@@ 9,7 9,6 @@ extern crate bright;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use bright::*;
-use dbus::stdintf::org_freedesktop_dbus::Properties;
// Application configuration
@@ 134,19 133,15 @@ fn get_brightness(cfg: AppConfig) -> Res
fn get_brightness_dbus(cfg: &AppConfig) -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
- let conn = dbus_connection(&cfg.bustype)?;
- let devices = dbus_devices(&conn)?;
- for objpath in devices {
- let obj = conn.with_path(bright::dbus::BUSNAME, objpath, 500);
- let name: String = obj
- .get(bright::dbus::DEVICE_IFACE, "Name")
- .map_err(|e| format_err!("{:?} {:?}", e.name(), e.message()))?;
+ // let client = bright::dbus::Client::new(cfg.bustype, bright::dbus::BUSNAME);
+ let client = dbus_client(&cfg.bustype)?;
+ for objpath in client.devices()?.iter() {
+ let name = client.name(objpath.to_owned())?;
if cfg.devices.len() > 0 && !cfg.devices.contains(&name) {
- let val: u32 = obj
- .get(bright::dbus::DEVICE_IFACE, "Brightness")
- .map_err(|e| format_err!("{:?} {:?}", e.name(), e.message()))?;
+ let val = client.get(objpath.to_owned())?;
println!("{}/{}", name, val);
@@ 172,13 167,9 @@ fn set_brightness(cfg: AppConfig) -> Res
fn set_brightness_dbus(cfg: &AppConfig) -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
- let conn = dbus_connection(&cfg.bustype)?;
- let devices = dbus_devices(&conn)?;
- for objpath in devices {
- let obj = conn.with_path(bright::dbus::BUSNAME, objpath, 500);
- let name: String = obj
- .get(bright::dbus::DEVICE_IFACE, "Name")
- .map_err(|e| format_err!("{:?} {:?}", e.name(), e.message()))?;
+ let client = dbus_client(&cfg.bustype)?;
+ for objpath in client.devices()?.iter() {
+ let name = client.name(objpath.to_owned())?;
if cfg.devices.len() > 0 && !cfg.devices.contains(&name) {
@@ 188,65 179,19 @@ fn set_brightness_dbus(cfg: &AppConfig)
Some(min) => std::cmp::max(n, min),
None => n,
- obj.set(bright::dbus::DEVICE_IFACE, "Brightness", val)
- .map_err(|e| {
- format_err!(
- "Failed to set property {}.Brightness on {}: {}",
- bright::dbus::DEVICE_IFACE,
- obj.path,
- e
- )
- })?;
+ client.set(objpath.to_owned(), val)?;
Action::Incr(n) => {
- let cur: u32 = obj
- .get(bright::dbus::DEVICE_IFACE, "Brightness")
- .map_err(|e| {
- format_err!(
- "Failed to get property {}.Brightness from {}: {}",
- bright::dbus::DEVICE_IFACE,
- obj.path,
- e
- )
- })?;
+ let cur = client.get(objpath.to_owned())?;
let val = match cfg.minimum {
Some(min) => std::cmp::max(cur + n, min),
None => cur + n,
- obj.set(bright::dbus::DEVICE_IFACE, "Brightness", val)
- .map_err(|e| {
- format_err!(
- "Failed to set property {}.Brightness on {}: {}",
- bright::dbus::DEVICE_IFACE,
- obj.path,
- e
- )
- })?;
+ client.set(objpath.to_owned(), val)?;
Action::Decr(n) => {
- let cur: u32 = obj
- .get(bright::dbus::DEVICE_IFACE, "Brightness")
- .map_err(|e| {
- format_err!(
- "Failed to get property {}.Brightness from {}: {}",
- bright::dbus::DEVICE_IFACE,
- obj.path,
- e
- )
- })?;
- let val = match cfg.minimum {
- Some(min) => std::cmp::max(cur as i32 - n as i32, min as i32) as u32,
- None => std::cmp::max(cur as i32 - n as i32, 0) as u32,
- };
- obj.set(bright::dbus::DEVICE_IFACE, "Brightness", val)
- .map_err(|e| {
- format_err!(
- "Failed to set property {}.Brightness on {}: {}",
- bright::dbus::DEVICE_IFACE,
- obj.path,
- e
- )
- })?;
+ let min = cfg.minimum.unwrap_or(0);
+ client.dec(objpath.to_owned(), n, min)?;
_ => panic!("Action other then set/incr/decr"),
@@ 315,25 260,18 @@ fn watch(_cfg: AppConfig) -> Result<(),
// be.devork.dbus.bright busname is registered, respecting the
// DBusType to connct to the correct bus. This must not be called
// with DBusType::None as that does not make sense.
-fn dbus_connection(bustype: &DBusType) -> Result<dbus::Connection, failure::Error> {
+fn dbus_client(bustype: &DBusType) -> Result<bright::dbus::Client, failure::Error> {
if *bustype == DBusType::None {
panic!("Should not call dbus_connection with DBusType::None");
- let ping = dbus::Message::new_method_call(
- bright::dbus::BUSNAME,
- "/",
- "org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer",
- "Ping",
- )
- .map_err(|e| failure::err_msg(e))?;
let bus = match *bustype {
DBusType::Auto | DBusType::System => dbus::BusType::System,
DBusType::Session => dbus::BusType::Session,
_ => panic!("Wrong bustype"),
- match dbus::Connection::get_private(bus) {
- Ok(conn) => match conn.send_with_reply_and_block(ping, 200) {
- Ok(_msg) => return Ok(conn),
+ match bright::dbus::Client::new(bus, bright::dbus::BUSNAME) {
+ Ok(client) => match client.ping() {
+ Ok(_) => return Ok(client),
Err(e) => match *bustype {
DBusType::System | DBusType::Session => {
return Err(format_err!(
@@ 355,16 293,9 @@ fn dbus_connection(bustype: &DBusType) -
DBusType::None => panic!("oops"),
- let ping = dbus::Message::new_method_call(
- bright::dbus::BUSNAME,
- "/",
- "org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer",
- "Ping",
- )
- .map_err(|e| failure::err_msg(e))?;
- match dbus::Connection::get_private(dbus::BusType::System) {
- Ok(conn) => match conn.send_with_reply_and_block(ping, 200) {
- Ok(_msg) => Ok(conn),
+ match bright::dbus::Client::new(dbus::BusType::System, bright::dbus::BUSNAME) {
+ Ok(client) => match client.ping() {
+ Ok(_) => Ok(client),
Err(e) => Err(format_err!(
"{} not found on {:?}: {}",
@@ 375,30 306,3 @@ fn dbus_connection(bustype: &DBusType) -
Err(e) => Err(format_err!("Failed to connect to any D-Bus bus: {}", e)),
-// Return the object paths for the devices.
-fn dbus_devices(conn: &dbus::Connection) -> Result<(Vec<dbus::Path>), failure::Error> {
- let meth = dbus::Message::new_method_call(
- bright::dbus::BUSNAME,
- bright::dbus::MANAGER_PATH,
- bright::dbus::MANAGER_IFACE,
- "GetDevices",
- )
- .map_err(|e| failure::err_msg(e))?;
- let ret = conn.send_with_reply_and_block(meth, 200).map_err(|e| {
- format_err!(
- "Failed D-Bus call {}.GetDevices(): {}",
- bright::dbus::MANAGER_IFACE,
- e
- )
- })?;
- match ret.get1::<Vec<String>>() {
- Some(objs) => Ok(objs
- .into_iter()
- .map(|s| dbus::Path::new(s).unwrap())
- .collect()),
- None => Err(failure::err_msg(
- "Bad return value fromm be.devork.dbus.bright.Manager.GetDevices()",
- )),
- }
@@ 530,6 530,27 @@ impl<'a> Client<'a> {
.or_else(|_| Err(failure::err_msg("Failed sending Term() message")))
+ /// Ping the peer.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// Returns a `ClientError` with a cause which is a
+ /// `failure::Context` which has a `ClientErrorKind::CallFailed`
+ /// context if the peer did not respond.
+ pub fn ping(&self) -> Result<(), ClientError> {
+ let meth = dbus::Message::new_method_call(
+ self.peer.clone(),
+ "/",
+ "org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer",
+ "Ping",
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ self.conn
+ .send_with_reply_and_block(meth, self.timeout)
+ .context(ClientErrorKind::CallFailed)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
pub fn devices(&self) -> Result<Vec<dbus::Path>, ClientError> {
let meth = dbus::Message::new_method_call(
@@ 551,6 572,14 @@ impl<'a> Client<'a> {
+ pub fn name(&self, dev: dbus::Path) -> Result<String, ClientError> {
+ let obj = self.conn.with_path(self.peer.clone(), dev, self.timeout);
+ let name: String = obj
+ .get(DEVICE_IFACE, "Name")
+ .context(ClientErrorKind::CallFailed)?;
+ Ok(name)
+ }
pub fn get(&self, dev: dbus::Path) -> Result<u32, ClientError> {
let obj = self.conn.with_path(self.peer.clone(), dev, self.timeout);
let val: u32 = obj
@@ 586,8 615,8 @@ impl<'a> Client<'a> {
return Err(ClientErrorKind::BrightnessRange)?;
let cur = self.get(dev.clone())?;
- let new = match cur - step {
- v if v >= min => v,
+ let new: u32 = match cur as i32 - step as i32 {
+ v if v >= min as i32 => v as u32,
_ => min,
self.set(dev, new)?;