9af9659145c8 — Gerald Klix (speedy) 5 years ago
SUM: Refactored the unit test modules.
ADD: A :mod:`testgf` test module.
ADD: a :mod:`testbase` module with common parts.
5 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 446 deletions(-)

M tests/test_all.py
A => tests/testbase.py
M tests/testgo.py => tests/testgf.py
M tests/testgo.py
M tests/textest.py
M tests/test_all.py +2 -0
@@ 21,10 21,12 @@ def test_all():
     import testgo
+    import testgf
+        testgf,
     runner = TextTestRunner(verbosity=2)

A => tests/testbase.py +31 -0
@@ 0,0 1,31 @@ 
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Some base classes for tests."""
+from unittest import TestCase as BaseTestCase
+from gf import (
+    method,
+    Object,
+    __init__,
+__all__ = ['TestCase']
+class TestCase(BaseTestCase):
+    """The base class of all the tests."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        """Set up the test class."""
+        class TC(Object):
+            """A simple test class."""
+        @method()
+        def __init__(test_object: TC):
+            test_object.a0 = "v0"
+            test_object.a1 = "v1"
+        self.TC = TC

M tests/testgo.py => tests/testgf.py +5 -136
@@ 1,14 1,7 @@ 
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 """Tests for the generic object (`go`) module."""
-import sys, os
-        os.path.abspath(
-            os.path.normpath(
-                os.path.join(
-                    os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), os.pardir))))
-del os, sys
-from unittest import TestCase as BaseTestCase
 from gf import (Object, FinalizingMixin, Writer,
         generic, method, variadic_method, 
         Dispatch, isgeneric, merge,

@@ 17,133 10,8 @@ from gf import (Object, FinalizingMixin,
         __eq__, __ne__,
-class TestCase(BaseTestCase):
-    """The base class of all the tests."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Set up the test class."""
-        class TC(Object):
-            """A simple test class."""
-        @method()
-        def __init__(test_object: TC):
-            test_object.a0 = "v0"
-            test_object.a1 = "v1"
-        self.TC = TC
-class InitTestCase(TestCase):
-    """Test the initialisation."""
-    def test_init(self):
-        """Test the initialisation of our test class."""
-        to = self.TC()
-        self.assertEqual(to.a0, "v0")
-        self.assertEqual(to.a1, "v1")
-        self.assertTrue(".TC object at" in str(to))
-class OutputTestCase(TestCase):
-    """Test the output and string conversion functions."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Setup additional output methods."""
-        super().setUp()
-        TC = self.TC
-        @method()
-        def __out__(test_object: TC, write: Writer):
-            write("TC(%s, %s)", test_object.a0, test_object.a1)
-        @method()
-        def __spy__(self: TC, write: Writer):
-            __spy__.super(Object, Writer)(self, write)
-            write("(")
-            __spy__(self.a0, write)
-            write(", ")
-            __spy__(self.a1, write)
-            write(")")
-    def test_string_conversion(self):
-        """Test the string conversion functions."""
-        to = self.TC()
-        object_as_string = str(to)
-        self.assertEqual(object_as_string, "TC(v0, v1)")
-        self.assertEqual(object_as_string, as_string(to))
-        debug_string = repr(to)
-        self.assertTrue(".TC object at" in debug_string)
-        self.assertTrue(debug_string.endswith(">('v0', 'v1')"))
-        self.assertEqual(debug_string, spy(to))
-class OperatorTestCase(TestCase):
-    """Test a bit of the operators."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Setup additional output methods."""
-        super().setUp()
-        TC = self.TC
-        @method()
-        def __add__(self: TC, an_integer: int):
-            return self.a0 * self.a1 + an_integer
-        @method()
-        def __call__(self: TC, an_integer: int):
-            return "%r %r %d" % (self.a0, self.a1, an_integer)
-    def test_add(self):
-        """Test the newly defined addition method.""" 
-        to = self.TC()
-        to.a0 = 2
-        to.a1 = 3
-        self.assertEqual(to + 3, 9)
-        self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: 3 + to) 
-    def test_greater(self):
-        """Test the unimplemented greater operator.
-        According to the documentation this should
-        raise a `TypeError`."""
-        TC = self.TC
-        to0 = TC()
-        to1 = TC()
-        self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: to0 > to1)
-    def test_call(self):
-        """Test calling the instance."""
-        to = self.TC()
-        self.assertEqual("'v0' 'v1' 11", to(11))
-class FinalizingTestCase(TestCase):
-    """Test the finalizing functionality."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Set up an additional subclass."""
-        super().setUp()
-        self.fo = None
-        class FC(FinalizingMixin, self.TC):
-            """A test class with a `__del__` generic implementation."""
-        @method()
-        def __del__(an_fo: FC):
-            self.fo = an_fo
-        self.FC = FC
-    def test_finalisation(self):
-        """Test an object's finalisation."""
-        self.assertTrue(self.fo is None)
-        fo = self.FC()
-        self.assertTrue(self.fo is None)
-        del fo
-        self.assertFalse(self.fo is None)
+from testbase import *
+from unittest import TestCase as BuiltinTestCase
 class VariadicTestCase(TestCase):

@@ 417,7 285,7 @@ class MergeGenericsTest(AbstractTwoClass
                          "List (other): (1, 2, 3)")
-class TestIsGeneric(BaseTestCase):
+class TestIsGeneric(BuiltinTestCase):
     """Test the is generic function."""
     def test_isgeneric(self):

@@ 431,6 299,7 @@ class TestIsGeneric(BaseTestCase):
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     from unittest import main

M tests/testgo.py +2 -310
@@ 1,14 1,7 @@ 
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 """Tests for the generic object (`go`) module."""
-import sys, os
-        os.path.abspath(
-            os.path.normpath(
-                os.path.join(
-                    os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), os.pardir))))
-del os, sys
-from unittest import TestCase as BaseTestCase
 from gf import (Object, FinalizingMixin, Writer,
         generic, method, variadic_method, 
         Dispatch, isgeneric, merge,

@@ 17,23 10,7 @@ from gf import (Object, FinalizingMixin,
         __eq__, __ne__,
-class TestCase(BaseTestCase):
-    """The base class of all the tests."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Set up the test class."""
-        class TC(Object):
-            """A simple test class."""
-        @method()
-        def __init__(test_object: TC):
-            test_object.a0 = "v0"
-            test_object.a1 = "v1"
-        self.TC = TC
+from testbase import *
 class InitTestCase(TestCase):

@@ 146,291 123,6 @@ class FinalizingTestCase(TestCase):
         self.assertFalse(self.fo is None)
-class VariadicTestCase(TestCase):
-    """Test variadic methods."""
-    def test_variadic(self):
-        """Test variadic methods."""
-        varfun0 = generic()
-        varfun1 = generic()
-        @varfun0.variadic_method()
-        def varfun0(*arguments):
-            return tuple(reversed(arguments))
-        @varfun1.variadic_method()
-        def varfun1(tc: self.TC, *arguments):
-            return (tc,) + tuple(reversed(arguments))
-        @method()
-        def __eq__(tc0: self.TC, tc1: self.TC):  # Make `assertEqual`work!
-            return tc0.a0 == tc1.a0 and tc0.a1 == tc1.a1
-        @method()
-        def __eq__(tc0: self.TC, t: tuple):  # Make `assertEqual`work!
-            return False
-        @method()
-        def __ne__(tc0: self.TC, tc1: self.TC):  # Make `assertEqual`work!
-            return tc0.a0 != tc1.a0 or tc0.a1 != tc1.a1
-        self.assertEqual(varfun0(1, 2, 3), (3, 2, 1))
-        to = self.TC()
-        self.assertEqual(varfun1(to, "a", "b", "c"), (to, "c", "b", "a"))
-        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, varfun1, "Sepp")
-        self.assertEqual(varfun1(to), (to,))
-        self.assertEqual(varfun0(1, 2), (2, 1))
-        @varfun0.method()
-        def varfun0(one: int, two: int):
-            return [one, two]
-        self.assertEqual(varfun0(1, 2), [1, 2])
-        self.assertEqual(varfun0(1, 2, 3), (3, 2, 1))
-        self.assertEqual(varfun0("1", "2"), ("2", "1"))
-        varfun2 = generic()
-        @varfun2.method()
-        def varfun2(a: str, b: str):
-            return "|".join((a, b))
-        self.assertEqual(varfun2("a", "b"), "a|b")
-        @varfun2.variadic_method()
-        def varfun2(a_string: str, *arguments):
-            return "%s: %r" % (a_string, arguments)
-        self.assertEqual(varfun2("a", "b"), "a|b")
-        self.assertEqual(varfun2("c") , "c: ()")
-    def test_override(self):
-        """Test variadic overrides."""
-        varfun0 = generic()
-        @varfun0.variadic_method()
-        def varfun0(*arguments):
-            return None
-        self.assertEqual(varfun0("Test", "Test"), None)
-        @varfun0.variadic_method()
-        def varfun0(a_string: str, *arguments):
-            return a_string
-        self.assertEqual(varfun0("Test", "Test"), "Test")
-        varfun1 = generic()
-        @varfun1.variadic_method()
-        def varfun1(a_string: str, *arguments):
-            return a_string
-        self.assertEqual(varfun1("Test", "Test"), "Test")
-        @varfun1.variadic_method()
-        def varfun1(*arguments):
-            return None
-        self.assertEqual(varfun1("Test", "Test"), "Test")
-        self.assertEqual(varfun1(1, "Test"), None)
-        self.assertEqual(varfun1(1), None)
-# XXX: Add a ``testbase`` module?
-class DispatchOnObjectTest(TestCase):
-    """Test dispatching on objects."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Setup `self.tg` with `TC` and ``42``."""
-        super().setUp()
-        self.tg = generic("tg", "Test generic")
-        @self.tg.method()
-        def tg(to: self.TC, fortyTwo: 42):
-            return "Gotcha"
-        @self.tg.method()
-        def tg(lst: list, just_an_argument):
-            return "Gotta list"
-    def test_forty_two(self):
-        """Test our special `tg` method."""
-        self.assertEqual(self.tg(self.TC(), 42), "Gotcha")
-    def test_unhashable(self):
-        """Test if an unhashable object raises a warning."""
-        with self.assertWarns(RuntimeWarning):
-            self.assertEqual(self.tg([0, 1, 2], "Sepp"), "Gotta list")
-class DispatchOnObjectAndClassHierarchyTest(TestCase):
-    """Test dispatching on the class mro."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Setup `self.tg` with `TC` and ``42``."""
-        super().setUp()
-        self.tg = generic(
-            "tg",
-            "Test generic",
-            Dispatch.ON_OBJECT_AND_CLASS_HIERARCHY)
-        @self.tg.method()
-        def tg(to: self.TC, a_list: list):
-            self.assertIs(a_list, list)
-            return "Got a list"
-        @self.tg.method()
-        def tg(to: self.TC, an_int: int):
-            return "Got an int: %r" % an_int
-        @self.tg.method()
-        def tg(to: self.TC, fortyTwo: 42):
-            return "Gotcha"
-    def test_forty_two(self):
-        """Test our special `tg` method."""
-        self.assertEqual(self.tg(self.TC(), list), "Got a list")
-        self.assertEqual(self.tg(self.TC(), 4711), "Got an int: 4711")
-        self.assertEqual(self.tg(self.TC(), int), "Got an int: <class 'int'>")
-        self.assertEqual(self.tg(self.TC(), 42), "Gotcha")
-class DispatchOnClassOnlyTest(TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Setup `self.tg` with `TC` and ``42``."""
-        super().setUp()
-        self.tg = generic(
-            "tg",
-            "Test generic",
-            Dispatch.ON_CLASS)
-    def test_add_dispatch_on_object(self):
-        """Specifying an object to dispatch on should raise a ``TypeError``"""
-        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
-           @self.tg.method()
-           def tg(to: self.TC, fortyTwo: 42):
-               return "Gotcha"
-class AbstractTwoClassTest(TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Setup `self.tg` with `TC` and ``42``."""
-        super().setUp()
-        self.tg = generic(
-            "tg",
-            "Test generic",
-            Dispatch.ON_OBJECT)
-        class SubTC(self.TC):
-            """A subclass."""
-        self.SubTC = SubTC
-        @self.tg.method()
-        def tg(to: self.TC):
-            return "TC"
-        @self.tg.method()
-        def tg(to: self.SubTC):
-            return tg(super(self.TC, to)) + " and SubTC"
-class SuperCallTest(AbstractTwoClassTest):
-    def test_super_calls(self):
-        """Test a call using ``super``."""
-        self.assertEqual(self.tg(self.TC()), "TC")
-        self.assertEqual(self.tg(self.SubTC()), "TC and SubTC")
-class MergeGenericsTest(AbstractTwoClassTest):
-    """Test merging two generics."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        super().setUp()
-        self.other_tg = generic("other_tg", "Test generic")
-        @self.other_tg.method()
-        def other_tg(to: self.TC):
-            return "TC (other)"
-        @self.other_tg.method()
-        def other_tg(to: self.SubTC):
-            return self.other_tg(super(self.TC, to)) + " and SubTC (other)"
-        @self.other_tg.method()
-        def other_tg(an_integer: int):
-            return "int: [%d] (other)" % an_integer
-        @self.tg.method()
-        def other_tg(a_string: str):
-            return "str: [%s]" % a_string
-        @self.tg.method()
-        def other_tg(a_string: str, an_integer: int):
-            return self.tg(a_string) + "|" + self.other_tg(an_integer)
-        @self.other_tg.method()
-        def other_tg(a_string: str, an_integer: int):
-            return self.other_tg(an_integer) + "|" + self.tg(a_string)
-    def test_merge(self):
-        """Test calling a merged generic."""
-        self.assertEqual(self.other_tg(self.TC()), "TC (other)")
-        self.assertEqual(self.other_tg(self.SubTC()),
-                         "TC (other) and SubTC (other)")
-        self.assertEqual(self.other_tg(42), "int: [42] (other)")
-        self.assertEqual(self.tg("Sepp"), "str: [Sepp]")
-        self.assertEqual(self.other_tg("Sepp", 12), 
-                         "int: [12] (other)|str: [Sepp]")
-        self.assertEqual(self.tg("Sepp", 12), 
-                         "str: [Sepp]|int: [12] (other)")
-        merged_tg = merge(self.tg, self.other_tg)
-        self.assertEqual(merged_tg(self.TC()), "TC (other)")
-        self.assertEqual(merged_tg(self.SubTC()),
-                         "TC (other) and SubTC (other)")
-        self.assertEqual(merged_tg(42), "int: [42] (other)")
-        self.assertEqual(merged_tg("Sepp"), "str: [Sepp]")
-        self.assertEqual(merged_tg("Sepp", 12), 
-                         "int: [12] (other)|str: [Sepp]")
-        self.assertEqual(merged_tg("Sepp", 12), 
-                         "int: [12] (other)|str: [Sepp]")
-    def test_merge_variadics(self):
-        """Test merging variadics."""
-        @self.other_tg.variadic_method()
-        def other_tg(to: list, *arguments):
-            return "List (other): %r" % (arguments,)
-        self.assertEqual(self.other_tg([], 1, 2), "List (other): (1, 2)")
-        merged_tg = merge(self.tg, self.other_tg)
-        self.assertEqual(merged_tg([], 1, 2), "List (other): (1, 2)")
-        self.assertEqual(merged_tg([], 1, 2, 3), 
-                         "List (other): (1, 2, 3)")
-class TestIsGeneric(BaseTestCase):
-    """Test the is generic function."""
-    def test_isgeneric(self):
-        """Test the isgeneric function."""
-        self.assertFalse(isgeneric(object))
-        self.assertFalse(isgeneric(object()))
-        self.assertFalse(isgeneric(1))
-        self.assertFalse(isgeneric(isinstance))
-        self.assertFalse(isgeneric(method))
-        self.assertTrue(isgeneric(generic))
-        self.assertTrue(isgeneric(isgeneric))
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     from unittest import main

M tests/textest.py +1 -0
@@ 1,3 1,4 @@ 
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 """Test the indenting writer implementation."""
 from unittest import TestCase as BaseTestCase