Drop unnecessary TODO item from README
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M README.md +1 -2
@@ 89,7 89,7 @@ obviously useless since sq works by send
 To build this program you can run `chicken-install -no-install`.
 To run the tests, install [shelltestrunner][] and run `chicken-install
--no-install -test`
+-no-install -test`.
 [Nix][] users can enter a development shell with `nix-shell`.

@@ 104,7 104,6 @@ To run the tests, install [shelltestrunn
 - Error messages for invalid S-expression inputs are not very helpful.
 - Inputs must be entirely in one format, you cannot mix JSON and S-expressions.
 - It is not currently possible to specify the format of the input.
-- There are no tests.
 ## License