fa43cf0165e3 — Chris Cannam 4 years ago
Update to current trie api, and simplify
3 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)

M repoint-lock.json
M src/parse-serialise/prefix-table.sml
M src/store/index.sml
M repoint-lock.json +2 -2
@@ 7,10 7,10 @@ 
       "pin": "45d450aedb1f"
     "sml-trie": {
-      "pin": "f78215386849"
+      "pin": "2d2572df578d"
     "sml-stringinterpolate": {
-      "pin": "b2ef1dd1d62b"
+      "pin": "7aeea879e5af"
     "sml-log": {
       "pin": "0084064e40bf"

M src/parse-serialise/prefix-table.sml +25 -54
@@ 1,51 1,19 @@ 
-structure IriTrie :> TRIE where type entry = Iri.t = struct
-    structure WordVectorTrie
-        = TrieFn (VectorMTrieMapFn(struct
+structure IriTrieArg : TRIE_MAP_KEYADAPTER_FN_ARG = struct
+    structure T = VectorMTrieMapFn(struct
                                     type t = word
                                     val compare = Word.compare
-                                    end))
-    type t = WordVectorTrie.trie
-    (*!!! should be wrapper fn in trie for this *)
-    type trie = t
-    type entry = Iri.t
-    val empty = WordVectorTrie.empty
-    val isEmpty = WordVectorTrie.isEmpty
-    fun explode iri = WdString.toVector (Iri.toWideString iri)
-    fun implode ws = Iri.fromWideString (WdString.fromVector ws)
-    fun add (trie, s) =
-        WordVectorTrie.add (trie, explode s)
+                                    end)
-    fun contains (trie, s) =
-        WordVectorTrie.contains (trie, explode s)
-    fun remove (trie, s) =
-        WordVectorTrie.remove (trie, explode s)
-    fun foldl f acc trie =
-        WordVectorTrie.foldl (fn (e, acc) => f (implode e, acc)) acc trie
-    fun enumerate trie =
-        List.map implode (WordVectorTrie.enumerate trie)
+    type key = T.key
+    type external_key = Iri.t
+    fun enkey iri = WdString.toVector (Iri.toWideString iri)
+    fun dekey ws = Iri.fromWideString (WdString.fromVector ws)
-    fun foldlPrefixMatch f acc (trie, s) =
-        WordVectorTrie.foldlPrefixMatch (fn (e, acc) => f (implode e, acc))
-                                        acc (trie, explode s)
-    fun prefixMatch (trie, s) =
-        List.map implode (WordVectorTrie.prefixMatch (trie, explode s))
-    fun prefixOf (trie, s) =
-        implode (WordVectorTrie.prefixOf (trie, explode s))
+structure IriTrie = TrieFn (TrieMapKeyAdapterFn (IriTrieArg))
 structure PrefixTable :> PREFIX_TABLE = struct

@@ 111,21 79,24 @@ structure PrefixTable :> PREFIX_TABLE = 
                                WdString.fromUtf8 (String.concatWith ":" rest))
     fun abbreviate ((_, reverse, trie) : t, iri) =
-      let val prefix = IriTrie.prefixOf (trie, iri)
+      let val prefixOpt = IriTrie.prefixOf (trie, iri)
 	  open WdString
 	  fun dropPrefix (iri, n) =
   	      implode (List.drop (explode (Iri.toWideString iri), n))
-	  if Iri.isEmpty prefix
-	  then NONE
-	  else
-	      case IriMap.find (reverse, prefix) of
-		  NONE => raise Fail ("internal error: prefix <" ^
-                                      Iri.toString prefix ^
-                                      "> found in trie " ^
-                                      "but not in reverse map")
-		| SOME abbr =>
-	          SOME (abbr, toUtf8 (dropPrefix (iri, Iri.size prefix)))
+          case prefixOpt of
+              NONE => NONE
+            | SOME prefix => 
+	      if Iri.isEmpty prefix
+	      then NONE
+	      else
+	          case IriMap.find (reverse, prefix) of
+		      NONE => raise Fail ("internal error: prefix <" ^
+                                          Iri.toString prefix ^
+                                          "> found in trie " ^
+                                          "but not in reverse map")
+		    | SOME abbr =>
+	              SOME (abbr, toUtf8 (dropPrefix (iri, Iri.size prefix)))

M src/store/index.sml +1 -1
@@ 60,7 60,7 @@ structure Index :> INDEX = struct
         (ord, NodeTrie.remove (ix, decompose (ord, triple)))
     fun foldlMatch f acc ((ord, ix) : t, pattern) =
-        NodeTrie.foldlPatternMatch
+        NodeTrie.foldlPattern
             (fn (e, acc) => f (recompose (ord, e), acc))
             (ix, decompose (ord, pattern))