Update README.md

add usage instructions
1 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M README.md +29 -0
@@ 2,3 2,32 @@ 
 [![Docker Repository on Quay](https://quay.io/repository/bashell/alpine-lighttpd/status "Docker Repository on Quay")](https://quay.io/repository/bashell/alpine-lighttpd)
 - Based on [Alpine-Bash](https://quay.io/repository/bashell/alpine-bash)
 - Source code is on [GitHub](https://github.com/bashell-com/alpine-lighttpd)
+## Usage
+*(If you're using **Docker™**, please change command `podman` to `docker`.)*
+### Configuration and Data Storage
+Assume that you want to store data on `/data`, and it is *writable*, then extract default configuration files from the image using this command:
+mkdir -p /data/lighttpd/etc
+mkdir -p /data/lighttpd/htdocs
+mkdir -p /data/lighttpd/lib/cache/compress
+cd /data/lighttpd/etc
+podman run --rm yyy tar c -C /etc/lighttpd -O . | tar xvf -
+You should review and edit `lighttpd.conf` *before* next step.
+### Run
+podman run -d --name=lighttpd \
+  -v /data/lighttpd/etc:/etc/lighttpd \
+  -v /data/lighttpd/htdocs:/var/www/localhost/htdocs \
+  -v /data/lighttpd/lib:/var/lib/lighttpd \
+  -P \
+  quay.io/bashell/alpine-lighttpd
+### Log
+podman logs -f lighttpd