@@ 456,7 456,7 @@ void MainWindow::hgCommitFiles(QStringLi
- tr("Commit"))) {
+ tr("Co&mmit"))) {
if (!m_justMerged && !files.empty()) {
// User wants to commit selected file(s) (and this is not
@@ 498,7 498,7 @@ void MainWindow::hgNewBranch()
tr("New Branch"),
tr("Enter new branch name:"),
- tr("Start Branch"))) {
+ tr("Start &Branch"))) {
if (!branch.isEmpty()) {//!!! do something better if it is empty
params << "branch" << filterTag(branch);
@@ 529,7 529,7 @@ void MainWindow::hgTag(QString id)
tr("Enter tag:"),
- tr("Add Tag"))) {
+ tr("Add &Tag"))) {
if (!tag.isEmpty()) {//!!! do something better if it is empty
params << "tag" << "--user" << getUserInfo();
@@ 774,7 774,7 @@ void MainWindow::hgRevertFiles(QStringLi
.arg(tr("You are about to <b>revert</b> %n file(s).<br><br>This will <b>throw away any changes</b> that you have made to these files but have not committed.", "", files.size()))
- tr("Revert"))) {
+ tr("Re&vert"))) {
m_lastRevertedFiles = files;
@@ 796,7 796,7 @@ void MainWindow::hgRenameFiles(QStringLi
tr("Rename <code>%1</code> to:").arg(xmlEncode(file)),
- tr("Rename"))) {
+ tr("Re&name"))) {
if (renameTo != "" && renameTo != file) {
@@ 823,7 823,7 @@ void MainWindow::hgCopyFiles(QStringList
tr("Copy <code>%1</code> to:").arg(xmlEncode(file)),
- tr("Copy"))) {
+ tr("Co&py"))) {
if (copyTo != "" && copyTo != file) {
@@ 995,7 995,7 @@ void MainWindow::hgPull()
(this, tr("Confirm pull"),
tr("<qt><h3>Pull from remote repository?</h3></qt>"),
tr("<qt><p>You are about to pull changes from the remote repository at <code>%1</code>.</p></qt>").arg(xmlEncode(m_remoteRepoPath)),
- tr("Pull"))) {
+ tr("&Pull"))) {
QStringList params;
params << "pull" << m_remoteRepoPath;
@@ 1019,7 1019,7 @@ void MainWindow::hgPush()
(this, tr("Confirm push"),
tr("<qt><h3>Push to remote repository?</h3></qt>"),
tr("<qt><p>You are about to push your commits to the remote repository at <code>%1</code>.</p>%2</qt>").arg(xmlEncode(m_remoteRepoPath)).arg(uncommittedNote),
- tr("Push"))) {
+ tr("&Push"))) {
QStringList params;
params << "push" << "--new-branch" << m_remoteRepoPath;
@@ 2460,16 2460,16 @@ void MainWindow::enableDisableActions()
- m_hgRefreshAct -> setEnabled(m_localRepoActionsEnabled);
- m_hgFolderDiffAct -> setEnabled(m_localRepoActionsEnabled && haveDiff);
- m_hgRevertAct -> setEnabled(m_localRepoActionsEnabled);
- m_hgAddAct -> setEnabled(m_localRepoActionsEnabled);
- m_hgRemoveAct -> setEnabled(m_localRepoActionsEnabled);
- m_hgUpdateAct -> setEnabled(m_localRepoActionsEnabled);
- m_hgCommitAct -> setEnabled(m_localRepoActionsEnabled);
- m_hgMergeAct -> setEnabled(m_localRepoActionsEnabled);
- m_hgServeAct -> setEnabled(m_localRepoActionsEnabled);
- m_hgIgnoreAct -> setEnabled(m_localRepoActionsEnabled);
+ m_hgRefreshAct->setEnabled(m_localRepoActionsEnabled);
+ m_hgFolderDiffAct->setEnabled(m_localRepoActionsEnabled && haveDiff);
+ m_hgRevertAct->setEnabled(m_localRepoActionsEnabled);
+ m_hgAddAct->setEnabled(m_localRepoActionsEnabled);
+ m_hgRemoveAct->setEnabled(m_localRepoActionsEnabled);
+ m_hgUpdateAct->setEnabled(m_localRepoActionsEnabled);
+ m_hgCommitAct->setEnabled(m_localRepoActionsEnabled);
+ m_hgMergeAct->setEnabled(m_localRepoActionsEnabled);
+ m_hgServeAct->setEnabled(m_localRepoActionsEnabled);
+ m_hgIgnoreAct->setEnabled(m_localRepoActionsEnabled);
DEBUG << "m_localRepoActionsEnabled = " << m_localRepoActionsEnabled << endl;
DEBUG << "canCommit = " << m_hgTabs->canCommit() << endl;
@@ 2615,67 2615,82 @@ void MainWindow::updateRecentMenu()
void MainWindow::createActions()
//File actions
- m_openAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/fileopen.png"), tr("Open..."), this);
- m_openAct -> setStatusTip(tr("Open an existing repository or working folder"));
- m_changeRemoteRepoAct = new QAction(tr("Set Remote Location..."), this);
+ m_openAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/fileopen.png"), tr("&Open..."), this);
+ m_openAct->setStatusTip(tr("Open an existing repository or working folder"));
+ m_openAct->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+O"));
+ m_changeRemoteRepoAct = new QAction(tr("Set Remote &Location..."), this);
m_changeRemoteRepoAct->setStatusTip(tr("Set or change the default remote repository for pull and push actions"));
- m_settingsAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/settings.png"), tr("Settings..."), this);
- m_settingsAct -> setStatusTip(tr("View and change application settings"));
+ m_settingsAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/settings.png"), tr("&Settings..."), this);
+ m_settingsAct->setStatusTip(tr("View and change application settings"));
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
- m_exitAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/exit.png"), tr("Exit"), this);
+ m_exitAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/exit.png"), tr("E&xit"), this);
- m_exitAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/exit.png"), tr("Quit"), this);
+ m_exitAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/exit.png"), tr("&Quit"), this);
- m_exitAct->setStatusTip(tr("Quit EasyMercurial"));
+ m_exitAct->setStatusTip(tr("Exit EasyMercurial"));
//Repository actions
- m_hgRefreshAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/status.png"), tr("Refresh"), this);
+ m_hgRefreshAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/status.png"), tr("&Refresh"), this);
+ m_hgRefreshAct->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+R"));
m_hgRefreshAct->setStatusTip(tr("Refresh the window to show the current state of the working folder"));
- m_hgIncomingAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/incoming.png"), tr("Preview"), this);
- m_hgIncomingAct -> setStatusTip(tr("See what changes are available in the remote repository waiting to be pulled"));
- m_hgPullAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/pull.png"), tr("Pull"), this);
- m_hgPullAct -> setStatusTip(tr("Pull changes from the remote repository to the local repository"));
- m_hgPushAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/push.png"), tr("Push"), this);
+ m_hgIncomingAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/incoming.png"), tr("Pre&view Incoming Changes"), this);
+ m_hgIncomingAct->setIconText(tr("Preview"));
+ m_hgIncomingAct->setStatusTip(tr("See what changes are available in the remote repository waiting to be pulled"));
+ m_hgPullAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/pull.png"), tr("Pu&ll from Remote Repository"), this);
+ m_hgPullAct->setIconText(tr("Pull"));
+ m_hgPullAct->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+L"));
+ m_hgPullAct->setStatusTip(tr("Pull changes from the remote repository to the local repository"));
+ m_hgPushAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/push.png"), tr("Pus&h to Remote Repository"), this);
+ m_hgPushAct->setIconText(tr("Push"));
+ m_hgPushAct->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+H"));
m_hgPushAct->setStatusTip(tr("Push changes from the local repository to the remote repository"));
//Workfolder actions
- m_hgFolderDiffAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/folderdiff.png"), tr("Diff"), this);
+ m_hgFolderDiffAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/folderdiff.png"), tr("&Diff"), this);
+ m_hgFolderDiffAct->setIconText(tr("Diff"));
+ m_hgFolderDiffAct->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+D"));
m_hgFolderDiffAct->setStatusTip(tr("See what has changed in the working folder compared with the last committed state"));
- m_hgRevertAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/undo.png"), tr("Revert"), this);
+ m_hgRevertAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/undo.png"), tr("Re&vert"), this);
m_hgRevertAct->setStatusTip(tr("Throw away your changes and return to the last committed state"));
- m_hgAddAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/add.png"), tr("Add"), this);
- m_hgAddAct -> setStatusTip(tr("Mark the selected file(s) to be added on the next commit"));
- //!!! needs to be modified for number
- m_hgRemoveAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/remove.png"), tr("Remove"), this);
- m_hgRemoveAct -> setStatusTip(tr("Mark the selected file(s) to be removed from version control on the next commit"));
- m_hgUpdateAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/update.png"), tr("Update"), this);
+ m_hgAddAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/add.png"), tr("&Add Files"), this);
+ m_hgAddAct->setIconText(tr("Add"));
+ m_hgAddAct->setShortcut(tr("+"));
+ m_hgAddAct->setStatusTip(tr("Mark the selected files to be added on the next commit"));
+ m_hgRemoveAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/remove.png"), tr("&Remove Files"), this);
+ m_hgRemoveAct->setIconText(tr("Remove"));
+ m_hgRemoveAct->setShortcut(tr("Del"));
+ m_hgRemoveAct->setStatusTip(tr("Mark the selected files to be removed from version control on the next commit"));
+ m_hgUpdateAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/update.png"), tr("&Update to Branch Head"), this);
+ m_hgUpdateAct->setIconText(tr("Update"));
+ m_hgUpdateAct->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+U"));
m_hgUpdateAct->setStatusTip(tr("Update the working folder to the head of the current repository branch"));
- //!!! needs to be modified when files selected
- m_hgCommitAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/commit.png"), tr("Commit"), this);
+ m_hgCommitAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/commit.png"), tr("&Commit..."), this);
+ m_hgCommitAct->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+Return"));
m_hgCommitAct->setStatusTip(tr("Commit your changes to the local repository"));
- m_hgMergeAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/merge.png"), tr("Merge"), this);
+ m_hgMergeAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/merge.png"), tr("&Merge"), this);
+ m_hgMergeAct->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+M"));
m_hgMergeAct->setStatusTip(tr("Merge the two independent sets of changes in the local repository into the working folder"));
//Advanced actions
m_hgIgnoreAct = new QAction(tr("Edit .hgignore File"), this);
- m_hgIgnoreAct -> setStatusTip(tr("Edit the .hgignore file, containing the names of files that should be ignored by Mercurial"));
+ m_hgIgnoreAct->setStatusTip(tr("Edit the .hgignore file, containing the names of files that should be ignored by Mercurial"));
m_hgServeAct = new QAction(tr("Serve via HTTP"), this);
- m_hgServeAct -> setStatusTip(tr("Serve local repository via http for workgroup access"));
+ m_hgServeAct->setStatusTip(tr("Serve local repository via http for workgroup access"));
//Help actions
m_aboutAct = new QAction(tr("About EasyMercurial"), this);
@@ 2688,23 2703,42 @@ void MainWindow::createActions()
void MainWindow::createMenus()
- m_fileMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("File"));
- m_fileMenu -> addAction(m_openAct);
- m_recentMenu = m_fileMenu->addMenu(tr("Open Recent"));
- m_fileMenu -> addAction(m_changeRemoteRepoAct);
- m_fileMenu -> addSeparator();
- m_advancedMenu = m_fileMenu->addMenu(tr("Advanced"));
- m_fileMenu -> addAction(m_settingsAct);
- m_fileMenu -> addSeparator();
- m_fileMenu -> addAction(m_exitAct);
- m_advancedMenu -> addAction(m_hgIgnoreAct);
- m_advancedMenu -> addSeparator();
- m_advancedMenu -> addAction(m_hgServeAct);
+ m_fileMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&File"));
+ m_fileMenu->addAction(m_openAct);
+ m_recentMenu = m_fileMenu->addMenu(tr("Open Re¢"));
+ m_fileMenu->addAction(m_hgRefreshAct);
+ m_fileMenu->addSeparator();
+ m_fileMenu->addAction(m_settingsAct);
+ m_fileMenu->addSeparator();
+ m_fileMenu->addAction(m_exitAct);
+ QMenu *workMenu;
+ workMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Work"));
+ workMenu->addAction(m_hgFolderDiffAct);
+ workMenu->addSeparator();
+ workMenu->addAction(m_hgUpdateAct);
+ workMenu->addAction(m_hgCommitAct);
+ workMenu->addAction(m_hgMergeAct);
+ workMenu->addSeparator();
+ workMenu->addAction(m_hgAddAct);
+ workMenu->addAction(m_hgRemoveAct);
+ workMenu->addSeparator();
+ workMenu->addAction(m_hgRevertAct);
+ QMenu *remoteMenu;
+ remoteMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Remote"));
+ remoteMenu->addAction(m_hgIncomingAct);
+ remoteMenu->addSeparator();
+ remoteMenu->addAction(m_hgPullAct);
+ remoteMenu->addAction(m_hgPushAct);
+ remoteMenu->addSeparator();
+ remoteMenu->addAction(m_changeRemoteRepoAct);
+ m_advancedMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Advanced"));
+ m_advancedMenu->addAction(m_hgIgnoreAct);
+ m_advancedMenu->addSeparator();
+ m_advancedMenu->addAction(m_hgServeAct);
m_helpMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("Help"));
@@ 2713,21 2747,21 @@ void MainWindow::createMenus()
void MainWindow::createToolBars()
m_fileToolBar = addToolBar(tr("File"));
- m_fileToolBar -> setIconSize(QSize(MY_ICON_SIZE, MY_ICON_SIZE));
- m_fileToolBar -> addAction(m_openAct);
- m_fileToolBar -> addAction(m_hgRefreshAct);
- m_fileToolBar -> setMovable(false);
+ m_fileToolBar->setIconSize(QSize(MY_ICON_SIZE, MY_ICON_SIZE));
+ m_fileToolBar->addAction(m_openAct);
+ m_fileToolBar->addAction(m_hgRefreshAct);
+ m_fileToolBar->setMovable(false);
m_repoToolBar = addToolBar(tr(REPOMENU_TITLE));
- m_repoToolBar -> setIconSize(QSize(MY_ICON_SIZE, MY_ICON_SIZE));
+ m_repoToolBar->setIconSize(QSize(MY_ICON_SIZE, MY_ICON_SIZE));
- m_repoToolBar -> setMovable(false);
+ m_repoToolBar->setMovable(false);
m_workFolderToolBar = addToolBar(tr(WORKFOLDERMENU_TITLE));
addToolBar(Qt::LeftToolBarArea, m_workFolderToolBar);
- m_workFolderToolBar -> setIconSize(QSize(MY_ICON_SIZE, MY_ICON_SIZE));
+ m_workFolderToolBar->setIconSize(QSize(MY_ICON_SIZE, MY_ICON_SIZE));
@@ 2737,7 2771,7 @@ void MainWindow::createToolBars()
- m_workFolderToolBar -> setMovable(false);
+ m_workFolderToolBar->setMovable(false);