M lib/scopes/compiler/noir/renoir.sc +201 -1
@@ 153,6 153,7 @@ struct FactorType
next-func-function := toplevel-iterator-helper Module.Id.Function 'func 'funcid
next-procid-function := toplevel-iterator-helper Module.Id.Procedure 'proc 'procid
next-cfunctionid-function := toplevel-iterator-helper Module.Id.CFunction 'c_func 'cfunctionid
+ next-cvariadic-function := toplevel-iterator-helper Module.Id.CVariadic 'c_va 'cvariadic
@@ memo
inline next-op-function (cls mask)
@@ 745,9 746,11 @@ FACTOR_TYPES := do
struct CCONV < IdKindFactorType (Id := Module.Id.CConv)
struct CRETTYPE < IdKindFactorType (Id := Module.Id.CRetType)
struct CELEMENTTYPE < IdKindFactorType (Id := Module.Id.CElementType)
- struct CFUNCTION < IdKindFactorType (Id := Module.Id.CFunction)
struct GLOBAL < NotIdKindFactorType (Id := Module.Id.Instruction)
+ #struct CFUNCTION < IdKindFactorType (Id := Module.Id.CFunction)
+ #struct CVARIADIC < IdKindFactorType (Id := Module.Id.CVariadic)
struct OP < MaybeInstructionFactorType
@@ memo
inline match-configs (cls)
@@ 910,6 913,83 @@ FACTOR_TYPES := do
return false
return true
+ struct ANCHOROF < MaybeInstructionFactorType
+ @@ memo
+ inline match-configs (cls)
+ using cls.Bits
+ (convolve-flags anchorid)
+ super-type.match-configs cls
+ @@ memo
+ inline template-configs (cls)
+ using cls.Bits
+ pass fully-defined
+ anchorid : Module.Id.Anchor
+ inline next (cls reducer factor state builder procid id anchorid)
+ module := @builder._module
+ module-index := @builder._index
+ from cls let Bits
+ 'dispatch-match cls factor
+ inline "#hidden" (mask)
+ next-procid-id := 'next-procid-id-function cls mask builder state procid id
+ inline next-anchorid ()
+ loop ()
+ procid id := next-procid-id ()
+ id := imply id Module.Id
+ try
+ downcast id Module.Id.Instruction
+ then (id)
+ md := 'scheduleof module-index procid
+ try
+ copy ('get md.debuginfo id)
+ then (aid)
+ anchorid = aid
+ break;
+ else
+ try
+ downcast id Module.Id.Anchorable
+ then (id)
+ try
+ copy ('get module-index.debuginfo id)
+ then (aid)
+ anchorid = aid
+ break;
+ else;
+ else;
+ try
+ next-anchorid ()
+ else
+ return false
+ return true
+ inline apply (cls reducer rule vars factor builder procid id anchorid)
+ from cls let Bits
+ 'dispatch-template cls factor
+ inline "#hidden" (mask)
+ procid := try! downcast procid Module.Id.Procedure
+ anchorid := try! downcast anchorid Module.Id.Anchor
+ try
+ downcast id Module.Id.Instruction
+ then (id)
+ 'di builder procid id anchorid
+ 'proc-changed reducer procid
+ 'trace-change reducer rule factor procid id
+ return;
+ else
+ try
+ downcast id Module.Id.Anchorable
+ then (id)
+ 'di builder procid id anchorid
+ module := @builder._module
+ module-index := @builder._index
+ 'update-debuginfo module-index
+ return;
+ else;
+ 'remark reducer factor.aid "anchor can only be set on anchorable"
+ raise;
struct ARG < InstructionFactorType
@@ memo
inline match-configs (cls)
@@ 1825,6 1905,66 @@ FACTOR_TYPES := do
row.proc = copy procid
+ struct CFUNCTION < FactorType
+ @@ memo
+ inline match-configs (cls)
+ using cls.Bits
+ pass
+ | cconv rtype count
+ | cfunctionid cconv rtype count
+ cfunctionid : Module.Id.CFunction
+ cconv : Module.Id.CConv
+ rtype : Module.Id.CRetType
+ count : Module.Id.IndexAttr
+ inline next (cls reducer factor state builder cfunctionid cconv rtype count)
+ module := @builder._module
+ from cls let Bits
+ 'dispatch-match cls factor
+ inline "#hidden" (mask)
+ next-funcid := 'next-cfunctionid-function cls mask builder state cfunctionid
+ inline next-type ()
+ funcid := next-funcid ()
+ row := module.c_func @ funcid
+ cconv = imply row.cconv Module.Id.CConv
+ rtype = row.rtype
+ count = 'wrap Module.Id.IndexAttr (countof row.types)
+ try
+ next-type ()
+ else
+ return false
+ return true
+ struct CVARIADIC < FactorType
+ @@ memo
+ inline match-configs (cls)
+ using cls.Bits
+ pass
+ | funcid count
+ | cvariadic funcid count
+ cvariadic : Module.Id.CVariadic
+ funcid : Module.Id.CFunction
+ count : Module.Id.IndexAttr
+ inline next (cls reducer factor state builder cvariadic funcid count)
+ module := @builder._module
+ from cls let Bits
+ 'dispatch-match cls factor
+ inline "#hidden" (mask)
+ next-varid := 'next-cvariadic-function cls mask builder state cvariadic
+ inline next-type ()
+ varid := next-varid ()
+ row := module.c_va @ varid
+ funcid = row.func
+ count = 'wrap Module.Id.IndexAttr (countof row.types)
+ try
+ next-type ()
+ else
+ return false
+ return true
struct FNTYPEPARAM < FactorType
@@ memo
inline match-configs (cls)
@@ 1885,6 2025,66 @@ FACTOR_TYPES := do
return false
return true
+ struct VATYPEPARAM < FactorType
+ @@ memo
+ inline match-configs (cls)
+ using cls.Bits
+ (convolve-flags fully-defined cvariadic)
+ (convolve-flags fully-defined index)
+ \ fully-defined typeid
+ cvariadic : Module.Id.CVariadic
+ index : Module.Id.IndexAttr
+ typeid : Module.Id.CElementType
+ inline next (cls reducer factor state builder cvariadic index T)
+ module := @builder._module
+ from cls let Bits
+ 'dispatch-match cls factor
+ inline "#hidden" (mask)
+ next-varid := 'next-cvariadic-function cls mask builder state cvariadic
+ next-varid-type := static-if (Bits.index in mask)
+ inline ()
+ loop ()
+ bit := state.init & Bits.index
+ varid idx := if (bit == 0)
+ varid := next-varid ()
+ pass varid 0:usize
+ else
+ state.init ^= bit
+ varid := try! downcast (copy cvariadic) Module.Id.CVariadic
+ pass varid ((index as usize) + 1)
+ row := module.c_va @ varid
+ if (idx >= (countof row.types))
+ repeat;
+ state.init |= Bits.index
+ index = 'wrap Module.Id.IndexAttr idx
+ break varid (copy (row.types @ idx))
+ else
+ inline ()
+ loop ()
+ varid := next-varid ()
+ row := module.c_va @ varid
+ idx := index as usize
+ if (idx >= (countof row.types))
+ repeat;
+ break varid (copy (row.types @ idx))
+ next-type := static-if (Bits.typeid in mask)
+ inline ()
+ varid t := next-varid-type ()
+ T = t
+ else
+ inline ()
+ loop ()
+ varid t := next-varid-type ()
+ if (t == T)
+ break;
+ try
+ next-type ()
+ else
+ return false
+ return true
struct KINDOF < FactorType
@@ memo
inline match-configs (cls)
M lib/scopes/compiler/noir/rules-reducer.sx +89 -6
@@ 1,3 1,53 @@
+# available factors:
+ EQ|NE $x $a $b
+ LE|LT|GE|GT $x $a $b
+ ADD|SUB|MUL|DIV $x $a $b
+ IDPAIR $ab $a $b
+ CONST|MACRO $value
+ CFUNCTION $cfunction $cconv $rtype $numargs
+ FNTYPEPARAM $cfunction $index $type
+ CVARIADIC $cvariadic $cfunction $numargs
+ VATYPEPARAM $cvariadic $index $type
+ OP $macro $effect $op
+ ARGCOUNT $macro $effect $op
+ ARG $macro $effect $index $value
+ FOLLOW $macro $value $target
+ NDEP $macro $effect $value $mode
+ DEP $macro $effect $value $mode
+ SIZEOF $macro $value $size
+ ANCHOROF $macro $value $anchor
+ FOLDOP $x $op $a $b
+ EXPORT $macro $key $value
+ REPLACEOF $macro $value
+ VAMAP $va_index $key $value
+ VA $va_index $key $value
+ VACOUNT $index $count
+ RANGE $i $begin $end
+ RRANGE $i $begin $end
+ FUNC $func $ftype $macro
+ SYMINFO $target $name
+ KINDOF $value $T
+ INDEXOF $value $index
+ METAOP? $op $is_meta
+ SIDEOP? $op $is_side
+ CONSTDATA $const $sym
+ INDEXDATA $index $sym
+ INSTANCE $destmacro $sourcemacro $key
+# template only:
+ DUMP $value
+ DUMPVA $index
+ TRACE $macro $value
+ FNTYPEVA $type $cconv $rtype $index
+ VATYPEVA $type $ftype $index
+ DLIMPORT $dlsym $name
+ ALIAS $macro $value $target
an unreachable instance effect using a macro that has no side effects can be
@@ 99,7 149,7 @@ VATYPE
OP $ctx $id VATYPE
ARG $ctx $id 0 $ftype_
FOLLOW $ctx $ftype_ $ftype
- CFUNCTION $ftype
+ KINDOF $ftype CFunction
ARGCOUNT $ctx $id $argcount
RULE () ((VACOUNT 0 0))
@@ 120,7 170,7 @@ FUNC
OP $ctx $id FUNC
ARG $ctx $id 0 $ftype_
FOLLOW $ctx $ftype_ $ftype
- CFUNCTION $ftype
+ KINDOF $ftype CFunction
ARG $ctx $id 1 $macro_
FOLLOW $ctx $macro_ $macro
MACRO $macro
@@ 275,9 325,41 @@ FUNC-MACRO-instance
OP $instance $id inattr
ARG $instance $id 1 $sz
FUNC $funcid _ $instance
- # inline constant upattrs into macro;
- we assume that each closure is uniquely used, saving the instance
+ # rewrite UPATTR->VA[n] as VA->UPATTR[0..n]
+ we assume that the closure is uniquely used and do not instance it
+ ;
+ OP $ctx $id CLOSURE
+ ARG $ctx $id 0 $macro_
+ FOLLOW $ctx $macro_ $macro
+ MACRO $macro
+ OP $macro $mid UPATTR
+ ARG $macro $mid 0 $i_
+ ADD $i $i_ 1
+ ARG $ctx $id $i $value_
+ FOLLOW $ctx $value_ $value
+ OP $ctx $value VA
+ ;
+ OP $macro $mid VA
+ ARGCOUNT $macro $mid 0
+ ;
+ ARG $ctx $value $k $va_arg
+ ARGCOUNT $ctx $id $nexti
+ SUB $upi $nexti 1
+ ;
+ ARG $ctx $id $nexti $va_arg
+ OP $macro $newmid UPATTR
+ ARG $macro $newmid 0 $upi
+ ARG $macro $mid $k $newmid
+ ;
+ ANCHOROF $ctx $va_arg $anchor
+ ;
+ ANCHOROF $macro $newmid $anchor
+ # resolve constant upattrs;
+ we assume that the closure is uniquely used and do not instance it
OP $ctx $id CLOSURE
ARG $ctx $id 0 $macro_
@@ 603,12 685,13 @@ DEP-fold
NDEP $ctx $id $src_ $mode
- # proper reduction of variadic lists containing other variadic lists
+ # for any real instruction, VA or APPLY with VA arguments, elide VA.
OP $ctx $id $op #VA
METAOP? $op true
EQ false $op VA
+ EQ false $op APPLY
ARGCOUNT $ctx $id $n
ARG $ctx $id $i $arg_
FOLLOW $ctx $arg_ $arg
M lib/scopes/compiler/noir/rules-validator.sx +46 -17
@@ 1,29 1,29 @@
- OP $proc $id
- ARG $proc $id 0 $target
+ OP $ctx $id
+ ARG $ctx $id 0 $target
- COMPLAIN $proc $id "this is a complaint about {$id} in {$proc} calling {$target}"
- REMARK $proc $id "this is a remark"
- EXPLAIN $proc $target "here is some context"
+ COMPLAIN $ctx $id "this is a complaint about {$id} in {$ctx} calling {$target}"
+ REMARK $ctx $id "this is a remark"
+ EXPLAIN $ctx $target "here is some context"
RULE # add roots to VA 1
- FUNC $f _ $proc
+ FUNC $f _ $ctx
NOT # if not visited
- VAMAP 0 $proc _
+ VAMAP 0 $ctx _
- VAMAP 0 $proc true # mark visited
- VA 1 _ $proc # append to list
+ VAMAP 0 $ctx true # mark visited
+ VA 1 _ $ctx # append to list
# enumerate the growing VA 1
- VA 1 _ $proc
+ VA 1 _ $ctx
# find references to other macros in effects
- OP $proc $id $op
+ OP $ctx $id $op
METAOP? $op false
- ARG $proc $id _ $target
+ ARG $ctx $id _ $target
MACRO $target
VAMAP 0 $target _
@@ 32,18 32,47 @@ typed-macro-rules
VA 1 _ $target
+ # pcall signature checks
+ ;
+ OP $ctx $id pcall
+ ARG $ctx $id 0 $type_
+ FOLLOW $ctx $type_ $type
+ ARGCOUNT $ctx $id $count_
+ SUB $count $count_ 2
+ ;
+ # non-variadic pcall: check argument count
+ ;
+ KINDOF $type CFunction
+ CFUNCTION $type _ _ $argcount
+ NE true $count $argcount
+ ;
+ COMPLAIN $ctx $id "argument count mismatch in pcall \
+ ({$argcount} expected, {$count} provided)"
+ # variadic pcall: check argument count
+ ;
+ KINDOF $type CVariadic
+ CVARIADIC $type $ftype $numargs
+ CFUNCTION $ftype _ _ $funcargs
+ ADD $argcount $numargs $funcargs
+ NE true $count $argcount
+ ;
+ COMPLAIN $ctx $id "argument count mismatch in variadic \
+ pcall ({$argcount} expected, {$count} provided)"
# unresolved upattrs
- OP $proc $id UPATTR
+ OP $ctx $id UPATTR
- COMPLAIN $proc $id "toplevel functions may only capture constants"
+ COMPLAIN $ctx $id "toplevel functions may only capture constants"
# non-meta effects that do not have a valid size
- OP $proc $id $op
+ OP $ctx $id $op
METAOP? $op false
- SIZEOF $proc $id $sz
+ SIZEOF $ctx $id $sz
- CGENERROR $proc $id "failed to compute size of {$op} effect \
+ CGENERROR $ctx $id "failed to compute size of {$op} effect \
in {$proc}."
M testing/noir/hello.sc +3 -1
@@ 3,6 3,7 @@ printf = dlimport 'printf
printf-type = fntype auto s32 ptr
printf_ = vatype printf-type
printf_s32 = vatype printf-type s32
+printf_s32_s32_s32 = vatype printf-type s32 s32 s32
x := VA 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
@@ 20,10 21,11 @@ fn main : s32
argc : s32
argv : ptr
- pcall printf_s32 printf "hell(o) world! %i %i %i\n" x
+ pcall printf_s32_s32_s32 printf "hell(o) world! %i %i %i\n" x
if (ieq argc 2)
pcall printf_ printf "two arguments passed\n"
pcall printf_ printf "one argument passed\n"
pcall printf_ printf "third line!\n"
pass 0