Portland, OR
Ruby hacker, faerie friend, cognitive artifact collector, and sender of signal 9.
Facade-based presenter toolkit with minimal assumptions.
Rake tasks for devEiate gems
A Ruby (MRI) binding for the Zyre P2P networking library
A Ruby toolkit for creating plugins
a Ruby interface to WordNet®
An Entity/Component System framework for Ruby inspired by Artemis.
A toolkit for building testing objects with a fluent interface.
A web interface for an Assemblage server
A pushdown automaton toolkit for Kotlin
An(other) alternative generator for RDoc
An inversion of control templating system for Ruby
A Ruby implementation of the Reactor pattern on top of ZeroMQ sockets
A library that lets Ruby talk to ANT wireless devices via a Garmin USB ANT stick
A pushdown automaton toolkit for Ruby.
FIvefish formatter for RDoc