Use magic-comment pylint suppressions.
Ready to ship 2.7.
Ubuntu has abolished /usr/bin/python, change shebang to python3.
Ready to ship 2.6.
Run pylint on check.
pylint cleanup - found an actual bug this time!
TAP explanation and NEWS update.
TAPify the test suite.
fix: remove byte/string python3 incompatibility
More regression tests.
Be a bit more colorful.
pylint cleanup.
Typo fix.
Document an interface fix.
Fix ditfill glitch, and add an option to control it.
Add another regression test.
Add another regression test.
Test that code is well-behaved when we escape a Tholian.
If we escape a quadeant with a Tholian, off him so he can reappear.
BSD friendliness.