Update server certificate fingerprints
Added tag easyhg_v1.4 for changeset 07c610b06e58
Cut a bit of debug output
Further to adding Plink component
Tentative bit of logic for bringing in TortoisePlink
Include kdiff3 executable in bundle on macOS
Crude way to avoid callback on a deleted watcher on exit (macOS)
Don't attempt to strip shell-scripts
Include dependencies for all targets
Fix typo
Avoid using directory name that clashes with intended executable name
Include the kdiff3 executable
Further macOS deployment fixes
Update AppImage excludelist
Further macOS build & test fixes
Ensure black pen (otherwise this becomes invisible with macOS in dark mode)
Add a note in the changelog about 1.4.0 (not a feature release, just bringing things up-to-date)
Adjust sizing of About and Help dialogs
Fix incorrect packaging of 64-bit CRT with 32-bit binaries