@@ 78,6 78,25 @@ impl<T: Send + 'static> Pond<T> {
+ pub fn wait_timeout(&mut self, dur: std::time::Duration) -> Option<TerminatedThread<T>> {
+ let mutex = Arc::clone(&self.mutex);
+ let mut guard = mutex.lock().unwrap();
+ let mut ret = self.reap_threads();
+ while ret.is_none() {
+ let cvar_tuple = self.condv.wait_timeout(guard, dur).unwrap();
+ guard = cvar_tuple.0;
+ ret = self.reap_threads();
+ if ret.is_none() && cvar_tuple.1.timed_out() {
+ return None;
+ }
+ }
+ let thread = ret.unwrap();
+ Some(TerminatedThread {
+ name: thread.name,
+ result: thread.joinhandle.join(),
+ })
+ }
// This is O(n) for N being the number of threads. HashSet would
// be O(1) but we assume N is low so this isn't worth it.
// fn reap_threads<T: Send + 'static>(pond: &mut Pond<T>) -> Option<Thread<T>> {