05d4eb81eddc — Leonard Ritter tip 3 days ago
* compiler: check-in DBParser; will this be the final form?
M lib/scopes/compiler/Id.sc +106 -10
@@ 22,9 22,53 @@ 
 using import print hash switcher
-from (import spicetools) let canonical-typeset type-subset?
+from (import spicetools) let canonical-typeset
+# for Id types: true if the set of types in A is fully contained within B
+spice subset? (A B)
+    A as:= type
+    B as:= type
+    AT := '@ A 'Types...
+    BT := '@ B 'Types...
+    acount := 'argcount AT
+    bcount := 'argcount BT
+    if (acount > bcount)
+        return false
+    for i in (range acount)
+        a := ('getarg AT i) as type
+        contained? := for j in (range bcount)
+            b := ('getarg BT j) as type
+            if (a == b)
+                break true
+        else false
+        if (not contained?)
+            return false
+    return true
-subset? := type-subset?
+# for enums: true if the set of values in A is fully contained within B
+spice verify-enum-subset (A B)
+    A as:= type
+    B as:= type
+    AT := '@ A '__fields__
+    BT := '@ B '__fields__
+    acount := 'argcount AT
+    bcount := 'argcount BT
+    for i in (range acount)
+        a := ('getarg AT i) as type
+        a_idx := ('@ a 'Index) as u64
+        contained? := for j in (range bcount)
+            b := ('getarg BT j) as type
+            b_idx := ('@ b 'Index) as u64
+            if (a_idx == b_idx)
+                break true
+        else false
+        if (not contained?)
+            error
+                (repr "field" a "of type" A "not contained in" B) as string
 ID_LIMIT := 0xffffffffffffff:u64

@@ 41,12 85,18 @@ type Id
             \ < cls : ID_STORAGE_TYPE
             KindType := kind-type
             Kind := none
-        'define-symbol T 'Types...
+        parent-types... := static-if (cls == this-type)
+            'define-symbol T 'Types...
+            pass;
+        else
+            verify-enum-subset cls.KindType kind-type
+            cls.AllTypes...
         # create subtypes
         direct-types... := va-map
             inline (F)
                 name := F.Name
-                ST := type (name as zarray) < T : ID_STORAGE_TYPE
+                tname := .. (nameof T) "." (name as zarray)
+                ST := type (do tname) < T : ID_STORAGE_TYPE
                     Kind := getattr kind-type name
                 'define-symbol ST 'Types... ST
                 'define-symbol T name ST

@@ 68,7 118,8 @@ type Id
                 key name ST
         'define-symbol T 'Types...
-            canonical-typeset direct-types...
+            canonical-typeset
+                (va-join parent-types...) direct-types...
         # create subtypes
         indirect-types... := va-map
             inline (...)

@@ 93,6 144,8 @@ type Id
             (va-join direct-types...) indirect-types...
+    subtype := __typecall
     inline __typecall (cls ...)
         static-if (cls == this-type)
             __typecall cls ...

@@ 105,9 158,8 @@ type Id
     # true if all types in cls are contained in T
     @@ memo
     inline subtype? (cls T)
-        static-if (cls == T) true
-        elseif ((superof cls) == T) true
-        elseif ((superof cls) == (superof T))
+        static-if (cls <= T) true
+        elseif (cls <= (superof T))
             subset? cls T
         else false

@@ 262,6 314,21 @@ type Id
             print (/dec id)
+# helper macro to copy fields from a different enum
+inline replicate-enum-tags (enum-type tag prefix)
+    prefixf := static-if (none? prefix)
+        inline (name) name
+    else
+        prefix as:= zarray
+        inline (name)
+            Symbol
+                .. prefix
+                    name as zarray
+    va-map
+        inline (field)
+            tag (prefixf field.Name) Nothing field.Index
+        enum-type.__fields__
 if main-module?
     using import enum downcast

@@ 273,8 340,10 @@ if main-module?
+    ID := Id
     # define an Id type from Kind
-    Id := Id Kind
+    Id := ID Kind
         # define abstract supersets
         TopLevel = Id.Group 'Function 'Const 'Global
         FirstClass = Id.Group 'TopLevel 'Expr

@@ 308,8 377,35 @@ if main-module?
         assert false
+    # later extend the type
+    enum MoreKinds : u8
+        replicate-enum-tags Kind tag "Parent"
+        Value
+        List
+        Scope
+    static-assert ((storagecast MoreKinds.ParentFunction) == Kind.Function)
+    static-assert ((storagecast MoreKinds.Value) == 5)
+    Id2 := 'subtype Id MoreKinds
+    x := imply g Id2
+    print x
+    # downcast dispatch
+    downcast... id
+    case Global (x)
+        print "global" x
+    case Function (x)
+        print "function" x
+    default
+        assert false
+    ;
-    let Id
+    let Id replicate-enum-tags

M lib/scopes/compiler/arcmem/String.sc +1 -1
@@ 426,7 426,7 @@ type String :: (~ (arc@ char))
     inline append-from-arrayptr (self source count)
         cls := typeof self
         let dest = (& (append-slots self count))
-        memcpy
+        arcmemcopyn
             bitcast dest (mutable rawstring)
             source as rawstring
             count * (sizeof cls.ElementType)

M lib/scopes/compiler/arcmem/init.sc +1 -1
@@ 2393,7 2393,7 @@ inline popswap (a b)
     """"Safely exchange reference a with the contents of b,
         return the old contents of a.
     T := typeof a
-    static-if (T <= arc@)
+    static-if ((storageof T) <= arc@)
         b := imply b T
         a := bitcast& a voidstar
         b := bitcast b voidstar

A => lib/scopes/compiler/pilot/DBParser.sc +254 -0
@@ 0,0 1,254 @@ 
+using import itertools switcher
+    compiler.basics
+    compiler.Parser
+    compiler.Lexer
+    compiler.MappedFile
+    compiler.Id
+    compiler.Table
+#using import struct print itertools Array switcher downcast hash
+#using import C.string
+#using import ...Parser .StringPool .Any
+#using import ...Lexer ...MappedFile compiler.arcmem
+enum IdKind : u8
+    Anchor
+    Symbol
+    String
+    List
+Id := Id IdKind
+    Listable = Id.Group 'Symbol 'String 'List
+ListItem := tuple
+    id = Id.Listable
+    anchor = Id.Anchor
+ListItems := Array ListItem
+from Parser let Kind
+struct ParserDB
+    let Id IdKind
+    filepath : String
+    anchor : RowIndexedTable
+        id = Id.Anchor
+        begin = usize
+        end = usize
+        line = u32
+        column = u32
+    string : RowIndexedTable
+        id = Id.String
+        data = String
+    symbol : RowIndexedTable
+        id = Id.Symbol
+        hash = hash
+        data = String
+    # find symbol by hash
+    idx_symbol_string : Map hash Id.Symbol
+    list : RowIndexedTable
+        id = Id.List
+        items = ListItems
+    inline symbol (self str)
+        H := hash str
+        try
+            copy ('get self.idx_symbol_string H)
+        else
+            sid := self.symbol
+                hash = H
+                data = str
+            'set self.idx_symbol_string H sid
+            sid
+struct DBParser < Parser
+    db : ~arc@ ParserDB
+    stack : Array (tuple Id.List Id.Anchor)
+    str : String
+    str_anchor : Id.Anchor
+    str_kind : Kind
+    inline __typecall (cls filepath)
+        new db := ParserDB
+            filepath = filepath
+        tllist := db.list ()
+        noanc := db.anchor ()
+        local self := super-type.__typecall cls
+            db = &db
+            str_anchor = noanc
+        'append self.stack
+            typeinit tllist noanc
+        deref self
+    inline finalize (self)
+        super-type.finalize self
+        lid := unpack (copy ('pop self.stack))
+        pass
+            share self.db
+            lid
+    inline error (self start end ...)
+        print2
+            /.. self.db.filepath ":" (/dec start.line) ":" (/dec start.column) ":"
+            ...
+        abort;
+    inline append-any (self item)
+        lid := ('last self.stack) @ 0
+        li := self.db.list @& lid
+        'append li.items item
+        ;
+    inline begin-string (self cursor kind capacity)
+        self.str_anchor = self.db.anchor
+            begin = cursor.offset
+            end = cursor.offset
+            line = cursor.line
+            column = cursor.column
+        self.str_kind = kind
+    inline string-data (self ptr size)
+        'append-from-arrayptr self.str ptr size
+    inline string-char (self ch)
+        'append self.str ch
+    fn end-string (self end)
+        aid := copy self.str_anchor
+        anc := self.db.anchor @& aid
+        anc.end = end.offset
+        str := popswap self.str (String)
+        inline prefixed-const (prefix)
+            prefix := "type:" .. (prefix as zarray)
+            static-assert (constant? prefix)
+            imply
+                self.db.list
+                    items = ListItems
+                        ListItem
+                            'symbol @self.db prefix
+                            aid
+                        ListItem
+                            self.db.string str
+                            aid
+                Id.Listable
+        switcher sw
+            case 'String
+                imply (self.db.string str) Id.Listable
+            case 'Symbol
+                imply ('symbol @self.db str) Id.Listable
+            default
+                report "todo:" self.str_kind
+                assert false
+        va-map
+            inline (tag)
+                switcher+ sw
+                    case tag
+                        prefixed-const tag
+            'i8
+            'i16
+            'i32
+            'i64
+            'i128
+            'u8
+            'u16
+            'u32
+            'u64
+            'u128
+            'char
+            'usize
+            'f32
+            'f64
+        itemid := sw self.str_kind
+        'append-any self (ListItem itemid aid)
+    inline begin-list (self cursor)
+        'append self.stack
+            typeinit
+                self.db.list ()
+                self.db.anchor
+                    begin = cursor.offset
+                    end = cursor.offset
+                    line = cursor.line
+                    column = cursor.column
+    inline end-list (self end single-unwrap?)
+        lid aid := unpack ('pop self.stack)
+        item := label item
+            if single-unwrap?
+                li := self.db.list @ lid
+                if ((countof li.items) == 1)
+                    # unwrap-single
+                    merge item (copy (li.items @ 0))
+            anc := self.db.anchor @& aid
+            anc.end = end.offset
+            ListItem lid aid
+        'append-any self item
+# returns @db, root list id
+fn... parse-buffer (filename : rawstring, cursor : Location,
+    ptr : rawstring, size : usize)
+    ->>
+        range (size + 1)
+        map
+            inline (i)
+                if (i == size)
+                    0:char
+                else
+                    deref (ptr @ i)
+        tokenize
+        map
+            inline (token begin end)
+                pass token begin end
+                    & (ptr @ begin.offset)
+                    & (ptr @ end.offset)
+        stateful
+            inline ()
+                DBParser
+                    'from-rawstring String filename
+fn... parse-file (filename : rawstring)
+    f := try! MappedFile.open filename
+    parse-buffer filename (Location) ('data f)
+@if main-module?
+    print "--- parsing"
+    s... := parse-file module-path
+    print "done."
+    print s...
+    ;
+    sugar-quote
+        do
+            ;
+            x
+            ;
+            a
+            ;;
+            b
+            ;;;
+            c
+            do
+                \ a b c
+                d
+                \ e f \
+                    g h
+                i
+                \ j k \
+            1
+            2
+            ;
+                1 2
+            print;print 1;; print
+                2
+    let STILParser parse-buffer parse-file
+    locals;

M lib/scopes/hash.sc +2 -2
@@ 682,7 682,7 @@ let hash-storage =
 'set-symbols hash
-    __hash = (inline (self) self)
+    __hash = (inline (self) (deref self))
     __== = integer.__==
     __!= = integer.__!=
     __< = integer.__<

@@ 826,7 826,7 @@ let uhash-storage =
                 `(bitcast hash-chain uhash)
 'set-symbols uhash
-    __uhash = (inline (self) self)
+    __uhash = (inline (self) (deref self))
     __hash = (inline (self) (bitcast (itrunc self u64) hash))
     __== = integer.__==
     __!= = integer.__!=

M lib/scopes/spicetools.sc +0 -22
@@ 143,26 143,4 @@ spice canonical-typeset (types...)
     sc_argument_list_new count types
-# true if the set of types in A is fully contained within B
-spice type-subset? (A B)
-    A as:= type
-    B as:= type
-    AT := '@ A 'Types...
-    BT := '@ B 'Types...
-    acount := 'argcount AT
-    bcount := 'argcount BT
-    if (acount > bcount)
-        return false
-    for i in (range acount)
-        contained? := for j in (range bcount)
-            a := ('getarg AT i) as type
-            b := ('getarg BT j) as type
-            if (a == b)
-                break true
-        else false
-        if (not contained?)
-            return false
-    return true