A nice user friendly version of Cuis with module support.
736d390bcb51 — Gerald Klix (speedy) default tip 5 months ago
SUM: Updated the readme file.
43fb41ed97d7 — Gerald Klix (speedy) Cuis7.0based 5 months ago
SUM: Create Haver's package search path file in the right directory.
7198e4ae5460 — Gerald Klix (speedy) 5 months ago
SUM: Fixed a bug in our haverize script.


browse log
browse .tar.gz



#Haver on Cuis

Haver is a Smalltalk dialect based on Cuis.


More information about Haver can be found at:



Haver has its own Mastodon account:

@Haver@troet.cafe (Mastodon)


Haver's name was inspired by the Proclaimers' song 'I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)':

And if I haver, hey I know I'm gonna be

I'm gonna be the man who's havering to you


Haver currently has two branches one based on the latest stable release of Cuis named Cuis7.0based and one based on Cuis' rolling 7.1 release named Cuis7.Xbased.

#State of This Repository

The branch named Cuis7.0based is the default branch. Provided that checked out at least the Cuis7-0 repository and – in order to use compatibility packages – Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev repository under a common directory – say Cuis-Smalltalk – you can use the prepareBootstrap.sh like this:

./prepareBootstrap.sh Cuis-Smalltalk

This script will create symlinks and a file that configures Haver's package search path to find packages delivered with Cuis' core.

Create a Haver image by entering

squeak Cuis7.0 -s Haverize.st

and save the new Haver image with the World menu's menu item Save Haver Dev Release and Quit. You will find an image named Haver7.0-6454-003-dev.image in the project's root directory.