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+NOIR: A Neatly Optimal Intermediate Representation
+By Leonard Ritter (25.9.2024, last update 6.1.2024)
+NOIR is a high-level function-scope intermediate representation for programs, extending [SSA Form](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Static_single-assignment_form) but omitting basic blocks in favor of a simple acyclic dependency structure that is simpler to evaluate, analyze, canonicalize and optimize, particularly in the context of concurrent and iterative execution, and offers different lowering strategies.
+In order to render a function-level IR fully functional, we only need five things: instructions, ordering, branches, merges and loops. In the following sections, we will introduce and describe each element.
+As an introductory example and for overview, here is an iterative fibonacci procedure expressed in NOIR pseudocode:
+proc(%n) -> %x0 {
+ %L = event() // loop(%x0, %x1, %i)
+ %x0 = var(0)
+ %x1 = var(1)
+ %i = var(%n)
+ %2 = %L ? ine(%i, 0) // i% != 0
+ %3 = case(%2, true) // if %2 then
+ %8 = %3 ? iadd(%x0, %x1) // %8 = %x0 + %x1
+ %5 = %3 ? isub(%i, 1) // %5 = %i - 1
+ %3 ? next(%x0, %x1) // repeat(%x1, %x0 + %x1, %i - 1)
+ %3 ? next(%x1, %8)
+ %3 ? next(%i, %5)
+ %3 ? cue(%L)
+In its simplest form, the declaration of instructions remains unchanged, same as in static single assignment form:
+%value [: T] = instruction(%operand1, %operand2, ...)
+Is to be read as: "the name `%value` (of type `T`) is bound to the result of performing the operation `instruction` with the arguments `%operand1`, `%operand2` etc."
+We also permit the value of any instruction to evaluate to an _undefined_ value when the instruction was unsuccessfully executed. This may be implemented by implicitly extending the type `T` to an option type `defined(T) | undefined`.
+As instructions no longer reside in basic blocks, the order of execution is determined by _a_ topological ordering of all instructions dependent on each other. Therefore, in addition to its active dependencies, a product of passive dependencies may be declared on an instruction for the purpose of ordering instructions explicitly. This is the first extension of SSA by NOIR, and a prerequisite for the support of branches:
+%predecessor1, %predecessor2, ... ? instruction(%operand1, %operand2, ...)
+Is to be read as: "After _all_ `%predecessor1`, `%predecessor2`, ... have executed and _none of them_ are `undefined`, apply this instruction."
+A negative passive dependence may also be specified using `!` instead of `?`, inverting the meaning of the statement: "After _all_ `%predecessor1`, `%predecessor2`, ... have executed and _all of them_ are `undefined`, apply this instruction."
+The "none/all of them are `undefined`" part of the passive dependency rule gives natural rise to conditional branching. Hence branches are not implemented by conditional jumps, as there are no blocks and hence no block-terminating instructions. Instead, a single instruction is introduced:
+%result : defined(void) | undefined = case(%operand, <integer-constant1>, <integer-constant2>, ...)
+Reads as: "assume that `%operand` is equal to `<integer-constant1>` or `<integer-constant2>` etc. If the assumption holds, produce an empty value (void). Otherwise, `%result` is `undefined`".
+The `case` form was chosen because it is a superset of the binary conditional and the switch table. All instructions that belong in a case depend on the case passively; instructions that belong to the default case depend using `%x !`, where e.g. `%x` is a case instruction that verifies the operand is part of the switch table's set of constants.
+To support Φ functions, the instruction `phi(%a, %b, ...)` is made available, which either evaluates to its one and only defined argument or is undefined otherwise.
+In addition, to facilitate support for merging conditionally non-exclusive branches, `or(%a, %b, ...)` is introduced, which simply evaluates to the first defined argument in order of appearance, or is undefined otherwise. Where it can be proven that all arguments to a `or` instruction are exclusively defined, it may be lowered to `phi`.
+To support looping flow, we finally introduce a set of instruction pairs. NOIR describes its loops with "update flow", a dataflow extension, rather than with control flow:
+%L : defined(void) = event()
+%value1 : defined(typeof(%init)) | undefined = var(%init)
+next(%value1, %new_value)
+A function is conceptually evaluated in full iterations. The `event` instruction produces a void value that can be used as passive dependency by instructions with side effects in order to force an update, and therefore re-execution of the instruction. `cue` cues such an event update for the next iteration. Multiple cues for the same event are treated as if the event were cued only once. When an event has been cued (updated), all active and passive dependencies must be updated. All instructions that have not been updated maintain their previous value. The function ends when no events have been cued within the latest iteration.
+To permit loops to maintain iterative state, the `var` instruction is provided. It initially takes on the value of `%init`¹, and may be updated by `next`. Any `next` encountered mutates the value of the `var` it targets for the _next_ iteration, without triggering an update. Each `var` must have none or _exactly one_ corresponding `next`².
+¹) Every update of `%init` forces `var` to take on its value, overriding any pending assignments.
+²) The "exactly one `next`" rule may be weakened to permit multiple `next` targeting a single `var`, which should be rewritten to a single `next` sourcing an `or` instruction that bundles all previously repeated operands in the reverse topological order they have appeared.
+A work-in-progress [NOIR compiler](https://hg.sr.ht/~duangle/scopes/browse/lib/scopes/compiler/pilot/noir?rev=tip) exists, written in [Scopes](https://hg.sr.ht/~duangle/scopes), which serves as the primary IR for the next, self-hosting iteration of Scopes.
+These concepts constitute the essence of a NOIR program.