R tests.py =>  +0 -810
@@ 1,810 0,0 @@ 
-# coding: utf-8
-import re
-import sqlite3
-from unittest.mock import Mock, call, patch
-from pytest import fixture, mark, raises
-import nosqlite
-def db(request) -> sqlite3.Connection:
-    _db = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
-    request.addfinalizer(_db.close)
-    return _db
-def collection(db: sqlite3.Connection, request) -> nosqlite.Collection:
-    return nosqlite.Collection(db, "foo", create=False)
-class TestConnection:
-    def test_connect(self):
-        conn = nosqlite.Connection(":memory:")
-        assert conn.db.isolation_level is None
-    @patch("nosqlite.sqlite3")
-    def test_context_manager_closes_connection(self, sqlite):
-        with nosqlite.Connection() as conn:
-            pass
-        assert conn.db.close.called
-    @patch("nosqlite.sqlite3")
-    @patch("nosqlite.Collection")
-    def test_getitem_returns_collection(self, mock_collection, sqlite):
-        sqlite.connect.return_value = sqlite
-        mock_collection.return_value = mock_collection
-        conn = nosqlite.Connection()
-        assert "foo" not in conn._collections
-        assert conn["foo"] == mock_collection
-    @patch("nosqlite.sqlite3")
-    def test_getitem_returns_cached_collection(self, sqlite):
-        conn = nosqlite.Connection()
-        conn._collections["foo"] = "bar"
-        assert conn["foo"] == "bar"
-    @patch("nosqlite.sqlite3")
-    def test_drop_collection(self, sqlite):
-        conn = nosqlite.Connection()
-        conn.drop_collection("foo")
-        conn.db.execute.assert_called_with("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS foo")
-    @patch("nosqlite.sqlite3")
-    def test_getattr_returns_attribute(self, sqlite):
-        conn = nosqlite.Connection()
-        assert conn.__getattr__("db") in list(conn.__dict__.values())
-    @patch("nosqlite.sqlite3")
-    def test_getattr_returns_collection(self, sqlite):
-        conn = nosqlite.Connection()
-        foo = conn.__getattr__("foo")
-        assert foo not in list(conn.__dict__.values())
-        assert isinstance(foo, nosqlite.Collection)
-class TestCollection:
-    def setup_method(self):
-        self.db = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
-        self.collection = nosqlite.Collection(self.db, "foo", create=False)
-    def teardown_method(self):
-        self.db.close()
-    def unformat_sql(self, sql: str) -> str:
-        return re.sub(r"[\s]+", " ", sql.strip().replace("\n", ""))
-    def test_create(self):
-        collection = nosqlite.Collection(Mock(), "foo", create=False)
-        collection.create()
-        collection.db.execute.assert_any_call(
-            """
-            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo (
-                data TEXT NOT NULL
-            )"""
-        )
-    def test_clear(self):
-        collection = nosqlite.Collection(Mock(), "foo")
-        collection.clear()
-        collection.db.execute.assert_any_call("DELETE FROM foo")
-    def test_exists_when_absent(self):
-        assert not self.collection.exists()
-    def test_exists_when_present(self):
-        self.collection.create()
-        assert self.collection.exists()
-    def test_insert_actually_save(self):
-        doc = {"_id": 1, "foo": "bar"}
-        self.collection.save = Mock()
-        self.collection.insert(doc)
-        self.collection.save.assert_called_with(doc)
-    def test_insert(self):
-        doc = {"foo": "bar"}
-        self.collection.create()
-        inserted = self.collection.insert(doc)
-        assert inserted["_id"] == 1
-    def test_insert_non_dict_raise(self):
-        doc = "{'foo': 'bar'}"
-        self.collection.create()
-        with raises(nosqlite.MalformedDocument):
-            self.collection.insert(doc)
-    def test_update_without_upsert(self):
-        doc = {"foo": "bar"}
-        self.collection.create()
-        updated = self.collection.update({}, doc)
-        assert updated is None
-    def test_update_with_upsert(self):
-        doc = {"foo": "bar"}
-        self.collection.create()
-        updated = self.collection.update({}, doc, upsert=True)
-        assert isinstance(updated, dict)
-        assert updated["_id"] == 1
-        assert updated["foo"] == doc["foo"] == "bar"
-    def test_save_calls_update(self):
-        with patch.object(self.collection, "update"):
-            doc = {"foo": "bar"}
-            self.collection.save(doc)
-            self.collection.update.assert_called_with(
-                {"_id": doc.pop("_id", None)}, doc, upsert=True
-            )
-    def test_save(self):
-        doc = {"foo": "bar"}
-        self.collection.create()
-        doc = self.collection.insert(doc)
-        doc["foo"] = "baz"
-        updated = self.collection.save(doc)
-        assert updated["foo"] == "baz"
-    def test_delete_calls_remove(self):
-        with patch.object(self.collection, "_remove"):
-            doc = {"foo": "bar"}
-            self.collection.delete(doc)
-            self.collection._remove.assert_called_with(doc)
-    def test_remove_raises_when_no_id(self):
-        with raises(AssertionError):
-            self.collection._remove({"foo": "bar"})
-    def test_remove(self):
-        self.collection.create()
-        doc = self.collection.insert({"foo": "bar"})
-        assert 1 == int(
-            self.collection.db.execute("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM foo").fetchone()[0]
-        )
-        self.collection._remove(doc)
-        assert 0 == int(
-            self.collection.db.execute("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM foo").fetchone()[0]
-        )
-    def test_delete_one(self):
-        self.collection.create()
-        doc = {"foo": "bar"}
-        self.collection.insert(doc)
-        assert 1 == int(
-            self.collection.db.execute("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM foo").fetchone()[0]
-        )
-        self.collection.delete_one(doc)
-        assert 0 == int(
-            self.collection.db.execute("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM foo").fetchone()[0]
-        )
-        assert self.collection.delete_one(doc) is None
-    def test_insert_bulk_documents_on_a_transaction(self):
-        self.collection.create()
-        self.collection.begin()
-        self.collection.save({"a": 1, "b": "c"})
-        self.collection.save({"a": 1, "b": "a"})
-        self.collection.rollback()
-        assert 0 == self.collection.count({"a": 1})
-        self.collection.begin()
-        self.collection.save({"a": 1, "b": "c"})
-        self.collection.save({"a": 1, "b": "a"})
-        self.collection.commit()
-        assert 2 == self.collection.count({"a": 1})
-    def test_ensure_index(self):
-        self.collection.create()
-        doc = {"foo": "bar"}
-        self.collection.insert(doc)
-        self.collection.ensure_index("foo")
-        cmd = (
-            "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master "
-            "WHERE type='table' AND name LIKE '{name}{{%}}'"
-        )
-        index_name = f"{self.collection.name}{{foo}}"
-        assert (
-            index_name
-            == self.collection.db.execute(
-                cmd.format(name=self.collection.name)
-            ).fetchone()[0]
-        )
-    def test_create_index(self):
-        self.collection.create()
-        doc = {"foo": "bar"}
-        self.collection.insert(doc)
-        self.collection.create_index("foo", reindex=False)
-        cmd = (
-            "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master "
-            "WHERE type='table' AND name LIKE '{name}{{%}}'"
-        )
-        index_name = f"{self.collection.name}{{foo}}"
-        assert (
-            index_name
-            == self.collection.db.execute(
-                cmd.format(name=self.collection.name)
-            ).fetchone()[0]
-        )
-    def test_create_index_on_nested_keys(self):
-        self.collection.create()
-        doc = {"foo": {"bar": "zzz"}, "bok": "bak"}
-        self.collection.insert(doc)
-        self.collection.insert({"a": 1, "b": 2})
-        self.collection.create_index("foo.bar", reindex=True)
-        index = f"[{self.collection.name}{{foo_bar}}]"
-        assert index in self.collection.list_indexes()
-        self.collection.create_index(["foo_bar", "bok"], reindex=True)
-        index = f"[{self.collection.name}{{foo_bar,bok}}]"
-        assert index in self.collection.list_indexes()
-    def test_index_on_nested_keys(self):
-        self.test_create_index_on_nested_keys()
-        index_name = f"{self.collection.name}{{foo_bar}}"
-        cmd = f"SELECT id, foo_bar FROM [{index_name}]"
-        assert (1, '"zzz"') == self.collection.db.execute(cmd).fetchone()
-        index_name = f"{self.collection.name}{{foo_bar,bok}}"
-        cmd = f"SELECT * FROM [{index_name}]"
-        assert (1, '"zzz"', '"bak"') == self.collection.db.execute(
-            cmd
-        ).fetchone()
-    def test_reindex(self):
-        self.test_create_index()
-        index_name = f"{self.collection.name}{{foo}}"
-        self.collection.reindex(f"[{index_name}]")
-        cmd = f"SELECT id, foo FROM [{index_name}]"
-        assert (1, '"bar"') == self.collection.db.execute(cmd).fetchone()
-    def test_insert_auto_index(self):
-        self.test_reindex()
-        self.collection.insert({"foo": "baz"})
-        index_name = f"{self.collection.name}{{foo}}"
-        cmd = f"SELECT id, foo FROM [{index_name}]"
-        results = self.collection.db.execute(cmd).fetchall()
-        assert (1, '"bar"') in results
-        assert (2, '"baz"') in results
-    def test_create_compound_index(self):
-        self.collection.create()
-        doc = {"foo": "bar", "far": "boo"}
-        self.collection.insert(doc)
-        self.collection.create_index(("foo", "far"))
-        cmd = (
-            "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master "
-            "WHERE type='table' AND name LIKE '{name}{{%}}'"
-        )
-        assert (
-            f"{self.collection.name}{{foo,far}}"
-            == self.collection.db.execute(
-                cmd.format(name=self.collection.name)
-            ).fetchone()[0]
-        )
-    def test_create_unique_index(self):
-        self.collection.create()
-        doc = {"foo": "bar"}
-        self.collection.insert(doc)
-        self.collection.create_index("foo", reindex=False, unique=True)
-        cmd = (
-            "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master "
-            "WHERE type='table' AND name LIKE '{name}{{%}}'"
-        )
-        index_name = f"{self.collection.name}{{foo}}"
-        assert (
-            index_name
-            == self.collection.db.execute(
-                cmd.format(name=self.collection.name)
-            ).fetchone()[0]
-        )
-    def test_reindex_unique_index(self):
-        self.test_create_unique_index()
-        index_name = f"{self.collection.name}{{foo}}"
-        self.collection.reindex(f"[{index_name}]")
-        cmd = f"SELECT id, foo FROM [{index_name}]"
-        assert (1, '"bar"') == self.collection.db.execute(cmd).fetchone()
-    def test_reindex_skips_sparse_documents(self):
-        self.collection.create()
-        self.collection.create_index("foo")
-        self.collection.insert({"a": 1})
-        self.collection.insert({"foo": "bar"})
-        index_name = f"{self.collection.name}{{foo}}"
-        self.collection.reindex(f"[{index_name}]", sparse=True)
-        assert 1 == len(self.collection.db.execute(f"SELECT COUNT(1) FROM [{index_name}]").fetchone())
-    def test_uniqueness(self):
-        self.test_reindex_unique_index()
-        doc = {"foo": "bar"}
-        index_name = f"{self.collection.name}{{foo}}"
-        cmd = f"SELECT id, foo FROM [{index_name}]"
-        results = self.collection.db.execute(cmd).fetchall()
-        assert [(1, '"bar"')] == results
-        with raises(sqlite3.IntegrityError):
-            self.collection.insert(doc)
-        assert [(1, '"bar"')] == results
-    def test_update_to_break_uniqueness(self):
-        self.test_uniqueness()
-        doc = {"foo": "baz"}
-        self.collection.insert(doc)
-        index_name = f"{self.collection.name}{{foo}}"
-        cmd = f"SELECT id, foo FROM [{index_name}]"
-        results = self.collection.db.execute(cmd).fetchall()
-        assert [(1, '"bar"'), (3, '"baz"')] == results
-        doc = {"foo": "bar", "_id": 3}
-        with raises(sqlite3.IntegrityError):
-            self.collection.save(doc)
-        assert [(1, '"bar"'), (3, '"baz"')] == results
-    def test_create_unique_index_on_non_unique_collection(self):
-        self.collection.create()
-        self.collection.insert({"foo": "bar", "a": 1})
-        self.collection.insert({"foo": "bar", "a": 2})
-        assert 2 == self.collection.count({"foo": "bar"})
-        with raises(sqlite3.IntegrityError):
-            self.collection.create_index("foo", unique=True)
-        assert 0 == len(self.collection.list_indexes())
-    def test_hint_index(self):
-        self.collection.create()
-        self.collection.insert({"foo": "bar", "a": 1})
-        self.collection.insert({"foo": "bar", "a": 2})
-        self.collection.insert({"fox": "baz", "a": 3})
-        self.collection.insert({"fox": "bar", "a": 4})
-        self.collection.create_index("foo")
-        self.collection.db = Mock(wraps=self.db)
-        docs_without_hint = self.collection.find({"foo": "bar", "a": 2})
-        self.collection.db.execute.assert_any_call("SELECT id, data FROM foo ")
-        docs_with_hint = self.collection.find(
-            {"foo": "bar", "a": 2}, hint="[foo{foo}]"
-        )
-        self.collection.db.execute.assert_any_call(
-            "SELECT id, data FROM foo WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM [foo{foo}] WHERE foo='\"bar\"')"
-        )
-        assert docs_without_hint == docs_with_hint
-    def test_list_indexes(self):
-        self.test_create_index()
-        assert isinstance(self.collection.list_indexes(), list)
-        assert isinstance(self.collection.list_indexes()[0], str)
-        assert (
-            f"[{self.collection.name}{{foo}}]"
-            == self.collection.list_indexes()[0]
-        )
-    def test_list_indexes_as_keys(self):
-        self.test_create_index()
-        assert isinstance(self.collection.list_indexes(as_keys=True), list)
-        assert isinstance(self.collection.list_indexes(as_keys=True)[0], list)
-        assert ["foo"] == self.collection.list_indexes(as_keys=True)[0]
-    def test_drop_index(self):
-        self.test_create_index()
-        index_name = f"[{self.collection.name}{{foo}}]"
-        self.collection.drop_index(index_name)
-        cmd = (
-            "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master "
-            "WHERE type='table' AND name LIKE '{name}{{%}}'"
-        )
-        assert (
-            self.collection.db.execute(
-                cmd.format(name=self.collection.name)
-            ).fetchone()
-            is None
-        )
-    def test_drop_indexes(self):
-        self.test_create_index()
-        self.collection.drop_indexes()
-        cmd = (
-            "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master "
-            "WHERE type='table' AND name LIKE '{name}{{%}}'"
-        )
-        assert (
-            self.collection.db.execute(
-                cmd.format(name=self.collection.name)
-            ).fetchone()
-            is None
-        )
-    def test_find_with_sort(self):
-        self.collection.create()
-        self.collection.save({"a": 1, "b": "c"})
-        self.collection.save({"a": 1, "b": "a"})
-        self.collection.save({"a": 5, "b": "x"})
-        self.collection.save({"a": 3, "b": "x"})
-        self.collection.save({"a": 4, "b": "z"})
-        assert [
-            {"a": 1, "b": "c", "_id": 1},
-            {"a": 1, "b": "a", "_id": 2},
-            {"a": 5, "b": "x", "_id": 3},
-            {"a": 3, "b": "x", "_id": 4},
-            {"a": 4, "b": "z", "_id": 5},
-        ] == self.collection.find()
-        assert [
-            {"a": 1, "b": "c", "_id": 1},
-            {"a": 1, "b": "a", "_id": 2},
-            {"a": 3, "b": "x", "_id": 4},
-            {"a": 4, "b": "z", "_id": 5},
-            {"a": 5, "b": "x", "_id": 3},
-        ] == self.collection.find(sort={"a": nosqlite.ASCENDING})
-        assert [
-            {"a": 1, "b": "a", "_id": 2},
-            {"a": 1, "b": "c", "_id": 1},
-            {"a": 5, "b": "x", "_id": 3},
-            {"a": 3, "b": "x", "_id": 4},
-            {"a": 4, "b": "z", "_id": 5},
-        ] == self.collection.find(sort={"b": nosqlite.ASCENDING})
-        assert [
-            {"a": 5, "b": "x", "_id": 3},
-            {"a": 4, "b": "z", "_id": 5},
-            {"a": 3, "b": "x", "_id": 4},
-            {"a": 1, "b": "c", "_id": 1},
-            {"a": 1, "b": "a", "_id": 2},
-        ] == self.collection.find(sort={"a": nosqlite.DESCENDING})
-        assert [
-            {"a": 4, "b": "z", "_id": 5},
-            {"a": 5, "b": "x", "_id": 3},
-            {"a": 3, "b": "x", "_id": 4},
-            {"a": 1, "b": "c", "_id": 1},
-            {"a": 1, "b": "a", "_id": 2},
-        ] == self.collection.find(sort={"b": nosqlite.DESCENDING})
-        assert [
-            {"a": 1, "b": "a", "_id": 2},
-            {"a": 1, "b": "c", "_id": 1},
-            {"a": 3, "b": "x", "_id": 4},
-            {"a": 4, "b": "z", "_id": 5},
-            {"a": 5, "b": "x", "_id": 3},
-        ] == self.collection.find(
-            sort={"a": nosqlite.ASCENDING, "b": nosqlite.ASCENDING}
-        )
-        assert [
-            {"a": 5, "b": "x", "_id": 3},
-            {"a": 4, "b": "z", "_id": 5},
-            {"a": 3, "b": "x", "_id": 4},
-            {"a": 1, "b": "a", "_id": 2},
-            {"a": 1, "b": "c", "_id": 1},
-        ] == self.collection.find(
-            sort={"a": nosqlite.DESCENDING, "b": nosqlite.ASCENDING}
-        )
-        assert [
-            {"a": 5, "b": "x", "_id": 3},
-            {"a": 4, "b": "z", "_id": 5},
-            {"a": 3, "b": "x", "_id": 4},
-            {"a": 1, "b": "c", "_id": 1},
-            {"a": 1, "b": "a", "_id": 2},
-        ] == self.collection.find(
-            sort={"a": nosqlite.DESCENDING, "b": nosqlite.DESCENDING}
-        )
-    def test_find_with_skip_and_limit(self):
-        self.collection.create()
-        self.collection.save({"a": 1, "b": "c"})
-        self.collection.save({"a": 1, "b": "a"})
-        self.collection.save({"a": 5, "b": "x"})
-        self.collection.save({"a": 3, "b": "x"})
-        self.collection.save({"a": 4, "b": "z"})
-        assert [
-            {"a": 1, "b": "c", "_id": 1},
-            {"a": 1, "b": "a", "_id": 2},
-            {"a": 5, "b": "x", "_id": 3},
-            {"a": 3, "b": "x", "_id": 4},
-            {"a": 4, "b": "z", "_id": 5},
-        ] == self.collection.find(skip=0, limit=5)
-        assert [
-            {"a": 1, "b": "a", "_id": 2},
-            {"a": 5, "b": "x", "_id": 3},
-            {"a": 3, "b": "x", "_id": 4},
-            {"a": 4, "b": "z", "_id": 5},
-        ] == self.collection.find(skip=1, limit=5)
-        assert [
-            {"a": 1, "b": "a", "_id": 2},
-            {"a": 5, "b": "x", "_id": 3},
-            {"a": 3, "b": "x", "_id": 4},
-            {"a": 4, "b": "z", "_id": 5},
-        ] == self.collection.find(skip=1, limit=4)
-        assert [
-            {"a": 1, "b": "a", "_id": 2},
-            {"a": 5, "b": "x", "_id": 3},
-            {"a": 3, "b": "x", "_id": 4},
-        ] == self.collection.find(skip=1, limit=3)
-        assert [] == self.collection.find(limit=0)
-    def test_find_with_sort_on_nested_key(self):
-        self.collection.create()
-        self.collection.save({"a": {"b": 5}, "c": "B"})
-        self.collection.save({"a": {"b": 9}, "c": "A"})
-        self.collection.save({"a": {"b": 7}, "c": "C"})
-        assert [
-            {"a": {"b": 5}, "c": "B", "_id": 1},
-            {"a": {"b": 7}, "c": "C", "_id": 3},
-            {"a": {"b": 9}, "c": "A", "_id": 2},
-        ] == self.collection.find(sort={"a.b": nosqlite.ASCENDING})
-        assert [
-            {"a": {"b": 9}, "c": "A", "_id": 2},
-            {"a": {"b": 7}, "c": "C", "_id": 3},
-            {"a": {"b": 5}, "c": "B", "_id": 1},
-        ] == self.collection.find(sort={"a.b": nosqlite.DESCENDING})
-    @mark.parametrize(
-        "strdoc,doc",
-        [
-            ('{"foo": "bar"}', {"_id": 1, "foo": "bar"}),
-            ('{"foo": "☃"}', {"_id": 1, "foo": "☃"}),
-        ],
-    )
-    def test_load(self, strdoc, doc):
-        assert doc == self.collection._load(1, strdoc)
-    def test_find(self):
-        query = {"foo": "bar"}
-        documents = [
-            (1, {"foo": "bar", "baz": "qux"}),  # Will match
-            (2, {"foo": "bar", "bar": "baz"}),  # Will match
-            (2, {"foo": "baz", "bar": "baz"}),  # Will not match
-            (3, {"baz": "qux"}),  # Will not match
-        ]
-        collection = nosqlite.Collection(Mock(), "foo", create=False)
-        collection.db.execute.return_value = collection.db
-        collection.db.fetchall.return_value = documents
-        collection._load = lambda id, data: data
-        ret = collection.find(query)
-        assert len(ret) == 2
-    def test_find_honors_limit(self):
-        query = {"foo": "bar"}
-        documents = [
-            (1, {"foo": "bar", "baz": "qux"}),  # Will match
-            (2, {"foo": "bar", "bar": "baz"}),  # Will match
-            (2, {"foo": "baz", "bar": "baz"}),  # Will not match
-            (3, {"baz": "qux"}),  # Will not match
-        ]
-        collection = nosqlite.Collection(Mock(), "foo", create=False)
-        collection.db.execute.return_value = collection.db
-        collection.db.fetchall.return_value = documents
-        collection._load = lambda id, data: data
-        ret = collection.find(query, limit=1)
-        assert len(ret) == 1
-    def test_apply_query_and_type(self):
-        query = {"$and": [{"foo": "bar"}, {"baz": "qux"}]}
-        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "bar", "baz": "qux"})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(
-            query, {"foo": "bar", "baz": "foo"}
-        )
-    def test_apply_query_or_type(self):
-        query = {"$or": [{"foo": "bar"}, {"baz": "qux"}]}
-        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "bar", "abc": "xyz"})
-        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"baz": "qux", "abc": "xyz"})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"abc": "xyz"})
-    def test_apply_query_not_type(self):
-        query = {"$not": {"foo": "bar"}}
-        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "baz"})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "bar"})
-    def test_apply_query_nor_type(self):
-        query = {"$nor": [{"foo": "bar"}, {"baz": "qux"}]}
-        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "baz", "baz": "bar"})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "bar"})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"baz": "qux"})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(
-            query, {"foo": "bar", "baz": "qux"}
-        )
-    def test_apply_query_gt_operator(self):
-        query = {"foo": {"$gt": 5}}
-        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 10})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 4})
-    def test_apply_query_gte_operator(self):
-        query = {"foo": {"$gte": 5}}
-        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 5})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 4})
-    def test_apply_query_lt_operator(self):
-        query = {"foo": {"$lt": 5}}
-        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 4})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 10})
-    def test_apply_query_lte_operator(self):
-        query = {"foo": {"$lte": 5}}
-        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 5})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 10})
-    def test_apply_query_eq_operator(self):
-        query = {"foo": {"$eq": 5}}
-        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 5})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 4})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "bar"})
-    def test_apply_query_in_operator(self):
-        query = {"foo": {"$in": [1, 2, 3]}}
-        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 1})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 4})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "bar"})
-    def test_apply_query_in_operator_raises(self):
-        query = {"foo": {"$in": 5}}
-        with raises(nosqlite.MalformedQueryException):
-            self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 1})
-    def test_apply_query_nin_operator(self):
-        query = {"foo": {"$nin": [1, 2, 3]}}
-        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 4})
-        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "bar"})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 1})
-    def test_apply_query_nin_operator_raises(self):
-        query = {"foo": {"$nin": 5}}
-        with raises(nosqlite.MalformedQueryException):
-            self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 1})
-    def test_apply_query_ne_operator(self):
-        query = {"foo": {"$ne": 5}}
-        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 1})
-        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "bar"})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 5})
-    def test_apply_query_all_operator(self):
-        query = {"foo": {"$all": [1, 2, 3]}}
-        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": list(range(10))})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 3})
-    def test_apply_query_all_operator_raises(self):
-        query = {"foo": {"$all": 3}}
-        with raises(nosqlite.MalformedQueryException):
-            self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "bar"})
-    def test_apply_query_mod_operator(self):
-        query = {"foo": {"$mod": [2, 0]}}
-        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 4})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 3})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "bar"})
-    def test_apply_query_mod_operator_raises(self):
-        query = {"foo": {"$mod": 2}}
-        with raises(nosqlite.MalformedQueryException):
-            self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 5})
-    def test_apply_query_honors_multiple_operators(self):
-        query = {"foo": {"$gte": 0, "$lte": 10, "$mod": [2, 0]}}
-        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 4})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 3})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 15})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "foo"})
-    def test_apply_query_honors_logical_and_operators(self):
-        # 'bar' must be 'baz', and 'foo' must be an even number 0-10
-        # or an odd number > 10
-        query = {
-            "bar": "baz",
-            "$or": [
-                {"foo": {"$gte": 0, "$lte": 10, "$mod": [2, 0]}},
-                {"foo": {"$gt": 10, "$mod": [2, 1]}},
-            ],
-        }
-        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"bar": "baz", "foo": 4})
-        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"bar": "baz", "foo": 15})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(
-            query, {"bar": "baz", "foo": 14}
-        )
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"bar": "qux", "foo": 4})
-    def test_apply_query_exists(self):
-        query_exists = {"foo": {"$exists": True}}
-        query_not_exists = {"foo": {"$exists": False}}
-        assert self.collection._apply_query(query_exists, {"foo": "bar"})
-        assert self.collection._apply_query(query_not_exists, {"bar": "baz"})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query_exists, {"baz": "bar"})
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(
-            query_not_exists, {"foo": "bar"}
-        )
-    def test_apply_query_exists_raises(self):
-        query = {"foo": {"$exists": "foo"}}
-        with raises(nosqlite.MalformedQueryException):
-            self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "bar"})
-    def test_apply_query_handle_none(self):
-        query = {"foo": "bar"}
-        document = None
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, document)
-    def test_apply_query_sparse_index(self):
-        query = {"foo": {"$exists": True}}
-        document = {"bar": "baz"}
-        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, document)
-    def test_eq_type_error(self):
-        document = {"foo": 5}
-        assert not nosqlite._eq("foo", "bar", document)
-    def test_eq_attribute_error(self):
-        document = None  # This will trigger AttributeError in _eq function
-        assert not nosqlite._eq("foo", "bar", document)
-    def test_gt_type_error(self):
-        document = {"foo": "bar"}
-        assert not nosqlite._gt("foo", 5, document)
-    def test_lt_type_error(self):
-        document = {"foo": "bar"}
-        assert not nosqlite._lt("foo", 5, document)
-    def test_lte_type_error(self):
-        document = {"foo": "bar"}
-        assert not nosqlite._lte("foo", 5, document)
-    def test_get_operator_fn_improper_op(self):
-        with raises(nosqlite.MalformedQueryException):
-            self.collection._get_operator_fn("foo")
-    def test_get_operator_fn_valid_op(self):
-        assert self.collection._get_operator_fn("$in") == nosqlite._in
-    def test_get_operator_fn_no_op(self):
-        with raises(nosqlite.MalformedQueryException):
-            self.collection._get_operator_fn("$foo")
-    def test_find_and_modify(self):
-        update = {"foo": "bar"}
-        docs = [
-            {"foo": "foo"},
-            {"baz": "qux"},
-        ]
-        with patch.object(self.collection, "find"):
-            with patch.object(self.collection, "save"):
-                self.collection.find.return_value = docs
-                self.collection.find_and_modify(update=update)
-                self.collection.save.assert_has_calls(
-                    [
-                        call({"foo": "bar"}),
-                        call({"foo": "bar", "baz": "qux"}),
-                    ]
-                )
-    def test_count(self):
-        with patch.object(self.collection, "find"):
-            self.collection.find.return_value = list(range(10))
-            assert self.collection.count() == 10
-    def test_distinct(self):
-        docs = [{"foo": "bar"}, {"foo": "baz"}, {"foo": 10}, {"bar": "foo"}]
-        self.collection.find = lambda: docs
-        assert set(("bar", "baz", 10)) == self.collection.distinct("foo")
-    def test_rename_raises_for_collision(self):
-        nosqlite.Collection(self.db, "bar")  # Create a collision point
-        self.collection.create()
-        with raises(AssertionError):
-            self.collection.rename("bar")
-    def test_rename(self):
-        self.collection.create()
-        assert self.collection.exists()
-        self.collection.rename("bar")
-        assert self.collection.name == "bar"
-        assert self.collection.exists()
-        assert not nosqlite.Collection(self.db, "foo", create=False).exists()
-class TestFindOne:
-    def test_returns_None_if_collection_does_not_exist(
-        self, collection: nosqlite.Collection
-    ):
-        assert collection.find_one({}) is None
-    def test_returns_None_if_document_is_not_found(
-        self, collection: nosqlite.Collection
-    ):
-        collection.create()
-        assert collection.find_one({}) is None

A => tests/conftest.py +24 -0
@@ 0,0 1,24 @@ 
+# coding: utf-8
+import sqlite3
+from pytest import fixture
+import sys
+import os
+# Add the parent directory to the sys.path
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')))
+import nosqlite
+def db(request) -> sqlite3.Connection:
+    _db = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
+    request.addfinalizer(_db.close)
+    return _db
+def collection(db: sqlite3.Connection, request) -> nosqlite.Collection:
+    return nosqlite.Collection(db, "foo", create=False)

A => tests/test_collection_apply_query.py +171 -0
@@ 0,0 1,171 @@ 
+# coding: utf-8
+import re
+from unittest.mock import Mock, call, patch
+from pytest import mark, raises
+import sqlite3
+import nosqlite
+class TestCollection:
+    def setup_method(self):
+        self.db = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
+        self.collection = nosqlite.Collection(self.db, "foo", create=False)
+    def teardown_method(self):
+        self.db.close()
+    def unformat_sql(self, sql: str) -> str:
+        return re.sub(r"[\s]+", " ", sql.strip().replace("\n", ""))
+    def test_apply_query_and_type(self):
+        query = {"$and": [{"foo": "bar"}, {"baz": "qux"}]}
+        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "bar", "baz": "qux"})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(
+            query, {"foo": "bar", "baz": "foo"}
+        )
+    def test_apply_query_or_type(self):
+        query = {"$or": [{"foo": "bar"}, {"baz": "qux"}]}
+        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "bar", "abc": "xyz"})
+        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"baz": "qux", "abc": "xyz"})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"abc": "xyz"})
+    def test_apply_query_not_type(self):
+        query = {"$not": {"foo": "bar"}}
+        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "baz"})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "bar"})
+    def test_apply_query_nor_type(self):
+        query = {"$nor": [{"foo": "bar"}, {"baz": "qux"}]}
+        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "baz", "baz": "bar"})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "bar"})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"baz": "qux"})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(
+            query, {"foo": "bar", "baz": "qux"}
+        )
+    def test_apply_query_gt_operator(self):
+        query = {"foo": {"$gt": 5}}
+        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 10})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 4})
+    def test_apply_query_gte_operator(self):
+        query = {"foo": {"$gte": 5}}
+        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 5})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 4})
+    def test_apply_query_lt_operator(self):
+        query = {"foo": {"$lt": 5}}
+        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 4})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 10})
+    def test_apply_query_lte_operator(self):
+        query = {"foo": {"$lte": 5}}
+        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 5})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 10})
+    def test_apply_query_eq_operator(self):
+        query = {"foo": {"$eq": 5}}
+        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 5})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 4})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "bar"})
+    def test_apply_query_in_operator(self):
+        query = {"foo": {"$in": [1, 2, 3]}}
+        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 1})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 4})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "bar"})
+    def test_apply_query_in_operator_raises(self):
+        query = {"foo": {"$in": 5}}
+        with raises(nosqlite.MalformedQueryException):
+            self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 1})
+    def test_apply_query_nin_operator(self):
+        query = {"foo": {"$nin": [1, 2, 3]}}
+        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 4})
+        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "bar"})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 1})
+    def test_apply_query_nin_operator_raises(self):
+        query = {"foo": {"$nin": 5}}
+        with raises(nosqlite.MalformedQueryException):
+            self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 1})
+    def test_apply_query_ne_operator(self):
+        query = {"foo": {"$ne": 5}}
+        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 1})
+        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "bar"})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 5})
+    def test_apply_query_all_operator(self):
+        query = {"foo": {"$all": [1, 2, 3]}}
+        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": list(range(10))})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 3})
+    def test_apply_query_all_operator_raises(self):
+        query = {"foo": {"$all": 3}}
+        with raises(nosqlite.MalformedQueryException):
+            self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "bar"})
+    def test_apply_query_mod_operator(self):
+        query = {"foo": {"$mod": [2, 0]}}
+        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 4})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 3})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "bar"})
+    def test_apply_query_mod_operator_raises(self):
+        query = {"foo": {"$mod": 2}}
+        with raises(nosqlite.MalformedQueryException):
+            self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 5})
+    def test_apply_query_honors_multiple_operators(self):
+        query = {"foo": {"$gte": 0, "$lte": 10, "$mod": [2, 0]}}
+        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 4})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 3})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": 15})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "foo"})
+    def test_apply_query_honors_logical_and_operators(self):
+        # 'bar' must be 'baz', and 'foo' must be an even number 0-10
+        # or an odd number > 10
+        query = {
+            "bar": "baz",
+            "$or": [
+                {"foo": {"$gte": 0, "$lte": 10, "$mod": [2, 0]}},
+                {"foo": {"$gt": 10, "$mod": [2, 1]}},
+            ],
+        }
+        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"bar": "baz", "foo": 4})
+        assert self.collection._apply_query(query, {"bar": "baz", "foo": 15})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(
+            query, {"bar": "baz", "foo": 14}
+        )
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, {"bar": "qux", "foo": 4})
+    def test_apply_query_exists(self):
+        query_exists = {"foo": {"$exists": True}}
+        query_not_exists = {"foo": {"$exists": False}}
+        assert self.collection._apply_query(query_exists, {"foo": "bar"})
+        assert self.collection._apply_query(query_not_exists, {"bar": "baz"})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query_exists, {"baz": "bar"})
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(
+            query_not_exists, {"foo": "bar"}
+        )
+    def test_apply_query_exists_raises(self):
+        query = {"foo": {"$exists": "foo"}}
+        with raises(nosqlite.MalformedQueryException):
+            self.collection._apply_query(query, {"foo": "bar"})
+    def test_apply_query_handle_none(self):
+        query = {"foo": "bar"}
+        document = None
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, document)
+    def test_apply_query_sparse_index(self):
+        query = {"foo": {"$exists": True}}
+        document = {"bar": "baz"}
+        assert not self.collection._apply_query(query, document)

A => tests/test_collection_crud.py +137 -0
@@ 0,0 1,137 @@ 
+# coding: utf-8
+import re
+from unittest.mock import Mock, call, patch
+from pytest import mark, raises
+import sqlite3
+import nosqlite
+class TestCollection:
+    def setup_method(self):
+        self.db = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
+        self.collection = nosqlite.Collection(self.db, "foo", create=False)
+    def teardown_method(self):
+        self.db.close()
+    def unformat_sql(self, sql: str) -> str:
+        return re.sub(r"[\s]+", " ", sql.strip().replace("\n", ""))
+    def test_create(self):
+        collection = nosqlite.Collection(Mock(), "foo", create=False)
+        collection.create()
+        collection.db.execute.assert_any_call(
+            """
+            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo (
+                data TEXT NOT NULL
+            )"""
+        )
+    def test_clear(self):
+        collection = nosqlite.Collection(Mock(), "foo")
+        collection.clear()
+        collection.db.execute.assert_any_call("DELETE FROM foo")
+    def test_exists_when_absent(self):
+        assert not self.collection.exists()
+    def test_exists_when_present(self):
+        self.collection.create()
+        assert self.collection.exists()
+    def test_insert_actually_save(self):
+        doc = {"_id": 1, "foo": "bar"}
+        self.collection.save = Mock()
+        self.collection.insert(doc)
+        self.collection.save.assert_called_with(doc)
+    def test_insert(self):
+        doc = {"foo": "bar"}
+        self.collection.create()
+        inserted = self.collection.insert(doc)
+        assert inserted["_id"] == 1
+    def test_insert_non_dict_raise(self):
+        doc = "{'foo': 'bar'}"
+        self.collection.create()
+        with raises(nosqlite.MalformedDocument):
+            self.collection.insert(doc)
+    def test_update_without_upsert(self):
+        doc = {"foo": "bar"}
+        self.collection.create()
+        updated = self.collection.update({}, doc)
+        assert updated is None
+    def test_update_with_upsert(self):
+        doc = {"foo": "bar"}
+        self.collection.create()
+        updated = self.collection.update({}, doc, upsert=True)
+        assert isinstance(updated, dict)
+        assert updated["_id"] == 1
+        assert updated["foo"] == doc["foo"] == "bar"
+    def test_save_calls_update(self):
+        with patch.object(self.collection, "update"):
+            doc = {"foo": "bar"}
+            self.collection.save(doc)
+            self.collection.update.assert_called_with(
+                {"_id": doc.pop("_id", None)}, doc, upsert=True
+            )
+    def test_save(self):
+        doc = {"foo": "bar"}
+        self.collection.create()
+        doc = self.collection.insert(doc)
+        doc["foo"] = "baz"
+        updated = self.collection.save(doc)
+        assert updated["foo"] == "baz"
+    def test_delete_calls_remove(self):
+        with patch.object(self.collection, "_remove"):
+            doc = {"foo": "bar"}
+            self.collection.delete(doc)
+            self.collection._remove.assert_called_with(doc)
+    def test_remove_raises_when_no_id(self):
+        with raises(AssertionError):
+            self.collection._remove({"foo": "bar"})
+    def test_remove(self):
+        self.collection.create()
+        doc = self.collection.insert({"foo": "bar"})
+        assert 1 == int(
+            self.collection.db.execute("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM foo").fetchone()[0]
+        )
+        self.collection._remove(doc)
+        assert 0 == int(
+            self.collection.db.execute("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM foo").fetchone()[0]
+        )
+    def test_delete_one(self):
+        self.collection.create()
+        doc = {"foo": "bar"}
+        self.collection.insert(doc)
+        assert 1 == int(
+            self.collection.db.execute("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM foo").fetchone()[0]
+        )
+        self.collection.delete_one(doc)
+        assert 0 == int(
+            self.collection.db.execute("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM foo").fetchone()[0]
+        )
+        assert self.collection.delete_one(doc) is None
+    def test_insert_bulk_documents_on_a_transaction(self):
+        self.collection.create()
+        self.collection.begin()
+        self.collection.save({"a": 1, "b": "c"})
+        self.collection.save({"a": 1, "b": "a"})
+        self.collection.rollback()
+        assert 0 == self.collection.count({"a": 1})
+        self.collection.begin()
+        self.collection.save({"a": 1, "b": "c"})
+        self.collection.save({"a": 1, "b": "a"})
+        self.collection.commit()
+        assert 2 == self.collection.count({"a": 1})

A => tests/test_collection_find.py +182 -0
@@ 0,0 1,182 @@ 
+# coding: utf-8
+import re
+from unittest.mock import Mock, call, patch
+from pytest import mark, raises
+import sqlite3
+import nosqlite
+class TestCollection:
+    def setup_method(self):
+        self.db = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
+        self.collection = nosqlite.Collection(self.db, "foo", create=False)
+    def teardown_method(self):
+        self.db.close()
+    def unformat_sql(self, sql: str) -> str:
+        return re.sub(r"[\s]+", " ", sql.strip().replace("\n", ""))
+    def test_find_with_sort(self):
+        self.collection.create()
+        self.collection.save({"a": 1, "b": "c"})
+        self.collection.save({"a": 1, "b": "a"})
+        self.collection.save({"a": 5, "b": "x"})
+        self.collection.save({"a": 3, "b": "x"})
+        self.collection.save({"a": 4, "b": "z"})
+        assert [
+            {"a": 1, "b": "c", "_id": 1},
+            {"a": 1, "b": "a", "_id": 2},
+            {"a": 5, "b": "x", "_id": 3},
+            {"a": 3, "b": "x", "_id": 4},
+            {"a": 4, "b": "z", "_id": 5},
+        ] == self.collection.find()
+        assert [
+            {"a": 1, "b": "c", "_id": 1},
+            {"a": 1, "b": "a", "_id": 2},
+            {"a": 3, "b": "x", "_id": 4},
+            {"a": 4, "b": "z", "_id": 5},
+            {"a": 5, "b": "x", "_id": 3},
+        ] == self.collection.find(sort={"a": nosqlite.ASCENDING})
+        assert [
+            {"a": 1, "b": "a", "_id": 2},
+            {"a": 1, "b": "c", "_id": 1},
+            {"a": 5, "b": "x", "_id": 3},
+            {"a": 3, "b": "x", "_id": 4},
+            {"a": 4, "b": "z", "_id": 5},
+        ] == self.collection.find(sort={"b": nosqlite.ASCENDING})
+        assert [
+            {"a": 5, "b": "x", "_id": 3},
+            {"a": 4, "b": "z", "_id": 5},
+            {"a": 3, "b": "x", "_id": 4},
+            {"a": 1, "b": "c", "_id": 1},
+            {"a": 1, "b": "a", "_id": 2},
+        ] == self.collection.find(sort={"a": nosqlite.DESCENDING})
+        assert [
+            {"a": 4, "b": "z", "_id": 5},
+            {"a": 5, "b": "x", "_id": 3},
+            {"a": 3, "b": "x", "_id": 4},
+            {"a": 1, "b": "c", "_id": 1},
+            {"a": 1, "b": "a", "_id": 2},
+        ] == self.collection.find(sort={"b": nosqlite.DESCENDING})
+        assert [
+            {"a": 1, "b": "a", "_id": 2},
+            {"a": 1, "b": "c", "_id": 1},
+            {"a": 3, "b": "x", "_id": 4},
+            {"a": 4, "b": "z", "_id": 5},
+            {"a": 5, "b": "x", "_id": 3},
+        ] == self.collection.find(
+            sort={"a": nosqlite.ASCENDING, "b": nosqlite.ASCENDING}
+        )
+        assert [
+            {"a": 5, "b": "x", "_id": 3},
+            {"a": 4, "b": "z", "_id": 5},
+            {"a": 3, "b": "x", "_id": 4},
+            {"a": 1, "b": "a", "_id": 2},
+            {"a": 1, "b": "c", "_id": 1},
+        ] == self.collection.find(
+            sort={"a": nosqlite.DESCENDING, "b": nosqlite.ASCENDING}
+        )
+        assert [
+            {"a": 5, "b": "x", "_id": 3},
+            {"a": 4, "b": "z", "_id": 5},
+            {"a": 3, "b": "x", "_id": 4},
+            {"a": 1, "b": "c", "_id": 1},
+            {"a": 1, "b": "a", "_id": 2},
+        ] == self.collection.find(
+            sort={"a": nosqlite.DESCENDING, "b": nosqlite.DESCENDING}
+        )
+    def test_find_with_skip_and_limit(self):
+        self.collection.create()
+        self.collection.save({"a": 1, "b": "c"})
+        self.collection.save({"a": 1, "b": "a"})
+        self.collection.save({"a": 5, "b": "x"})
+        self.collection.save({"a": 3, "b": "x"})
+        self.collection.save({"a": 4, "b": "z"})
+        assert [
+            {"a": 1, "b": "c", "_id": 1},
+            {"a": 1, "b": "a", "_id": 2},
+            {"a": 5, "b": "x", "_id": 3},
+            {"a": 3, "b": "x", "_id": 4},
+            {"a": 4, "b": "z", "_id": 5},
+        ] == self.collection.find(skip=0, limit=5)
+        assert [
+            {"a": 1, "b": "a", "_id": 2},
+            {"a": 5, "b": "x", "_id": 3},
+            {"a": 3, "b": "x", "_id": 4},
+            {"a": 4, "b": "z", "_id": 5},
+        ] == self.collection.find(skip=1, limit=5)
+        assert [
+            {"a": 1, "b": "a", "_id": 2},
+            {"a": 5, "b": "x", "_id": 3},
+            {"a": 3, "b": "x", "_id": 4},
+            {"a": 4, "b": "z", "_id": 5},
+        ] == self.collection.find(skip=1, limit=4)
+        assert [
+            {"a": 1, "b": "a", "_id": 2},
+            {"a": 5, "b": "x", "_id": 3},
+            {"a": 3, "b": "x", "_id": 4},
+        ] == self.collection.find(skip=1, limit=3)
+        assert [] == self.collection.find(limit=0)
+    def test_find_with_sort_on_nested_key(self):
+        self.collection.create()
+        self.collection.save({"a": {"b": 5}, "c": "B"})
+        self.collection.save({"a": {"b": 9}, "c": "A"})
+        self.collection.save({"a": {"b": 7}, "c": "C"})
+        assert [
+            {"a": {"b": 5}, "c": "B", "_id": 1},
+            {"a": {"b": 7}, "c": "C", "_id": 3},
+            {"a": {"b": 9}, "c": "A", "_id": 2},
+        ] == self.collection.find(sort={"a.b": nosqlite.ASCENDING})
+        assert [
+            {"a": {"b": 9}, "c": "A", "_id": 2},
+            {"a": {"b": 7}, "c": "C", "_id": 3},
+            {"a": {"b": 5}, "c": "B", "_id": 1},
+        ] == self.collection.find(sort={"a.b": nosqlite.DESCENDING})
+    @mark.parametrize(
+        "strdoc,doc",
+        [
+            ('{"foo": "bar"}', {"_id": 1, "foo": "bar"}),
+            ('{"foo": "☃"}', {"_id": 1, "foo": "☃"}),
+        ],
+    )
+    def test_load(self, strdoc, doc):
+        assert doc == self.collection._load(1, strdoc)
+    def test_find(self):
+        query = {"foo": "bar"}
+        documents = [
+            (1, {"foo": "bar", "baz": "qux"}),  # Will match
+            (2, {"foo": "bar", "bar": "baz"}),  # Will match
+            (2, {"foo": "baz", "bar": "baz"}),  # Will not match
+            (3, {"baz": "qux"}),  # Will not match
+        ]
+        collection = nosqlite.Collection(Mock(), "foo", create=False)
+        collection.db.execute.return_value = collection.db
+        collection.db.fetchall.return_value = documents
+        collection._load = lambda id, data: data
+        ret = collection.find(query)
+        assert len(ret) == 2
+    def test_find_honors_limit(self):
+        query = {"foo": "bar"}
+        documents = [
+            (1, {"foo": "bar", "baz": "qux"}),  # Will match
+            (2, {"foo": "bar", "bar": "baz"}),  # Will match
+            (2, {"foo": "baz", "bar": "baz"}),  # Will not match
+            (3, {"baz": "qux"}),  # Will not match
+        ]
+        collection = nosqlite.Collection(Mock(), "foo", create=False)
+        collection.db.execute.return_value = collection.db
+        collection.db.fetchall.return_value = documents
+        collection._load = lambda id, data: data
+        ret = collection.find(query, limit=1)
+        assert len(ret) == 1

A => tests/test_collection_index.py +236 -0
@@ 0,0 1,236 @@ 
+# coding: utf-8
+import re
+from unittest.mock import Mock, call, patch
+from pytest import mark, raises
+import sqlite3
+import nosqlite
+class TestCollection:
+    def setup_method(self):
+        self.db = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
+        self.collection = nosqlite.Collection(self.db, "foo", create=False)
+    def teardown_method(self):
+        self.db.close()
+    def unformat_sql(self, sql: str) -> str:
+        return re.sub(r"[\s]+", " ", sql.strip().replace("\n", ""))
+    def test_ensure_index(self):
+        self.collection.create()
+        doc = {"foo": "bar"}
+        self.collection.insert(doc)
+        self.collection.ensure_index("foo")
+        cmd = (
+            "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master "
+            "WHERE type='table' AND name LIKE '{name}{{%}}'"
+        )
+        index_name = f"{self.collection.name}{{foo}}"
+        assert (
+            index_name
+            == self.collection.db.execute(
+                cmd.format(name=self.collection.name)
+            ).fetchone()[0]
+        )
+    def test_create_index(self):
+        self.collection.create()
+        doc = {"foo": "bar"}
+        self.collection.insert(doc)
+        self.collection.create_index("foo", reindex=False)
+        cmd = (
+            "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master "
+            "WHERE type='table' AND name LIKE '{name}{{%}}'"
+        )
+        index_name = f"{self.collection.name}{{foo}}"
+        assert (
+            index_name
+            == self.collection.db.execute(
+                cmd.format(name=self.collection.name)
+            ).fetchone()[0]
+        )
+    def test_create_index_on_nested_keys(self):
+        self.collection.create()
+        doc = {"foo": {"bar": "zzz"}, "bok": "bak"}
+        self.collection.insert(doc)
+        self.collection.insert({"a": 1, "b": 2})
+        self.collection.create_index("foo.bar", reindex=True)
+        index = f"[{self.collection.name}{{foo_bar}}]"
+        assert index in self.collection.list_indexes()
+        self.collection.create_index(["foo_bar", "bok"], reindex=True)
+        index = f"[{self.collection.name}{{foo_bar,bok}}]"
+        assert index in self.collection.list_indexes()
+    def test_index_on_nested_keys(self):
+        self.test_create_index_on_nested_keys()
+        index_name = f"{self.collection.name}{{foo_bar}}"
+        cmd = f"SELECT id, foo_bar FROM [{index_name}]"
+        assert (1, '"zzz"') == self.collection.db.execute(cmd).fetchone()
+        index_name = f"{self.collection.name}{{foo_bar,bok}}"
+        cmd = f"SELECT * FROM [{index_name}]"
+        assert (1, '"zzz"', '"bak"') == self.collection.db.execute(
+            cmd
+        ).fetchone()
+    def test_reindex(self):
+        self.test_create_index()
+        index_name = f"{self.collection.name}{{foo}}"
+        self.collection.reindex(f"[{index_name}]")
+        cmd = f"SELECT id, foo FROM [{index_name}]"
+        assert (1, '"bar"') == self.collection.db.execute(cmd).fetchone()
+    def test_insert_auto_index(self):
+        self.test_reindex()
+        self.collection.insert({"foo": "baz"})
+        index_name = f"{self.collection.name}{{foo}}"
+        cmd = f"SELECT id, foo FROM [{index_name}]"
+        results = self.collection.db.execute(cmd).fetchall()
+        assert (1, '"bar"') in results
+        assert (2, '"baz"') in results
+    def test_create_compound_index(self):
+        self.collection.create()
+        doc = {"foo": "bar", "far": "boo"}
+        self.collection.insert(doc)
+        self.collection.create_index(("foo", "far"))
+        cmd = (
+            "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master "
+            "WHERE type='table' AND name LIKE '{name}{{%}}'"
+        )
+        assert (
+            f"{self.collection.name}{{foo,far}}"
+            == self.collection.db.execute(
+                cmd.format(name=self.collection.name)
+            ).fetchone()[0]
+        )
+    def test_create_unique_index(self):
+        self.collection.create()
+        doc = {"foo": "bar"}
+        self.collection.insert(doc)
+        self.collection.create_index("foo", reindex=False, unique=True)
+        cmd = (
+            "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master "
+            "WHERE type='table' AND name LIKE '{name}{{%}}'"
+        )
+        index_name = f"{self.collection.name}{{foo}}"
+        assert (
+            index_name
+            == self.collection.db.execute(
+                cmd.format(name=self.collection.name)
+            ).fetchone()[0]
+        )
+    def test_reindex_unique_index(self):
+        self.test_create_unique_index()
+        index_name = f"{self.collection.name}{{foo}}"
+        self.collection.reindex(f"[{index_name}]")
+        cmd = f"SELECT id, foo FROM [{index_name}]"
+        assert (1, '"bar"') == self.collection.db.execute(cmd).fetchone()
+    def test_reindex_skips_sparse_documents(self):
+        self.collection.create()
+        self.collection.create_index("foo")
+        self.collection.insert({"a": 1})
+        self.collection.insert({"foo": "bar"})
+        index_name = f"{self.collection.name}{{foo}}"
+        self.collection.reindex(f"[{index_name}]", sparse=True)
+        assert 1 == len(self.collection.db.execute(f"SELECT COUNT(1) FROM [{index_name}]").fetchone())
+    def test_uniqueness(self):
+        self.test_reindex_unique_index()
+        doc = {"foo": "bar"}
+        index_name = f"{self.collection.name}{{foo}}"
+        cmd = f"SELECT id, foo FROM [{index_name}]"
+        results = self.collection.db.execute(cmd).fetchall()
+        assert [(1, '"bar"')] == results
+        with raises(sqlite3.IntegrityError):
+            self.collection.insert(doc)
+        assert [(1, '"bar"')] == results
+    def test_update_to_break_uniqueness(self):
+        self.test_uniqueness()
+        doc = {"foo": "baz"}
+        self.collection.insert(doc)
+        index_name = f"{self.collection.name}{{foo}}"
+        cmd = f"SELECT id, foo FROM [{index_name}]"
+        results = self.collection.db.execute(cmd).fetchall()
+        assert [(1, '"bar"'), (3, '"baz"')] == results
+        doc = {"foo": "bar", "_id": 3}
+        with raises(sqlite3.IntegrityError):
+            self.collection.save(doc)
+        assert [(1, '"bar"'), (3, '"baz"')] == results
+    def test_create_unique_index_on_non_unique_collection(self):
+        self.collection.create()
+        self.collection.insert({"foo": "bar", "a": 1})
+        self.collection.insert({"foo": "bar", "a": 2})
+        assert 2 == self.collection.count({"foo": "bar"})
+        with raises(sqlite3.IntegrityError):
+            self.collection.create_index("foo", unique=True)
+        assert 0 == len(self.collection.list_indexes())
+    def test_hint_index(self):
+        self.collection.create()
+        self.collection.insert({"foo": "bar", "a": 1})
+        self.collection.insert({"foo": "bar", "a": 2})
+        self.collection.insert({"fox": "baz", "a": 3})
+        self.collection.insert({"fox": "bar", "a": 4})
+        self.collection.create_index("foo")
+        self.collection.db = Mock(wraps=self.db)
+        docs_without_hint = self.collection.find({"foo": "bar", "a": 2})
+        self.collection.db.execute.assert_any_call("SELECT id, data FROM foo ")
+        docs_with_hint = self.collection.find(
+            {"foo": "bar", "a": 2}, hint="[foo{foo}]"
+        )
+        self.collection.db.execute.assert_any_call(
+            "SELECT id, data FROM foo WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM [foo{foo}] WHERE foo='\"bar\"')"
+        )
+        assert docs_without_hint == docs_with_hint
+    def test_list_indexes(self):
+        self.test_create_index()
+        assert isinstance(self.collection.list_indexes(), list)
+        assert isinstance(self.collection.list_indexes()[0], str)
+        assert (
+            f"[{self.collection.name}{{foo}}]"
+            == self.collection.list_indexes()[0]
+        )
+    def test_list_indexes_as_keys(self):
+        self.test_create_index()
+        assert isinstance(self.collection.list_indexes(as_keys=True), list)
+        assert isinstance(self.collection.list_indexes(as_keys=True)[0], list)
+        assert ["foo"] == self.collection.list_indexes(as_keys=True)[0]
+    def test_drop_index(self):
+        self.test_create_index()
+        index_name = f"[{self.collection.name}{{foo}}]"
+        self.collection.drop_index(index_name)
+        cmd = (
+            "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master "
+            "WHERE type='table' AND name LIKE '{name}{{%}}'"
+        )
+        assert (
+            self.collection.db.execute(
+                cmd.format(name=self.collection.name)
+            ).fetchone()
+            is None
+        )
+    def test_drop_indexes(self):
+        self.test_create_index()
+        self.collection.drop_indexes()
+        cmd = (
+            "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master "
+            "WHERE type='table' AND name LIKE '{name}{{%}}'"
+        )
+        assert (
+            self.collection.db.execute(
+                cmd.format(name=self.collection.name)
+            ).fetchone()
+            is None
+        )

A => tests/test_collection_operation.py +50 -0
@@ 0,0 1,50 @@ 
+# coding: utf-8
+import re
+from unittest.mock import Mock, call, patch
+from pytest import mark, raises
+import sqlite3
+import nosqlite
+class TestCollection:
+    def setup_method(self):
+        self.db = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
+        self.collection = nosqlite.Collection(self.db, "foo", create=False)
+    def teardown_method(self):
+        self.db.close()
+    def unformat_sql(self, sql: str) -> str:
+        return re.sub(r"[\s]+", " ", sql.strip().replace("\n", ""))
+    def test_eq_type_error(self):
+        document = {"foo": 5}
+        assert not nosqlite._eq("foo", "bar", document)
+    def test_eq_attribute_error(self):
+        document = None  # This will trigger AttributeError in _eq function
+        assert not nosqlite._eq("foo", "bar", document)
+    def test_gt_type_error(self):
+        document = {"foo": "bar"}
+        assert not nosqlite._gt("foo", 5, document)
+    def test_lt_type_error(self):
+        document = {"foo": "bar"}
+        assert not nosqlite._lt("foo", 5, document)
+    def test_lte_type_error(self):
+        document = {"foo": "bar"}
+        assert not nosqlite._lte("foo", 5, document)
+    def test_get_operator_fn_improper_op(self):
+        with raises(nosqlite.MalformedQueryException):
+            self.collection._get_operator_fn("foo")
+    def test_get_operator_fn_valid_op(self):
+        assert self.collection._get_operator_fn("$in") == nosqlite._in
+    def test_get_operator_fn_no_op(self):
+        with raises(nosqlite.MalformedQueryException):
+            self.collection._get_operator_fn("$foo")

A => tests/test_connection.py +47 -0
@@ 0,0 1,47 @@ 
+from unittest.mock import Mock, call, patch
+import nosqlite
+class TestConnection:
+    def test_connect(self):
+        conn = nosqlite.Connection(":memory:")
+        assert conn.db.isolation_level is None
+    @patch("nosqlite.sqlite3")
+    def test_context_manager_closes_connection(self, sqlite):
+        with nosqlite.Connection() as conn:
+            pass
+        assert conn.db.close.called
+    @patch("nosqlite.sqlite3")
+    @patch("nosqlite.Collection")
+    def test_getitem_returns_collection(self, mock_collection, sqlite):
+        sqlite.connect.return_value = sqlite
+        mock_collection.return_value = mock_collection
+        conn = nosqlite.Connection()
+        assert "foo" not in conn._collections
+        assert conn["foo"] == mock_collection
+    @patch("nosqlite.sqlite3")
+    def test_getitem_returns_cached_collection(self, sqlite):
+        conn = nosqlite.Connection()
+        conn._collections["foo"] = "bar"
+        assert conn["foo"] == "bar"
+    @patch("nosqlite.sqlite3")
+    def test_drop_collection(self, sqlite):
+        conn = nosqlite.Connection()
+        conn.drop_collection("foo")
+        conn.db.execute.assert_called_with("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS foo")
+    @patch("nosqlite.sqlite3")
+    def test_getattr_returns_attribute(self, sqlite):
+        conn = nosqlite.Connection()
+        assert conn.__getattr__("db") in list(conn.__dict__.values())
+    @patch("nosqlite.sqlite3")
+    def test_getattr_returns_collection(self, sqlite):
+        conn = nosqlite.Connection()
+        foo = conn.__getattr__("foo")
+        assert foo not in list(conn.__dict__.values())
+        assert isinstance(foo, nosqlite.Collection)

A => tests/test_etc.py +60 -0
@@ 0,0 1,60 @@ 
+# coding: utf-8
+import re
+from unittest.mock import Mock, call, patch
+from pytest import mark, raises
+import sqlite3
+import nosqlite
+class TestCollection:
+    def setup_method(self):
+        self.db = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
+        self.collection = nosqlite.Collection(self.db, "foo", create=False)
+    def teardown_method(self):
+        self.db.close()
+    def unformat_sql(self, sql: str) -> str:
+        return re.sub(r"[\s]+", " ", sql.strip().replace("\n", ""))
+    def test_find_and_modify(self):
+        update = {"foo": "bar"}
+        docs = [
+            {"foo": "foo"},
+            {"baz": "qux"},
+        ]
+        with patch.object(self.collection, "find"):
+            with patch.object(self.collection, "save"):
+                self.collection.find.return_value = docs
+                self.collection.find_and_modify(update=update)
+                self.collection.save.assert_has_calls(
+                    [
+                        call({"foo": "bar"}),
+                        call({"foo": "bar", "baz": "qux"}),
+                    ]
+                )
+    def test_count(self):
+        with patch.object(self.collection, "find"):
+            self.collection.find.return_value = list(range(10))
+            assert self.collection.count() == 10
+    def test_distinct(self):
+        docs = [{"foo": "bar"}, {"foo": "baz"}, {"foo": 10}, {"bar": "foo"}]
+        self.collection.find = lambda: docs
+        assert set(("bar", "baz", 10)) == self.collection.distinct("foo")
+    def test_rename_raises_for_collision(self):
+        nosqlite.Collection(self.db, "bar")  # Create a collision point
+        self.collection.create()
+        with raises(AssertionError):
+            self.collection.rename("bar")
+    def test_rename(self):
+        self.collection.create()
+        assert self.collection.exists()
+        self.collection.rename("bar")
+        assert self.collection.name == "bar"
+        assert self.collection.exists()
+        assert not nosqlite.Collection(self.db, "foo", create=False).exists()

A => tests/test_find_one.py +14 -0
@@ 0,0 1,14 @@ 
+# coding: utf-8
+import nosqlite
+class TestFindOne:
+    def test_returns_None_if_collection_does_not_exist(
+        self, collection: nosqlite.Collection
+    ):
+        assert collection.find_one({}) is None
+    def test_returns_None_if_document_is_not_found(
+        self, collection: nosqlite.Collection
+    ):
+        collection.create()
+        assert collection.find_one({}) is None

M tox.ini +1 -1
@@ 9,4 9,4 @@ deps =
 sitepackages = False
 commands =
-    py.test -q --cov nosqlite --cov-report term-missing {toxinidir}/tests.py
+    py.test -q --cov nosqlite --cov-report term-missing {toxinidir}/tests