edited online with Bitbucket
merged PlayScreen with JigsawPuzzle
setters and javadoc
removed Piece#tmpPolygon
removed PolygonRegionDrawable
upgraded to libgdx-utils 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT, fixed multiple "play again" dialogues
removed Constants
minor improvements and formatting
replaced JigsawPuzzle#createSource(..) with new inner class
fixed snapping, deprecated Puzzle#findClosest(..)
replaced JigsawPuzzle#createTarget(..) with new inner class, minor stuff
added JigsawPuzzle#findClosest(Piece) for use in Puzzle#createTarget(..) (it's awesome now)
various minor architecture changes
minor performance improvement
switched to java 7, using a single group instead of bank and board, moved target and source creation to separate methods, fixed crash when moving the only placed piece
polished PolygonRegionDrawable
removed Board, minor improvements
fixed some bugs, Piece#hit(..) now only hits if on polygon
set up project completely new
changed architecture so puzzles can run in dialog etc