3 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)

M priority.py
M rfc5424.py
M syslogd.py
M priority.py +34 -7
@@ 1,15 1,42 @@ 
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 class SyslogMatrix(object):
     LEVELS = (
-        'emergency', 'alert', 'critica', 'error',
-        'warning', 'notice', 'info', 'debug'
+        "emergency",
+        "alert",
+        "critica",
+        "error",
+        "warning",
+        "notice",
+        "info",
+        "debug",
-        'kernel', 'user', 'mail', 'system', 'security0', 'syslog',
-        'lpd', 'nntp', 'uucp', 'time', 'security1', 'ftpd', 'ntpd',
-        'logaudit', 'logalert', 'clock', 'local0', 'local1', 'local2',
-        'local3', 'local4', 'local5', 'local6', 'local7'
+        "kernel",
+        "user",
+        "mail",
+        "system",
+        "security0",
+        "syslog",
+        "lpd",
+        "nntp",
+        "uucp",
+        "time",
+        "security1",
+        "ftpd",
+        "ntpd",
+        "logaudit",
+        "logalert",
+        "clock",
+        "local0",
+        "local1",
+        "local2",
+        "local3",
+        "local4",
+        "local5",
+        "local6",
+        "local7",
     def __init__(self):

@@ 25,7 52,7 @@ class SyslogMatrix(object):
         facility, level = self.matrix.get(code)
         return (
             (facility, self.FACILITIES.index(facility)),
-            (level, self.LEVELS.index(level))
+            (level, self.LEVELS.index(level)),
     def decode_int(self, code):

M rfc5424.py +8 -6
@@ 2,10 2,11 @@ import re
 from datetime import datetime
 from itertools import zip_longest
 def convert_rfc5424_to_rfc3164(message):
     # Extract the required fields from the RFC-5424 message
     # Example RFC-5424 message: '<189>Jun 20 06:31:32 FortiGate-101F_02 - eventtime=1687242692932574340 ...
-    pattern = r'<(\d+)>(\d+ ){0,1}(\S+ \d+ \d+:\d+:\d+) ([\S\s]+) - ([\S\s]+)'
+    pattern = r"<(\d+)>(\d+ ){0,1}(\S+ \d+ \d+:\d+:\d+) ([\S\s]+) - ([\S\s]+)"
     match = re.match(pattern, message)
     if not match:

@@ 15,7 16,7 @@ def convert_rfc5424_to_rfc3164(message):
     priority = match.group(1)
     version = match.group(2)
     timestamp = match.group(3)
-    hostname = match.group(4)  #Hostname with optional appname and procid
+    hostname = match.group(4)  # Hostname with optional appname and procid
     message = match.group(5)
     # Convert the priority to RFC-3164 format

@@ 25,11 26,12 @@ def convert_rfc5424_to_rfc3164(message):
     rfc3164_pri = facility * 8 + severity
     # Convert the timestamp to RFC-3164 format (MMM DD HH:MM:SS)
-    timestamp_dt = datetime.strptime(timestamp, '%b %d %H:%M:%S')
-    timestamp_rfc3164 = timestamp_dt.strftime('%b %d %H:%M:%S')
+    timestamp_dt = datetime.strptime(timestamp, "%b %d %H:%M:%S")
+    timestamp_rfc3164 = timestamp_dt.strftime("%b %d %H:%M:%S")
     # Rearrange the fields according to RFC-3164 format
-    rfc3164_message = '<{}>{} {}: {}'.format(rfc3164_pri, timestamp_rfc3164, hostname, message)
+    rfc3164_message = "<{}>{} {}: {}".format(
+        rfc3164_pri, timestamp_rfc3164, hostname, message
+    )
     return rfc3164_message

M syslogd.py +71 -59
@@ 4,20 4,23 @@ 
 # Configuration
 import os
-DEBUG = os.environ.get('DEBUG') == 'True'
-LOG_DUMP = os.environ.get('LOG_DUMP') == 'True'
-SQL_DUMP = os.environ.get('SQL_DUMP') == 'True'
-SQL_WRITE = os.environ.get('SQL_WRITE') == 'True'
-BINDING_IP = os.environ.get('BINDING_IP', '')
-BINDING_PORT = os.environ.get('BINDING_PORT', '5140')
+DEBUG = os.environ.get("DEBUG") == "True"
+LOG_DUMP = os.environ.get("LOG_DUMP") == "True"
+SQL_DUMP = os.environ.get("SQL_DUMP") == "True"
+SQL_WRITE = os.environ.get("SQL_WRITE") == "True"
+BINDING_IP = os.environ.get("BINDING_IP", "")
+BINDING_PORT = os.environ.get("BINDING_PORT", "5140")
+del os
 # Query
-SQL = ("INSERT INTO SystemEvents (Facility, Priority, FromHost, "
-       "InfoUnitID, ReceivedAt, DeviceReportedTime, SysLogTag, "
-       "ProcessID, Message) VALUES "
-       "(:Facility, :Priority, :FromHost, :InfoUnitID, :ReceivedAt, "
-       ":DeviceReportedTime, :SysLogTag, :ProcessID, :Message)")
+SQL = (
+    "INSERT INTO SystemEvents (Facility, Priority, FromHost, "
+    "InfoUnitID, ReceivedAt, DeviceReportedTime, SysLogTag, "
+    "ProcessID, Message) VALUES "
+    "(:Facility, :Priority, :FromHost, :InfoUnitID, :ReceivedAt, "
+    ":DeviceReportedTime, :SysLogTag, :ProcessID, :Message)"
 # Code
 import asyncio

@@ 32,6 35,7 @@ try:
 except ImportError:
     uvloop = None
 class SyslogUDPServer:
     syslog_matrix = SyslogMatrix()

@@ 46,7 50,7 @@ class SyslogUDPServer:
         self.loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGINT, self.handle_sigint_wrapper)
-        print(f'Listening on UDP {host}:{port} using {self.loop.__module__}')
+        print(f"Listening on UDP {host}:{port} using {self.loop.__module__}")
     def setup(self):
         if SQL_WRITE:

@@ 64,7 68,7 @@ class SyslogUDPServer:
         asyncio.ensure_future(self.handle_sigint(signal.SIGINT, None))
     async def close_db_connection(self):
-        if SQL_WRITE and hasattr(self, 'db') and self.db:
+        if SQL_WRITE and hasattr(self, "db") and self.db:
                 await self.db.close()
             except Exception as e:

@@ 82,10 86,11 @@ class SyslogUDPServer:
     async def connect_to_sqlite(self):
-        self.db = await aiosqlite.connect('syslog.db', loop=self.loop)
+        self.db = await aiosqlite.connect("syslog.db", loop=self.loop)
         # Enable WAL mode for better write performance
-        await self.db.execute('PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL')
-        await self.db.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS SystemEvents (
+        await self.db.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL")
+        await self.db.execute(
+            """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS SystemEvents (
             Facility INTEGER,
             Priority INTEGER,

@@ 96,84 101,92 @@ class SyslogUDPServer:
             SysLogTag TEXT,
             ProcessID TEXT,
             Message TEXT
-        )''')
+        )"""
+        )
         await self.db.commit()
         # Create an index on the ReceivedAt field
-        await self.db.execute('''CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_ReceivedAt 
-            ON SystemEvents (ReceivedAt)''')
+        await self.db.execute(
+            """CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_ReceivedAt 
+            ON SystemEvents (ReceivedAt)"""
+        )
         await self.db.commit()
         # Create the virtual table with the full-text search index
-        await self.db.execute('''CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS SystemEventsFTS
-            USING FTS5(Message)''')
+        await self.db.execute(
+            USING FTS5(Message)"""
+        )
         await self.db.commit()
     async def escape(self, msg):
         return msg
     async def handle_datagram(self, data, address):
-        '''
+        """
         Handle RFC-3164 message
         e.g. Jun 21 10:54:52 Main-LB forward: in:LAN out:eth11-WAN-TOT
              [m][d] [---t--] [hostn-program]  [--------message-------]
-        '''
+        """
         ReceivedAt = datetime.now()  # Generated
         data = data.decode()
         data = convert_rfc5424_to_rfc3164(data)
         if LOG_DUMP:
-            print('\n  DATA:', data)
-        datetime_hostname_program = data[data.find('>')+1:data.find(': ')]
+            print("\n  DATA:", data)
+        datetime_hostname_program = data[data.find(">") + 1 : data.find(": ")]
         m, d, t, hostname = datetime_hostname_program.split()[:4]
-        formatted_datetime = '%s %s %s %s' % (
-            m, d.zfill(2), t, ReceivedAt.year
-        )
+        formatted_datetime = "%s %s %s %s" % (m, d.zfill(2), t, ReceivedAt.year)
         DeviceReportedTime = datetime.strptime(
-            formatted_datetime, '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y'
+            formatted_datetime, "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"
         time_delta = ReceivedAt - DeviceReportedTime
         if abs(time_delta.days) > 1:
-            formatted_datetime = '%s %s %s %s' % (
-                m, d.zfill(2), t, ReceivedAt.year - 1
+            formatted_datetime = "%s %s %s %s" % (
+                m,
+                d.zfill(2),
+                t,
+                ReceivedAt.year - 1,
             DeviceReportedTime = datetime.strptime(
-                formatted_datetime, '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y'
+                formatted_datetime, "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"
         time_delta = ReceivedAt - DeviceReportedTime
         if abs(time_delta.days) > 1:
             pass  # Something wrong, just ignore it.
-            program = '-'.join(datetime_hostname_program.split()[4:])
-            if '[' in program:
-                SysLogTag = program[:program.find('[')]
+            program = "-".join(datetime_hostname_program.split()[4:])
+            if "[" in program:
+                SysLogTag = program[: program.find("[")]
                 SysLogTag = program
-            if '[' in program:
-                ProcessID = program[program.find('[')+1:program.find(']')]
+            if "[" in program:
+                ProcessID = program[program.find("[") + 1 : program.find("]")]
-                ProcessID = '0'
-            Message = data[data.find(': ')+2:]
-            code = data[data.find('<')+1:data.find('>')]
+                ProcessID = "0"
+            Message = data[data.find(": ") + 2 :]
+            code = data[data.find("<") + 1 : data.find(">")]
             Facility, Priority = self.syslog_matrix.decode_int(code)
             FromHost = hostname or address[0]
             InfoUnitID = 1  # Hardcoded
             params = {
-                'Facility': Facility,
-                'Priority': Priority,
-                'FromHost': FromHost,
-                'InfoUnitID': InfoUnitID,
-                'ReceivedAt': ReceivedAt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
-                'DeviceReportedTime': DeviceReportedTime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
-                'SysLogTag': SysLogTag,
-                'ProcessID': ProcessID,
-                'Message': Message
+                "Facility": Facility,
+                "Priority": Priority,
+                "FromHost": FromHost,
+                "InfoUnitID": InfoUnitID,
+                "ReceivedAt": ReceivedAt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
+                "DeviceReportedTime": DeviceReportedTime.strftime(
+                    "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
+                ),
+                "SysLogTag": SysLogTag,
+                "ProcessID": ProcessID,
+                "Message": Message,
             sql_command = SQL
             if SQL_DUMP:
-                print('\n   SQL:', sql_command)
-                print('\nPARAMS:', params)
+                print("\n   SQL:", sql_command)
+                print("\nPARAMS:", params)
             if SQL_WRITE:

@@ 181,9 194,9 @@ class SyslogUDPServer:
                 except Exception as e:
                     if DEBUG:
-                        print('\n   SQL:', sql_command)
-                        print('\nPARAMS:', params)
-                        print('\nEXCEPT:', e)
+                        print("\n   SQL:", sql_command)
+                        print("\nPARAMS:", params)
+                        print("\nEXCEPT:", e)
                     await self.db.rollback()
                     await self.db.commit()

@@ 192,7 205,7 @@ class SyslogUDPServer:
         self.endpoint, _ = self.loop.run_until_complete(
                 lambda: DatagramProtocol(self.handle_datagram),
-                local_addr=(self.host, self.port)
+                local_addr=(self.host, self.port),

@@ 212,11 225,11 @@ class DatagramProtocol:
     def error_received(self, exc):
         if DEBUG:
-            print('Error received:', exc)
+            print("Error received:", exc)
     def connection_lost(self, exc):
         if DEBUG:
-            print('Closing transport')
+            print("Closing transport")
 if __name__ == "__main__":

@@ 238,4 251,3 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":