M README.rdoc +1 -1
@@ 216,7 216,7 @@ and generate the API documentation.
== License
-Copyright (c) 2011-2019, Michael Granger and Mahlon E. Smith
+Copyright (c) 2011-2020, Michael Granger and Mahlon E. Smith
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
M gem.deps.rb +3 -2
@@ 4,7 4,7 @@ gem 'configurability', '~> 3.1'
gem 'foreman', '~> 0.62'
gem 'highline', '~> 1.6'
gem 'inversion', '~> 1.0'
-gem 'loggability', '~> 0.9'
+gem 'loggability', '~> 0.15'
gem 'mongrel2', '~> 0.53'
gem 'pluggability', '~> 0.4'
gem 'sysexits', '~> 1.1'
@@ 13,9 13,10 @@ gem 'safe_yaml', '~> 1.0'
gem 'gli', '~> 2.14'
group( :development ) do
- gem 'rake-deveiate', '~> 0.4'
+ gem 'rake-deveiate', '~> 0.5'
gem 'rspec', '~> 3.8'
gem 'simplecov', '~> 0.7'
gem 'rdoc-generator-fivefish', '~> 0.1'
+ gem 'sqlite3', '~> 1.4', '>= 1.4.2'
M lib/strelka/app/parameters.rb +3 -12
@@ 8,11 8,10 @@ require 'strelka/plugins'
require 'strelka/paramvalidator'
-# Parameter validation and untainting for Strelka apps.
+# Parameter validation for Strelka apps.
-# When you include the +:parameters+ plugin, you can declare valid parameters, specify
-# constraints that describe what they should contain, and automatically untaint the incoming
-# values that match.
+# When you include the +:parameters+ plugin, you can declare valid parameters and specify
+# constraints that describe what incoming values should match.
# == Parameter Declaration
@@ 101,14 100,6 @@ module Strelka::App::Parameters
- ### Get/set the untainting flag. If set, all parameters which match their constraints
- ### will also be untainted.
- def untaint_all_constraints( newval=nil )
- self.paramvalidator.untaint_all = newval unless newval.nil?
- return self.paramvalidator.untaint_all?
- end
### Inheritance hook -- inheriting classes inherit their parents' parameter
### declarations, too.
def inherited( subclass )
M lib/strelka/app/restresources.rb +0 -3
@@ 152,9 152,6 @@ module Strelka::App::RestResources
route = [ options[:prefix], name ].compact.join( '/' )
self.log.warn "Route is: %p" % [[ options[:prefix], name ]]
- # Ensure validated parameters are untainted
- self.untaint_all_constraints
# Make and install handler methods
self.log.debug " adding readers"
self.add_options_handler( route, rsrcobj, options )
M lib/strelka/cookie.rb +1 -1
@@ 79,7 79,7 @@ class Strelka::Cookie
raise Strelka::ParseError, "malformed cookie pair: %p" % [ cookie_pair ]
# self.log.debug " matched cookie: %p" % [ match ]
- name = match[:cookie_name].untaint
+ name = match[:cookie_name]
value = match[:cookie_value]
value = self.dequote( value ) if value.start_with?( DQUOTE )
value = nil if value.empty?
M lib/strelka/mixins.rb +1 -1
@@ 244,7 244,7 @@ module Strelka
newhash = {}
hash.each do |key,val|
- keysym = key.to_s.dup.untaint.to_sym
+ keysym = key.to_s.dup.to_sym
if val.is_a?( Hash )
newhash[ keysym ] = symbolify_keys( val )
M lib/strelka/paramvalidator.rb +22 -45
@@ 26,10 26,7 @@ require 'strelka/app' unless defined?( S
# validator.add( :feedback, :printable, "Customer Feedback" )
# validator.override( :email, :printable, "Your Email Address" )
-# # Untaint all parameter values which match their constraints
-# validate.untaint_all_constraints = true
-# # Now pass in tainted values in a hash (e.g., from an HTML form)
+# # Now pass in values in a hash (e.g., from an HTML form)
# validator.validate( req.params )
# # Now if there weren't any errors, use some form values to fill out the
@@ 79,7 76,7 @@ class Strelka::ParamValidator
# Flags that are passed as Symbols when declaring a parameter
- FLAGS = [ :required, :untaint, :multiple ]
+ FLAGS = [ :required, :multiple ]
# Map of constraint specification types to their equivalent Constraint class.
TYPES = { Proc => self }
@@ 124,7 121,6 @@ class Strelka::ParamValidator
@description = args.shift if args.first.is_a?( String )
@required = args.include?( :required )
- @untaint = args.include?( :untaint )
@multiple = args.include?( :multiple )
@@ 151,19 147,13 @@ class Strelka::ParamValidator
# order for the parameters to be valid.
attr_predicate :required?
- ##
- # Returns true if the constraint will also untaint its result before returning it.
- attr_predicate :untaint?
### Check the given value against the constraint and return the result if it passes.
- def apply( value, force_untaint=false )
- untaint = self.untaint? || force_untaint
+ def apply( value )
if self.multiple?
- return self.check_multiple( value, untaint )
+ return self.check_multiple( value )
- return self.check( value, untaint )
+ return self.check( value )
@@ 190,7 180,6 @@ class Strelka::ParamValidator
flags = []
flags << 'required' if self.required?
flags << 'multiple' if self.multiple?
- flags << 'untaint' if self.untaint?
desc << " (%s)" % [ flags.join(',') ] unless flags.empty?
@@ 218,21 207,20 @@ class Strelka::ParamValidator
### Check the specified value against the constraint and return the results. By
### default, this just calls to_proc and the block and calls the result with the
### value as its argument.
- def check( value, untaint )
+ def check( value )
return self.block.to_proc.call( value ) if self.block
- value.untaint if untaint && value.respond_to?( :untaint )
return value
### Check the given +values+ against the constraint and return the results if
### all of them succeed.
- def check_multiple( values, untaint )
+ def check_multiple( values )
values = [ values ] unless values.is_a?( Array )
results = []
values.each do |value|
- result = self.check( value, untaint ) or return nil
+ result = self.check( value ) or return nil
results << result
@@ 280,38 268,35 @@ class Strelka::ParamValidator
### Check the +value+ against the regular expression and return its
### match groups if successful.
- def check( value, untaint )
+ def check( value )
self.log.debug "Validating %p via regexp %p" % [ value, self.pattern ]
match = self.pattern.match( value.to_s ) or return nil
if match.captures.empty?
self.log.debug " no captures, using whole match: %p" % [match[0]]
- return super( match[0], untaint )
+ return super( match[0] )
elsif match.names.length > 1
self.log.debug " extracting hash of named captures: %p" % [ match.names ]
- rhash = self.matched_hash( match, untaint )
- return super( rhash, untaint )
+ rhash = self.matched_hash( match )
+ return super( rhash )
elsif match.captures.length == 1
self.log.debug " extracting one capture: %p" % [match.captures.first]
- return super( match.captures.first, untaint )
+ return super( match.captures.first )
self.log.debug " extracting multiple captures: %p" % [match.captures]
values = match.captures
- values.map {|val| val.untaint if val } if untaint
- return super( values, untaint )
+ return super( values )
- ### Return a Hash of the given +match+ object's named captures, untainting the values
- ### if +untaint+ is true.
- def matched_hash( match, untaint )
+ ### Return a Hash of the given +match+ object's named captures.
+ def matched_hash( match )
return match.names.inject( {} ) do |accum,name|
value = match[ name ]
- value.untaint if untaint && value
accum[ name.to_sym ] = value
@@ 566,7 551,6 @@ class Strelka::ParamValidator
def initialize
@constraints = {}
@fields = {}
- @untaint_all = false
@@ 592,12 576,6 @@ class Strelka::ParamValidator
attr_reader :fields
- # Global untainting flag
- attr_predicate_accessor :untaint_all?
- alias_method :untaint_all_constraints=, :untaint_all=
- alias_method :untaint_all_constraints?, :untaint_all?
- ##
# Returns +true+ if the paramvalidator has been given parameters to validate. Adding or
# overriding constraints resets this.
attr_predicate_accessor :validated?
@@ 680,13 658,12 @@ class Strelka::ParamValidator
- return "#<%p:0x%016x %s, profile: [required: %s, optional: %s] global untaint: %s>" % [
+ return "#<%p:0x%016x %s, profile: [required: %s, optional: %s]>" % [
self.object_id / 2,
required.empty? ? "(none)" : required.map( &:last ).map( &:name ).join(','),
optional.empty? ? "(none)" : optional.map( &:last ).map( &:name ).join(','),
- self.untaint_all? ? "enabled" : "disabled",
@@ 754,7 731,7 @@ class Strelka::ParamValidator
### result.
def apply_constraint( constraint, value )
if !( value.nil? || value == '' )
- result = constraint.apply( value, self.untaint_all? )
+ result = constraint.apply( value )
if !result.nil?
self.log.debug " constraint for %p passed: %p" % [ constraint.name, result ]
@@ 976,7 953,7 @@ class Strelka::ParamValidator
### Build a deep hash out of the given parameter +value+
def build_deep_hash( value, hash, levels )
if levels.length == 0
- value.untaint
+ value
elsif hash.nil?
{ levels.first => build_deep_hash(value, nil, levels[1..-1]) }
@@ 992,11 969,11 @@ class Strelka::ParamValidator
if main.nil?
return []
elsif trailing
- return [key.untaint]
+ return [key]
elsif bracketed
- return [main.untaint] + bracketed.slice(1...-1).split('][').collect {|k| k.untaint }
+ return [main] + bracketed.slice(1...-1).split('][')
- return [main.untaint]
+ return [main]
M lib/strelka/session/default.rb +1 -1
@@ 78,7 78,7 @@ class Strelka::Session::Default < Strelk
cookie = request.cookies[ self.cookie_name ] or return nil
if cookie.value =~ /^([[:xdigit:]]+)$/i
- return $1.untaint
+ return $1
self.log.warn "Request with a malformed session cookie: %p" % [ request ]
return nil
M spec/strelka/app/parameters_spec.rb +1 -27
@@ 119,39 119,13 @@ RSpec.describe Strelka::App::Parameters
it "validates parameters from the request" do
- req = @request_factory.get( (+'/user/search?username=anheptoh').taint )
+ req = @request_factory.get( (+'/user/search?username=anheptoh') )
@app.new.handle( req )
expect( req.params ).to be_a( Strelka::ParamValidator )
expect( req.params ).to be_okay()
expect( req.params ).to_not have_errors()
expect( req.params[:username] ).to eq( 'anheptoh' )
- expect( req.params[:username] ).to be_tainted()
- end
- it "untaints all parameters if global untainting is enabled" do
- @app.class_eval do
- untaint_all_constraints true
- end
- expect( @app.untaint_all_constraints ).to be_truthy()
- req = @request_factory.get( (+'/user/search?username=shereshnaheth').taint )
- @app.new.handle( req )
- expect( req.params[:username] ).to eq( 'shereshnaheth' )
- expect( req.params[:username] ).to_not be_tainted()
- end
- it "untaints parameters flagged for untainting" do
- @app.class_eval do
- param :message, :printable, :untaint
- end
- req = @request_factory.get( (+'/user/search?message=I+love+the+circus.').taint )
- @app.new.handle( req )
- expect( req.params[:message] ).to_not be_tainted()
- expect( req.params[:message] ).to eq( 'I love the circus.' )
M spec/strelka/mixins_spec.rb +0 -10
@@ 279,16 279,6 @@ RSpec.describe Strelka, "mixins" do
expect( copy.default_proc ).to eq( original.default_proc )
- it "preserves taintedness of copied objects" do
- original = Object.new
- original.taint
- copy = Strelka::DataUtilities.deep_copy( original )
- expect( copy ).to_not be( original )
- expect( copy ).to be_tainted()
- end
it "preserves frozen-ness of copied objects" do
original = Object.new
M spec/strelka/paramvalidator_spec.rb +4 -54
@@ 16,12 16,6 @@ require 'strelka/paramvalidator'
RSpec.describe Strelka::ParamValidator do
- # Utility function to make tainted frozen strings out of frozen string literals
- def tainted( string )
- return ( +string ).taint.freeze
- end
before(:each) do
@validator = Strelka::ParamValidator.new
@@ 138,16 132,6 @@ RSpec.describe Strelka::ParamValidator d
expect( @validator.error_messages.first ).to match( /foo/i )
- it "untaints valid args if told to do so" do
- tainted_one = tainted( "1" )
- @validator.add( :number, /^\d+$/, :untaint )
- @validator.validate( 'number' => tainted_one )
- expect( @validator[:number] ).to eq( "1" )
- expect( @validator[:number].tainted? ).to be_falsey()
- end
it "knows the names of fields that were required but missing from the parameters" do
@validator.add( :id, :integer, :required )
@validator.validate( {} )
@@ 340,38 324,6 @@ RSpec.describe Strelka::ParamValidator d
- it "untaints both keys and values in complex hash fields if untainting is turned on" do
- @validator.add( 'recipe[ingredient][rarity]', /^([\w\-]+)$/, :required )
- @validator.add( 'recipe[ingredient][name]', :string )
- @validator.add( 'recipe[ingredient][cost]', :string )
- @validator.add( 'recipe[yield]', :string )
- @validator.untaint_all_constraints = true
- args = {
- tainted('recipe[ingredient][rarity]') => tainted('super-rare'),
- tainted('recipe[ingredient][name]') => tainted('nutmeg'),
- tainted('recipe[ingredient][cost]') => tainted('$0.18'),
- tainted('recipe[yield]') => tainted('2 loaves'),
- }
- @validator.validate( args )
- expect( @validator.valid ).to eq({
- 'recipe' => {
- 'ingredient' => { 'name' => 'nutmeg', 'cost' => '$0.18', 'rarity' => 'super-rare' },
- 'yield' => '2 loaves'
- }
- })
- @validator.valid.keys.each {|key| expect(key).to_not be_tainted() }
- @validator.valid.values.each {|key| expect(key).to_not be_tainted() }
- @validator.valid['recipe'].keys.each {|key| expect(key).to_not be_tainted() }
- @validator.valid['recipe']['ingredient'].keys.each {|key| expect(key).to_not be_tainted() }
- expect( @validator.valid['recipe']['yield'] ).to_not be_tainted()
- expect( @validator.valid['recipe']['ingredient']['rarity'] ).to_not be_tainted()
- expect( @validator.valid['recipe']['ingredient']['name'] ).to_not be_tainted()
- expect( @validator.valid['recipe']['ingredient']['cost'] ).to_not be_tainted()
- end
end # describe "hash parameters"
describe "merging new parameters" do
@@ 453,12 405,10 @@ RSpec.describe Strelka::ParamValidator d
it "returns the captures with named captures as a Hash" do
- @validator.add( :order_number, /(?<category>[[:upper:]]{3})-(?<sku>\d{12})/, :untaint )
- @validator.validate( 'order_number' => tainted(" JVV-886451300133 ") )
+ @validator.add( :order_number, /(?<category>[[:upper:]]{3})-(?<sku>\d{12})/ )
+ @validator.validate( 'order_number' => " JVV-886451300133 ".dup )
expect( @validator[:order_number] ).to eq( {:category => 'JVV', :sku => '886451300133'} )
- expect( @validator[:order_number][:category] ).to_not be_tainted()
- expect( @validator[:order_number][:sku] ).to_not be_tainted()
it "returns the captures as an array " +
@@ 782,7 732,7 @@ RSpec.describe Strelka::ParamValidator d
- describe ":date constaints" do
+ describe ":date constraints" do
before( :each ) do
@validator.add( :expires, :date )
@@ 808,7 758,7 @@ RSpec.describe Strelka::ParamValidator d
- describe ":datetime constaints" do
+ describe ":datetime constraints" do
before( :each ) do
@validator.add( :expires, :datetime )