Add frequency agility config to Channel
3 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

M ant-wireless.gemspec
M ext/ant_ext/channel.c
M lib/ant/response_callbacks.rb
M ant-wireless.gemspec +3 -3
@@ 1,16 1,16 @@ 
 # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-# stub: ant-wireless 0.3.0.pre.20210930122511 ruby lib
+# stub: ant-wireless 0.3.0.pre.20211008123124 ruby lib
 # stub: ext/ant_ext/extconf.rb do |s| = "ant-wireless".freeze
-  s.version = "0.3.0.pre.20210930122511"
+  s.version = "0.3.0.pre.20211008123124"
   s.required_rubygems_version ="> 1.3.1".freeze) if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version=
   s.metadata = { "bug_tracker_uri" => "", "changelog_uri" => "", "documentation_uri" => "", "homepage_uri" => "", "source_uri" => "" } if s.respond_to? :metadata=
   s.require_paths = ["lib".freeze]
   s.authors = ["Michael Granger".freeze, "Mahlon E. Smith".freeze]
- = "2021-09-30"
+ = "2021-10-08"
   s.description = "A binding for the ANT ultra-low power wireless protocol via the Garmin USB ANT Stick. ANT can be used to send information wirelessly from one device to another device, in a robust and flexible manner.".freeze = ["".freeze, "".freeze]
   s.extensions = ["ext/ant_ext/extconf.rb".freeze]

M ext/ant_ext/channel.c +28 -0
@@ 132,6 132,7 @@ rant_channel_init( VALUE self, VALUE cha
 	rb_iv_set( self, "@device_number", Qnil );
 	rb_iv_set( self, "@transmission_type", Qnil );
 	rb_iv_set( self, "@rf_frequency", Qnil );
+	rb_iv_set( self, "@agility_frequencies", Qnil );
 	rb_hash_aset( registry, channel_number, self );

@@ 299,6 300,31 @@ rant_channel_set_channel_rf_freq( VALUE 
+static VALUE
+rant_channet_set_frequency_agility( VALUE self, VALUE freq1, VALUE freq2, VALUE freq3 )
+	rant_channel_t *ptr = rant_get_channel( self );
+	unsigned char ucFreq1 = NUM2CHR( freq1 ),
+		ucFreq2 = NUM2CHR( freq2 ),
+		ucFreq3 = NUM2CHR( freq3 );
+	VALUE frequencies = rb_ary_new_from_args( 3, freq1, freq2, freq3 );
+	if ( ucFreq1 > 124 || ucFreq2 > 124 || ucFreq3 > 124 ) {
+		rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "frequencies must be between 0 and 124." );
+	}
+	rant_log_obj( self, "info",
+		"Configuring channel %d to use frequency agility on %d, %d, and %d MHz.",
+		ptr->channel_num, ucFreq1 + 2400, ucFreq2 + 2400, ucFreq3 + 2400 );
+	ANT_ConfigFrequencyAgility( ptr->channel_num, ucFreq1, ucFreq2, ucFreq3 );
+	rb_ary_freeze( frequencies );
+	rb_iv_set( self, "@agility_frequencies", frequencies );
+	return Qtrue;

@@ 588,12 614,14 @@ init_ant_channel()
 	rb_attr( rant_cAntChannel, rb_intern("device_type"), 1, 0, 0 );
 	rb_attr( rant_cAntChannel, rb_intern("transmission_type"), 1, 0, 0 );
 	rb_attr( rant_cAntChannel, rb_intern("rf_frequency"), 1, 0, 0 );
+	rb_attr( rant_cAntChannel, rb_intern("agility_frequencies"), 1, 0, 0 );
 	rb_define_method( rant_cAntChannel, "set_channel_id", rant_channel_set_channel_id, -1 );
 	rb_define_method( rant_cAntChannel, "set_channel_period", rant_channel_set_channel_period, -1 );
 	rb_define_method( rant_cAntChannel, "set_channel_search_timeout",
 		rant_channel_set_channel_search_timeout, -1 );
 	rb_define_method( rant_cAntChannel, "set_channel_rf_freq", rant_channel_set_channel_rf_freq, 1 );
+	rb_define_method( rant_cAntChannel, "set_frequency_agility", rant_channet_set_frequency_agility, 3 );
 	rb_define_method( rant_cAntChannel, "open", rant_channel_open, -1 );
 	rb_define_method( rant_cAntChannel, "close", rant_channel_close, -1 );

M lib/ant/response_callbacks.rb +9 -0
@@ 48,6 48,8 @@ module Ant::ResponseCallbacks
 		Ant::Message::MESG_RADIO_TX_POWER_ID            => :on_radio_tx_power,
+		Ant::Message::MESG_AUTO_FREQ_CONFIG_ID          => :on_auto_freq_config,
 		# :TODO: There are many other MESG_ constants, but I think most or all of
 		# them are for the serial protocol.

@@ 227,6 229,13 @@ module Ant::ResponseCallbacks
+	### Handle on_rx_ext_mesgs_enable response event.
+	def on_auto_freq_config( channel_num, data )
+		self.log_response_event( channel_num, data, "enabling frequency agility",
+			"Enabled frequency agility." )
+	end
 	### Handle capabilities response event.
 	def on_capabilities( channel_num, data )
 		std_opts  = data.bytes[2] )