@@ 15,12 15,12 @@ structure Timing : TIMING = struct
structure H = HashTableFn (struct
- type hash_key = string
+ type hash_key = tag
val hashVal = hashString
val sameKey = op=
- exception InternalError
+ exception NotFound
type time_rec = {
total : Time.time,
@@ 29,41 29,53 @@ structure Timing : TIMING = struct
count : int
- val aggregates : time_rec H.hash_table = H.mkTable (200, InternalError)
+ val aggregates : time_rec H.hash_table = H.mkTable (200, NotFound)
+ val recordOrder : tag list ref = ref []
fun record tag t =
case H.find aggregates tag of
- H.insert aggregates
- (tag, { total = t,
- min = t,
- max = t,
- count = 1 })
+ (recordOrder := tag :: (!recordOrder);
+ H.insert aggregates
+ (tag, { total = t,
+ min = t,
+ max = t,
+ count = 1 }))
| SOME { total, min, max, count } =>
H.insert aggregates
(tag, { total = Time.+ (total, t),
min = if Time.< (t, min) then t else min,
max = if Time.> (t, max) then t else max,
count = count + 1 })
+ val mu = String.implode [Char.chr 0xCE, Char.chr 0xBC]
+ fun toUsReal t = Time.toReal t * 1000000.0
fun timed tag f =
- let val start = Time.now ()
+ let open Log
+ val start = Time.now ()
val result = f ()
val finish = Time.now ()
val elapsed = Time.- (finish, start)
val () = record tag elapsed
+ val usElapsed = toUsReal elapsed
val () = Log.debug
- (fn () => ["%: % ms", tag,
- Log.R (Time.toReal elapsed * 1000.0)])
+ (fn () =>
+ ["%: %%s (%/s)",
+ tag,
+ N usElapsed, mu,
+ if usElapsed > 0.0
+ then N (1000000.0 / usElapsed)
+ else "-"
+ ])
fun summarise level =
let open Log
- val mu = String.implode [Char.chr 0xCE, Char.chr 0xBC]
- fun summariseOne (tag, { total, min, max, count }) =
- let fun toUsReal t = Time.toReal t * 1000000.0
+ fun summariseOne tag =
+ let val { total, min, max, count } = H.lookup aggregates tag
val usTotal = toUsReal total
val usMax = toUsReal max
@@ 73,15 85,17 @@ structure Timing : TIMING = struct
N (usTotal / Real.fromInt count), mu,
if usTotal > 0.0
- then R (Real.fromInt count * 1000000.0 / usTotal)
+ then N (Real.fromInt count * 1000000.0 / usTotal)
else "-",
N usMax, mu,
N usTotal, mu
+ handle NotFound =>
+ Log.warn (fn () => ["tag % not found in aggregates", tag])
- (log level (fn () => ["Aggregate times:"]);
- H.appi summariseOne aggregates)
+ (log level (fn () => ["Aggregate times in order of appearance:"]);
+ List.app summariseOne (rev (!recordOrder)))