Trie and persistent trie-based containers in Standard ML
b55830b5db1a — Chris Cannam default tip 2 years ago
Add map and mapi
af68c929f1bc — Chris Cannam 2 years ago
Size -> Empty (in previous commit)
fdabfb38085a — Chris Cannam 2 years ago
Add peeks to accompany pops



#Trie and persistent trie-based containers in Standard ML

This is a trie library in Standard ML.

The library contains implementations of the following container data structures:

  1. Trie and Trie Map
  2. Persistent Hash Map (implemented using bitmap tries)
  3. Persistent Array and Queue (implemented using bitmap tries)

#Trie and Trie Map

A trie is an ordered container. It stores a set of entries of a common entry type, which is some sort of sequence (vector, list, string etc), storing them in a tree structure according to their common prefixes, branching where they diverge.

                          g - a - t - o - r*
        a* - l - l* - i
      /                 \
    .                     a - n - c - e* - s*
        z - e - b - r - a*

(The asterisk shows nodes marked as entries in the trie rather than just potential branches, so this trie contains the six string entries "a", "all", "alligator", "alliance", "alliances", and "zebra".)

A plain trie just records the presence or absence of an entry in a set, but a trie can also support a map container, in which each entry (or key) has an associated value as well. A plain trie can be expressed as a trie map whose value is of a valueless (unit) type.

As with a hash map or typical tree-map structure, membership testing is generally fast. Unlike those, with a trie you can also quickly test whether any prefix of a given entry appears in the trie, obtain the longest such prefix, and find all entries with a given prefix. Like a tree-backed container but not a hash table, a trie is ordered, and can be enumerated in a fixed order, typically the sort order of the entry type.

This library provides persistent or immutable trie containers, in the sense that all updates return a separate trie, without modifying the one passed in, but internally sharing any unmodified parts with it.

The main signatures are:

  • TRIE (trie.sig) - signature of a trie set container with arbitrary entry type

  • TRIE_MAP (trie-map.sig) - signature of a polymorphic-value trie map container with arbitrary key type

  • PATTERN_MATCH_TRIE (pattern-match-trie.sig) - signature extending TRIE with the capability of matching sequences with wildcards in them. Unlike TRIE, this exposes the types of the individual elements in each entry (e.g. char, for a trie with string entries)

  • PATTERN_MATCH_TRIE_MAP (pattern-match-trie-map.sig) - signature extending TRIE_MAP with the capability of matching sequences with wildcards in them, like PATTERN_MATCH_TRIE

There is a single core trie map implementation provided: TrieMapFn, in trie-map-fn.sml. This is a functor parameterised by the node map type for the trie (which determines how sub-node relationships are stored) and the external key and entry types (which determine the API for the trie). All of the external concrete trie-map and trie structures are implemented using TrieMapFn internally.

These functors then adapt trie-maps into set-type trie structures:

  • TrieFn (trie-fn.sml) - a functor that turns a TRIE_MAP into a TRIE

  • PatternMatchTrieFn (pattern-match-trie-fn.sml) - a functor that turns a PATTERN_MATCH_TRIE_MAP into a PATTERN_MATCH_TRIE

The following external interfaces are then provided in list-tries.sml:

  • ListMTrieMapFn - a functor that takes a comparable element type and implements a PATTERN_MATCH_TRIE_MAP in which the entry type is a list of that element. The implementation uses a red-black tree map (from the SML/NJ library) at every trie node. This is better suited to wide, shallow trie structures than narrow, deep ones, but can be surprisingly efficient in both time and space. Insertion and enumeration are relatively cheap and lookup is relatively more expensive.

  • ListATrieMapFn - a functor that takes an element type that can be mapped compactly onto a small integer range, and implements a PATTERN_MATCH_TRIE_MAP in which the entry type is a list of that element. The implementation uses an array (or rather a vector) at each node, extending the vector to span the range of inserted values. This may be better suited than ListMTrieMapFn to narrow, deep structures with small numbers of possible values at each node. Lookups are relatively cheap and insertion is relatively more expensive.

  • ListBTrieMapFn - a functor that takes an element type that can be mapped compactly onto a small integer range, and implements a PATTERN_MATCH_TRIE_MAP in which the entry type is a list of that element. The implementation uses a bitmap-compressed semi-sparse array at each node. This is only suited to entries whose elements map sparsely into a small range.

  • ListMTrieFn, ListATrieFn, ListBTrieFn (list-tries.sml) - shorthands that turn an element type directly into a trie set (the set equivalents of *TrieMapFn)

For each of these tries with list entry types, an equivalent trie with a vector entry type is also provided, in vector-tries.sml:

  • VectorMTrieMapFn, VectorATrieMapFn, VectorBTrieMapFn - vector equivalents of ListMTrieMapFn, ListATrieMapFn, ListBTrieMapFn

  • VectorMTrieFn, VectorATrieFn, VectorBTrieFn - vector equivalents of ListMTrieFn, ListATrieFn, ListBTrieFn

Finally there are specialisations for tries with string entries, found in string-tries.sml:

  • StringMTrieMap, StringATrieMap, StringBTrieMap - trie-maps with string key type

  • StringMTrie, StringATrie, StringBTrie - trie sets with string key type

  • StringTrieMap, StringTrie - aliases for StringMTrieMap, StringMTrie

#Persistent Hash Map

This library contains an implementation of a persistent hash map structure. This is a hash map in which every insertion or removal returns a separate hash map, without modifying the one passed in, but internally sharing any unmodified parts with it.

Like a classic hash table, the persistent hash map is unordered: keys can be enumerated, but not in any guaranteed order, and do not need to be comparable. It also requires that a hash function be provided for the key type.

The implementation is a hash-array-mapped trie (HAMT) somewhat like that popularised by the Clojure language. Hashes are 32-bit words and collisions are handled using simple list chaining.

The main signature is:

  • PERSISTENT_HASH_MAP (persistent-hash-map.sig) - signature of a polymorphic-value hash map container with a fixed key type

And this is implemented by

  • PersistentHashMapFn (persistent-hash-map-fn.sml) - a functor that takes a hash key type and hash function and implements a PERSISTENT_HASH_MAP with that key type

There is a specialisation for string keys:

  • StringHashMap (string-hash-map.sml) - a PERSISTENT_HASH_MAP with string keys

#Persistent Array and Queue

This library contains implementations of persistent array and double-ended queue containers. These are immutable containers like the Basis vector with the addition of update, append, and pop-from-end operations which return new (partly shared) containers. The queue supports most of the same operations as the array plus prepend and pop-from-start, but its plain iteration (foldl) is not as fast as the array. For both containers, all of the update, append, prepend, and pop operations take time independent of the container size.

Note that these containers are competitive only if both immutability and general updating are desired. A vector is faster to tabulate and iterate over, a mutable array is faster to update existing elements of, and a fifo implemented with two lists is a faster persistent queue if updating within the queue is not needed (as it usually isn't).

The implementations use an array-mapped-trie somewhat like that popularised by the Clojure language. Both containers are limited in size to 2^32 elements or the maximum size of, whichever is smaller. The former is an implementation limit, the latter an artifact of the choice of API. For the queue, the limit is of current queue length, not of the total number of append/pop cycles.

The main signatures are:

  • PERSISTENT_ARRAY (persistent-array.sig) - signature of a polymorphic-value persistent array container

  • PERSISTENT_ARRAY_SLICE (persistent-array-slice.sig) - signature of a slice into a PERSISTENT_ARRAY

  • PERSISTENT_QUEUE (persistent-queue.sig) - signature of a polymorphic-value persistent queue container

And these are implemented by

  • PersistentArray (persistent-array.sml) - a polymorphic-value persistent array container

  • PersistentArraySlice (persistent-array-slice.sml) - slice into a PersistentArray

  • PersistentQueue (persistent-queue.sml) - a polymorphic-value persistent queue container

#To Build & Test

Basic unit tests are provided. With the MLton compiler, run

 $ mlton && ./test

To use in other projects, include from your MLB file.


Copyright 2015-2021 Chris Cannam. MIT/X11 licence. See the file COPYING for details.