@@ 1,272 0,0 @@
-using import struct print itertools switcher
-using import ...Parser
-using import ...Lexer ...MappedFile
- compiler.arcmem
- compiler.arcmem.String
- compiler.arcmem.Array
- compiler.arcmem.Map
-using import .IRABI
-using Module.Id
-from Parser let Kind
-from Module let CellDataType
-inline String->celldata (str)
- bitcast (storagecast str) CellDataType
- a list consists of untyped u64 values and pointers to arbitrary memory
- the first element of a list always needs to be a pointer to a host-created
- uri string; the same pointer in fact. you need that pointer to make
- objects of this kind, and all pointers starting with this pointer are
- treated as lists; otherwise they are strings/userdata.
- OR
- Open Variant
- a variant object is a pair of schema and value
- to dispatch built-in schemas, we use offset pointers into an array of
- schemas; the pointer offset is constant in every program execution and can
- be used for switch cases. schemas themselves also use a variant header.
- anchored<T>: trace, value of T
- list: pointer to array of variants
- string: pointer to array of anything
- symbol: xxhash
- s<x>/u<x>: signed/unsigned integer of x bits, where x = 8,16,32,64
- s128/u128: pointer to signed/unsigned integer of 128 bits
- f<x>: float of x bits, where x = 32, 64
-enum IdKind : u8
- list
- string
- symbol
- i8
- i16
- i32
- i64
- i128
- u8
- u16
- u32
- u64
- u128
- char
- usize
- f32
- f64
-struct UVMParser < Parser
- module : Module
- filepath : Cell
- symbols : Array Cell
- stack = (Array (tuple Location (Array Value)))
- typeinit;
- cursor : Location
- str : String
- str_cursor : Location
- str_kind : Kind
- inline offset-location (self loc)
- local loc := loc
- loc.line += self.cursor.line - 1
- loc.column += self.cursor.column - 1
- loc
- inline __typecall (cls filepath cursor)
- local self := super-type.__typecall cls
- cursor = cursor
- self.filepath = self.module.cell
- String->celldata (String filepath)
- deref self
- inline builtin (self sym)
- self.symbols @ (getattr builtin-symbols sym)
- inline finalize (self)
- 'finalize self.pool
- super-type.finalize self
- loc item := 'explode (deref ('pop self.stack))
- item
- inline error (self start end ...)
- start := 'offset-location self start
- print2
- /.. self.filepath ":" (/dec start.line) ":" (/dec start.column) ":"
- ...
- abort;
- fn gen-anchor (self begin end)
- self.module.anchor
- file = self.filepath
- begin = begin.offset
- end = end.offset
- line = begin.line
- column = begin.column
- inline append-any (self begin end item)
- begin := 'offset-location self begin
- end := 'offset-location self end
- self.module.debuginfo
- value = item
- anchor = 'gen-anchor self begin end
- dest := ('last self.stack) @ 1
- 'append dest item
- inline begin-string (self cursor kind capacity)
- self.str_cursor = cursor
- self.str_kind = kind
- self.str = ""
- inline string-data (self ptr size)
- 'append-from-arrayptr self.str ptr size
- inline string-char (self ch)
- 'append self.str ch
- fn end-string (self end)
- str := popswap self.str (String)
- inline prefixed-const (prefix)
- prefix := "type:" .. (prefix as zarray)
- static-assert (constant? prefix)
- Cell
- Symbol
- 'copystr self.pool
- 'data prefix
- Const data...
- 'begin-list self self.str_cursor
- switcher sw
- case 'String
- 'append-any self
- self.str_cursor
- self.str_cursor
- 'builtin self 'string
- 'append-any self
- self.str_cursor
- end
- self.module.cell
- String->celldata str
- 'end-list self end false
- case 'Symbol
- 'begin-list self self.str_cursor
- 'append-any self
- self.str_cursor
- self.str_cursor
- 'builtin self 'symbol
- 'append-any self
- self.str_cursor
- end
- self.module.cell
- String->celldata str
- 'end-list self end false
- default
- report "todo:" self.str_kind
- assert false
- va-map
- inline (tag)
- switcher+ sw
- case tag
- prefixed-const tag
- 'i8
- 'i16
- 'i32
- 'i64
- 'i128
- 'u8
- 'u16
- 'u32
- 'u64
- 'u128
- 'char
- 'usize
- 'f32
- 'f64
- str := sw self.str_kind
- 'append-any self
- self.str_cursor
- end
- str
- inline begin-list (self cursor)
- 'append self.stack
- typeinit
- cursor
- typeinit;
- inline end-list (self end single-unwrap?)
- loc item := 'explode ('pop self.stack)
- item := if (single-unwrap? and ((countof item) == 1))
- # unwrap-single
- @ (copy (& (item @ 0)))
- else
- item
- 'append-any self loc end item
-fn... parse-buffer (filename : rawstring, cursor : Location,
- ptr : rawstring, size : usize)
- ->>
- range (size + 1)
- map
- inline (i)
- if (i == size)
- 0:char
- else
- deref (ptr @ i)
- tokenize
- map
- inline (token begin end)
- pass token begin end
- & (ptr @ begin.offset)
- & (ptr @ end.offset)
- stateful
- inline ()
- STILParser filename cursor
-fn... parse-file (filename : rawstring)
- f := try! MappedFile.open filename
- parse-buffer filename (Location) ('data f)
-@if main-module?
- # 74748 bytes
- using import compiler.arcmem compiler.File C.stdio
- arcmem-check true
- print "--- parsing"
- s := parse-file module-path
- print "done."
- s := & (new := s)
- #print2
- /depth 256 (@ (view s))
- T := typeof s
- arcmem-check true
- #print2
- /depth 256 s
- filename := .. module-dir "/dump.arc"
- do
- f := try! File.open (view filename) "wb"
- try! arcwrite s
- &fwrite as ArcWriter
- f._handle
- drop f
- print "--- dropping parsed data"
- drop s
- arcmem-check true
- do
- f := try! File.open (view filename) "rb"
- s := try! arcread
- &fread as ArcReader
- f._handle
- s := @ (bitcast s T)
- for line in s
- print2
- /depth 256 line
- drop f
- arcmem-check true
- ;
- let STILParser parse-buffer parse-file
- locals;
No newline at end of file