@@ 1,4 1,4 @@
-'From Haver7.0 [latest update: #6454] on 21 June 2024 at 3:58:15 pm'!
+'From Haver7.0 [latest update: #6454] on 26 June 2024 at 2:01:48 pm'!
'Description I provide a (persistent) root for all the office data like:
- ToDo items
@@ 6,12 6,12 @@
- Documents
and a lot more.'!
-!provides: 'OfficeRoots' 1 68!
+!provides: 'OfficeRoots' 1 70!
!requires: 'IdGeneration' 1 2 nil!
+!requires: 'ActionBuilder' 1 36 nil!
!requires: 'ActionButtons' 1 47 nil!
-!requires: 'ActionBuilder' 1 36 nil!
!requires: 'States' 1 0 nil!
-!requires: 'PlanF' 1 24 nil!
+!requires: 'PlanF' 1 28 nil!
!requires: 'SystemMorphs' 1 15 nil!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #OfficeRoots!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'OfficeRoots-Items'!
@@ 27,8 27,8 @@ Modules newEnvironment: #OfficeRoots!
!interfacesOf: OfficeRoots!
Modules environment: #OfficeRoots ::
- interface: #API exporting: #(#OfficeItemListMorph #OfficeItemWrapper #Roots) ::
- interface: #SPI exporting: #(#OfficeItemListMorph #AbstractRoots #GroupingSubItemWrappersModel #SubItemWrappersModel #ConfigurationSwitchingGroupingSubItemWrappersModel #ListItemWrapper #SearchResultItemWrapper #OfficeItemWrapper) ::
+ interface: #API exporting: #(#OfficeItemListMorph #Roots #OfficeItemWrapper) ::
+ interface: #SPI exporting: #(#ListItemWrapper #SubItemWrappersModel #AbstractRoots #SearchResultItemWrapper #OfficeItemListMorph #GroupingSubItemWrappersModel #ConfigurationSwitchingGroupingSubItemWrappersModel #OfficeItemWrapper) ::
interface: #UTI exporting: #(#ListItemWrapper)!
!importsOf: OfficeRoots!
@@ 62,6 62,28 @@ Modules environment: #OfficeRoots ::
(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#AbstractLinkingOfficeItem) class
instanceVariableNames: ''!
+!classDefinition: (Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#LinkingOfficeItem) category: #'OfficeRoots-Items'!
+(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#AbstractLinkingOfficeItem) subclass: #LinkingOfficeItem
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'OfficeRoots-Items'
+ inModule: #OfficeRoots!
+!classDefinition: (Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#LinkingOfficeItem) class category: #'OfficeRoots-Items'!
+(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#LinkingOfficeItem) class
+ instanceVariableNames: ''!
+!classDefinition: (Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#LinkContainersCollection) category: #'OfficeRoots-Items'!
+(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#AbstractOfficeItem) subclass: #LinkContainersCollection
+ instanceVariableNames: 'root'
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'OfficeRoots-Items'
+ inModule: #OfficeRoots!
+!classDefinition: (Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#LinkContainersCollection) class category: #'OfficeRoots-Items'!
+(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#LinkContainersCollection) class
+ instanceVariableNames: ''!
!classDefinition: (Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#SubItemWrappersConfiguration) category: #'OfficeRoots-Models'!
(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#AbstractOfficeItem) subclass: #SubItemWrappersConfiguration
instanceVariableNames: 'category header description subItemsFilter subItemsSorter subItemsGrouper singleSubItemAdjuster subItemsCollectionAdjuster'
@@ 139,6 161,17 @@ Modules environment: #OfficeRoots ::
(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#OfficeItemListMorph) class
instanceVariableNames: ''!
+!classDefinition: (Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#IDEditingOfficeItemListMorph) category: #'OfficeRoots-Morphs'!
+(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#OfficeItemListMorph) subclass: #IDEditingOfficeItemListMorph
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'OfficeRoots-Morphs'
+ inModule: #OfficeRoots!
+!classDefinition: (Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#IDEditingOfficeItemListMorph) class category: #'OfficeRoots-Morphs'!
+(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#IDEditingOfficeItemListMorph) class
+ instanceVariableNames: ''!
!classDefinition: (Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#ConfigurationSwitchingGroupingSubItemWrappersMorph) category: #'OfficeRoots-Morphs'!
(Modules>>#SystemMorphs>>#AbstractSystemMorph) subclass: #ConfigurationSwitchingGroupingSubItemWrappersMorph
instanceVariableNames: 'isTopLevel subItemsWrappersSubModel selectionButton'
@@ 196,7 229,7 @@ Object subclass: #AbstractRoots
!classDefinition: (Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#Roots) category: #'OfficeRoots-Roots'!
(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#AbstractRoots) subclass: #Roots
- instanceVariableNames: 'todoItems addresses documents calendars spreadsheets workspaces worldStates portfolio'
+ instanceVariableNames: 'todoItems addresses documents calendars spreadsheets workspaces worldStates portfolio linkContainers'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'OfficeRoots-Roots'
@@ 212,6 245,13 @@ I am the abstract super class of all off
!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#AbstractLinkingOfficeItem) commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
I am an office item that just links to its items, but does not own them, meaning it is not the parent of it's items.!
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#LinkingOfficeItem) commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
+I am I generic collection of linking objects.!
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#LinkContainersCollection) commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
+I am a collection of link containers.
+Link containers are my default item class, but I am able to hold items of other classes.!
!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#SubItemWrappersConfiguration) commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
I store one (simple) configuration for an instance of SubItemWrappersConfigurationModel.
@@ 471,14 511,13 @@ parent: aParent
^ self parent: aParent doneBy: nil! !
-!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#AbstractOfficeItem) methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'KLG 8/18/2023 16:11:40'!
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#AbstractOfficeItem) methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'KLG 6/25/2024 21:32:24'!
parent: aParent doneBy: aRequestorOrNil
"Set my parent done by aRequestorOrNil."
self removeFromParent.
parentItem := aParent.
aParent privateAddItem: self doneBy: aRequestorOrNil.
- self flagHaver: 'We might update the store and destroy it''s state while loading'.
self withStoreDo: [ :store |
updateObject: self;
@@ 1427,11 1466,14 @@ wordDelimiters
^ ' .,;:!!?[]{}()«»“”"'''! !
-!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#AbstractLinkingOfficeItem) methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'KLG 3/28/2024 23:23:31'!
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#AbstractLinkingOfficeItem) methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'KLG 6/25/2024 21:35:08'!
addItem: anItem doneBy: aRequestorOrNil
"Add anItem."
- ^ self privateAddItem: anItem doneBy: aRequestorOrNil! !
+ | answer |
+ answer := self privateAddItem: anItem doneBy: aRequestorOrNil.
+ self withStoreDo: [ :storeNotNil | storeNotNil updateObject: self ].
+ ^ answer! !
!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#AbstractLinkingOfficeItem) methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'KLG 3/28/2024 23:33:15'!
itemAtId: anId
@@ 1526,6 1568,80 @@ itemsCollectionClass
^ OrderedCollection! !
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#LinkingOfficeItem) class methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'KLG 6/25/2024 13:54:34'!
+ "Answer my name used in printing."
+ ^ 'Links'! !
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#LinkingOfficeItem) class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'KLG 6/25/2024 14:04:17'!
+ "Answer my browser morph."
+ ^ IDEditingOfficeItemListMorph! !
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#LinkingOfficeItem) class methodsFor: 'persistence' stamp: 'KLG 6/25/2024 22:22:23'!
+recordDescriptionForPlanF: aStore
+ "Answer a record description for my instances."
+ ^ aStore recordDescriptionClass
+ forClass: self
+ storeInstanceVariables: #(id)
+ gettersAndSetters: #(
+ (itemsForPlanF itemsFromPlanF:))! !
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#LinkContainersCollection) methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'KLG 6/25/2024 20:47:55'!
+ "Answer the value of root"
+ ^ root! !
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#LinkContainersCollection) methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'KLG 6/25/2024 13:48:12'!
+root: aRoots
+ "Set the root object."
+ root := aRoots! !
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#LinkContainersCollection) methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'KLG 6/25/2024 20:49:13'!
+ "Answer true if we can save our self."
+ ^ root notNil! !
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#LinkContainersCollection) methodsFor: 'persistence' stamp: 'KLG 6/25/2024 20:52:56'!
+withStoreDo: aBlock
+ "Evaluate aBock with my store."
+ ^ root ifNotNil: [ root withStoreDo: aBlock ]! !
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#LinkContainersCollection) class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'KLG 6/25/2024 13:32:31'!
+ "Answer my browser morph."
+ ^ OfficeItemListMorph! !
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#LinkContainersCollection) class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'KLG 6/25/2024 12:07:02'!
+ "Answer my items class."
+ ^ LinkingOfficeItem! !
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#LinkContainersCollection) class methodsFor: 'persistence' stamp: 'KLG 6/25/2024 22:23:04'!
+recordDescriptionForPlanF: aStore
+ "Answer a record description for my instances."
+ ^ aStore recordDescriptionClass
+ forClass: self
+ storeInstanceVariables: #(id)
+ gettersAndSetters: #(
+ (itemsForPlanF itemsFromPlanF:))! !
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#LinkContainersCollection) class methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'KLG 6/25/2024 13:54:25'!
+ "Answer my name used in printing."
+ ^ 'LinkContainers'! !
!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#SubItemWrappersConfiguration) methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'KLG 4/29/2024 19:48:09'!
configureSubItemsWrapperModel: aModel
"Configure a model."
@@ 2278,6 2394,12 @@ officeItemsMenu
^ self menuBuilder buildUIElement! !
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#OfficeItemListMorph) methodsFor: 'GUI building' stamp: 'KLG 6/25/2024 13:58:49'!
+addDetailMorphsTo: aLayoutMorph
+ "Add morphs for editing simple details.
+ Do nothing here, but implement in subclasses."! !
!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#OfficeItemListMorph) methodsFor: 'GUI building' stamp: 'KLG 4/26/2024 12:46:35'!
"Build all my actions."
@@ 2338,7 2460,7 @@ buildActions
enabledSelector: #someoneCanSave ] ] ].
^ builder! !
-!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#OfficeItemListMorph) methodsFor: 'GUI building' stamp: 'KLG 4/26/2024 12:50:11'!
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#OfficeItemListMorph) methodsFor: 'GUI building' stamp: 'KLG 6/25/2024 14:00:02'!
"Build the widget."
@@ 2346,7 2468,8 @@ buildMorphicWidget
self beRow.
(buttonsMorph := self buttonsBuilder buildUIElement)
color: `Color black`.
- (itemsPane := LayoutMorph newColumn)
+ self addDetailMorphsTo: (itemsPane := LayoutMorph newColumn).
+ itemsPane
addMorph: self newSearchPane fixedHeight: 30;
addMorphUseAll: self newItemsList.
@@ 2360,7 2483,7 @@ buttonsBuilder
^ self menuBuilder buttonsBuilder! !
-!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#OfficeItemListMorph) methodsFor: 'GUI building' stamp: 'KLG 4/26/2024 11:51:32'!
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#OfficeItemListMorph) methodsFor: 'GUI building' stamp: 'KLG 6/25/2024 14:10:57'!
"Answer a new items list morph."
@@ 2375,7 2498,7 @@ newItemsList
dropAction: #dropItemWrapper:
dropChecker: #acceptsItemWrapper: ::
doubleClickSelector: #browseSelectedItem;
- autoExpand: true.! !
+ autoExpand: false.! !
!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#OfficeItemListMorph) methodsFor: 'commands' stamp: 'KLG 4/25/2024 21:57:58'!
@@ 2412,6 2535,18 @@ officeItemsKeystroke: aUnicodeCodePoint
[ $a ] -> [ self subItemsWrappersSubModel addItemToSelectedItem ] }
otherwise: [ self flash ]! !
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#IDEditingOfficeItemListMorph) methodsFor: 'GUI building' stamp: 'KLG 6/25/2024 14:05:55'!
+addDetailMorphsTo: aLayoutMorph
+ "Add morphs for editing simple details."
+ aLayoutMorph
+ addMorph: (TextModelMorph
+ textProvider: self model
+ textGetter: #idForUI
+ textSetter: #idFromUI: ::
+ acceptOnCR: true)
+ fixedHeight: 30! !
!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#ConfigurationSwitchingGroupingSubItemWrappersMorph) methodsFor: 'GUI building' stamp: 'KLG 4/30/2024 18:01:06'!
"Builder my widget."
@@ 2856,6 2991,19 @@ documents: anObject
updateObject: documents;
flush ]! !
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#Roots) methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'KLG 6/25/2024 19:18:32'!
+ "Answer a collection of link containers."
+ linkContainers ifNil: [
+ (linkContainers := self linkContainersCollectionClass new) root: self..
+ self withStoreDo: [ :storeNonNil |
+ storeNonNil
+ updateObject: self;
+ flush ] ].
+ linkContainers root: self. ": This instance variable is not persistent!!"
+ ^ linkContainers! !
!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#Roots) methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'KLG 12/15/2023 15:34:29'!
"Answer the value of investments"
@@ 2997,6 3145,12 @@ hasInvestments
^ portfolio notNil! !
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#Roots) methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'KLG 6/25/2024 13:36:57'!
+ "Answer true if we have link containers."
+ ^ linkContainers notNil! !
!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#Roots) methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'KLG 8/18/2023 21:49:01'!
"Answer true if we have spread sheets."
@@ 3040,6 3194,12 @@ investingFeatureRequirement
^ self class investingFeatureRequirement! !
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#Roots) methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'KLG 6/25/2024 12:02:39'!
+ "Answer the class of that holds link containers."
+ ^ self class linkContainersCollectionClass! !
!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#Roots) class methodsFor: 'persistence' stamp: 'KLG 12/6/2023 10:46:21'!
"Answer the default store name."
@@ 3049,13 3209,13 @@ defaultStoreName
self iteration printOn: stream base: 36.
stream nextPutAll: '.planF' ]! !
-!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#Roots) class methodsFor: 'persistence' stamp: 'KLG 12/14/2023 19:07:57'!
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#Roots) class methodsFor: 'persistence' stamp: 'KLG 6/25/2024 11:55:48'!
recordDescriptionForPlanF: aStore
"Answer a record description for my instances."
^ aStore recordDescriptionClass
forClass: self
- storeInstanceVariables: #(todoItems addresses documents calendars spreadsheets workspaces worldStates portfolio)! !
+ storeInstanceVariables: #(todoItems addresses documents calendars spreadsheets workspaces worldStates portfolio linkContainers)! !
!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#Roots) class methodsFor: 'interations' stamp: 'KLG 12/6/2023 10:49:42'!
@@ 3074,12 3234,24 @@ initialize
Smalltalk addToShutDownList: self! !
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#Roots) class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'KLG 6/25/2024 13:44:50'!
+ "Answer the class of that holds link containers."
+ ^ LinkContainersCollection! !
!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#Roots) class methodsFor: 'browsing' stamp: 'KLG 9/12/2023 22:23:00'!
"Browse the persitent document /list."
self default documents secondaryBrowse! !
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#Roots) class methodsFor: 'browsing' stamp: 'KLG 6/25/2024 13:44:31'!
+ "Browse the link containers sheets."
+ ^ self default linkContainers browse! !
!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#Roots) class methodsFor: 'browsing' stamp: 'KLG 12/14/2023 11:46:20'!
"Browse the persitent portfolio."
@@ 3092,11 3264,13 @@ browseSpreadSheets
^ self default spreadsheets browse! !
-!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#Roots) class methodsFor: 'browsing' stamp: 'KLG 8/23/2023 11:35:59'!
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#Roots) class methodsFor: 'browsing' stamp: 'KLG 6/26/2024 13:53:21'!
"Browse the persitent todo item/list."
- self default todoItems secondaryBrowse! !
+ self default todoItems hasItems
+ ifTrue: [ self default todoItems secondaryBrowse ]
+ ifFalse: [ self default todoItems browse ]! !
!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#Roots) class methodsFor: 'browsing' stamp: 'KLG 8/23/2023 13:26:22'!
@@ 3122,6 3296,12 @@ newNote
on: newItem
! !
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#Roots) class methodsFor: 'browsing' stamp: 'KLG 6/25/2024 13:53:41'!
+ "Create an open a new link container."
+ ^ self default linkContainers addItem browse! !
!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#Roots) class methodsFor: 'browsing' stamp: 'KLG 8/23/2023 20:17:36'!
"Create an open a new workspace."
@@ 3134,7 3314,7 @@ openWorldstate
^ self default worldStates addItem browse! !
-!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#Roots) class methodsFor: 'menu-world' stamp: 'KLG 12/15/2023 15:48:08'!
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#Roots) class methodsFor: 'menu-world' stamp: 'KLG 6/26/2024 13:32:11'!
"Open our menu with the persistent tools."
@@ 3147,19 3327,19 @@ openPersistentToolsMenu
add: 'New Note' action: #newNote icon: #textEditorIcon ::
setBalloonText: `'Add a simple ', 'note' bold, ' to the ToDo list and open it'`.
- menu
+ "F: menu
add: 'Documents' action: #browseDocuments icon: #genericTextIcon ::
- setBalloonText: `'Open Haver''s list of persistent ', 'Documents' bold`.
+ setBalloonText: `'Open Haver''s list of persistent ', 'Documents' bold`."
add: 'Spread Sheets' action: #browseSpreadSheets icon: #spreadsheetIcon ::
setBalloonText: `'Open Haver''s list of persistent ', 'Spread Sheets' bold`.
- self investingFeatureRequirement ifNotNil: [
+ "F:self investingFeatureRequirement ifNotNil: [
add: 'Portfolio' action: #browsePortfolio icon: #spreadsheetIcon ::
- setBalloonText: `'Open Haver''s persistent ', 'Portfolio' bold` ].
+ setBalloonText: `'Open Haver''s persistent ', 'Portfolio' bold` ]."
add: 'Workspaces' action: #browseWorkspaces icon: #systemIcon ::
@@ 3176,6 3356,19 @@ openPersistentToolsMenu
setBalloonText: `'Add a ', 'world state' bold, ' to the list of world states and open it'`.
+ add: 'Link Containers' action: #browseLinkContainers icon: #refreshIcon ::
+ setBalloonText: `'Open Haver''s list of persistent ', 'link containers' bold`.
+ menu
+ add: 'New Link Container' action: #openLinkContainer icon: #halfRefreshIcon ::
+ setBalloonText: `'Add a ', 'link container' bold, ' to the link container collection list and open it'`.
+ menu
+ addLine;
+ addUpdating: 'Zap' action: #closeAllAndZapDefaults" icon: #closeIcon" ::
+ setIcon: #closeIcon ::
+ setBalloonText: `'Reset the ', 'default root object' bold, ' to to reload everything\\Also close all related windows.' withNewLines`::
+ isEnabled: [ defaultInstance notNil ].
+ menu
+ addLine;
add: 'Document Id'
target: IdGenerator
action: #copyNextDocumentIdToClipboardAndShowIt
@@ 3212,4 3405,26 @@ investingFeatureRequirement
(answer := FeatureRequirement name: 'Investing') findPackageFileAsReqOf: nil ::
ifFalse: [ ^nil ].
^ answer! !
+!(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#Roots) class methodsFor: 'user interface support' stamp: 'KLG 6/26/2024 13:38:28'!
+ "Close all windows with model instances of AbstractOfficeItem subclasses and
+ then zap the root object.
+ This action should force e reaload from the database,
+ when windows are repopend."
+ defaultInstance ifNil: [ ^self ].
+ self
+ confirm:
+ 'Do you realy want to close all office item related windows and zap the default root object?' ::
+ ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
+ UISupervisor runningWorld ifNotNil: [ :rw |
+ SystemWindow
+ windowsIn: rw
+ satisfying: [ :window | window model isKindOf: AbstractOfficeItem ] :: do: [: window |
+ window dismissMorph ] ].
+ Modules hasEnvironment: #NuMach :: ifTrue: [
+ Modules >> #NuMach >> #PersistentTodoItem :: zapDefault ].
+ self zapDefault! !
(Modules>>#OfficeRoots>>#Roots) initialize!