M lib/scopes/compiler/noir/Index.sc +8 -27
@@ 564,34 564,12 @@ struct ProcSchema
downcast iid Module.Id.Instruction
- name := 'follow module procid (op.operands @ 1)
- name := try
- downcast name Module.Id.Const
- else
- raise;
- row := proc.body @ iid
- if (row.op != 'instance)
- raise;
- subprocid := 'follow module procid (row.operands @ 0)
- subprocid := try
- downcast subprocid Module.Id.Procedure
+ idx := 'follow module procid (op.operands @ 1)
+ idx := try
+ downcast idx Module.Id.IndexAttr
- proc-order := 'scheduleof module-index subprocid
- valueid := try
- 'get proc-order.export name
- else
- raise;
- md := 'schemaof module-index subprocid
- 'sizeofvalue md module valueid
- else UNKNOWN
- case 'replaceof
- iid := 'follow module procid (op.operands @ 0)
- try
- iid := try
- downcast iid Module.Id.Instruction
- else
- raise;
+ idx := idx as usize
row := proc.body @ iid
if (row.op != 'instance)
@@ 601,8 579,11 @@ struct ProcSchema
proc := module.proc @ subprocid
+ if (idx >= (countof proc.body))
+ raise;
+ valueid := 'wrap Module.Id.Instruction idx
md := 'schemaof module-index subprocid
- 'sizeofvalue md module proc.replace
+ 'sizeofvalue md module valueid
case 'pcall
M lib/scopes/compiler/noir/effects.sc +2 -4
@@ 146,10 146,8 @@ EFFECT_DESC := sugar-quote
inattr index size
# create instance of macro with given inattrs
! instance proc ...
- # get attribute from instance with given name
- attrof proc name
- # get replace value from instance
- replaceof proc
+ # get attribute from instance with given instruction index
+ attrof x index
# immutable values
M lib/scopes/compiler/noir/renoir.sc +63 -0
@@ 1623,6 1623,44 @@ FACTOR_TYPES := do
assert false
+ struct RRANGE < FactorType
+ @@ memo
+ inline match-configs (cls)
+ using cls.Bits
+ pass fully-defined i
+ i : Module.Id.IndexAttr
+ begin : Module.Id.IndexAttr
+ end : Module.Id.IndexAttr
+ inline next (cls reducer factor state builder i begin_ end_)
+ from cls let Bits
+ begin := begin_ as usize
+ end := end_ as usize
+ if (begin >= end)
+ return false
+ switch factor.itmask
+ case Bits.fully-defined # i
+ if (not state.init)
+ state.init = 1
+ i := i as usize
+ return ((i - begin) < end)
+ else
+ return false
+ case Bits.i # i?
+ if (not state.init)
+ state.init = 1
+ i = 'wrap Module.Id.IndexAttr (end - 1)
+ return true
+ else
+ idx := i as usize
+ if (idx <= begin)
+ return false
+ i = 'wrap Module.Id.IndexAttr (idx - 1)
+ return true
+ default
+ assert false
struct VACOUNT < FactorType
Opts := FactorOpts.All
@@ 1870,6 1908,31 @@ FACTOR_TYPES := do
return false
+ struct INDEXOF < FactorType
+ @@ memo
+ inline match-configs (cls)
+ using cls.Bits
+ pass fully-defined index
+ value : Module.Id
+ index : Module.Id.IndexAttr
+ inline next (cls reducer factor state builder value index)
+ from cls let Bits
+ 'dispatch-match cls factor
+ inline "#hidden" (mask)
+ __ k := 'unwrap value
+ k := 'wrap Module.Id.IndexAttr k
+ if (state.init == 0)
+ state.init = 1
+ static-if (Bits.index in mask)
+ index = k
+ return true
+ else
+ return (index == k)
+ else
+ return false
struct METAOP? < FactorType
@@ memo
inline match-configs (cls)
M lib/scopes/compiler/noir/rules-reducer.sx +109 -6
@@ 1,3 1,6 @@
+# TODO:
+ an unreachable instance effect using a macro that has no side effects can be
+ removed.
# fold constant arithmetic operations
@@ 211,8 214,11 @@ ATTROF
KINDOF $value Instruction
OP $src $value $valop
METAOP? $valop false
+ SIZEOF $src $value _
+ INDEXOF $value $value_idx
OP $ctx $id attrof
+ ARG $ctx $id 1 $value_idx
@@ 237,8 243,10 @@ REPLACEOF
OP $src $value $valop
METAOP? $valop false
SIZEOF $src $value _
+ INDEXOF $value $value_idx
- OP $ctx $id replaceof
+ OP $ctx $id attrof
+ ARG $ctx $id 1 $value_idx
# instantiate FUNC-enveloped macros and translate INATTR to sized inattr
@@ 329,11 337,7 @@ CLOSURE-remove-unused-upval
VA 1 _ $i
VACOUNT 1 $numunused
- RANGE $k__ 0 $numunused
- SUB $k_ $numunused $k__
- SUB $k $k_ 1
- #
+ RRANGE $k 0 $numunused
VA 1 $k $i
ARGCOUNT $ctx $id $n_
SUB $n $n_ 1
@@ 503,6 507,99 @@ inline-global
ALIAS $instance $mid $value
ARG $ctx $id $valuei none
+ # elide undefined arguments from `or` expression
+ ;
+ OP $ctx $id or
+ ARGCOUNT $ctx $id $n
+ SUB $n-1 $n 1
+ RULE () ((VACOUNT 0 0))
+ ;
+ ARG $ctx $id $i $arg_
+ FOLLOW $ctx $arg_ $arg
+ KINDOF $arg ConstUndef
+ ;
+ VA 0 _ $i
+ VACOUNT 0 $numunused
+ RRANGE $k 0 $numunused
+ VA 0 $k $i
+ ;
+ RULE # case 1: unused element is last arg; truncate
+ ;
+ EQ true $i $n-1
+ ;
+ ARGCOUNT $ctx $id $n-1
+ RULE # case 2: unused element is before last arg; swap out
+ ;
+ LT true $i $n-1
+ ARG $ctx $id $n-1 $tail
+ ;
+ ARG $ctx $id $i $tail
+ ARGCOUNT $ctx $id $n-1
+ # elide `or` with single argument
+ ;
+ OP $ctx $id or
+ ARGCOUNT $ctx $id 1
+ ARG $ctx $id 0 $target
+ ;
+ OP $ctx $id pass
+ # elide pass effect with constant
+ ;
+ OP $ctx $id pass
+ ARG $ctx $id 0 $arg_
+ FOLLOW $ctx $arg_ $arg
+ KINDOF $arg Instruction
+ ;
+ ALIAS $ctx $id $arg_
+ # fold decidable dependencies
+ ;
+ OP $ctx $id _
+ DEP $ctx $id $src_ $mode
+ FOLLOW $ctx $src_ $src
+ KINDOF $src $srckind
+ NE true $srckind Instruction
+ ;
+ ;
+ EQ true $mode Defined
+ ;
+ ;
+ EQ true $srckind ConstUndef
+ ;
+ ALIAS $ctx $id $srckind
+ NDEP $ctx $id _ _
+ ;
+ NE true $srckind ConstUndef
+ ;
+ NDEP $ctx $id $src_ $mode
+ ;
+ EQ true $mode Undefined
+ ;
+ ;
+ EQ true $srckind ConstUndef
+ ;
+ NDEP $ctx $id $src_ $mode
+ ;
+ NE true $srckind ConstUndef
+ ;
+ ALIAS $ctx $id undef
+ NDEP $ctx $id _ _
+ ;
+ EQ true $mode Ordered
+ ;
+ NDEP $ctx $id $src_ $mode
# rewrite unused effects to UNUSED
@@ 567,3 664,9 @@ inline-global
CGENERROR $proc $id "failed to compute size of {$op} effect \
in {$proc}."
+ ;
+ OP $ctx $id TRACE
+ ARG $ctx $id 0 $value
+ ;
+ TRACE $ctx $value