_return( false )
+		expect( described_class.uri ).to be_nil
+	end