Work around CZTop's mapping of EINTR to Interrupt
2 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M lib/cztop/reactor.rb
M spec/cztop/reactor_spec.rb
M lib/cztop/reactor.rb +12 -1
@@ 36,6 36,14 @@ class CZTop::Reactor
 		write: CZTop::Poller::ZMQ::POLLOUT,
+	# Errors encountered during the poll that should retry instead of raising
+		Errno::EINTR::Errno, # CZTop maps this to Interrupt, but it can be *any*
+		                     # signal, not just SIGINT
+		Errno::EAGAIN::Errno,
+		Errno::ETIMEDOUT::Errno,
+	]
 	autoload :Event, 'cztop/reactor/event'

@@ 393,7 401,10 @@ class CZTop::Reactor
 	def wait( timeout=-1 )
 		rc = CZTop::Poller::ZMQ.poller_wait( @poller_ptr, @event_ptr, timeout )
 		if rc == -1
-			if CZMQ::FFI::Errors.errno != Errno::ETIMEDOUT::Errno
+			case CZMQ::FFI::Errors.errno
+				# Retry if the error means we should
+			else
 			return nil

M spec/cztop/reactor_spec.rb +10 -0
@@ 364,6 364,16 @@ describe CZTop::Reactor do
+		it "ignores EINTR by default" do
+			expect( CZTop::Poller::ZMQ ).to receive( :poller_wait ).
+				and_return( -1 )
+			expect( CZMQ::FFI::Errors ).to receive( :errno ).
+				and_return( Errno::EINTR::Errno )
+			expect( reactor.poll_once ).to be_nil
+		end
 		it "has an option to propagate EGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK" do
 			expect( CZTop::Poller::ZMQ ).to receive( :poller_wait ).
 				and_raise( )