Fixed deprecation warning for the Rust implementation.
Rust implementation of Ackermann has been added.
Minor changes to
Added to launsh tests.
Minor changes.
Added first Pascal implementation of Ackermann.
Renamed Python implementations.
Added description of the Python functions.
Added description of the Go functions.
Raised recursion limit and stack for the naive implementation in Python.
Added display function and a main part for the OCaml implementation.
Python implementation OK with Python 3.2. Added argument parser.
Added comment for the 'bug'
Seems that there is a compiler bug. formule_ackermann should return something after the switch.
Added version of Ackermann with preevaluated values for the Go version.
Imported strconv and flag to parse arguments.
Added COPYING file.
Added main in C implementation in order to launch the 3 different C implementation.
Added C implementation of Ackermann, precomputed for small values of m .
Added iterative C implementation of Ackermann.