SUM: Readme cosmetics.
SUM: Renamed the readme again.
Renamed readme.
SUM: Fixed a variadic method bug. FIX: Forgot to add `*args` to variadic method.
SUM: Re-enabled parameters in method and variadic method.
SUM: Refactored the unit test modules. ADD: A :mod:`testgf` test module. ADD: a :mod:`testbase` module with common parts.
SUM: Added a test_all script.
MRG: The last release branch.
SUM: Some fixes in the setup script.
SUM: Created a release branch 0.2.4
SUM: Prepared a new release.
SUM: Made push accept any sequence of additional arguments. ADD: Some documentation. ADD: More doc tests.
SUM: Fixed the doc string.
SUM: Added an explicit string argument to push.
SUM: New version and more documentation. FIX: The long description for PyPi was garbled again.
SUM: More documentation.
SUM: Bumped version to 0.2.1 and changed home page.
SUM: Updated the documentation for the next release. CHG: Bumped the version to 0.2.0.
SUM: Fixed some bugs. FIX: In same cases the `__module__` attribute of a generic can not be determined. Avoid a nasty exception. FIX: The `Dispatch.ON_CLASS` dispatch-type had completely wrong error handling.
SUM: Added some things for the BEE project.